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“A costume party?” Vicki Vale rasped. “You must be kidding. Bruce, we went out a week ago. The next night, you’re with Julie Madison. Then you’re out with Silver St. Cloud. Then I see you with Shondra Kinsolving and Vesper Fairchild at the same time! And the tabloids say you’re with Rachel Dawes and if that’s you in that sex tape, then you’re with Chase Meridian as well… Are you seriously dating all of us?”

“I’ll explain it all at the party,” Bruce said.

“What makes you think I’d be interested in being part of your harem?”

“I assume you still want to have the kind of sex we had last week, so you’re halfway there. And if you go to the party, that would make me think you’re interested in being part of the harem.”

He hung up before Vicki could say another word.

She had no intention of going to the party. She sat at home all day, determined to wait Bruce out, that he would call her after she didn’t show up and beg for forgiveness for whatever stunt he’d so foolishly tried to spring on her. She’d had enough of his philandering and didn’t care if she had to do without his cock to get rid of it.

But curiosity tickled her where she was tender. Had he been jokingly playing along with her accusation of him being some kind of haremkeeper or did he mean it? Would the party be a sex party? Would Vesper be there? What about Silver? If she went, would she be gangbanged all night?

Her cunt shuddered. But would Bruce be into that or would it be one big orgy of her and all his other women? That didn’t sound half-bad either. As much as Bruce’s unfaithfulness annoyed her, she had to admit he had astonishing taste in women. And he’d never failed to satisfy Vicki, at least. Could he possibly satisfy them all? In a single night? At a single party?

It felt like something she couldn’t possibly miss, even at the small price of her dignity. At eight o’clock she showed up at Wayne Manor, dressed in a Halloween costume from a few years back. It was too small for her now, but that only made it more sexual. She arrived at the party as Little Red Riding Hood, but it was a safe bet that far more than the Big Bad Wolf were interested in her.

Veronica Vreeland let her in; she was dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein. She told Vicki to make herself comfortable. Vicki went into the ballroom, which was where all the music was coming from. There were colored lights shimmying around and slinking over everyone, while a disco ball shed its pattern all over the party-goers. It told Vicki right off that this party wasn’t meant to be taken too seriously. There weren’t even that many people there, though they were all in costumes. Some were laughing, some dancing, others just conversing or wining.

Vicki moved among their ranks, wondering where Bruce was. She’d have thought that a man of his build and height would be easy to find, but many of the men there were well-built, on the tall side, nicely tanned and dark-haired. It would make her think that Bruce had a type, only he’d gotten about as libertine as it got with her and never showed an appetite for anything but her femininity.

Who knew—maybe there was some powerful conspiracy, spanning centuries, devoted to making sure the rich and beautiful of Gotham City only had dark hair and blue eyes.

She made her way off the dance floor and into the dining room, then the kitchen. She was moving into the crowd gathered on the porch when a strong pair of hands grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her around, and shoved her up against the wall. She found herself staring wide-eyed at a big guy dressed as Red Hood.

“Little Red Riding Hood, huh? We match.” He dropped to his knees with a thump.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Vicki asked shrilly.

Chuckling, he hiked her dress up and saw that she wasn’t wearing panties. “The reason you didn’t bring any panties,” he informed her, and leaned in like a vampire over a bared throat.

“Oh geez!” Vicki cried, unable to think of anything else to say as his tongue rasped over her naked pussy. Only moans could make it out of her mouth after that.

He licked and sucked her cunt like a man possessed, ignoring the strangely costumed figures who moved through the kitchen as though the two of them were doing nothing more out of the ordinary than sharing a cigarette.

Somehow, that added to her excitement: strangers coming and going and watching as Vicki Vale let herself get eaten out by another stranger. Only she wasn’t Vicki Vale. With her little red riding hood pulled low, she was yet another stranger.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Bruce’s voice. She couldn’t crane her neck to see him. Red Hood had her up against a kitchen island and Bruce was on the other side of it.

“Bruce, what kind of party is this?” Vicki demanded.

“One you seem to be enjoying,” Bruce told her. “You know how I personally fund the Batman? Well, this is how I show my appreciation on a more personal level. Knowing how stressful it must be for him and his colleagues to save the city, I throw them a party every now and then. And I invite a few friends I know will show them a good time.”

“Then… then that’s the real Red Hood?” Vicki gasped.

The idea scandalized her—intoxicated her. What really electrified Vicki, though, was when Red Hood pulled her hips away from the island with his powerful hands and jammed all his tongue up inside of her cunt.

She moaned and gasped and looked down at him, his buccal mask unlatched and hanging from one cheek, his domino mask covering his eyes and giving him a cruel mien in sharp contrast to how wonderful what he was doing felt. Briefly she wondered who he really was, but then her curiosity was gone. As she came for him, she realized all that mattered was how he could make her feel.

