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The diamonds were easy to make. Coal that could be found at any barbecue, pressed into a diamond with heat and pressure. It was cutting it with heatvision where Clark took the most care. He wanted them to have not one flaw. And as long as he was in Arkansas, he helped himself to a burger. He was sure to leave one of his failed attempts at a diamond as thanks for the hospitality. With the discoloration as small as it was, he thought it would keep the man in the Kiss The Cook apron throwing barbecues for a long time to come.

Then came the gold. Superman got that from a sunken pirate treasure off the Caribbean. He took a doubloon or two to melt down into the rings themselves, then the rest he donated to the Wonder Woman Foundation.

With that done, Clark went to ask Lana and Lois. Lana kissed him as Lois put her ring on, and Lois kissed him as Lana put her ring on. Then they dragged him to bed and showed him just how much of a foregone conclusion, and even a technicality, the weddings would really be.

Halfway through—or after four separate times, depending on how you looked at it—Lana was called away on business. She left, swearing she would be giving herself a vacation shortly, and Lois was left to handle Clark all alone.

How Mercy envied her. How she feared for her.

“Mercy,” Clark said. “Come over here on my right. And Lois, you just stay right where you are…”

When Mercy had crawled across to lie on the other side of Clark, he put his arms close and pulled them both close against his chest. Mercy found herself curling in against him, taking Lana’s place, reveling in the feeling of warmth, in the musky smell of lustful exertion that seemed to ooze from every pore of his chiseled body.

This is crazy, she thought to herself. I can’t help it.

I want it as much as they do.

There’d been no reason to fear—Clark was far too gentle to pose a threat to anyone, much less anyone as robust as them.

Lois herself, on the other hand...

Lois lifted her head from Mercy’s sex to nose her over onto her stomach in servile surrender. Any hesitance was completely gone, banished by the maddening tongue that had so mercilessly lapped her core to a fiery readiness. Mercy was enslaved to Superman’s Girlfriend, panting expectantly over her, and she meekly moved to lay spread-eagled and face down before her.

Lois’s kiss was lowered to her again, the agile tongue sneaking into the exposed crevice of her buttocks. Mercy twisted back around toward Lois, reaching to spread her toned cheek and give full access to her most intimate area.

Mercy quickly found herself frightened of Lois.

She loved it.


Kara groaned as the bus stopped in Smallville. Bad enough that Kal-El served these humans like some kind of living drone.

Bad enough that he had required her to adopt a human identity and learn to live among them as Kara Kent.

Bad enough that she’d had to fly to Kansas’s airport in an unwieldy heavier-than-air craft instead of under her own power.

And bad enough that their primitive transportation system required dire new inconvenience to complete her journey, such as this slow-moving wheeled contraption.

But Smallville. At least Metropolis, with its Art Deco architecture and numerous laboratories, seemed to be aspiring to recapture Krypton’s spirit. Smallville was stubbornly caught up in a particularly barbaric twentieth century. Jonathan and Martha Kent, her new benefactors, wore bib overalls and red plaid shirts. Even by Earth standards, they were primordial.

Clark introduced her to them, explaining that they’d helped him learn to control his powers, and would do the same for her as they helped her figure out Earth society. Not that there seemed much to know—it was more like forgetting what she already knew about how an ordered, logical society should work.

In an internal-combustion vehicle that seemed designed far more for the cargo in the back than the living beings in the front, she was transported to the Kents’ farm. There, she met Lana Lang. She wore a halter top and a pair of short-shorts, exposing her flesh as was the custom of the Earth’s sexually active.

“Kara! Hi. So glad to finally meet you. Clark told you about me?”

“Yes,” Kara said. She eyed the ring on Lana’s un-middle finger. The Kents’ had similar ones, most especially the female. Kara recited: “You are partial owner of LexCorp, an important corporate-state that Kal-El conquered and is now transitioning to proper Kryptonian ways.”

“I suppose you could say that…”

“The circular metal on your finger indicates that you belong to Kal-El.”

“And I guess you could say that too…” Lana stuffed her hands in her pockets. “We’re getting married.”

“I’m sure you are,” Kara said tensely. “Why are you on a ‘farm’ if you possess valuable resources? Are you making amends for something?”

