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Kara had barely stepped foot back on her Earth—she really needed to learn its number—when her phone rang. She imagined it was Alex calling… she’d only expected to be gone a few hours, not a day and change, so naturally Alex would be worried. And Snapper, if he’d even noticed she hadn’t shown up to work, would be furious. He’d probably noticed.

She was a little surprised to find that it was Lena’s face on her phone. Seeing it brought everything rushing back. How the last time she’d really talked with Lena, it had been as herself, well, Kara Danvers, and she’d been forced to accuse Lillian Luthor in front of Lena. That hadn’t gone well. While Lena hadn’t exactly dumped her, everything had been so tense and overwrought and stressful that Kara was almost thankful when Lena told her to get out. She could take a few hundred atmospheres of pressure, but she couldn’t take that office.

“Lena… hi…”

The anger in Lena’s voice, as it turned out, had nothing to do with their earlier conversation. “Where have you been?”

Kara couldn’t resist needling Lena just a little, considering what a jerk she’d been to her girlfriend the other day. “I thought you didn’t want to talk to me.”

“What are you, twelve?” Lena sighed, exhaled, zen’d herself, and Kara could tell that Lena had promised herself she’d be calm. A quick look at her phone told her that Lena had called ten times. Lena started again, much cooler. “I was worried.”

No wonder Lena had sounded so frustrated. That was a startling admission coming from anyone, especially a Luthor, but Kara supposed people did worry when they didn’t know you were Kryptonian. “I’m fine.”

“So…” Lena said, elongating the word to the point of smacking her lips. “Where have you been?”

She tried to sound as if she was just curious, wound up coming off slightly jealous. Like Kara, of all people, would be able to meet a new person who was attracted to her and hook up with her immediately after a break-up.

She wasn’t Maggie Sawyer or anything.

“Just out,” Kara said, wishing she’d had time to get together with Alex to come up with a better story. With her luck, Lena had already called Alex to try and reach her, leaving Kara unable to use Alex as a cover story. “Some friends took me drinking. I thought you needed space.”

“I called ten times, Kara. Does that sound like I need space?”

Kara bit her lip. “I didn’t know you’d done that. My phone died.”

“Ah. I see.” Lena sounded distracted, and Kara could hear a keyboard clattering away over the line.

“Are you doing something?” she asked.

“Ordering you a new phone.”

“Lena, you don’t have to—“

“It’s ordered,” Lena reported. “You’ll find it much more reliable. It’s L-Corp’s latest.”

Kara found herself smiling, a little… besmirched. “I heard about what happened with Lillian. I wanted to call you… I’ve been sitting here with my phone charged, wondering what I should say…”

Not quite true, but she had found her mind wandering in the mirror universe, wondering how Lena was holding up. A little hard not to see Barry and Iris and think about her own relationship. Kara hated lying to Lena, but she had to be selective with the truth… she’d promised Alex…

Lena had said nothing while Kara hesitated, feeling like a heel and wondering just how manipulative she was being. Now she tried to be as honest as she could. “I’m sorry I had to be the one to tell you about Lillian.”

“I’m sorry,” Lena said immediately. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. You’re my girlfriend, I should never yell at you…”

“You didn’t yell,” Kara protested. “You just… raised your voice a little. And needed to be alone for a while.”

“You’re far too charitable.”

“I have to be. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

Kara could feel Lena acknowledge it over the line, a little smile gracing Lena’s words. “Maybe. Still. I didn’t have any choice in Lillian being in my life. I did choose you. That should merit something.”

“Maybe you could clear a meeting from your busy schedule and let me take you to lunch?” Kara offered. “To thank you for the phone?”

“I think I’m the one who owes you lunch.”

“We’ll go Dutch.”

“If it’s in National City, I probably own the restaurant.”

“You can’t impress me, Lena, I’m friends with Cat Grant.”

They exchanged a few more pleasantries before hanging up, a weight off Kara’s shoulders now that the fight was over. If she strained her ears, she could hear a similar exhale from Lena. Which left just one more thing unsaid.


Hovering down to the balcony of Lena’s office, Supergirl expected to be able to make the same lofty entrance as ever. She wasn’t expecting Lena to be lying out on a lounge chair, wearing only a bikini, sunglasses, and a floppier hat than Kara would’ve credited her with.

The unfair thing about Lena was that her face was so lovely, and she dressed so conservatively, that you couldn’t really prepare yourself for her body. You were just finished being impressed by her face, and then there was… Kara tried to avoid staring, considering it wouldn’t be very heroic of Supergirl to stare at a half-naked woman, especially one she wasn’t technically dating… at the moment… while she wore the costume…

But Lena’s body was interesting. It was very, very interesting, and not at all hard to look at. Hard not to look at, really.

