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Whatever Billy’s mortification had done to rob him of his arousal, his cock didn’t seem any softer, nor did it seem to be running out of precum anytime soon. More trawled down the length of his erection as he listened to Carol’s voice and inhaled her sweet aroma.

“You see, before you showed up, I really wanted a man—how should I put this? Well, that’s actually just how it was. I simply really wanted a man. And here you are. You certainly are a man, I can tell that much. And you can tell I’m a woman, can’t you?”

Billy’s head buzzed. Why was she telling him all of this? Why couldn’t she just leave him alone? Couldn’t she tell he had to masturbate—jerk all his frustration out so he could act even a little normal around her?

“Yes, you can tell. We can both tell. You got a little hard-on because of me… or should I say a big hard-on? And I, well… I had my own reaction to you…”

“Reaction? What reaction?” Billy sputtered out. He couldn’t believe his ears. Maybe it was all the chaos in his groin that was affecting his perception. Maybe if a guy didn’t relieve his blue balls when they got this bad, he started hearing things.

For her part, Carol was about to go out of her head. She’d dropped enough hints to get a priest into bed and yet Billy hadn’t tried to so much as hold her hand. She was tired of playing softball. Hell, after seeing all the precum he’d wasted on his underwear, Carol wondered if she might not be hurting him by letting him stay under such pressure.

She got on her knees next to Billy. Slowly, Carol lifted up her dress. “Look, Billy. See how women get excited? Just like you do. It’s okay, Billy, take a look.”

Billy turned his head. What he saw almost made him swallow his thermometer. He very precisely concentrated on not crushing it between his teeth or letting it fall out of his mouth. Meanwhile, his uncontrollable erection tried to split apart his boxers.

“This is my cunt, Billy. Is it the first cunt you’ve ever seen?”

Billy nodded his head. He probably shouldn’t have—probably should’ve pretended he had a lot more experience than he really did—but he couldn’t quite conceive of the idea of lying when his head felt wrapped in a million layers of duct tape.

“I’m glad,” Carol breathed. “I’m very happy to be your first. And as your first, I suppose it’s my responsibility to every girl after me to make sure you know your way around one of these.” She pointed to her clit. “This is what happens to a girl when she gets excited. It’s like your erection, only it’s even more sensitive. And it’s called a clitoris. Most girls won’t like it very much if you call it something like a hard-on or a boner, right Billy?”

Billy nodded, not that he really heard her. All he could think of was how he was actually seeing her clit. Her clit and everything else. Shit! He could see all the way into her pussy—everywhere a man’s thing was supposed to go, the way Miss Danvers had her pussy-lips open to him.

“Don’t worry, Billy. This isn’t your fault. Even before you came in, my pussy was all wet and warm. Can you see how wet and warm I am, Billy?”

Billy’s eyes widened; his cock ready to explode. Yeah, he saw how wet she was. Her juices were so copious he could reach out and touch them—get them all over his fingers.

“A lot of guys would’ve turned me off, Billy, but you didn’t. You got me even warmer… and even wetter. Do you want to feel how you’ve made my pussy, Billy?”

Billy’s jaw dropped in awe. The thermometer fell from his lips. He stared right into the depths of Carol’s receptive, aroused womanhood. Somehow he managed to nod to her.

Carol grabbed his hand and placed it against the opening of her cunt.

“Holy moley!” Billy groaned.

It was the first cunt he had ever felt—just about the first woman he’d ever felt. Surely, any other girl was just a girl compared to this. He wondered how something as big as his hard thing could get inside a tight place like this. Then he felt her opening up, very moist, very hot, seeming to suck his fingers into herself…

“Oh fuck, it feels so fucking good, Billy,” Carol moaned tearfully.

“It doesn’t—doesn’t hurt, when I do it?”

“No, Billy, I like it. I like it a lot!”

“But you’re crying…”

“Because it’s been so long and it feels so good! Keep going, Billy, really put your fingers in there…”

Hesitantly Billy pushed his index finger into Carol’s opening. Her labia squeezed around his finger, almost forcing it back out, but he kept going—Carol had sounded so excited about it. His finger went in and didn’t stop until her folds were snugly holding his knuckle. He wiggled the finger inside her.

“Holy shit! Billy! Do that! That’s what I want! Harder! Faster! Play with my pussy just like that!”

Billy found himself truly getting into it now. He worked his finger in and out of her, amazed at the look of rapture that overran her face. His cock was harder than ever, but he barely noticed it, concentrating on fingering Carol’s pussy like she wanted him to.

“Now touch my clit, Billy! I love being touched there! IIIEEEE!”

Billy fingered it gently, but no matter how sensitive he tried to be, Carol seemed to go wild for what he did. Billy guessed he was good at this—really learning the ins and outs of touching a woman. Though he still couldn’t believe how hot and wet Carol felt. He wondered if it was healthy for a woman to be burning and dripping the way she was.

