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Emma Frost didn’t believe in hiding the sexuality she took such pride in; neither did she believe in incorporating children into her self-expression. She knew part of the transition into manhood was a budding sexuality. It was common and healthy for boys to have a sexual interest in older women, to nurse crushes on the unattainable. She didn’t need to gild the lily by dressing in an excessively sensual matter. Neither did she feel the need to mute her attractiveness.

She dressed conservatively, but flatteringly, with a perfectly coifed updo, tight but all-concealing white blouse, and a black midiskirt that hid much of her stockinged legs but showed the high heels she wore, fetishes in themselves. It was librarian chic: a look that wouldn’t be out of place either at a singles bar or at the Xavier school. And it opened her up to the wolf-whistles and admiring stares of her male students, which she took as a matter of course. Disciplining them into having a proper reverence for superior females such as herself was all part of her educational duties.

Kurt Wagner, an incurable prankster, had made a comment in German as she bent over while supervising Water Rescue class. Emma spoke German. While the rest of the class filed into the locker room, she gave Kurt a scolding. He insisted that she had misinterpreted his remark, literally, owing to a shaky grasp of German. Emma was firm on her German being perfect, even better than Kurt’s—he hadn’t spoken German conversationally in years.

Right in the middle of his tongue-lashing, Kurt decided he was through humoring her. He bamfed away in a spritz of foul-smelling blue smoke. Emma heard the answering bamf inside the boy’s locker room.

Emma was incensed. Her students were disciplined where and how she chose; they did not get to put her off with the pulling of childish stunts. She stormed right into the locker room—was immediately inundated with the sounds of the boys’ laughing talk to each other and the roar of the running showers. It didn’t dissuade her. She marched boldly between the lockers.

“Hey!” Bobby cried, the first one to see her.

“You can’t be in here!” said Ray.

“You don’t tell me what I can’t do,” Emma snapped at him. “I tell you!” She was pleased as they cowered back, trying to cover their nudity. She raked a scornful eye over all of them before settling on Kurt. “Get over here, Wagner.”

Kurt reluctantly placed a two-toed foot forward. Then Scott Summers turned the corner, fresh from the shower, tying a towel around his midsection. And underneath, Emma saw the longest, fattest cock she’d ever found a man sporting.

“What’s going on here?” he demanded.

“Just clarifying a point to Mr. Wagner,” Emma answered, her voice calm and soft. “He thought that he didn’t have to listen to me, simply because he went into the boys’ locker room. Kurt, when I have something to say, you will hear it.”

“I’m sure he understands, and that he didn’t mean any disrespect…” Scott began.

“Perhaps he meant to garner some sympathy. In here, it’s easy to see that the longer the tail, the less there is in front.”

Kurt’s head drooped, his classmates howling with laughter. Emma smiled to herself.

“I think you’ve made your point,” Scott said. “Kurt will consider his words more carefully in the future. But we have to get ready for our next class. We’re not ashamed of ourselves, so you’re welcome to stand there as long as you like. But maybe it’ll be easier for all of us to face each other if we keep the lectures out there.”

“Perhaps you’re right,” Emma said, an idea flashing into her mind. “We can discuss this further after school. I’d like to see you in my office then. The rest of you, remember—if you pull any nonsense on my time, then there’s nowhere I won’t go to see to it you’re properly disciplined.”

She stepped back outside of the locker room, so many thoughts rushing through her head that she felt dizzy. It was clear that Scott Summers being the leader was more than some kind of English boarding school affectation. The others respected him, followed him without question. If she could bring him around to her way of thinking, she’d have the de facto loyalty of everyone else on the X-Men.

It was a rich enough prospect to make her feel lightheaded.


“You wanted to see me?” Scott asked when he came into her office, as ordered, after the school day’s end.

He spoke coolly, but without rancor. There was a professionalism outstripping his years. It was clear he was willing to let their confrontation in the locker room go, but was equally willing to get on war footing if she held a grudge.

Emma eyed the tall, athletic man. From where she was seated behind her desk, he was all but a giant. And she had to caution her eyes not to linger on his groin, knowing the huge cock that hid within his unassuming clothing.

“Scott, it occurs to me that you and I should have a closer working relationship.”

Scott grinned caustically. “Begging your pardon, Miss Frost, but I’ve gone into battle with Logan and Ororo. The Professor raised me. I don’t think we’re going to have that kind of repartee.”

Emma bit the inside of her cheek. She found him infuriating in the way she only responded to particularly attractive, unyielding men—the kind who made the best lovers. “Let me put it this way. Surely you realize that as much as you’ve trained and as much as you’ve already faced, you’re still a very young man. Most soldiers your age would only now be old enough to be entering basic training. And though you’re admirably dedicated and disciplined, you’re still regularly placed in situations where you need the voice of experience. Experience that the Professor brought me to the Institute to provide.”

“Because you used to run a team of supervillains.”

“Mutant freedom fighters.” She stared down at the paperwork on her desk to keep from trying to discern his cock’s shape once more, through clothes that surely couldn’t dissuade her gaze that much… “I can see you don’t like the thought of yielding authority to me. You’ve fought so hard for the respect of your followers; I wouldn’t give it up easily either. I’d like you to be my partner in this. When I tell the class to do something, you see to it that they obey. When they follow my orders, they follow your orders. Surely you can see there’s an advantage in the X-Men not receiving conflicting leadership.”