“No, Kara, I’m on vacation. I decided to step back, visit my hometown, and help you adjust while Mercy runs the day-to-day operations of the company.”

How lazy.

They walked through the cornfield together—Kara walking, Lana following after her to Kara’s consternation.

“So you’ve done research on Earth. Clark told me about that. He said when he was in school, Jor-El’s teaching had everything he studied right at the tip of his tongue.”

“I checked your global communication grid on the plane. It had much faulty information on it. You should work on that.”

“Yes, we, uh, we are working on the internet… so, surfing the web, did you see anything you might like to do during the summer?”

“I saw that there is a custom of communal bathing and exercise in chlorinated water. It seems exotic.” Mostly, though, Kara liked the thought of Kal-El going bathing with her, dressed only in the scant trunks worn by swimmers and bird-themed sidekicks. Seeing just how tall he was, how muscular he was, how well-built, the only mystery left what bulged at his crotch. The key to the lock in her own groin…

“Oh, you mean swimming,” Lana said. “We have one of those around here.”

“A ‘swimming pool’?”

“Well, no, it’s more of a pond. It’s on my property, actually. Clark and I used to use it all the time. We were kinda the only people who did. In fact, we spent a lot of time together, getting into all sorts of trouble, so if you ever want to hear some war stories about your cousin…”

“Kal-El went to war? Were his reproductive systems damaged?”

“Uh, no. Not to my knowledge. I just mean we’ve known each other a long time, and since you seem so… interested… in him, I could help you get to know him better.”

Wonderful, Kara thought, not only is Kal neglecting his husbandly duties, but he’s charged me with caring for his pet.


In no time at all, Kara was settled into the large, comfortable bedroom that the Kents had prepared for her. As disgruntled as she was about being dumped in this civilization’s backwaters, not even the meager height of its progression that Kal had claimed as his own fiefdom, she would allow that the natives had given her sumptuous quartering. She especially liked the view from the large windows, showing expansive stretches of the local food-growth with a jewel-blue pond in the distance.

She sighed, turning away from the window. The first lesson the Kents had given to her was in human ritual, so she knew that she had to freshen up for dinner. Again and again and again. This place may have been pretty enough, but only for a few days. There was no way she’d be able to stand living here for weeks or even months!

Dinner was an uncomfortable affair. Kal’s pet Lana came over to join in on the Kents’ attempts to cheer her, but she met all their attempts with stony silence. What could she and they possibly have to talk about?

After enough brief, noncommittal answers, they fell silent. Kara tried to enjoy her meal. It was not nearly as beneficial as a proper Kryptonian nutrition-feed would be.

The summer days settled into a humdrum routine for Kara. She was given labor-intensive ‘chores’ to do around the farm that would supposedly help her hone her control. Despite how easy her powers made such tasks, she still felt offended at having to do them. She resisted all attempts by her new relatives to include her in any of their activities, preferring to write long, withering letters to Kal arguing her case in the most logical terms. His replies kept telling her to be patient and learn how to get along on Earth, no matter how logical she got.

She had been there almost a week when Lana invited her to go swimming. By then, Kara was so bored that she really wanted to agree to go. But she had been putting the pond down with passive-aggressive superiority since she got there, the same way she had most everything in the Kents’ lives. Her pride prevented her from giving in, so she went to her room to be alone, as per usual.

She paced her room restlessly, looking out her window now and then. With her telescopic vision she could see Lana splashing happily in the pond, looking fit and athletic in her Earthly ‘bikini,’ and Kara groaned, wishing she had accompanied her. Her resentment at being forced to spend her time on Earth here instead of at Kal’s side had grown so much that she felt she would go mad if she didn’t find a way to relieve her boredom. Not to mention the tension that had welled up in her since seeing Kal as an adult. There was an Earth saying that, for once, was useful: so close, yet so far away. The very fact of being so near to sexual bliss with Kal made it all the harder for her to be denied it. And that Lana creature got to enjoy all that she wanted—Kal actually laid with her.

It would be fun if I had some way to get even with her, Kara thought, smiling at the thought, smiling for the first time since her arrival in Kansas. Yes, that would be a proper way to fill her time. It would be an interesting experiment in Earth culture, seeing how Lana reacted to such psychological stress.

