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They returned to the camp, where fortunately they managed to get to their cache of supplies before running across the others. Danny put on some of Izzy’s clothes. On the thickset, muscular man, clothes meant for Izzy’s reedy body strained. His cock, even limp, bulged in his pants and he couldn’t button the shirt.

Bettie dressed herself, thankful that she’d packed a bag, unlike Danny, who’d expected to be back home at the end of his flight.

Danny went to find Gordon and Elvira, and tell them about the dangerous animal in the area. Bettie went to Izzy. She gave him a cup of water and one of the pills.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“Something to help with the pain. Take one every two hours.”

“But where’d you get them?”

“I double-checked the plane. They’d fallen behind some other things.”

“What about your clothes? I thought you’d keep wearing that fleece thing, for warmth…”

Bettie gave him the story she’d made up, about going skinny dipping and an animal slashing her clothes. Izzy was aghast… Bettie hoped he didn’t put the pieces together when Danny came by, also in new clothes, with Gordon and Elvira trailing behind him.

“Irvin, she’d told you what happened?” he asked.

Izzy could only nod. Elvira wasn’t so quiet.

“You say there’s some kind of wild animal out there but you don’t know what it is. How’s that work, exactly? Was it a mountain lion, a bear, a timber wolf? Are you just going blind?” She glanced at Bettie. “Do you need a seeing eye bimbo?”

“Hey!” Bettie squeaked.

“Relax, toots, I was volunteering!”

“I didn’t get a good look at it and I don’t want to,” Danny insisted. “Neither should you. From now on, I don’t want either of you two girls going off alone. If you have to, keep together. Better still, take one of the men with you.”

Elvira vined an arm around Bettie’s waist. “That’s a nice itinerary our cruise director’s set. So, should we divvy up the men now or see how it works out with the two of us on our own?”

Bettie shook her off as Danny continued. “Izzy, Gordon, I want you carrying guns. As long as you’re with the girls, you might as well be able to protect them.”

“I suppose you’ll be wanting another gun as well. You lost mine to that mystery animal,” Gordon complained.

“You can bill me just the moment we get back,” Danny told him.

If we get back!” Gordon snorted. “Because either this monster of yours really exists or you’re cracking up—and I don’t know which would be worse for our chances.”

“Believe me, Gordon, it’d be me cracking up. Because without me, you folks wouldn’t have a prayer.”


After some more discussion, the others managed to mollify the combative Gordon and Danny. Then, the meeting broke up with the men arming themselves and the women regarding the camp now as something of a prison—a place they couldn’t leave without escort.

Bettie didn’t know whether it was fortunate or unfortunate that she wouldn’t be short on that. Already Danny was pulling her aside.

“I’d like a word.”

“I can guess which word,” she retorted.

They walked in a random direction, bringing them towards the crashed plane. All they intended was to get some privacy from the others and the others seemed to shy away from the wreck.

Bettie supposed it was an ominous harbinger… like a headstone without the death date carved into it. But she couldn’t be afraid of it. It had brought her here, to Danny, to so many strange new circumstances, and fear seemed too simple a reaction to all that had happened.

“Do you think they bought it? That we just went skinny dipping together… nice and innocent… nothing untoward?” she asked.

“Does it matter?” Danny replied cockily. “It’s only the five of us out here. I know you don’t care what Gordon thinks. Elvira hardly seems the type you’d idolize. That just leaves me and Izzy. You already know what I think—do you still worry about Izzy’s opinion of you?”

“You forgot someone,” Bettie told him. “There’s me.”

“I haven’t forgotten. You’re the one I owe for these nice new clothes.”

“I haven’t decided what I want for them yet.”

“Haven’t you? I could’ve been a lot rougher than I was, you know. I made it good for you. It’ll still be good for you, if we stop with the fun and games and get down to business.”

Bettie smiled demurely. “The thing is, Danny, I’m not sure if you made it good enough to be as good as watching you squirm…”

Danny seized her by the shoulders. “Or maybe you just want me to quit playing around with you and take what I want. Was that why you weren’t satisfied today? Because I was only getting myself a nibble when I should’ve taken a great big bite!?”

Bettie shoved his hands away. “You’re an ogre,” she spat, and turned her back on him.

She made her way to Izzy’s lean-to before she could modify the statement… admit what ogres did to her… wonder if perhaps, after how she’d enjoyed the beginnings of her seduction, that she might not like the end just as much…

“I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier,” she said to Izzy, “but I loaned Danny some of your clothes. He lost the old ones when that animal ripped them.”