Billy probed his finger in and out of her sex. His thumb rubbed at her clitoris. And all Carol could do was hunch her hips back and forth, as though her entire formidable body were controlled by the finger pistoning into her cunt.

The kid was really getting to her—it felt to Carol like her cream was flowing freely from her well-treated pussy.

Carol looked down, going almost cross-eyed at the sight of his finger fucking her hungry womanhood. Somehow, woozily, she managed to turn his gaze to his face. Billy looked like an artist in the middle of painting a masterpiece. Mesmerized by the sight of his finger going in and out, and what it was going in and out of.

“S-stop, Billy. Stop. You have to stop,” Carol sighed.

Billy pulled his finger away and Carol gasped. He looked at his hand quizzically, like he couldn’t recognize it with her wetness dripping from it. “Did I do something wrong, Miss Danvers?”

Carol took in a deep breath. Her dress dropped back over her. “No, Billy. Not at all. But you see how a woman—gets so very worked up—don’t you, Billy?”

“Yeah, I do.” Billy wiped his finger on the bedspread before he could be tempted to taste the warm moisture all over it. He looked up at Carol’s blushing face. “A woman can be really hot inside, can’t she?”

“Y-yes, Billy, we can,” Carol panted. “As hot as a man can be. We just get hot in a different way.”

“Holy moley, I didn’t know a man could get that hot either. I’ve never been that hot… except maybe a little bit ago.” Billy blushed as he remembered how he’d dirtied his pants and had Carol tend to his feverish heating. “Can you get any hotter?”

“Oh, yes, Billy. Even hotter than that. But it’s not as obvious as it is with a man. You have to touch a woman to feel how hot she is. You can’t just see it sticking out like you can with a man.”

Billy blushed, but otherwise he felt good. Not as anxious as he had before. Carol certainly wasn’t ashamed of how hot her pussy was. Why should he be ashamed of what his prick was doing?

“You like to see it sticking out like that, don’t you Miss Danvers?”

She looked down at his endowment—hidden inside his boxers. But not hidden at all was how hard he was, how big and how stiff and how hard.

“Yes, Billy, I do. When there’s so much of it, like you have, then I really like that. And I really like knowing it’s me that’s made you like that. It makes me want to do something about it, like you did something about how hot I was.”

Billy watched, utterly enthralled, as Carol leaned over him and pulled down the waistband of his boxers. Slowly the underwear lowered down his body, until his cock sprang loose, crashing into her wrists a little painfully as she tucked the elastic waistband underneath his balls.

Billy barely recognized his own cock. It was astonishingly hard, smeared with precum, and shooting straight up from his crotch. The burgeoning cockhead quaked in the air.

“No need to be embarrassed, Billy. Believe me, you have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, that’s something to be very, very proud of.”

Billy bit the inside of his cheek. He wanted to be honest and tell her that she was the first girl to ever see him and this part of him, except for maybe his parents and his sister once or twice. Not that they counted. Especially when they hadn’t seen it like this, standing straight up, all swollen and throbbing, full of hot blood and pent-up cum.

He wanted to hide it, but just looking at it, Billy knew instinctively that there was no way such a thing could be hidden. The only thing to do with such a… thing… was to let it out!

As Billy stared at his endowment, wondering what to do with it, he saw Carol’s darting fingers run through the fuzz of his pubic hair before coming to the base of his cock. She clutched it tightly.

Oohhh, Miss Danvers!” he squealed.

“I’m not holding it too tight, am I?” Carol asked concernedly, though she didn’t do anything to loosen her grip. Her eyes kept dancing over the beautiful piece of meat that she held in her small, outmatched hand—trembling and throbbing and stretching ever further out from Billy’s groin.

“N-no, Miss Carol,” Billy stammered, his words echoing to himself in an abyss of overwrought confusion. “I-it just feels s-so nice to have your hand on my—on—where it is.”

Carol smiled in commiseration. “Yes, Billy. I know how good it feels. It felt like this for me when you touched between my legs. Of course it would feel good for you too. Men and women are alike that way. It feels good when they touch each other… so good…”

It astonished Carol that so much precum could leak out of Billy’s glanshole. She glanced to his balls and was a little less amazed. Well, it made sense that a lot would come from balls so big. It made her wonder how much he would ejaculate.

The tempting thought struck her that she could find out just by rubbing him a little—she really wanted to find out—but she wanted to feel that massive hard-on inside her even more.

Billy groaned, his hips twitching, unable to lie still. He watched Carol’s hand slowly crawl up and down on his length. Her fingers ran over the creamy clear liquid oozing from the tip of his cock and smeared it all over his sensitive knob.

“Holy moley, Miss Danvers, what are you up to?”

“I’m helping you masturbate, Billy. It’s okay. I know you were going to do this anyway.”


