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On the rooftop of a dreary Harlem brownstone that nonetheless reminded them of home, the typically overcast New York day was momentarily illuminated by a second sun. It was only for a moment, a window briefly being opened to let in the light of another universe, and almost before the sunlight had touched the ground, a figure was shadowed in it. 

He paused, momentarily astonished by the portal before him, trying to blindly feel a difference in this sunlight from another sun, then he was given a push and obediently he strode forward, passing through the portal before it disappeared and once more left the early morning in shadow.

“Looks like we got our hands on another Peter!” Felicia chimed, cuing up another portal on her wrist console as Mary Jane reported that she’d received the package (ha! Double double entendre).

“Grow up,” Gwen said. “This isn’t a game.”

“All in how you play it, gorgeous,” Felicia replied. Mary Jane had sent the coordinates for the next portal. A new world and a new Peter. “C’mon. Let’s go complete the set before the League of Assassins or some other—“

“Stop right there!”

They were both in skintight outfits, both blue, but with bright flashes of differing color. Capes, one red, one blue, sprawled up into the air off their shoulders. Batgirl’s red hair further waved in the wind, while Supergirl’s red skirt provided a similar accompaniment. Under their uniforms, they were both tall, lithe, and toned, with rounded hips and full breasts that suitably tested their bold symbols and yellow belts.

It was Batgirl who had spoken, but Supergirl that spoke next. Her voice was softer, but no less unforgiving. “I think the Monitors will want a word with you.”

“The who?” Gwen asked.

“Let me guess,” Felicia said, “a bunch of killjoys who think they can play cops and robbers with an infinite variety of universes.”

While Supergirl was serious, Batgirl was outright scowling. “The only robbers I see are you.” Felicia guessed she was a little sore after playing with Talia. In more ways than one. 

“Then maybe you shouldn’t see us!” Felicia fired back, and cued up another portal. 

The sudden bright light must’ve triggered an instinctive response from the inexperienced Supergirl. Where her famous cousin might’ve been circumspect, she instantly fried the portal with her heatvision. Its coruscating, spiraling borders glowed red as Felicia and Gwen dove into it, and the ever-aggressive Barbara was quick to dash after them.

“Wait, Batgirl, I think it’s—“ Supergirl started, and then the portal exploded.


Four days.

It had been four days alone in this strange, desolate world. Barbara recognized it as Earth, or at least close enough to her Earth to be a Earth, but the similarities quickly ended. The city was utterly deserted and had been for some time, the concrete cracking and nature rushing in, with scads of grass filling potholes, creeping vines going up falling buildings, and animals trespassing in human spaces. Barbara didn’t mind. Some of them made good eating.

Her food capsules hadn’t lasted her long, though thankfully the water was purer than back home—it didn’t need the purification kit she’d left on her Batcycle. But she’d picked up no intelligent life on her travels, or scanned any sign of it with her cowl systems.

Her plan had been to find the Black Cat and get herself a one-way ticket home, but the possibility grew in her mind each day that no one else was on this world, not even the others who’d been caught in the blast. Maybe they’d all been volleyed to different parallel universes. That was good, in a way—she didn’t want to think of a noble hero like Supergirl being stuck here, unable to help anyone. But God, she didn’t want to be alone. As weird as that was for a Bat to say.

Four days and her suit was getting ripe too. With her chances of rescue dwindling, it was better to do something about that sooner rather than later. It didn’t mean that she was giving up on a hot bath, any more than finding a soft spot to curl up in and bunk down meant that she was giving up on her soft, warm bed off in another corner of the multiverse. Someone would come for her. Just maybe not for a while.

Barbara laboriously undid her costume, stepping out of her boots and smoothly peeling her clothing off. She gave a little sigh as she looked around. The river flowed right through Central Park, stronger and more impressive than the little trickles that Parks & Recreation allowed back home, and she had to admit, it felt a little wholesome to be alone and naked in such a naturalistic place. Exposing her body to the lushly growing plants and uncaring animals felt clean and pure.

She stepped into the water, carrying with her a pilfered bar of soap. She dipped it into the water and lathered it up, next working the suds along her muscular arms and taut stomach. Smooth, even strokes. She sat down on a stone in the shallows and rubbed her chest in huge caressing circles, around and around.

God… if she was stuck here, forgot a warm bed, how much would she miss sex?

She felt herself glowing, even under the cool water. For some reason, touching herself was making her feel incredibly aroused. Maybe it was just the place—the steamy jungle proving so sensual to her. 

She looked down at her naked body, illuminating by natural sunlight, and saw her labia darken and her nipples stiffen to a peak. She rubbed the hardened tissue around and around in her hands, and let out a sigh of growing passion as she felt the intense heat build between her thighs.