“Just so long as that’s all he borrowed,” Izzy said.

For want of anything better to do, Bettie went to check on his pain pills. She was relieved to see he hadn’t taken too many. They must’ve been working well… hopefully, they would last until the rescue party finally got here.

Izzy kept going. “How come you were out in the water with him this afternoon?”

“We both wanted to swim. It didn’t make sense to take turns.”

“Is that all…?” Izzy asked leadingly.

She hesitated. “Why shouldn’t it be?”

“I would’ve thought you’d mind him seeing you naked.”

“A lot more people than him have seen me model…”

“They’ve seen your photographs,” Izzy corrected. “They haven’t seen you.”

“Well, these aren’t normal circumstances. It’s ridiculous to think we can keep up being as modest out here as we would be in the city. Hell, you heard about that creature. We’re going to sticking closer together than ever!”

“And you’ll be sticking to me, right? If you need to leave the camp, you’ll go with me?”

Bettie bit her lip, unsure if she should press her attack, but she couldn’t help herself. After how aggressive she’d been with Danny, it only made sense to her to give Izzy the same treatment. “Don’t be ridiculous! You’re wounded. You’d be easy prey for that thing if we came across it, no protection at all—”

“I’m healing up fast,” Izzy told her. “I can handle myself!”

“Then I’d like to see some sign of it! You don’t want me off on my own with Gordon or Danny? Then be a man, get on your feet, and don’t leave me alone with them! Or is that already on the itinerary for this trip?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“I think you do!” Bettie snapped. “You got what you wanted, Irvin. Don’t get cold feet just because it turned out to be what I wanted too!”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Izzy said lamely, cringing at her like a plead-eyed dog wondering why she had kicked it. “I… I’ll go with you, not Gordon or Cannon, just tell me… let me have some time to pick myself up. And maybe… if it can wait until tomorrow… I don’t mean to impose, Bettie, really, but I hate the thought of something happening to you. I hate it so much!”

Doubt must’ve been closing in on Bettie for a while; now it made the kill. Could it be Izzy didn’t remember? After all, he’d taken a pretty hard blow to the head. That might’ve jostled his memory. If there was any memory to impair.

She only had Danny’s word that there was an arrangement between Izzy and Vought. He’d already showcased how he would do anything to get her with her legs in the air—just because there’d been something between them didn’t mean Cannon was any different.

It was her, Bettie, she was different. When she looked at the people in her orbit, was she seeing them more clearly or with the same fetters that had led her into Danny’s arms? Perhaps she was seeing Izzy so uncharitably to make her feel better about herself… better about how she’d acted like some kind of harem girl!

She spoke to Izzy: “I’m sorry, Irvin. It was just all this… craziness. I felt bitchy. Get some rest. I’ll come back soon—I’ll be nicer then.”

She knelt before him and kissed him tenderly, which seemed to assuage Izzy. He lay back and shut his eyes. With the painkiller in his body, his sleep took him firmly and deeply.

“Bettie,” he murmured indistinctly, with his eyes shut. “I’m so glad you found those pain pills… so glad…”

“Rest now,” she told him soothingly, and left him.

Once, she would’ve given anything to lie down and see her lover resting comfortably. Now, knowing all that had gone into his sleep, she had to flee.

Bettie walked quickly to the stream, heading for the lower reaches of the meadow where a small stand of trees hid the rushing water from view. It would give her privacy for her bathing. Though at that moment, what she really cared about was being alone.


Gordon Vought’s eyes had been sampling Bettie all night. Now that she was walking away, they feasted on her. Suddenly, poker with Elvira didn’t seem so enthralling. He dropped his cards in the dirt and rose to his feet.

“You’ll have to excuse me, my dear, it looks like I’ve got a winning hand in another game.”

Elvira didn’t need to look to know who he was talking about, but she looked anyway… giving a lewd smile at the sight of Bettie’s hips swinging away. That sweetly swinging ass inside skintight jeans. Elvira’s tongue slid across full lips, body unconsciously tensing like a cat about to pounce on an unsuspecting bird.

“Now there’s a girl with everything but her best days behind her!”

Gordon nodded. “Delicious!”

“Why don’t you go easy on her? She looks like she’d have a hard enough time being wined and dined on the Riviera—and we may have a river, but this ain’t the Riviera!”