The young Kryptonian found herself growing more and more excited at the idea, and for some reason, the thought of belittling Lana, embarrassing her, was making the locked sensation in her stomach grow even faster. She moaned softly, unbuttoning her halter top. She wouldn’t have to wear much to the ‘old swimming hole’ anyway. And as she undressed, Kara wondered what she could do to Lana? What, out of everything, would be suitable punishment for stealing the affection that was rightfully hers?


Lana admired her body as she applied a fresh coat of suntan lotion, having done a few laps in the swimming hole and now pulled herself up onto the pier. She’d worn herself out, doing her one-woman swim meet, but she had to keep in shape now that she was Clark’s fiancé. With all the exercise Lois got running from Intergang, there was no way Lana would let herself lag behind.

Pah—fat chance of that, though. Lana admired herself quite a lot in her blue swimsuit, the one-piece contrasting just right with her fair skin and long red hair. Short as she was, she made up for her height in plenty of other places. And she’d do so even more once Clark got her pregnant…

Just before she could lie down and work on her tan, Lana heard a mighty splash coming from the water. She scooted closer to the edge of the pier, dangling her legs off the side, and stared at the foaming white and concentric waves of an impact, straining her eyes to see what had dropped in before Kara Kent came to the surface.

“Oh! Kara! I thought you didn’t want to join me.”

“I changed my mind,” Kara said, her bronze tan practically gleaming on her bare arms and shoulders. And her wet, golden hair was literally sparkling, catching the sun just right to shine like its own shaft of sunlight.

She lifted one hand out of the water, holding up a six-pack of beer by one empty ring. “I brought us something to drink, in case you were thirsty. I can run back to the house if you’re hungry too,” she said solicitously.

“No, a drink is more than enough.” Lana smiled uncertainly at her new charge, surprised that the teenager had decided to enjoy her company instead of hiding out in her bedroom. “But you do know that’s a kinda… adult beverage, right?”

“I am an adult,” Kara said, swooping kicks of her legs getting her closer to the older woman. Lana could see her feet breaching the surface, then slicing back under it. God, but she was athletic. Even Clark didn’t have her… flexibility.

“I know, of course, but that’s just for the Kents. I don’t drink.”

“I thought I was a Kent,” Kara said. “And I thought you were a Kent…”

“Of course you are, Kara. I just meant that that’s more for Ma and Pa than for… us.”

“But they won’t mind if we have some, will they?” Kara asked, coming to a rest at the pilings of the pier. She looked up at Lana in a pouting fashion, and looking down at her, Lana could see bare skin plunging deep into the water, that bronze tan undulating under the rippling waves in one solid mass. God… was Kara wearing anything at all?

“Please, Aunt Lana? Have a drink with me?”

Lana sighed—she did like the sound of that. Aunt Lana. She reached down and Kara handed her up the six-pack. As she reached, her chest broached the still waters, and Lana saw one nipple clear the surface, then sink back under it—a moment of startling pink.

Oh my… well, it isn’t like I never went skinny-dipping when I was her age. And it is just us girls…

Shaking her head at the knowledge that this was against her better judgment, Lana extracted two cans from their plastic and popped the tabs on both. Kara jerked back in surprise as they fizzed, then laughed mildly at herself. She pulled herself up a piling, more floating than actually climbing, and sat herself down beside Lana with her legs crossed in a ladylike fashion.

Thank God she was wearing shorts at least, red swim trunks like a boy would have on. Lana guessed Kara hadn’t yet learned the difference between a man’s nipples and a woman’s.

There was something kittenish about how she sat there, mature and nude and utterly dignified, yet with a slight air of innocence and naiveté, as if she weren’t quite aware of the effect her appearance had. It was seductive, true, the kind of not-quite-vamping pose Lana would’ve struck to get Clark’s attention, but also a little endearing. Adorable, even if Kara would probably hate being described in those terms. Lana had probably come off the same way, throwing herself at Clark in tight sweaters and push-up bras.

“I hope this isn’t too strong for you,” Lana said, handing Kara hers. “Pa orders them from the Netherlands.”

Kara quickly downed half her drink. “It’s bitter,” she said in mild complaint.