“I don’t like to impose,” Bruce continued. “You, Vesper, Julie, and all the others… I don’t demand fidelity or anything like that. I’m happy to let things be as casual or as intense as you want them. My one condition of a relationship with me… beyond a level of comfort with its lack of monogamy… is that you participate when a party like this rolls around. That’s not such a hard bargain—now is it?”

Coming wetly, explosively, Vicki grasped Red Hood’s head and fucked herself on his tireless tongue. She gushed and it took her breath away.

Finally, her body fell back on top of the island and her eyes shut and her pussy kept convulsing around Red Hood’s predatory tongue for a long time. He kept her on a plateau of sexual indulgence by sucking on her clit and tonguing her cunt and massaging her body with his big, powerful hands.

She was still in the throes of an orgasm when his tongue was suddenly gone, his hands were gone, Red Hood was gone as quickly as he’d appeared. When Vicki managed to get her eyes open, she saw that neither he or Bruce was anywhere around.

“Oh my God,” she sighed, picking herself up, smoothing her short skirt over her naked… and well-used… pussy.

She never would’ve thought she’d be the kind of girl who enjoyed herself at a sex party. But she’d loved it. Every moment of it. And if that really had been Red Hood, an honest-to-God superhero, and she was thanking him for saving the world by letting him make her come…

Goddamn, and they called Bruce Gotham’s Most Eligible Bachelor. They had no idea.

Vicki went to the doorway and peered into the noisy ballroom, wondering where Red Hood had gone. And Bruce as well; she didn’t even know what costume he was wearing. She felt a little bad about making an afterthought out of him. But then, he wanted her to ‘mingle’. Could he blame her if she got the shit mingled out of her?

The lights had dimmed since her escapade with Red Hood. She squinted to make out what was happening in the gray darkness and what she saw pushed her heart over a beast. She didn’t see Red Hood, but across the room, on a big sofa, Spoiler was fucking what had to be Vesper Fairchild.

Vicki thought fast—lingering in the doorway would draw more attention than either entering or exiting. And she didn’t want to leave. She slipped inside the room, not knowing what she would do in it, but wanting a closer look in any case.

Wandering the shadows, she soon found a kneeling Cinderella… that would be Chase Meridian… sucking Zorro’s big cock. And on the floor, Robin was pumping in and out of Snow White’s ass. Vicki recognized Summer Gleeson’s face beneath the ebony wig.

Vicki could’ve laughed at the bizarre costumes being worn by everyone in this orgy, but the sex was too hot for her not to find it arousing. And the knowledge it was the real Robin, the real Nightwing, the real Batgirl… she felt fresh wetness in her hot cunt, watching Spoiler and Snow White and Cinderella getting fucked the way they were.

Her breasts swelled. Her clit tingled. She looked around and everywhere her eyes went, there was some erotic act underway. Vicki grew breathless. She felt on the verge of hyperventilating when a voice startled her.

“Here,” he said. “You look like you could use something stiff.”

Red Robin handed her a glass. At first she thought it was a screwdriver, but when she drank, all she tasted was orange juice.

“Thank you,” she said, trying poorly to hide her surprise.

It made sense, she supposed. At a party like this, no one would want whiskey dick. And she supposed a superhero couldn’t get inebriated—especially not in Gotham City.

Besides, who needed alcohol when you could easily get high on the sensual atmosphere… everyone panting and groaning… enjoying themselves and each other?

When she finished her orange juice, Red Robin spoke again: “Now how about that something stiff I promised you?”

He took her glass away, setting it aside, and kissing her. His tongue took her mouth and his hands took her breasts and he pressed up against her, his erection rubbing hot and hard against her belly. She felt weak in the knees.

Red Robin smiled at her and helped her down onto the floor. Shoving his trousers down to free his fat hard-on, he happily flipped her skirt up over her midsection.

“I love a girl who shaves her pussy,” he told her, and pulled her hand to his cock to show her just how much he loved it.

Gasping repeatedly—both because Red Hood had left her hot and wet, and because all the fucking in the room couldn’t help but excite her—Vicki guided Red Robin’s prick to her naked sex. Then he really shoved her how much he liked her bare pussy.

“Oh GOD!” Vicki crooned, feeling all of his endowment, all the way in her pussy. “Fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!”

He did. His big prick drove into her wet cunt so hard and so fast that she came almost immediately. And she kept coming as he kept fucking her.

When he finally burst, almost at the bottom of her heaving, convulsing passage, she came once more, harder than ever. Her mind-blowing pleasure seemed to heap together with all Red Robin felt, both of them enjoying a zenith of satisfaction with getting each other off so hotly.

“Oh my God!” Vicki panted, still working herself onto his spurting cock. “What a party! What a fuck! Feels like I’m coming on every last inch of that DICK!”



This is marvelous! Different than what I originally had in mind, but better for it


Loved this!