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Azula did as she was told. As she did, Sokka pumped his cock, making the head shine a deep purple, thrumming with sadistic eagerness to seed her body.

And Azula wanted him to come… she told herself that of course she did. As soon as he came, her torment was over. It only made sense she wanted to see his mighty erection flare with orgasm, pumping its white-hot contents all over her.

“Come now,” she said. “Come right in my face!”

She laid on her back and stroked her cunt as sensually as she could, hoping it would spur him past the point of arousal and into climax. But Sokka only laughed at her.

“Heh, you’re not getting off that easy… and neither am I. No, this is going to be hard for both of us. And especially for that tight little ass you’ve got.”

He grabbed Azula by the ankles and whirled her around onto her stomach. As soon as he’d let go of her, Azula twisted onto her back again and kicked at him. Sokka caught her foot and spun her onto her belly like he would crack a caught fish onto a rock, putting it out of its misery.

No sooner had Azula had the wind knocked out of her by landing on her face then Sokka was straddling her spine. Then, reaching back like he was riding a turkey-horse and spurring it on, he slapped her ass. His hand smacked the fleshy hills of her buttocks until they burned with red imprints of his palm.

Azula squirmed and tried to use her feet to get out of this new predicament, but Sokka used the chain, winding it around her ankles so she couldn’t move them. And with the chain’s slight length, and the other end locked around her neck, she ended up all but hogtied, her body bent backwards until she was almost a pretzel like Ty Lee, her neck and feet neighboring each other.

Azula resigned herself to being punished by his hand while she could still breathe. She heaved and puffed, her collar choking her with the pressure her own legs put on it as they instinctively tried to straighten out of their uncomfortable position. All while Sokka whipped her ass and thighs, doing it from the side so that his swings weren’t blocked by Azula’s curving legs.

As his hand kept pounding at her buttocks, slashing them from every available angle, Azula felt her arousal growing humiliatingly stronger. The harder he spanked her ass, the more she felt the mortification of her punishment. The more her body was charged with energy, burning with it, until it had to do something. And what it did was lubricate itself… drip with lubrication… eager to turn this embarrassment into the coital pleasure she knew it would become with Sokka.

Sokka recognized the change in her. He gave the spanking a rest, shaking off his assaulting hand before using it to grope her enflamed buttocks. Azula groaned—the pain was sharper than ever with him really digging his fingers into her bruised flesh, not just abusing the creamy skin. But so too did his fondling hand give her far more chance to appreciate his touch.

“You really do like being spanked, don’t you? I’d say deep down, but that would be a lie—you can barely even pretend you’re not loving this. I mean, this is normally the point where you’d tell me how inferior I am and how much I’m going to pay for doing this to you. The big bad Fire Lord… wanting to lord over everyone… but what you really want is for some lowly Water Tribesman to put you in your place.”

He slapped her ass hard, hard enough for the blow to crack like a thunderbolt. After the interlude of only feeling him caress her, the sensation scorched her body like a brushfire.

“Maybe that’s why you keep dreaming about me. Because you enjoy this.”

He beat at each of her buttocks in turn. Keeping them in constant motion, shaking and jiggling, while turning them redder and redder.

Arousal thundered inside Azula’s sex. She dripped with hot wetness. Each smack of Sokka’s hand sent an erotic spasm through her, making her even wetter. She tried to suppress the shameful sensations churning inside of her, but it was hopeless. Azula couldn’t control how she responded to Sokka’s cruel treatment. The more he punished her, the closer she got to orgasm.

She mentally pleaded for him to stop, trying to ignore the obvious arousal she felt, but Sokka seemed to see right through her denial to the begging of her body. His hand kept at her with no mercy. When it began to sting, he took up his belt and swung it. The leather bit into her thighs with the sound of glaciers splitting. The harder she squirmed to get out of the line of fire, the harder he kissed her buttocks with the unyielding belt.

Sokka stood up and undid the knot that held the chain around her ankles. Her legs dropped back down to the floor. “Roll over,” he commanded her. “Your tits have been spared their punishment for too long.”