“Well. Seems this is my day for cute blondes.” Lena lowered her sunglasses. “I’m in a good mood, Supergirl. Rewarding myself with some sun. Please try not to ruin it.”

“The sun?” Kara asked, before realizing no, that was dumb. “I just stopped by to thank you for your help with Cadmus. I know it couldn’t have been easy…”

“It was, actually.” Lena reached down beside her chair—the stretching doing extra interesting things to her bikini top and what it contained—to pick up a glass of lemonade and have a sip. “The hard part was waiting as long as I did to show that smug bitch she’d failed. But the look on her face was worth it.”

Family squabbles. Kara hated being in the middle of these things. Or, off to the sides… “Yes, that was pretty worrying. It seems like you could’ve spared me a big headache and just not given her the element, even if it was fake.”

Lena let out a soft exhale as she finished her drink. The only thing that could’ve drawn Kara’s eyes off Lena’s bikini—or the peace lily she was focusing on so hard that it was literally almost bursting into flames—was the sudden satisfied part of Lena’s lips. “That would’ve been easier, yes. But not nearly as much fun.”

“You do like to have fun,” Kara murmured, not even noticing how sultry her voice had become, and Lena pushed up the brim of her hat with one finger to look at Supergirl, most peculiarly.

Kara brushed her hands together as if she’d finished doing something. “Well, thanks again for your help, no matter how dramatic it was, but I think I hear a fire on the other side of town…”

“Uh-huh,” Lena replied, flipping over and oh, dear, her bottoms didn’t have much more material in the back than they did in the front. Though it seemed like there was a lot more of the Lena in the back than…

“Need me to do your back?” It just slipped out.

Lena looked over her shoulder. “My what?”

Kara tried to cringe as stoically as possible. It was not very. “Your back. Need me to put sunscreen on your back?”

“What about your fire?

Honestly, Kara wasn’t that… oh. The fire. “The fire department got there. It’s fine.”

Lena rolled over onto her side, resting her weight on her elbow, and Rao help her, Kara could see a nipple. She suddenly wanted to know whether or not Lena knew she could see that nipple far more than she’d ever wanted to know if Lena was evil or not.

“I have a girlfriend,” Lena said.

“Yes!” Kara said stridently. “Which is why I was not coming onto you… I wasn’t… I was just… skin cancer…” What was that phrase Alex liked to say? “Just gals being pals!”

The skin between Lena’s eyes knotted for a moment, then relaxed. “Although, I suppose we could share…”

Kara’s eyelids bolted away from each other. “Share?”

“Assuming Kara’s alright with it, I mean. She’s a little… modest? But I think not as much as she suspects.”

Kara’s eyelids were not getting any closer. “Share?”

“You know, like Lois Lane does? I hear that’s how she does it. She’s married to some reporter, but everyone knows that she and Superman—“

“Lois Lane is a feminist icon and she would not… I mean… I’m sure her husband is more than enough for her…”

“And Kara’s more than enough for me. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little double date, minus one. You know her, right? Kara Danvers?”

I cannot believe I am being pimped to myself, Kara thought. She wished she could tell Lena that sure, a threesome was intriguing, if Lena really really wanted to do it, but the only way she could have one with Kara Danvers and Supergirl was if J’onn pulled another T-1000, and that was just… “Ewww!”

Lena’s eyes narrowed. “What was that?

“What was what?”

Lena swung her legs off the lounge chair, standing up to her full impressive height. Kara felt her fire get a little worse, with no fire trucks in sight. “That. Just now. I tell you my girlfriend is Kara Danvers and you go ‘ewww’?”

“Oh, noooo—“ Kara batted her hands together, trying to look innocent, but it was like a centipede trying to figure out how it moved all its legs together. She could feel her cuteness failing as Lena darkened. “I just heard something really gross with my super-hearing, that’s all.”

“Oh yeah? What?”

“I can’t describe it in polite company.”

“Uh-huh.” Lena poked a finger right into Supergirl’s crest. “I’ll have you know that maybe Kara doesn’t run around in a tight shirt and short little skirts, but she is a lovely, caring, beautiful person who satisfies me more than anyone I’ve ever been with!”

Kara couldn’t help but smile at that. “She does?”

Unfortunately, Lena took the smile as an condescending smirk. “She does! And you, you puffed-up Superman rip-off, don’t deserve to be in the same zip code as her!”

“Ms. Luthor, really, I don’t have anything against Kara Danvers. I know her, she’s a friend—“

“Yeah, right, then why do I never see the two of you together?” Lena crossed her arms, staring daggers at Supergirl. “We could’ve been the best night of your life, Supergirl, but you blew it. So maybe the next time you fly by the tower, peek in our room to see what you’re missing. I’m sure Kara would love for you to find out what multiple strap-on orgasms look like.”

Kara flew off before she burst out laughing. She really had to tell Lena the truth.

But sometime after she figured out what that strap-on business was all about.


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