Suddenly she felt something rubbing against her legs.

“What the fuck?” she cried, jumping out of the water and going for her utility belt.

The thing hadn’t felt that big, but she had no idea what it was. She drew a Batarang and aimed it like a knife at the water.

“Come at me!” she called to the thing, waving her Batarang menacingly. “I’m ready!”

The water rippled suddenly and Barbara lunged toward it, blade in hand. She caught sight of a sleek black thing slipping above the water a moment, then disappearing.

The thought flitted through her mind that she could just leave it be, but it’d disturbed her bath. She needed to kill it if she wanted to bathe in peace. So thinking, Barbara stepped onto a slippery stone and lost her footing.

“Ooooooh!” she cried as she fell into the water, flailing her arms and legs in a vain attempt to catch herself.

She plunged into the cool depths, quickly sinking below her hairline. Her fiery red tresses floated up, clearing the path of her vision as soon as she hit bottom.

Barbara opened her eyes and gripped her Batarang tight in her fingers. She couldn’t panic, whatever else she did. To panic now could mean certain death.

She blinked curiously at the sight in front of her. A huge, thick, slippery black slime in the shape of a snake slithered up to her and wrapped its long, sinewy girth around her leg. It was like an eel, only she couldn’t see any mouth or eyes, just the blunt phallic tip in front. Fully ten inches in diameter, the thing tightened up on her and then, just as quickly, loosened its grip.

So you wanna play? Barbara thought to herself, stepping up onto a rock that gave her the footing to see above the water. She stood there carefully, steadying herself by gripping its edge with her hand, and then sat back down on the smooth, rounded slope that kept her head above water.

Sitting there like that, she had a full view of the water. Her body was mostly immersed in the river. She waited, knowing she couldn’t relax until she’d slain the thing. Just imagining it flashing itself at her again, so knowingly quick and wily, gave her real aquaphobia.

Again something brushed her leg, but this time she was ready. She reached out her hand and gripped the huge, powerful creature right around its neck. The thing slithered in closer to her.

“Sorry, babe, it’s me or you,” Barbara said as the thing’s tail flew up above the water and slapped down hard into it. She lifted the Batarang in her other hand. Usually she loved animals, but this thing was just too damn ugly to live.

Then its thick, probing tail found its way between her legs. It caressed her thighs. Its squirming was smooth, rhythmic, almost purposeful. 

“So you like the ladies, huh? Well, you certainly have the size, but you know that doesn’t really matter…”


Even as she said the words, she felt something along her inner thigh, hot and excited. It was the touch of that slippery skin—smooth as wet leather, but warm and alive.

“I mean… we say it doesn’t… it’s been a long time, you know. If I’d known I’d be getting stranded here, oh! I would’ve thought long and hard about giving it up first! Long and hard…”

Still gripping the thing’s round body with her hand, she felt its touch tickle her high, higher, higher up her thighs. She wondered if it knew how close he was getting to third base. Fourth base?

“At least, I think you’re a guy,” she grinned. “Would be like a guy to go down under first thing. But maybe you alien snake things are just really open-minded…”

The thing didn’t seem to object to her touching it. And it touching her was making Barbara glow with heat and passion. Even more heat than the sun shining down on her naked body.

“Ooooh!” she sighed as the thick, strong tail rubbed against her pubis, her groin, her sex. “Naughty boy… that definitely wasn’t a lesbian move… so was that just a happy accident or are you going to try again?”

She didn’t have much time to think about it before the thickness slapped her hard between the legs. The sting rose up into her burning core and seared into her brain. Such a crazy thing to enjoy! Was she going stir-crazy, all alone here? On this empty world with only her own hand and this serpent as prospective lovers?

“You didn’t slip me a mickey, did you?” she asked it. “I’ve heard of spiking the punch bowl, but a whole river…?”

She tossed around in the water, testing the thing to see if it would follow her. Sure enough, whichever way she turned, the thing would follow her pussy with its thick, punishing tail.

She let go of its neck and watched as it dived down into the water. She saw that enjoyable tail of its flash up above the water before it disappeared.

“Well, that’s it,” she told herself. “Fun while it lasted.”

But seconds later, she was proven wrong. The thing was back, only this time it was using its head. Using its thick, firm head to push against her pussy. It wanted in. It wanted her.

“Shit!” Barbara said, reaching down to grip the thing. It nipped her fingers so hard she pulled them back. It rammed its head against her outer lips, butting against them as hard as a battering ram. “You’re persistent. You could hurt yourself. I have to… help you…”

Barely thinking about it, she reached down and spread her own labia with fingers.

