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“Fuck me,” Helena breathed the moment Kate turned the radio back on, like she was a wind-up toy they’d kickstarted into motion with the simple flick of a finger. “Oh! Batman… put your beautiful prick in my cunt and fuck it… jerk off on it… come all over it! Oh, baby, that’s what I want! My pussy is so hot… it’s tight and wet and hot and you’re right, you’re right, I’m such a slut. Make me better, Batman. Make me so I can’t be such a goddamn slut. Break my little pussy with that fat cock and I won’t be a bitch anymore—I’ll just be yours. I want it; I wanna belong to that big dick! Don’t you want this tight little pussy to be all yours?”

Kate let out a disbelieving chuckle, but she wasn’t unaffected. Dinah could see the admiration written all over her face. Even a little envy. Maybe she didn’t want a big cock, but she definitely wanted to be fucked as well as Helena was getting. Or maybe do the fucking; have Helena begging for her like she was begging for him.

“Almost makes you want to switch sides,” Kate sighed, before exaggeratedly noticing Dinah. “Well, maybe not you. But me… I have to wonder what it would be like if I found my own eligible bachelor. Lots of money… good looks… a nice long cock…”

“Batwoman!” Dinah shocked out, shocked by Kate’s admission until her final lewd word made the blonde practically burst.

“Don’t judge me. It’s just a little girl talk.” Kate winked at Dinah. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to try something… a little outside your comfort zone?”

“Take it, whore!” Batman barked, sounding almost in pain, his anger and focus was so intense. “Take every fucking inch until I’ve gotten it to those cocksucker lips of yours!”

Dinah’s eyebrows shot up. “That sounds like it’s a long way outside your comfort zone,” she opined to Kate.

She was embarrassed, but at the same time Kate’s flask had made her mist over until everything they said—even what Batman and Huntress were saying—seemed like some innocent game. Innocent but daring.

“I can go outside mine if you can go outside yours. Why don’t you say a dirty word?” Kate suggested. “Something like they’re saying.”

“You think I’ve never cursed before?” Dinah asked disbelievingly.

“Sometimes I think you’ve done a lot of things before—sometimes not. Your face looks red as a virgin, listening to them doing what they’re doing. But you’re definitely not dressed like you’re saving it until marriage…”

Dinah looked her square in the eye. “Cock,” she said, and blushed madly, feeling like she was burning up inside. Her heart pounded in her ears, but it was shouted down by the heavy breathing coming over the radio.

“Do it again,” Kate wheedled. “Go on.”

“Fuck,” Dinah said, shuddering at the use of the obscenity. She wasn’t a Puritan, but she still didn’t curse a lot. Her mother’s influence. Laurel didn’t believe it was right for stalwart superheroes like the JSA to go around cursing. It might be heard by impressionable youngsters—like Dinah even.

But Dinah wasn’t a kid anymore.

“Fuck,” Kate repeated disparagingly. “That’s not so dirty. Bet you say that when you stub your toe. What’s Batman doing right now to that friend of yours… that normal-seeming woman who acts so forthright, who’s getting her brains screwed out right now? Tell me what’s happening to her?”

“She’s… she’s getting fucked,” Dinah stammered. “Fucked in her pussy. Fucked in her little cunt.”

It was as exciting as it was perverted. Dinah felt a small surge of arousal low in her sex. She giggled to herself a little; the booze in her system making it funny.

“I think he’s going to fuck her somewhere else,” Kate said, her words tinged with a gasp, like she was getting excited. As excited as Dinah was. “I know I don’t just want to fuck that little whore in her cunt. So where else can he put that big dick Helena wants so much?”

Dinah licked her lips involuntarily, her pink tongue leaving them glistening. “In… in…”

Suddenly she didn’t know if she could say it. She felt like such a prude in front of Kate, who wasn’t even anything like the kind of hussy Helena was. Hell, she didn’t even like men. But Kate seemed to enjoy hearing Dinah say such things and she had to admit she liked the sound of it, liked the look on Kate’s face as it came out of her mouth.

It wasn’t like she was on stage, orating to an entire theater. She could speak freely with Kate. With Helena and Barbara, it was something else—they were in the same rat race, almost competitors. She remembered all the drama when it had come out that Helena had slept with Dick.

But Kate wasn’t interested in any of that. She had only some kind of… academic naughtiness of note in this display. Dinah wanted to enjoy that with her, not louse it up with some kind of moral judgment.

She spoke haltingly: “Batman… might fuck her… in the ass! Up the ass!”

“He’d be a fool if he didn’t,” Kate said. “I’ve fucked a few women in the ass and even with a dildo, there’s nothing like it.”

She leaned back against the rooftop parapet and stretched out her legs. To Dinah’s astonishment, she rubbed her thighs with the palms of her hands.

“Ohh, Dinah, sometimes when I don’t have a woman, I nearly go out of my mind. I get so hot. I don’t know how guys can put up with it.” She smiled lewdly at Kate. “A girl can always get a guy, but a guy can’t always get a girl. And neither can another girl.” She whispered as if it were a guilty secret. “It makes me a little rough when I finally get a woman. I know I have to work out all my urges, because I don’t know when I’ll get another chance. So I guess I can sympathize with Batman. All he’s doing is making sure that he’s completely satisfied. And it doesn’t sound like Helena minds one bit.”

