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Her pussy had been itching ever since she got the idea in her head about doing this with Dick. Not just fucking him, but broadcasting it live to anyone who would donate to charity.

Kory loved sex. As far as she could remember, she always had. She’d lost her virginity in the cramped Gordanian slave pens, giving herself to other Tamaranians who needed the comfort of a moment of stolen intimacy. She couldn’t remember the first hard cock that had entered her, paving the way for all the rest, and it was unlikely he had appreciated being her first more than he had simply forgetting their captivity for a few minutes, as she had.

But she was still grateful to him. He had been gentle and giving; it had been invigorating to see he’d enjoyed himself as much as she had. Kory hoped he didn’t mind that she largely remembered him as the ecstasy of a long prick stretching her womanhood, filling it, etching the first notion of what sex could be on her memories.

But she hadn’t known what it could be until now.

As her lips and tongue slid along Dick’s incredibly hard length, it suddenly roiled, seeming to snake further into her throat than ever. Dick’s hands tensed on her head, the physicality of his grip coinciding with the strong groan he let out. Kory pushed her tongue against his cock, feeling it swell, then his hips pumped and he exploded, filling her mouth with hot cum.

Even with his prick buried in her throat, there was so much cum that it surged both down into her belly and up into her skewered mouth, washing his own shaft in cum. It made Kory suck even harder, but despite her efforts for more, her need, Dick pulled away. Reducing his emission to a dribble of warm semen relinquished to her sucking mouth as he took his cock away.

She was about to beg, plead, even take all the cum she could get, when Dick growled gutturally and she realized that somehow—with the superhuman willpower that only her seemingly unpowered lover possessed—he had put a pause on his ejaculation. Holding back the fury of a tsunami with only his resolve.

“Kory!” he gritted out, her nickname never sounding so lovely as when Dick was utterly gripped with passion. “Give me your tits!”

Belatedly, Kory realized he was obeying the prompt of their silent, anonymous voyeurs. Coupling his passion for her, his desire to provide for her in every aspect of her well-being, with his drive to complete whatever mission he’d been assigned, at any cost. It was an intoxicating mix. She was being fucked by both the masked man and the man underneath. And without even the domino mask to ruin the lines of his face…

Kory hugged herself with her right arm, pressing it up underneath her bountiful tits so they were shoved up even higher than they normally were, pressed together to make a better target for the next rope of cum Dick let loose. Her left hand went to her mouth, thumb wiping a stray rivulet of spilled seed from her chin and popping it back between her lips for her to suck on.

In that moment, she was addicted to Dick’s cum; she knew this dose was all she could get while still obeying the dictates of their donors. They wanted to see her breasts frosted with cum and Kory wanted that too. She just wanted to taste his cum too. And wear it and bathe in it—any way she could touch and experience and appreciate his cum, Kory was exuberant for.

“Oh Jesus Christ, Kory,” Dick breathed, taking a firm grip of his manhood and aiming it at Kory’s plump hills. Getting a last look at that abundant offering, all given over to his eruption—knowing it was his to mark—then Dick’s head was thrown back, his voice very nearly becoming a howl. “Oh God, I don’t have nearly enough… not nearly as much as those tits deserve…!”

Kory was in no mood to argue. The skin of her breasts tingled, quivered, felt like it would break out in hives if she didn’t have Dick’s seed right now! “Come!” she ordered him, then her mouth hung open with a moan at the overwhelming sight of her beloved standing over her, his substantial manhood aimed right at her breasts.

“HHNNNNNGHH!” Dick rasped, hips juking like a strummed guitar string as he was possessed by the sheer force of his eruption, transfixed by the ecstasy of orgasm.

He was unable to lower his eyes to her perfectly submissive pose, yet the breathy pants she made awaiting his cum put a crystal-clear picture of her in his mind. He could just see her swollen breasts pitching and jiggling with her rushing breath as the first volley rushed towards them…

Kory’s breath pitched. She sighed and cooed, overwrought with happiness as Dick let loose, a river of boiling, pungent cum that overshot its mark and splashed across her face. Quickly followed by another launch, splattering her ample breasts, running down in viscous dollops to her belly and lap as if eager to overrun all of the appealing territory offered up.

“Yesssss!” Kory slurred, unable to summon up her usual sugar-sweet poise in a rush of exhilaration.