“Oh, it’s warm,” Lana said. “You really should drink it cold…”

Kara considered this, then blew on hers, the icy vapors of her breath visible as she used her power. The can frosted over. She inclined her head to Lana, wordlessly offering the same, but there was a hint of promise in her eyes. Lana felt as if Kara were showing off for her, or something.

She held up the beer can, careful to keep her fingers only on the top edge, and Kara blew on it just enough to chill Lana’s fingertips with an icy burr. Lana let out a squeal and set her can down, shaking off her hand and rubbing it on her thigh. Kara watched her do it, the frantic motion sending little ripples through her skin, making the crotch of Lana’s one-piece pull to one side. Lana carefully adjusted herself back to full modesty before she picked up her drink again.

Kara downed her beer and moaned softly, enjoying the way the heady liquid seemed to shoot straight into her sensations, making her feel warm all over.

“Drink! You haven’t even touched yours, Aunt Lana.”

“I really don’t drink much,” Lana said uncertainly. “Really I don’t…”

“Good! Then you’ll enjoy it all the more. Don’t you want to enjoy spending time with me?”

“Of course I do,” Lana said. “But I’ll enjoy your company no matter what. Oh, alright, fine—who wants to drink alone?”

“Or not drink alone,” Kara replied.

Lana toasted Kara, then raised her can and sipped daintily. Kara laughingly reached out and lifted the bottom of the can upward, forcing Lana to either gulp it down or spill it.

“Urrghhh!” Lana gurgled, her eyes widened as she frantically struggled not to choke. In the process, she swallowed every single drop of the strong beer.

“Good girl,” Kara said softly, taking her hand away from the can. “It is an Earth drink, after all.”

She put her empty beer can down on the pier, crushing it casually under her palm, and Lana put hers down as well, already feeling tipsy.

“Kara, I can’t believe you made me drink all that!”

“You liked it, didn’t you?” Kara asked knowingly, kicking her legs out at the water.

“Yes!” Lana responded with a little high-pitched giggle that made her sound like a teenager herself. “Kara, Kara, what am I going to do with you?”

“It’s what I’m going to do with you that you should be concerned with,” Kara said teasingly.

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“Well, you are Kal’s… Clark’s, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know if I’d put it that way. It’s not like he owns me!”

“Of course not,” Kara condescended, knowing that with a superior being like Kal and a primitive like Lana, of course it was. “But he’s in the city, with Lois and that other woman, while you’re all the way out here, taking care of me.”

“I don’t mind helping you accumulate… acclimate to Earth,” Lana said reassuringly. “And Clark and I, well… he’s Superman. I have to be used to not getting to see him every minute of every day. But he lets me know he loves me every chance that he gets.”

“Still, it must be lonely,” Kara said, eyes downcast. “And frustrating, having him be with someone else when he should be with you. Having… needs… and then they go unfulfilled, like they don’t even matter… Kal should make sure your needs are seen to.”

“I can take care of myself,” Lana assured her.

“No, you can’t. None of you can. All of Earth needs his protection, but one little female can get along fine without him? You need him!”

“I didn’t say I didn’t need him, but—“

“I can smell it on you. Hear you at night. Your hormones are raging, your body heat rises, you’ve had him once and you can’t think of anything else but having him again!”

Lana was suddenly very aware, soberingly aware, of being alone in the middle of nowhere with this naked, perfect young woman, her breasts pert and lovely, her words sexual and explicit. She wasn’t anyone’s idea of an old maid, but Kara was just so young.

“I don’t know if this is the appropriate kind of conversation your cousin Kal would want us to be having,” she slurred, the beer hitting her harder than she’d expected.

“He’s not my cousin, he’s my husband. And I’m fine with him having pets. In fact, I’m going to show him that I can help him take care of his pets!”

Kara stood quickly, thumbing her trunks, tugging them down to give Lana a look at her sweet cunt. Lana gapped at it, watching as Kara’s bottoms fell slowly down her legs, around her knees, then fluffed out at her feet. Kara stepped out of them, spread her legs a little, planted her feet wide, then canted her hips at Lana’s widening eyes.

“Kara! What are you doing?” Lana asked, shocked.

But her gaze was fixed on Kara’s pussy.