Azula gasped with relief at being out of the compressing pose he’d forced her into. She immediately rolled over. Sokka was quick to use the belt as a whip, striking her breasts and belly and the front of her thighs. The leather cracked and cracked. Her breasts quaked with the impacts as the belt took eager bites of the pain her virgin skin hadn’t yet felt.

Sokka forced her legs opened with his foot and lashed the insides of her thighs. Azula felt as though the toned muscle of her legs was on fire—an inferno she’d never felt before no matter how hard she exercised her legs—and the fire crackled into her pussy. It burned and boiled. Her wetness flowed out of her and down between her buttocks, touching her with a damp heat that scorched her as hot as where the belt landed.

“Stop!” Azula gasped, the sound of surrender venting out of her like one of the little groans she’d make in pain. But it came again and again; she couldn’t stop it. “Please! Stop! It hurts!”

But even as she begged for him to finish punishing her, for him to move on to using her, for Sokka to give her body what she craved while it was enraptured with pain… a part of Azula lusted for the belt to keep at her, for its blows to thrust her further into her frenzied state of hateful enjoyment.

Azula thrust her hips upward, crying out with both her voice and her body. She wanted him to fuck her. She wanted the punishment to never end. All she didn’t want was for him to ignore her—the treatment she once would’ve given anything for.

“Please, I can’t take anymore!” Azula panted. “I need your cock! Fuck my pussy!”

Sokka grinned savagely. “I’m tired of your pussy. I think I’ve fucked that enough. I want my cock in your asshole. I want you sitting on a full helping of my cum for at least the next few days.”

He kept lashing her body, punishing her from her neck to her feet, making sure every inch of her skin received its due. The belt marked Azula’s body, crisscrossing her with a flustered red. A red that seemed to throb with the same debauched passion Azula felt raging inside her.

Her desire glowed inside Azula like a signal fire, beseeching Sokka as the haughty princess didn’t have the words for. And Azula felt it too strongly not to know it was in her soul.

“Get on your hands and knees,” Sokka ordered her. “I’d make you beg for it, but it doesn’t matter whether you want it or not. All that matters is where I want to put it.”

Azula was too overwhelmed, too punchy, to resist any further. He hadn’t broken her—she told herself he hadn’t broken her—but he’d made her want his satisfaction and now Azula couldn’t control herself. Her own ambition demanded she serve Sokka, getting what she wanted from him—getting the approval from him that she’d once craved from her father.

With a certain happiness… the happiness of a slave getting the chance to obey the order of her beloved master… she submitted to his command, was on her hands and knees without the recollection of moving.

Once there, she wondered why she was on all fours. Her frazzled mind, roiling with lust and soreness, couldn’t quite make it to the conclusion of all Sokka had said. It didn’t matter as much as doing as she was told.

Then she looked over her shoulder fearfully, seeing Sokka kneel behind her and spread her buttocks. He pushed his purple knob between them, seeking out her anus like a hot snake crawling along her valley. Azula wanted to retreat from this new disgusting loss of autonomy and integrity, but Sokka put his free hand on the small of her back. That little touch held her securely. If she moved, Sokka would only waste more time in punishing her—putting off her satiation some more.

Azula understood a correlation between doing as Sokka pleased and experiencing pleasure. She distantly recalled waking hours in her prison and sleepless nights without dreams… didn’t dare risk this pleasurable delirium giving way to that dull fugue without conclusion. The more Sokka did to her, the greater the chances that something would fulfill her.

Her mind latched onto a thought: Sokka was a fool. She herself would never torment a prisoner this way—he’d end up enjoying her perfect body too much. But Sokka, the idiot, couldn’t help but get her off as he tried to hurt her. Azula burst out laughing. Then she felt his cockhead probing into her puckered anus and her confidence fled.

Nooo!” she whined. “Not in the ass! You’re too big, Sokka! Your cock will split me in half!”

But her begging only helped Sokka press forward. He locked Azula helplessly inside his arms and thighs before spearing into her—letting her feel him penetrating deep into her bowels, occupying her anal passage with one cruel skewering.

Azula shrieked as she lost a sense of ownership she’d never thought of before. She’d never considered her ass as ‘hers,’ but with Sokka inside it, stretching it and forcing it to spread before his huge erection, she could now only consider it his.


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