She looked down to see how hard her nipples had grown in the last few seconds. And now she could see the tail of the thing slithering out of the water and making its way across her chest, the tip of it encircling her left nipple and squeezing it till she let out a shriek.

“Harder!” she cried, spreading her legs apart, feeling the bludgeoning head of it enter into her sweet, pink little cunt. “Oh God! Am I dreaming?”

The thing pressed in, boring its head around and around like a screwdriver sinking a bolt.

“Ooooh!” she moaned as the thick, slimy head entered her. It forced her pussy wide and Barbara felt as though her cunt wouldn’t be big enough to take its hugeness inside her. Fortunately, it was oily enough to be lubricated, the syrupy feeling inside her easing the difficult penetration.

She spread her lips wide apart with her hands and let her legs flop down until the outsides of her knees touched the rocks.

“Oh, deeper, deeper, deeper!” she hollered to the eager thing as it burrowed deeper and harder into her.

Barbara felt herself being nearly choked by the non-stop movements of the slithering creature into her sex. Her sex, now spreading as best it could to make room for the hard, perfect phallus this animal had become for her.

She sat up a bit and looked down into the clear water. Just below the surface, she could see her cunt, the clit sticking out full and needy from inside her splayed out lips. And what looked like a pumping firehose was sticking out of her groin. Out and down, down, down into the depths of the river, then up, up, up, and finally ending in the little pointed tail that was even now squeezing her breast and tormenting her nipple.

I hope it’s not looking for a home in there, she thought as her head spun in the thick heat of arousal. Although if this keeps feeling so good… God… it can stay as long as it wants!

How full and good it felt inside her. If only there was some way she could stretch another inch for it, but it was impossible. Having this thing fuck her was like being fisted!

Then the thing started making sparks fly behind her brain. Inside her cunt, too. It began a series of fine, smooth jerks in and out of her sex. Feeling the smooth, rounded intruder fuck its way in and out of Barbara made her see stars, even though it was bright daylight.

“Oh, fuck me!” she cried to the treetops. “Fuck that cunt!”

She bounced her hips up and down against the rock so hard she gave herself bruises. She didn’t care. Having this thick fucker stuck inside her tight, needing slit, having it jerk in and out of her was driving Barbara stark raving mad. “Take me! I’m ready, I’m yours!”

She rammed her hips down onto the stone harder and harder as the thing kept up its crazed pace. In and out, out and in. The thing was growing larger and larger before her eyes.

She felt her cunt stretch to the breaking point. Anymore pressure from inside and she would surely burst. The folds of her pussy were pressed back, back, massaged and caressed to the point of jelly. She didn’t know if she could stand any more pain or any more ecstasy.

And Barbara didn’t know which was which right now.

“Yours, yours…” she moaned, feeling a trickle of saliva seep out of her mouth and run down her chin.

She pulled her lower lips together as close as she could and rubbed them along the fine, silken surface of the thing’s black hide.

That did it. She took in one more breath and let go in a series of wild, hysterical orgasms. She tossed her hips up and down, banging them on the rocks. She threw her wet ginger hair around and around. The world swirled in front of her eyes. The water danced and rolled in her vision.

“God, that’s perfect!” she cried, tossing her hips up in one final burst of passion. “We’re perfect!”

Completely and totally fucked, she slipped down along the slippery stone and into the water, floating peacefully on her back. She felt the thing slithering over her, squirming gleefully over her body with such a light touch that the ripples it put in the water she felt more, ripples in its wake that lingered in the water and lapped at her oversensitive skin. Her whirlwind orgasms still spun around and around in her head and high up under her cunt. She felt her legs slide together and rubbed her thighs a bit. The soothing water flowed in and out of her stretched pussy. She felt the healing water act as a balm on her raw, well-used insides.

And the thing continued to wrap itself around her, as gently and delicately as the bandages that would go around a mummy, while inside her, an infinitesimally thin sliver of it stretched up into her. 

Moment by moment, Barbara was feeling less alone.


Five days. Five days growing less and less powerful.

Something in the atmosphere here blocked out parts of the ultraviolet spectrum. It would be unnoticeable to a human, but as a Kryptonian, Kara had felt her powers dwindling ever since she’d arrived here. She’d tried flying above the atmosphere and soaking in sunlight unfiltered, but without a breathing apparatus, she could only spend so long in space and only absorb so much yellow sun radiation. The stopgap measure gave her a few more days of power, but not nearly enough.