“Letting you lick my pussy, of course!” Kara said as she dropped onto her ass and spread her legs wide. “Hurry, Lana. I need it almost as bad as you do!”

Lana paled, but she was unconsciously licking her lips. “I—I can’t,” she murmured, pretending her own pussy wasn’t burning with need.

“Sure you can!” Kara chirped, beginning to rub one hand over her dampening pussy. She enjoyed the way Lana was watching her every move: not wanting to, but helpless to look away.

“You’re Clark’s cousin… his sweet little girl,” Lana said huskily.

“You know you want to do it, Lana,” Kara said confidently. “You haven’t taken your eyes off me since I got here—or off my pussy since I stripped. Do it to me, Lana. Lick all over my hot little cunt with your wet tongue or I’ll tell Kal he can’t keep you and he’ll never fuck you again!”

Lana was a lightweight, already too intoxicated from the beer and her own lust to question the logic in Kara’s threat. She crawled between the teenager’s spread legs and looked up at her, her gaze falling on Kara’s pert breasts.

“Good girl. Oh, you like my tits too, huh? That’s okay. You can start with them and then do my pussy. Come on, Aunt Lana, lick my tits!”

With a little groan, Lana sprawled herself over Kara’s lap, embracing the girl. She reached out with her tongue, licking at the tips of Kara’s trembling breasts. The older woman’s tongue moved around in a series of circles, trying to find the outermost edges of the sweet spiral her mouth was following.

Kara’s breasts were nice and big to begin with, the perfect size to fill out the tight T-shirts she tended to wear and stretch her cousin’s emblem into something just as sexual as his broad-chested musculature, but to Lana’s hands, Lana’s lips, they seemed even larger. Never-ending, no matter how long she licked and sucked, there was always more to find beneath her lips. Fuck, maybe she’d gotten confused and gotten to second base with Power Girl instead.

“Mmmm, yeah, not bad, Aunt Lana!” Kara moaned. “That really isn’t so bad, is it? Do it again, on my other tit. And I want to feel that tongue on my nipple! Really let me feel it!”

She was enjoying the power she had over her Earthly guardian as much as she was enjoying the sensual feel of the woman’s tongue on her pert breasts. It was as if the two women had switched roles, with Kara the one in charge and Lana helplessly following her orders. How good that was. How right.

Lana was trembling all over as her tongue moved across and around Kara’s other breast, her rough tongue always returning to Kara’s nipple and the way it made Kara groan with pleasure if she just lapped at it hard enough.

Then, Kara put her hand on top of Lana’s head. The older woman allowed her face to be pushed down until she was deep inside Kara’s cleavage, Kara cupping her own breast and forcing the nipple to Lana’s mouth.

“Now suck it, auntie,” Kara ordered. “Suck it good and hard, like you do Kal! Show me how you’ll please him if I let Kal keep you!”

Lana hesitated for just a second, her foggy mind registering something wrong with Kara’s words, but they were far hotter than they were wrong. Hot because they were wrong. She took the erect nipple into her hot mouth.

“Yesss!” Kara hissed through clenched teeth as a sharp tingle coursed through her. Maybe Kal had the right idea with these humans.

Lana sucked the quivering pebble for another minute, then, without being told to, she moved to Kara’s other teat. She eagerly sucked the left nipple into her mouth, her tongue washing over the strawberry-hued bud, making it glisten lewdly as Kara’s other nipple was.

“Ohhh, Rao, that’s great!” Kara groaned. Her tits felt swollen to twice their normal size with the sexual excitement that was pounding through her. “Now back to my other tit! Suck it hard!” she gasped, feeling the need to order Lana around to make up for the willfulness she’d allowed.

Lana’s wet mouth moved back to Kara’s right tit, her teeth nipping at the creamy flesh before opening her mouth wide and sucking the entire areola into her mouth.

Kara cried out with pleasure and put both hands on the back of Lana’s head. Lana was sucking hard, her body making little shuddering motions as she sucked Kara’s tits.

“That’s good, Lana—you’re making me feel so good!” Kara moaned, feeling the soft strokes of Lana’s tongue across her swollen breasts and stiff nipples. She ran her fingers through Lana’s silky hair. “Move your head down now. I want to feel your tongue all over me.”

