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Aubrey put on a heavy, glistening pink lipgloss—it left her lips looking like she had just licked them, minute after minute. She fixed her hair into two pigtails. She tied their bobbing lengths with bright blue ribbons. Then she rouged her cheeks with red blush. She applied a generous, but tasteful amount of perfume, even knowing it would hardly show up on camera, and then gave herself a smile in the mirror. She looked beautiful enough to be intimidating—and beautiful enough to be worth pursuing despite how imposing she was, if a guy was confident enough.

Aubrey liked the thought of a guy with the balls to think he could handle her.

“God, your skirt’s tight, Aub. I mean, your ass is really pushing it out there… it’s so high I can see your panties sometimes. What’s with that? Did you take it in around the hips?”

Aubrey shrugged in response to Jenna’s question. “I just have a nice ass. I do exercises.”

“It looks soft,” Jenna told her.

“You know it’s not that soft,” Aubrey replied.

Jenna fixed her hair, giving herself frayed bangs like Aubrey had across her forehead. She put on red lipstick and orange blush. Her make-up was light enough that her cute little freckles showed up on her pale skin, across the bridge of her nose and over her cheeks. She tied her hair back into a ponytail, which she twisted over her shoulder so it fell down the front of her body in a way that highlighted her cleavage. When she jutted out her chest, the end of her ponytail seemed to jump up in the air off her pert breasts like a kitten’s little spiky tail.

“You think it’s a good idea to show off your boobs?” Aubrey asked in her usual dry voice. “You don’t have much to show off. But you’ve got a big ass. Maybe I should snip off some of your skirt.”

“It’s fine.”

“You’re still mad,” Aubrey teased her.

“You’re still being a bitch.”

“I’m always a bitch,” Aubrey pouted, before giving Jenna the crazed look that was her signature. “You like it.”

“And you like my tits. Is that why you want me to hide them? You’re jealous?”

“Jesus!” Aubrey laughed. “You really are hot and bothered.”

She reached out her foot to flick up the length of Jenna’s skirt.

Staph it!” Jenna cursed, hating how immature she sounded.

As well as Aubrey was aging—and she was almost old enough to be Jenna’s mother—she looked more like a glamorous older sister. One who could always make Jenna feel desperately childish. It gave her something of a leg-up in their relationship, but whereas Aubrey was all bristling indifference, Jenna ended up feeling even more motivated to top her.

That was the problem when two doms dated. There was no middle ground. They kept going at each other and seeing who landed on top.

They got in their Uber and rode to the studio in silence. The driver recognized them, but seemed to get off on the sultry vibe of their resting bitch faces. They got there, a lonely cabin overlooking the river, and once more commenced their rivalry. Aubrey paid the Uber man, while Jenna gave him a twenty dollar tip.

They walked up to the cabin and knocked as the Uber pulled away.

Peter answered the door. He wore a bathrobe over swim trunks. He’d obviously just gotten out of the river. His body was still damp, his hair slicked down. What they could see of his body, before he tied the belt firmly into place, was firm and toned. His stomach hard and ridged with muscle. For a photographer, he looked as good as the people he aimed a camera at.

“Oh, Jenna, Aubrey, hi. You’re early.”

“We thought you might not be able to wait for us,” Aubrey cooed, walking in.

“Taking a cold shower?” Jenna further teased him, brushing against Peter as she came inside to one-up Aubrey.

“No, just… decompressing. It’ll probably be a long day and I wanted to be nice and loose for it.”

“Loose is fun,” Aubrey replied. “Tight can be good too.”

“So when do we start?” Jenna asked brightly, interrupting Peter before he could form a response to Aubrey’s suggestive comment.

Peter shifted thankfully into work mode. “Well, I do things pretty minimalistic around here. Natural light, no crew. If you want to call some of your people in, that’s fine, but usually folks appreciate having a certain quiet, a solitude, some breathing room…”

“Guess that’s why you booked two of us,” Jenna piped up. “What’s better than breathing room with two women?”