Her X-ray vision was weak and hazy. Her superhearing pulsed with tinnitus. As hard as she’d looked, she couldn’t find any of the others on this abandoned world, not friend or enemy.

Batgirl. She’d been called in to help Batgirl with these dangerous, multiversally empowered adversaries, and instead she’d let Barbara be stranded or worse. 

Soon, she was reduced to running at superspeed on the unnervingly rural landscape, so utterly at odds from her native Krypton. Soon after that, she had to walk. She’d eliminated the usual Bat sanctuaries in Gotham and Bludhaven in her first hours there, but after that, the search had slowed to a crawl. There seemed to be no one to help her find her friend, much less get back home. Now, arriving in New York on foot, she could only hope that Barbara had been thrown into a somewhat corresponding position to their own Earth, and left some sort of clue to her current position.

Kara would never give up, not while there was any chance of finding her friend, but she was as close to giving up as she would ever get when she finally saw Barbara. Her familiar yellow-streaked suit with its material of pale blue was gone, replaced with a pure black everywhere but on white sigils that replaced the old yellow. As tired as she was from the unfamiliar exertion of a long-distance march, Kara ran to meet her.

“Barbara! You’re alive! You changed your outfit and you’re alive!”

“Yes, Kara.” Barbara ran her hands over her costumed body in a motion that struck Kara as oddly intimate, even if she was fully clothed. “This is actually a new friend I made. A symbiote who’s been helping me.”

“You mean it’s… alive?” Kara asked, looking at the sleek black costume and realizing it looked more like dark oil poured over Barbara’s body than fabric. Kara had never seen anything like it.

“Oh yes!” Barbara said. “It’s incredible. It increases my strength, my speed, it keeps me from getting tired or hungry or afraid… it’s almost like being you, Kara!”

“That’s really something,” Kara said slowly. “It’s… sentient, then?”

“Mmm-hmm,” Barbara nodded, and seemed to exert her will. Slowly, and with a peculiar sound, something seemed to gather underneath the costume, uncoiling from around her and winding around her arm like a friendly snake. 

“What’s its name?” Kara asked, fascinated with the new lifeform Barbara had discovered. It slung itself around Barbara’s hand, then glided up her arm to wind around her shoulders. On to the back of her neck and returned so that it paused on her breast.

“It doesn’t have a name, silly. Or, well, it has my name now. We share it. We share so many things, Kara.”

The unspooled length of the symbiote that had detached from Barbara’s costume was gazing at Kara steadily. The stare had an unsettling effect on the Kryptonian, even though she was fascinated by it. Her breath grew heavy and a light sweat broke out on her forehead. It was as if she were in a trance.

“Barbara,” Kara said softly, “you don’t think… you know… that it may be affecting you?”

“Affecting me?” Barbara asked, amused by the expression on Kara’s face.

“Your mind, I mean. That it may be… making you think or feel a certain way. Like the Scarecrow’s fear toxin or Poison Ivy’s…” Kara couldn’t remember the name of whatever it was she used. It seemed important. Then less important.

“Do you want him?” Barbara interrupted.

“Well, I…”

“Never mind. Take your clothes off. He doesn’t like the feeling of clothing.” Barbara’s voice was matter-of-fact, eminently reasonable, and Kara didn’t want to offend him. Not when he was such a good friend of Barbara’s.

Kara undid her cape and pulled off her blouse. As usual, she was naked underneath. And despite the fact that Barbara knew she would be, the contrast between the Maid of Might’s voluptuous curves and the conservatively old-fashioned costume she wore gave Barbara an instant of delight. 

“You look so nice,” Barbara said. “I’m almost worried he’ll want you to wear him instead.”

“How would that feel?” Kara asked as she unzipped her skirt at the side and wiggled it down her hips. 

“So good, Kara. Soooo good.”

Kara’s mound was covered with a vibrant growth of golden curls. Her nipples were darker than Barbara’s, though, and they seemed softer to the eye. “Lie down, Kara. I want to suck your tits.”

“Barbara!” Kara cried, scandalized. “I… we don’t… I thought that was just…”

“There’s no one here but us, Kara. And haven’t you missed it? Being touched? Being kissed? Me?” Barbara smiled widely. “Besides. He’ll like it.”

That cinched it. Kara lay back on her cape, its unfurled length spreading like wings to either side of her. Barbara led the protruding symbiote down her arm with a serpentine, hooded motion while she knelt down to nestle her head between Kara’s pert breasts.

“Aren’t you going to put him away?” Kara asked tremulously, staring with wide eyes up at the head waving like a cobra from Barbara’s hand. It looked ready to strike.

“No,” Barbara said as she took a perky breast in her hand and brought the soft plum tip to her mouth.