Lana’s lips reluctantly pulled away from Kara’s tits, moving down her body in a series of kisses. She wanted to linger on every softly toned inch of her belly, every ridge of muscle she felt underlying it, but she kept going down, lower and lower, feeling the heat increase, smelling Kara’s scent more and more strongly. Her tongue slipped in and out of Kara’s belly button, oft-displayed in her too-short tees, and Lana knew what waited for her just below. She had thought often enough of Kara’s cute little navel, but hadn’t dared to think of what lay under it…

“Great Rao, you’re really turning me on, you primitive little bitch!” Kara cried. She reached down and grabbed Lana by the hair. When she pulled her face up, she saw that there was a hapless grin on the older woman’s face. “I knew it, you little pervert!” she said triumphantly. “You wanna eat my pussy so bad. If I let you, do you promise to really make me feel good? Will you drink all my juices when I come in your face?”

“Wait, wait—“ Lana said, her voice slurred with lust. “I shouldn’t, I can’t, you’re Clark’s cousin!”

“And you’re going to eat my cunt,” Kara said. “Just like you’ve been thinking about as you use that antiquated Earth technology between your legs! You’re Kal-El’s property and he’s going to share!”

“I can’t possibly—I can’t do that! He’d never… forgive me…”

“What does that matter?” Kara asked with a little laugh, never doubting for a moment that her ‘Aunt Lana’ would do exactly as she was told by her better. “If he stops fucking you, I’ll start. It shouldn’t take much to please you. I’ve researched your species’s clitoral stimulation and G-spot. All fairly simple. What’s more, you know this is just what you want to do. You want to eat my little pussy more than you’ve ever wanted anything! I know it and you know it, so stop playing games and obey your master like a good doggie. The way you sucked my tits really turned me on, and now my pussy’s wet all because of you. So you’d better get down there and lick it up before I find Kal and make him do it! He won’t like hearing that one of his pets is being so naughty!”

Kara’s cunt was throbbing, her juices slicking the insides of her naked thighs.

“Now!” she demanded.

Lana gave a helpless little groan as she stared at Kara’s drenched pussy. It was ridiculous, but Lana’s first thought was that she couldn’t let Clark find out what a slut his cousin was in such a way. Her second was realizing that she was licking her lips at the thought of Kara’s sex.

Kara grabbed her head and pulled it down to her belly again. Lana did not resist. Her tongue hungrily moved down past Kara’s belly buttons, to the finely spun gold of her pubic hair.

“Do it!” Kara ordered.

With another groan, Lana licked the moisture from Kara’s silky pubic hair. Then she moved her face a bit lower.

“Oh, yes, Aunt Lana!” Kara moaned. “Hurry!”

Lana’s soft lips touched Kara’s creamy thighs. Her tongue began to move up and down the wet thighs, never quite touching Kara’s sex.

“Now!” Kara said impatiently. “Don’t you dare tease me! Stick your tongue inside me!”

“I’m not trying to tease you,” Lana said, her voice trembling. “I just… I don’t know…”

“You’ll learn!” Kara barked, and gripped Lana’s head to pull her into her wet pussy. Kara spread her legs wider as Lana started licking at her swollen folds, gasping as she felt the wet tongue licking up and down her need. Her juices soaked Lana’s tongue and lips in seconds, and Lana licked away the moisture for minutes on end before finally shoving her tongue inside of Kara.

“Awwww, yes!” Kara moaned softly. “Great Rao, that feels so fuckin’ good!”

Lana savored Kara’s cunt for a few moments without moving, simply letting Kara’s flowing juices cascade over her tongue and into her mouth. They tasted delicious. She could’ve let Kara feed her all day. But she wanted to please Kara, Clark, they all blurred together in her aroused mind.

She slid her hands underneath Kara’s ass—it was as perfect as the rest of her, smooth as glass but pliant as a pillow—and lifted the girl off the pier. With Kara’s cunt perfectly situated under her mouth, she fucked the full length of her tongue into Kara’s clasping pussy.

“Ohhh yes, that’s just what I need, Aunt Lana!” Kara cried. “I need you all the way in my pussy! I need your tongue where Kal’s going to go! It feels just fucking perfect!”