Peter laughed nervously. “I don’t hand out assignments to myself. The magazine wanted the two of you, with a certain theme… I’m happy to be working with you, but I’m low man on the totem pole. I’m sure your agents had way more to do with this than me!”

“Relax, Pete,” Aubrey crooned to him, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “Jenna and I like your work. You make girls look real good, without being sleazy.”

“Not too sleazy,” Jenna clarified, sounding a little enthused with the notion.

“Definitely some sleazy,” Aubrey agreed. “Like that last cover shoot you did. It’s so obvious you wanted to fuck that redhead every second you had the viewfinder on her…”

Peter blushed, all boyish innocence despite his professionalism and success. “I, uh, err… well, she was very attractive, but I really just wanted to do a good job—focus on the work.”

“Relax, Pete,” Jenna told him. “That’s how we want to come off. Like the man who’s looking at us can’t help but want to fuck us.”

“I mean, authorial intent is vague at the best of times… I’ll certainly try to do a good job,” Peter assured them.

“Try to enjoy yourself,” Aubrey advised him. “You’re not taking pictures of some humanitarian crisis in Sudan. You’re shooting the two of us dressed like cheerleaders. It’s a joke, don’t you get it? We’re not exactly cheerleader material.”

“You could’ve fooled me,” Peter said softly.

“Would you have shown up to our games?” Jenna teased him. “When we did our cheers, would you root for the home team so hard?”

“Let’s take some pictures,” Aubrey suggested. “I think wearing a bra that small is cutting off the air to Jenna’s brains.”

“I’m not wearing a bra,” Jenna retorted.

“So you don’t need one?”

“No more than you.”

Peter could see they were getting sidetracked. There was something between the two women, some rivalry, and it was giving the shoot far too much heat, especially when they hadn’t even gotten started yet.

“Why don’t we put some of this energy into the shoot? We can start right now if you’re so… excited.”

“Right now?” Jenna asked, eying him, as did Aubrey.

Peter gave the belt of his bathrobe a checking tug. It seemed good and tight. “Yeah. If you don’t mind… the energy level’s great. After a while, we’ll take a break and then I can throw something else on.”

“Fine by me,” Aubrey said. “Why should you be the only one who gets something nice to look at?”

Peter ignored her baiting. “You two stand there by the dresser and I’ll shoot a few pictures of just the outfits. Don’t bother posing, I just want to see how you look in them—how much the camera likes you.”

“Trying to make up for how haggard Aubrey looks?” Jenna said sympathetically. “Maybe we can just keep her in the background.”

“You could try hiding me behind your body, if you’re not anorexic.”

“Girls, we’re burning daylight. The more coverage we have, the better.”

They went willingly, seeming mischievously chagrined by him pulling rank on them. Like they’d been trying to get a rise out of him and now, like spoiled schoolgirls, they were satisfied they’d gotten through his defenses.

He snapped several pictures of the two of them simply standing next to each other, in their orange and blue cheerleader outfits. The costumes were fitfully amusing, worn by women with such deadpan sarcasm in every inch of their petite bodies, but they were also sensual. Their lissome curves pushed succulently against the tight spandex and the pleats tangled excitingly at the cusps of their toned thighs.

“Jenna, why don’t you do that sexy little pose you do when you’re trying to get a guy to fuck you?” Aubrey suggested, jutting her lip out in a mocking display of anticipation.

“When I put my legs far apart, squad down like this, and put my hands on my knees?”

“Hey, you don’t have to,” Peter chimed in. “This isn’t really supposed to be a sexy photoshoot, it’s just a bit of a gag…”

“Are we saying we don’t look sexy?” Jenna asked him.

Aubrey ruthlessly took Jenna’s side. “In our sexy cheerleader outfits?”

“No, of course not, you look great—“

“Then don’t you want to see Jenna show off her slutty cheerleader pose?”

“Don’t worry,” Jenna said. “I’ll turn around with my back to you. All you’ll see is my ass.”

She turned, holding the pose, with the little orange and blue pleats pulled high on her ass, showing off where her tight black thong covered her. Sweet curves of her ass seemed to vibrate with taut youth around the disappearing back of her thong.