Her left hand, that had previously fed her what little cum escaped her mouth, now flew to the rope of cum that had crossed her face and rubbed it into her features, happily smearing it all over her round cheeks and plush lips… barely able to keep away from flaring nostrils and hummingbird-winged tongue.

She didn’t know if she wanted to smell his cum or taste it or wear it, but it was already coating her skin… her first impulse was to further meld herself with the wondrous feeling of Dick’s seed and she was too imperious to second-guess that, especially when it immediately proved orgasmic to her.

For Tamaranians, to whom sex could be as casual as sharing lunch, a prodigious ejaculation by the male and a feminine appreciation of the same was a combination mating ritual and courtship dance. It redoubled the passion Kory already felt, launching her to another plateau of sexual excitement. Dick was one of the rare few humans who could keep up with the demands of a Tamaranian who’d orgasmed from her man’s cum and now wanted more.

Kory began to sob hysterically, her piano-taut nerves giving out as she was overjoyed with the feeling of being conquered—truly and fully subsumed in Dick’s desire for her. “Come all over me! Show me with every drop how you wish to possess me! I’m yours for the taking! Cover all of me! I know that’s not one inch of me you can do without!”

With a grunt, Dick let loose another stream of cum. It too overshot Kory’s breasts, landing in her ample hair and wetting it down. Kory mewled as the added semen contributed more to the musk that had settled all around her. She shut her eyes while another jet of sperm splashed against her forehead. She would’ve screamed in exhilaration if she weren’t intent on holding her mouth open to allow Dick to splash more of his cum inside.

Uuuungh! Iiighh!” she ululated, unable to stop her body from whipping from side to side, convulsing with the energy imparted to her from feeling the heat of warm cum all over her breasts, penetrating into her like a precursor of how Dick would fuck her, breed her.

“Higher! Get those tits up higher!” Dick commanded, dropping his chin to see her again.

Kory obeyed, gleeful to be able to further surrender to him. She palmed the underside of each voluptuous breasts and pushed them up into the air. Dick erupted again, seemingly triggered by the sight of her both strewn with cum and pleading for more with every atom in her being.

She felt the searing warmth of his seed pile onto her sensitive nipples and her clit shook, made tautly aroused by the feeling of being claimed. She squeezed her thighs together; an actual climax overtook her, almost like a punishment for how wanton she was acting—far below the dignity of a princess of Tamaran—except it was for Dick, a man who had fully earned and deserved the ecstasy she was allowing him to give her.

Kory found her own debauchery shocking, but wasn’t at all surprised that Dick was capable of reducing her to this. She cried happily… her long red hair, infused with the sweet bitterness of cum, coiled like wet hemp around her knees.

At last, even the overflowing river of how much Dick wanted Kory had to run dry. His prick fell, stiff but no longer capable of the freestanding enthusiasm it’d had as it’d deployed the life-giving fluid that was reason for its existence.

Dick stepped back to admire his handiwork—both pleased with himself and a little shocked at the whimpering wreck his cum had made of the vivacious yet regal Kory. The high-and-mighty royal now seemed overwrought, wallowing in his cum like it was a feast she’d overindulged in.

But then a flash seemed to animate her all-green eyes and she looked at him with something feral underneath the contentment and affection he would’ve expected from any woman he was with. An intensity that was purely Kory.

“MORE,” she said firmly, her imperial command brooking no disagreement.

Dick grinned at her. What a pair they made: him the team leader, the control freak, Mr. Willpower. And her, the princess, sheer enthusiasm and wanton sexuality. Both of them ordering each other around so much that it somehow balanced out and they managed to agree they wanted the same things… and liked giving orders.

“You really expect me to make love to you like that? You’re covered in some lousy human’s cum,” Dick taunted, getting in response a frisson of both aggravation and delight at his teasing.

She heaved with the growl that filled her, a sign of her feline ancestry from back when Dick’s ancestors were living in trees. “You want to bathe me?” she asked hopefully, liking the sound of it but having to keep a tight leash on her own desire to simply rend his clothes from him and take what she wanted.

“Who has time for that?” Dick asked her. “Just turn around. I’ll make the back of you match the front.”

That sounded too good to Kory for her to even mind him taking such an authoritative tone with her. She twisted about to present her sumptuous ass to him, knowing that was the best way to find out what delightful thing he would do with it.


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