“Does he bite?” Kara’s voice was caught between a gasp of pleasure from Barbara’s kiss and her own excited curiosity.

“No,” Barbara mumbled over the hardening nipple. “That’s me.”

Kara’s voice grew sultry and low in her throat. She felt her nipple grow rigid and vibrate with Barbara’s words. She whimpered, “Oh, Barbara!”

“He likes you,” Barbara hissed.

“Who does?” Kara asked distractedly.

“Aren’t you listening?” Barbara nipped at the turgid nipple of Kara’s breast with reprimand in her voice.

“Oh. Him,” Kara moaned.

“You like it to hurt a little bit, huh?” Barbara’s voice was heatedly aroused. “I can hurt you now. Because of him.” She bit down on Kara’s areola.

“Oh Rao!” Kara moaned as a shock of pleasure lifted her hips off the ground. For a moment, she couldn’t believe she was doing this, doing it in public even if there was no public. But it was Barbara. And it was him. 

“Mmmmm,” Barbara hummed then deepened it to a gurgle atop Kara’s breast.

Her hand made its way across the down of Kara’s taut belly and into the lush tropics of Kara’s groin. Her finger went in and located the soft flesh where it rolled over the bone and allowed entry. Her fingertip found the clit and rubbed along it, sending bliss singing through Kara. She stroked and Kara’s labia pouted wider to take her finger in.

Kara heard a strange sound grow in her consciousness through the churning waters of pleasure in which her mind was fogged. It was like a river flowing nearer by the second. Just the dull, pounding roar of a fast-flowing river with the hiss of water sizzling bubbles on the air.

“Is that him?” Kara asked. She was afraid to look around. She much preferred looking at Barbara, seeing that it was really her treating her breast so good.

“Mmmhmm.” Barbara’s answer was muffled by the growl in her throat.

Kara’s voice rose to a small wail. “It is! I just know it is!” 

“Hush,” said Barbara, taking her lips off the hardened nipple she had made.

“Where is he, Babs?” Kara’s words were full of trepidation.

“Rubbing against your clit, I think.” Barbara’s finger flicked Kara’s nipple in mock annoyance.

“Holy shit!” Kara groaned in uncharacteristic vulgarity.

Barbara cackled with laughter and the symbiote stopped. A shudder of titanic proportions ran up Kara’s frame.

“Shit,” she said again, softly.

“Quiet now. You’ll scare him.”

“I can’t help it,” Kara bawled, moaning, shuddering, scared and unsure if it was good like a roller coaster or bad like a horror movie.

The slithering tentacle from Barbara’s costume resumed its slow stroking at the top of Kara’s mound as if undisturbed.

“He’s doing it again,” Kara wailed, but he kept right on as Barbara plunged her lips back to the quivering breast.

“Don’t be scared,” Barbara kissed into Kara’s cleavage. “He’s not going to hurt you. And besides… doesn’t it feel nice?”

It did, Kara thought, squirming her hips as the thing’s tip grazed her clit. It does.

Barbara heard Kara’s hesitant moan and hummed pleasurably to herself. She’d known Kara would like it. She had too.

Barbara licked quickly from one breast to the other. She unloosened her arm from the tentacle, letting it take full control, and its length never missed a stroke, wrapping around Kara’s abandoned breast for additional support. Kara moaned, her pleasure increasing, now feeling the tentacle curled around her teat with a steady, sure grip as it pleased her. 

Timorously, her hand came up to feel the thing’s serpentine motion  Its surface was cool against her skin. But as it moved, clenching and unclenching like one huge muscle, she felt the fierce life that burned within.

“It feels good,” Kara admitted as she felt her hips respond. Barbara smiled and growled her assent.

“I know.” Barbara raised her lust-glazed eyes for a moment to watch him stroke. “I feel what he feels. I feel you.”

“Oh, Barbara, I’m going to coooome!” Kara’s voice trailed off as her climax hit her and she bucked like a horse.

“Easy, baby,” Barbara cooed. “You’ll knock him off. You don’t want that. You want to keep him happy. You keep him happy and he’ll keep you happy.”

Kara stilled at once. Though it took incredible effort, she went rigid and stayed that way as much as she could while her orgasms shuddered through her. “Oh, oh, oh, oh!” Kara’s voice rose.

Mercifully, Barbara dipped her arm beneath the fat tentacle and took it up weaving in the air to melt back into her costume.

“Now, how would you like one of your own?” Barbara asked, her smile like the Cheshire cat’s grin inside the blackness of the symbiote.

Kara could not speak. She could only nod her head while her eyes said: yes, yes, yes!


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