“They’re never going to publish that,” Peter huffed, shooting several pictures.

“Now turn around and hold your skirt up,” Aubrey commanded. Peter looked about to countermand the order, so she ruthlessly turned to him: “That’s what you think she should do, right Peter?”

“Well, uh…”

Jenna turned around and lifted her pleats, holding them out of the way. There was no hiding whatsoever of her panties, so slick, so white, so tight across the delta of her sex.

“Why aren’t you taking any pictures?” Aubrey asked him. “Don’t you think she looks nice?”

“Yeah, but…” Peter quailed. “Is this really the sort of thing you want published?”

“That’s up to the magazine,” Aubrey trilled disinterestedly. “The lawyers, the legal department, the management, the studios… what do you care? You just take the pictures, right?”

“He just makes us look good,” Jenna agreed. “Are you worried you’re making us look too good?”

Aubrey tittered. “Too much like you want to fuck us?”

Peter colored again, but obligingly took several shots displaying what Jenna was so happily highlighting for him.

“Now why don’t you roll your hips for him like you do for me?” Aubrey suggested, drawing a look from Peter. When he looked at her, he saw her thumbing her lip, seemingly lost in some autoerotic reverie.

But then he had to swivel back to Jenna, as she rolled and slithered her hips in a gorgeous bump and grind. Peter could not help but take picture after picture, saving each glorious moment for later, even if no one got to see it but him.

He didn’t notice that his bathrobe was coming open, showing Aubrey and Jenna the bulge in his swim trunks. A giant protrusion there, big like the lens of the camera he was using to capture every move Aubrey made.

“Take your panties down,” Aubrey cooed, stepping beside Peter like a kid sister interested in what her brother was doing.

He glanced at her, then at Jenna, who looked imploringly at Peter for his input. Something so innocent about her dollish face, her wide eyes. Even when her preternatural calm was so much like Aubrey’s, that angelic prettiness seemed perversely more exciting than Aubrey’s knowing sultriness. The ever-present sex in Aubrey’s little grins and glances.

It was there for Jenna too, but more subtle, more… compliant. Like she was a dirty-minded virgin, asking Peter to lead her to pleasure and make real all the many, many fantasies going on behind her doe-eyed face.

“It would make a good photo,” Peter admitted, his ears a fiery red.

Letting go of her pleats so they fell back down over her groin, Jenna thumbed her elastic waistband, peeled the tight panties down from her crotch, and showed Peter her bare pussy.

“Jesus, Jen…” He gulped, looking at the sparse pubic hair, the vivid hint of pink hiding, seeming to constantly shift behind the obscuring pleats of her skirt.

Peter snapped picture after picture, thinking that only one in a hundred could possibly be printed, but it would make for an erotic masterpiece: a look at Jenna Ortega, showing nothing except for the sight of her showing herself to him. The nervy, yet cocky boldness flickering on her face, nothing to hide, but the beseeching hope behind her visual offering… going in and out of her expressive eyes like clouds passing over the sun. She looked like she was trying to display her cunt without putting it on display.

Aubrey bit her lip. It was hot what Jenna was doing, the big hard-on Peter had for her without knowing it, the way Jenna stood there with her panties lowered to mid-thigh, her pussy lost and found in a tangle of floating pleats. The camera got little snippets of the striptease, but behind the camera, Peter had it all. He got to tell Jenna what to do. If he only realized it… or maybe he was trying not to realize it. A guy like him had to have a girlfriend. Maybe he thought he could stay faithful to her, even when they wanted someone in their sex life who actually submitted.

It was adorable he thought he could resist.

“You should take down your shoulder straps,” Aubrey told Jenna, pressing herself into Peter’s side. “Shouldn’t she?” she whispered in his ear. “She barely has any tits—might as well show them off.”

“I have plenty of tit,” Jenna said darkly.

“Oh yeah? Prove it. It’s just us and Peter, isn’t it? We like Peter, don’t we?”



Yay, it's finally here!

kopis117 .

Quite wonderful