“I can see the advantage. To you. You’re not meant to have leadership of the X-Men.”

“And your X-Men aren’t meant to be just another team of superpowered vigilantes.” Emma smiled at him, feeling her nipples swelling. She hoped he couldn’t see them protrude in her bra—yet she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he did. “You have to represent the very best of our race and with that comes political considerations, image issues. You can’t concern yourself with leading your team and with navigating the media landscape. We need to be marching in lockstep here.”

Scott clenched his jaw hard. He could see the logic in what she was saying. Though he dearly wished to be able to take on that responsibility as well, there were only so many hours in a day, so many things he could train for. He had to delegate, had to share the load. Had to ask himself if it was good sense pulling him away from Emma’s offer or simply his ego.

“Let’s say I agree to this,” Scott began. “What kind of partnership would we be talking about?”

Emma felt a strange ache throughout her body. As tightly wound, as steel-hewn as Scott seemed, there was some animal-like quality to him that tantalized her. She had the urge to embrace him, teasing her hands all up and down his physique until she found the beast in him—as rigidly controlled as those killing eyes he hid behind his sunglasses.

“Team dynamics. Interpersonal relationships. The Professor has kept your team on an even keel so far, as have you, but issues are bound to crop up, issues that neither of you can deal with.”

“And why’s that?”

Emma got up and moved to sit herself on the front corner of her desk. “You’re going to start fucking, if you haven’t already. Just about all of your X-men would be in college if it weren’t for their mutation—even you’re aware, I trust, what happens at college?”

Scott pinched his lips together. “That won’t be a factor. What the team does when they’re off-duty…”

“Defines their actions when they’re ­on-duty,” Emma insisted. “Whether they’re taking out their frustrations on a Sentinel or fixating on the defense of one particular teammate because they have feelings for him. Like Jean wouldn’t allow any misfortune to befall you.”

“Jean wouldn’t let anything bad happen to any member of the team.”

Emma nodded. She could tell their talk was drawing to a close, but she didn’t want Scott to leave so soon. There was only a few feet and a few layers of cloth separating her from his warm, naked flesh. She wondered what it would take to make him feel as drawn to her as she did to him. Maybe he already felt that way. Unlike so many men, Scott was particularly adept at concealing his emotions.

“And the other one who loves you? What would she do if she had the opportunity to be the hero and save you? Reap your gratitude? Would she disobey orders for that chance? Perhaps put the team in jeopardy?”

“Jean’s the only one on the team who has those kind of feelings for me,” Scott pressed.

“Is she now? Scott, these kind of feelings can’t be allowed to fester and turn bitter. That can doom your team as easily as anyone in HYDRA.”

Scott crossed his arms. “Say someone on the team does have a crush on me. What am I supposed to do about it? I love Jean. I’m not leaving her. This person—whoever she is—she’ll just have to move on.”

Emma rolled her eyes. “That’s an answer that’s truly lacking in imagination. Why don’t you let me come up with something a bit more inspired?”

“Wait, what are we talking about here? Setting this person up with someone else to help her get over me?”

“If that’s what circumstances dictate,” Emma said, crossing her legs with a little kick of her dangling ankle.

Scott took a deep breath. “The Professor trusted you to bring… something… to the team. This, I guess. I’ll give whatever you have in mind a shot. But I won’t give you free rein over my team, even if Xavier says you’re the Second Coming.”

“My results will speak for themselves,” Emma said airily. “Don’t forget, we’re dealing with a problem you didn’t even know existed. Have a little faith.”

“Will that be all?”

“Do you have somewhere to be now that it’s the weekend?”

Scott frowned. “No. Jean’s studying for a test, but I don’t have one, so… I’d distract her if I were there.”

What kind of prude doesn’t want to be distracted like that? Emma asked herself. She felt sorry for the boy. The burden of leadership, his chaste relationship with Jean, and his own solemnity excluded him from his classmates. He could only get so much from socializing with them.

She felt drawn to his plight; in many ways, they were the same. Wanting to whip the student body into shape to survive against the cruelties of the world, and being resented for it as if they were part of the world’s deprivations and not a shield against it.

But at the same time, Scott was part of that student body. Resisting Emma’s efforts to reform him. He was the key to them and she would have to get to him before she got to the others. Fortunately, and this was truly kismet, she knew how to get to him. It would, in fact, be a pleasure. She would give him all the confidence he could ever need in himself as a leader and as a man.

And he would give her… well, they’d just see.

“I want you to come to my suite on Saturday. I know I’m asking a great deal of you. You’re a guarded young man, and for good reason. So, put me through my paces. You be the judge of whether or not I can be trusted.”

Scott’s brow furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

“Train me, the same as you would any member of your team. I promise you, I can give you all the deference you’d ask of me and more. After all, I’m a telepath—I’d bond with another telepath through a mental link. You’re an X-Man. Shouldn’t I bond with you in the X-Men way?”

Scott smiled gently, with guarded happiness. “Well, Ororo and Logan were willing to do Danger Room exercises with me. It would mean a lot if you could do the same.”

“It’s settled then. Make me an X-Man before I say one more word about the team.”

Scott’s smile grew a little. “Alright then. Just don’t expect me to take it easy on you.”

“Of course not.” Emma’s smile mirrored his. “I want you to be rough with me. Let me show you just how much I can take.”


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