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Dhalua saw that Scott’s prick was rigid. He was ready for her. Emma and Jean were ready for it as well. But Dhalua was going to do it her own way, in her own time. When it was over, she was sure no one would have any complaints.

Scott was well-endowed by any standard. Looking down at the raging power of his erection, Dhalua felt her determination grow. She was going to give this man the best blowjob he’d ever had. He would thank her for it when the blonde and the redhead put their differences aside so they could struggle to match her mastery instead.

Dhalua put her hands around Scott’s endowment. It was huge, but her fingers were long, her palms powerful in their compactness. She was just able to encircle his girth. For a long moment, Dhalua simply held him in her grip. His prick thundered and pulsed in her hands. Soon, unconsciously, Scott’s hips swayed. He ground himself into the pressure she offered his manhood.

Subtly Dhalua helped with the contact. She slowly moved her hands up and down his length, holding the foreskin tight so it moved with her stroking touch. At the top of each rub, his foreskin encased the head of his member. At the bottom, her hands touched the wiry pubic hair that held the base of his cock.

“Suck me, Dhalua… you wanted my cum… go get it already,” Scott groaned, clearly aggravated by the slowness with which her lovemaking developed.

Dhalua smiled at him reassuringly and kept up her caresses.

Even Emma and Jean’s bickering had to grow quiet in the face of their mounting anticipation. They watched the spectacle unfolding as though it were happening to them. In a way, it was. They were her audience, the receptacle of this performance, as Jean had been Emma’s.

Dhalua stroked Scott faster now, quickening her rhythm until her hands flowed up and down his staff in a frenzy that jostled its way to ample bosom, making her breasts jiggle wildly. A fine sheen of sweat covered her ebony body, making the luster of her toned flesh obvious to all watching.

Emma envied Scott the feeling of her touch and Jean, even though she’d already been pleasured by the woman, found herself wishing she could join in. But even the White Queen knew this performance was just for Scott.

“Oh yesss,” Scott groaned. For all his vigilante, his ruby quartz faded darker and darker as his eyes stayed shut in ecstasy. “More, more…”

Almost madly now, Dhalua pumped up and down. She knew it wouldn’t take much longer, but she was determined that the finish be as perfect as the slow, elegant build-up.

Hhha—“ Scott grunted, his entire musculature tensed and taut, all but his cock, which trembled in Dhalua’s hands.

That was her signal to stop.

She jerked her hands away from his prick, ending it so abruptly it was like she’d never touched him at all. Scott’s cock jutted out, bare and unattended in the middle of the steamy miasma their foreplay had infused the room with.

Dhalua smiled blankly, neither reassuring him with it nor mocking him. It was just a curve of her lips indicating her contentment with the present situation.

Nothing happened. Scott’s will was strong; he waited to see what she would do despite the deliriousness of the build-up and the sudden stop. That evenness pleased Dhalua; reminded her of her husband. She stood there, her breasts heaving from her exertions and the passion she was trying to hold back to make her point.

She gave his cock thirty seconds to cool down until it was no longer bloated with cum about to be spilled. Then she reached out and took hold of it again. It was so big now, throbbing so hard, that it virtually defied her grip on it.

“I’m going to show you what a lucky man my husband is, Scott Summers,” she said. “I hope your women are motivated by my example to make you equally fortunate. Two heads aren’t better than one when those heads are constantly butting into each other.”

Despite herself and her cool words, Dhalua quivered with excitement as she bent forward. Her lips stopped less than an inch from the end of Scott’s quivering erection. She saw a tiny drop of precum standing at his glanshole, waiting for her tongue. No sooner had it been offered than she devoured it, her tongue darting out and swiping it from the tip of Scott’s cockhead.

At the flick of her tongue, Scott’s body roiled with tension; Dhalua knew he wouldn’t be able to put up much resistance to her making him come. Bracing herself against Scott’s muscular thighs, she ducked down even further, her head bobbing as she licked every inch of his burgeoning manhood.

Her damp tongue ran up and down his shaft, not stopping until all of it was gleaming in the soft light. The shimmering wetness made it look even bigger, like it would be impossible to fully hide it in Dhalua’s mouth and throat. But she never had any doubts.

Opening her lips wide, she worked her mouth over the massive bellend of Scott’s member.

Unnhhh,” Scott groaned, feeling her lips settle around his helmet, the spade-shaped knob filling her mouth, while his thick shaft was like a piston with its switch freshly thrown, ready to charge all the way into Dhalua’s throat no matter how little room that sheath had for it.

Somehow, though, Scott held himself still and let Dhalua work. Slowly, expertly, she made her way down his length, her fingers kneading the muscles of his thighs as she swallowed him again and again. Not once did she hesitate, maintaining the same steady pace until her lips were buried in the wiry hair of his groin. His shaft completely encircled by her sputtering throat and his cockhead deep within her gullet.

With an even finer slowness, even more exquisite skill, Dhalua smoothly rolled her head back up the length of his gargantuan shaft. It came out into the light only for her to duck her head back down and disappear it once again into Dhalua’s smoothly rolling lips.

Again and again her head drove down on his prick, then came back up, letting his shaft back out of her maw. All while her supple hands reached around Scott’s waist to massage his toned buttocks. A vain attempt to relax Scott as he grew more and more passionate at having her mouth tripping back and forth on his maleness.

It wouldn’t be long now.

Dhalua felt his cock trembling again, shuddering again. Hot cum seething in his balls. Boiling to flow down his shaft and shoot into her mouth. This time, she knew she would taste it. She bobbed her head harder, slamming her way to the base of his erection, licking and sucking with each pump. Her tongue whipped all over his manhood. Scott’s pelvis drove into the friction her throat provided, pushing Dhalua’s head up like he was trying to lift her off the floor. He was about to explode—Dhalua was ready for him.

His cock swelled precipitously and then erupted, plugging his molten cum deep into Dhalua’s eagerly sucking mouth. A warm glow covered Dhalua when she felt the hot jism smack against the back of her throat, run down into her stomach as fast as her throat muscles could swallow. Throb after throb shuddered through her electric body while her belly filled and filled.

She took all he gave her.

Not a single drop escaped from her full, sensual lips. She kept them wrapped firmly around his quaking erection and held its entire length down her throat, licking passionately as the seed continued to jet from his cockhead.

Finally the racking spasms stopped, but Dhalua still held herself down on his flagging erection, licking and sucking until even the dregs of his ejaculation were claimed by her. Only then did she pull herself up off his dick. She looked up at him and smiled with cum glowing white on her teeth. It trickled down her chin, letting Emma and Jean see it as well.

There was only one problem.

Scott was finished, but Dhalua’s appetite hadn’t been sated by the obscene amount of cum he’d dumped down her throat. She needed to feel the same pornographic excess in her cunt, in her asshole. She looked wildly around the room, her eyes ablaze with the passion that had filled her just as much as Scott’s semen.