Kara gripped Lana’s tongue with her kegels, giving it a hard squeeze before releasing it again. Lana moaned into Kara’s gaping cunt as she realized the kiss Kara had just given her. Each time she thrust her tongue fully into Kara’s tight sex, the tip of her tongue banged up against a rubbery ridge, making the aroused Kryptonian moan with excitement each time. It had to be some kind of alien G-spot, and the idea that she was lapping at Kara’s G made Lana want to gush herself.

Her own pussy was drenched by now, and she could hardly wait for her turn to be eaten out. If it was Kal, Clark, he would’ve gentlemanly gone down on her first, but she could put up with Kara going first. She was young and a bit spoiled, that was all. Far more important was how damn good she tasted.

Kara’s hands massaged her own breasts, rubbing and pinching her nipples as Lana had done with her mouth. She knew that she was going to come soon. There were icy-hot shivers of lust shooting all through her naked body. She slipped her hands down and cupped Lana’s bobbing head, holding on tightly, pulling Lana’s face right up against her wet cunt.

“Yes, Earth whore, eat me up! Eat your better’s pussy like you’re meant to!” Kara gasped. “Eat my fucking cunt like a good doggie should! I need your tongue inside me!”

Again and again, Lana fucked her tongue in and out of Kara’s tight cunt. Kara’s ass lifted up higher from the pier and out of Lana’s gripping hands. She felt as if she could never get enough of that wet tongue in her pussy.

Shuddering spasms began to course through Kara’s body. She lifted herself a bit higher with each primal thrust of Lana’s tongue. She could feel more and more of her juices filling her cunt, pouring into the older woman’s mouth.

“Ooooh! I’m going to come!” Kara cried at the top of her lungs. “You little savage! You’re making me come! Rao, yes, here it comes! It’s happening! I’m coming! Keep eating me—coming so hard!”

She tightened her grip on Lana’s head to keep the woman from drawing away at the crucial moment, but there was nowhere Lana would rather be. She gulped down the flood of Kara’s pleasure that poured into her mouth.

“Yes! Swallow it all! Taste the satisfaction you’ve brought your mistress!”

Lana groaned, her face still pressed tightly against Kara’s cunt as it pulsed and throbbed with satisfaction. She felt her own pussy clenching on itself with desire, and she longed for the moment when Kara would plaster her own face to Lana’s cunt and return the favor. Feeling Kara’s pussy shuddering orgasmically against her dripping face just served to arouse Lana all the more, and she longed to feel Kara’s gratitude.

Finally, the last shudders of domineering orgasm passed through Kara’s body. She relaxed and released Lana, but the redhead kept her head down against Kara’s sex for a few more minutes, gently sucking more moisture from Kara’s folds. When Kara’s little pussy became too sensitive for even that, she reached down and pushed Lana’s head away.

At last, Lana took her numb tongue from Kara’s quaking cunt. She smacked her lips nosily, wiped them off with the heel of her hand, and laid down on her back, grinning up at Kara.

“Goddamn, Kara. You Kryptonians never do anything halfway, do you? Is all your cooking that good?” she joked, wiping some of Kara’s cream from her nose. It had gotten everywhere with Lana’s messy eating.

Kara smiled, seeing her juices glistening lewdly all over Lana’s flushed face and down her body, all the way to the tempting cleavage of her swimsuit. She picked up her trunks and tugged them back on, making a little show of jiggling as she worked them up her legs.

“Kara?” Lana asked in surprise. “Why are you getting dressed?”

“Sorry, playing with you has gotten a little boring. I think I’ll go back to my room.”

“But, Kara! Aren’t you going to eat me out?” Lana asked desperately, barely able to move for the tremors it sent through her ready, needy cunt.

“You didn’t get off while you were servicing me?” Kara asked innocently. “Well, that’s hardly my fault. You should endeavor to be less frigid.”

Lana was shaking with frustration. “You don’t understand—I’m so hot, I can barely stand it! Can’t we just—“

“If Kal loves you so much, why don’t you just get him to fuck you?” Kara asked with a laugh. “I’m sure you’ll come for one of us!”

With that, she bounded off the pier and into a flight back to the Kent farm, feeling much more relaxed. She felt a little mean, but reminded herself that it was only a pet, after all. If you didn’t show them who was boss, they’d walk all over you.


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