“Who would?” Dinah asked, picking up the flask and gulping it of her own accord. The brazen confession was like a crack in her mind, letting in all sorts of debauched imaginings. Helena… not just getting fucked like Batman was doing to her, but having Kate use her.

It even sounded like fun—no chance of getting pregnant, no chance of STDs. And even Batman couldn’t be as indefatigable as a rubber dildo: could he?

Dinah’s heart pounded faster; she’d had too much to drink. She didn’t know whether to blame Kate for oversharing or herself for listening. Maybe both of them… bouncing off each other, they’d managed to go further beyond the bounds of propriety than Dinah had ever gone with the Birds of Prey. Not to mention what they were listening to Helena do.

“You don’t believe me?” Kate asked. She inched closer, like she wanted to whisper without anyone overhearing. Her arm went around Dinah’s shoulder. “I can prove it. Helena’s not the first woman I’ve heard having sex. It’s just that I do the fucking myself. Like I’m putting on a play, you know, to watch later on, when I’m hard up. I have to or I’d go crazy…”

Dinah spoke before she realized what she was asking: “What do you watch?”

“OHHH GOD!” Helena gasped, her voice straining for all it was worth. “Fill my pussy with cum! Give me everything you’ve got in those hairy balls! GODDDD! I’m coming like a fucking maniac! Push your cock deeper! I want all of it!”

Batman grunted—not the usual hoarse sound of hateful exertion, but almost a noise of relief. Maybe even a laugh. “You’ll have cum dripping out of there for a week.”

“I’ll think of you whenever it does,” Helena chuckled dazedly. “My master… oh Christ… thank you for your cum… I need to lie down…”

Then Kate was offering up her cell phone to Dinah’s face. “I don’t lie about it—I told Renee about them and she said she wanted to see. Most women do. We sat down on the bed and stared at them and got hotter than hell. We’d be naked… I wouldn’t let her see unless she took her clothes off… and I watched her pussy get excited, get wet, start twitching. Then we fucked. It took a long time for her to want to fuck more than she wanted to see new pictures. I was worried I’d run out!”

Dinah’s eyes swam. She tried to focus on the smartphone. She was confused, dizzied by the drinking, upset by the increasing tingles she felt in her heaving breasts and between her legs. Then she made out what she was seeing and her eyes bulged. “Kate, this… this is obscene!”

It was Kate with… Dinah thought it was Maggie Sawyer. It shouldn’t have been so hard to tell. Kate wore only a garter belt and stockings, while Maggie had on just panties and high heels. She was kissing the hard ruby nipple of Kate’s left breast.

Dinah knew she shouldn’t, but she took another deep swallow from the flask, leaving it empty. She didn’t know why she was looking at this and she would have to explain it to herself—another drink, and the warm haze of the alcohol, put off that justification.

“There’s more, Dinah. It gets better!”

“Why… why are you showing…”

But Dinah’s mind couldn’t control her fingers. She swiped right and reeled under the new obscenity she unleashed.

Both women were stretched out on the couch; Maggie’s panties were around her left ankle. They were sixty-nining, fingers spreading the soft gloss of pubic hair for each other’s tasting, pink flesh visible alongside glistening tongues. Dinah swiped again—saw Kate mouthing Maggie’s rich thighs. Again and she saw Maggie kissing Kate’s soft flesh.

Dinah kept looking; she couldn’t tear herself away. She knew Kate was a lesbian, sometimes even wondered… not about Kate specifically, but of how it would feel with another woman. Softer? More tender? But the thought of it had never been so concrete as it was now… no mystery, no curiosity, just pure fact detailed in its totality before her staring eyes!


Bruce watched—watched and heard—as Helena started to snore. It was clear the woman was all used up for the night. He was finished for the moment, but still felt a deep rustling of discontent within himself. He knew that if the Sirens hadn’t fled, he’d be inflicting his lust on one of them.

Helena was still his to use… she might even be gratified at the thought of him using her as a cocksleeve in her unconsciousness… but that offered no challenge to him. Just as the fawning beauties that threw themselves at Bruce Wayne rarely engaged his interest, this helpless prize was no longer worthwhile. He wanted an amazon, a demoness… someone only a man like him could bridle.

He was done with Helena… for now. It would be interesting to see where her troubled mind took the knowledge that he had left her with. She would certainly think different of herself from now on.

Bruce stooped and picked her up, easily hefting the comatose woman. Of course, she was a near-perfect physical specimen. The only hint of fat on her body was the slightest bulge in her belly, and that had not been there when he’d started. The open window in her costume had more than informed him of that. In addition to taking her someplace safe to sleep off the fuck, he’d have to get some contraceptives into her. Helena wasn’t the maternal type—not yet, at any rate. Maybe that was one of the changes he would wrought.

Where to leave her for the night? There was the Clocktower, but he was sure to run into Barbara. Though, with Dick currently as close to Koriand’r as he was, Babs had to be considered fair game.

There was Helena’s apartment, of course, but he’d heard that lately Dinah had been staying with her as a roommate. The same problem that Barbara posed. Only after breaking up with Ollie as many times as she had, Dinah could be no more off-limits than Barbara was.

And then there was the Batcave. Normally, that would be his first choice, but Zinda was there at the moment, performing maintenance on the Batwing. Would she be more understanding of Helena’s condition than Barbara or Dinah? Probably… maybe even too understanding.

But one thing was for certain. He couldn’t leave Helena naked and fucked out in the middle of Gotham… not his Helena… not when he’d just broken her in.


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