“She’ll put out,” Gordon growled firmly. “The little slut fucks like a mink!”

Elvira popped an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you’d gotten to her already. She doesn’t let it show—is that why you’re going back for seconds?”

“It’s Danny Cannon who’s in the market for seconds! I saw her and him go at it this afternoon!”

“And they put on quite a peepshow, huh? Not knowing anyone was peeping?”

“If I’d put it on at a stag party, it would’ve burnt the projector!” Gordon gloated, with as much of a fond reminiscence as a man would have for days of boyhood in summer.

“I thought I was your designated stag night entertainment,” Elvira cooed.

“Oh, you are, my dear, you are… but there’s always the afterparty! No, don’t worry about you and me: absence makes the heart grow fonder, doesn’t it?”

“That’s not what I’m worried about growing. You’ve got the only cash crop around here. Izzy Ashcan’s not going to be ripe anytime this season and it seems like Danny’s going in Bettie’s silo right alongside you!”

“I wouldn’t worry about Danny Cannon. He wasn’t lying about him and Bettie getting interrupted. While I finish off her, why don’t you see about polishing off him?”

“You know me. I’ll polish the silver if there’s enough there to make it worth my while, but if it’s a small job, I’d let him polish himself.”

“Not to worry. Cannon is aptly named. You should know from the Pollyanna routine Bettie’s been putting on. If it weren’t for that spring in her step, she’d be limping!”

Mmmmmm,” Elvira mused consideringly. “You might be telling a tall tale, though. I’ll have to see how he measures up.”

“I’ll tell you how I measure up!” Gordon sneered, watching Bettie disappear into the trees. “And when she finds out, I bet you’ll hear her all the way back here!”

He left Elvira to walk across the clearing, knowing exactly where she would be. He had watched Elvira bathe there twice before, but hadn’t dared to with Bettie. That business of being knocked around by Danny Cannon had thrown him off his game—he was back to his old self now!


Elvira watched her squeeze until he was out of sight. She looked down before she heaved a sigh of relief, enjoying the delicious effect the gesture had on her exposed breasts. It was good that Gordon was coming out of his angst. Her girls had been feeling awfully unappreciated.

She didn’t feel slighted that he was pursuing Bettie; she’d probably go after her herself when it wouldn’t make for a traffic jam. For now, Elvira would see if she and Danny could drown out the noise Bettie and Gordon made.

It was a good thing Izzy had taken painkillers—it’d be one sleepless night for him otherwise!

Danny had to be working on the plane. The last time she’d seen him, he’d been carrying his toolkit. Normally, she’d expect him to be on sky-watch—but Elvira guessed that after finally getting a piece of Bettie, he wasn’t in any hurry to light any signal fires.

Rising, Elvira went through her baggage until she found the perfect thing for Danny’s discerning taste: a little black dress. Elvira stripped naked, spent a few moments washing herself from the water lugged there for Izzy’s convenience, then put on a dab of make-up and brushed her hair hastily. A little fluffing and her hair went straight-up into a beehive—she was, after all, a proud Transylvanian native.

Satisfied with her quick, efficient makeover, Elvira only made a few more adjustments to her lipstick, eyeliner, concealer, foundation, rouge, blush, highlighter, eyeshadow, eyelashes, mascara, lip gloss, lip liner, lip balm, face powder, and nail polish before she had a nice, natural look. Then she put on her dress, buttoning it up to the top four buttons and leaving them all undone but the one on the very top.

Seeing her décolletage closing over her breasts when they were all but springing loose would prove maddening to any red-blooded male and quite a few with different colored blood as well.

Elvira looked down at her body to get the full effect and smiled at the deep cleft between her scarcely concealed cleavage. Her hands went to the hills, smoothing and massaging until her nipples were erect, pounding through the light material of the dress.

Then she ran her palms down the bombastic curves of her hips, molding the dress to her figure. She would’ve liked to go a little more elaborate with the look: some chains, a collar, a gag… but she liked to travel light.

Without further malingering, Elvira popped over to the wreck of the airplane. She found Danny sitting in the cockpit’s passenger seat. He had the transmitter opened up, with parts and tool lying in the pilot’s seat. He looked up at her as she approached the shattered door; at her touch, it sprung loose from the frame and collapsed to the ground.

“Don’t worry about making me get the door,” she told him. “I’m one of those independent women who likes using birth control and having casual sex… just for instance.”



Hmm, mostly set-up, but fun set-up