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Whimpering mewls of delight undulated from her throat. Her back arched up as his tongue teased at her interior, only to return to her clit for another shock of painfully orgasmic pleasure. Selina wasn’t ready for it. She needed more of a build-up or it would sting almost too much to be enjoyable.

“Too much—! Not yet—!” she whined, although her legs trembled and she pitched her hips up to meet Kon’s sucking mouth. Then she felt his finger seek out her asshole and Selina let out a wail of delight.

Kon looked up from her sex and shot a grin her way. “I think this kitty wants a little more. Yeah, she can’t get enough…”

“Fuck me in the cunt!” Selina panted, so hot now that her goggles were actually fogging up. “But take me from behind! Like a bitch in heat!”

She rolled around until she was bent over the edge of the daybed, her head down, her ass offered up like tribute. Reaching behind herself, Selina opened her buttocks in clear invitation.

“Goddamn, even skintight leather doesn’t do that ass justice,” Kon intoned as reverently as he got. “How the shit does Batman not take care of you?”

“What makes you think he doesn’t?”

“Because I can see every hole you’ve got and none of them have his dick in them.”

“Just fuck me,” Selina groaned. “Before I regret taking my cunt off your mouth.”

Immediately she felt Kon’s hands lock onto her waist and hold her tight. Then his engorged cockhead brushed against her wet slot. She squirmed, wiggling her ass backwards in an attempt to catch that contact, prolong it into penetration. But Kon only teased her by rubbing his glans over the length of her slit. Selina was just opening her mouth to complain when he finally jolted forward, shoving the entirety of his throbbing erection into her burning sex.

Selina didn’t know how long Harley and Ivy had been at Kon, but they’d made him an expert, if he weren’t one already. If there was anything he didn’t know about sex, Selina couldn’t teach it to him. Within seconds he had her delirious with pleasure, moaning and quaking in a vain attempt to express how good it felt to have him inside her.

A fingertip tickled her anus again and this time his blunt thumb pushed through the sphincter to sodomize her. It was nowhere near as big as his cock, of course, but in her tight little asshole, Selina felt just as fucked as she was in her cunt.

“Oh God, I’m gonna come! Oh, sweet baby, don’t stop! Not when I’m almost there! Please, I’m so close!”

Kon kept going, pistoning in and out of her in long, smooth strokes that sent shudders all the way to the core of her, left her quaking in every inch of her body.

She came again and again. It seemed endless. Kon kept pumping her with his dick and she kept orgasming for him, her convulsing folds drawing on his manhood in never-ending lust for his cum.

“Oh! Oh! Hnngh! UNNNNHHHHH! OH GOD! Make me come in all my holes! Fuck me wherever you can put that COCK!”

Selina was so wet she couldn’t believe it. When Kon came, no matter how much he shot, it would be almost literally a drop in the bucket. A flood of her cream soaked her thighs and pooled on the daybed. His balls slapped against the sea of wetness as he drilled her, splattering it all over her legs and belly with each stroke of his plunging masculinity.

With his free hand—the hand whose thumb wasn’t rooting around in her oversensitive anus—Kon spanked her. His big hand and strong fingers chopping from the fat curve of her hip to the swell of her ass. Selina crooned at the pain. In the midst of all her pleasure, it was just more to feel.

“Keep fucking me!” she gasped. “Don’t stop until you give me your cum! I want it all!”

Selina gibbered and ululated in wanton abandon, not sure what she was even trying to express anymore, only that it demanded to be let out of her gaping mouth. She felt perfect. Like she’d finally found the perfect fuck. She knew nothing about Superboy beyond the fact that he wasn’t Superman, but he knew just what to do with the fat cock that he kept sending in and out of her pussy like a well-oiled machine.

His fingers clutching clawed handfuls of her peach of an ass, Kon used her like he wanted to get every cent of his money’s worth.

Selina wondered if that made her his whore.

He kept giving it to her and giving it to her. She imagined his prick swelling even bigger, stretching the opening of her sex to the point where it would always be able to take him. And she shook her ass, encouraging him. “Fuck me! Fuck me, you big bastard! I wanna know I’ve had a man’s cock inside me!”

Kon finally sped up, his racing strokes now testing the limits of Selina’s endurance. Her only consolation, as she was battered and shook to her very center, was that his limit had been reached too. Kon was about to come. And she wanted it. Selina wanted to feel just how much he could give her burning snatch now that she had it all heated up for him.

Kon leaned over her back, hooked a finger in the strap of her goggles, and pulled on it until she bent backwards, her lower body only held down by his slamming hips bouncing off her ass.

“This is what I did to Ivy,” he hissed in Selina’s ear. “Remember how she looked? Cum dribbling out of her open pussy? Her eyes rolled up in her head?

“I’m not! GG! An easy lay! HNN! Like she is! AHH!”

“Beautiful fucking tits,” Kon groaned, wrapping his arms around Selina, clutching big fistfuls of her breasts. He held onto her heaving mammaries, bracing his shaking hands while he came.

Selina felt absolutely enclosed within his orgasm. She felt his cum spurt into her, heard him grunt in time with his ejaculations, and her body convulsed with each launch. The cat burglar thrust her ass against his loins, her chest into his hands. Fucking herself on him and swallowing all his seed with her hungry pussy.

It was wonderful. Her pussy full of exploding cum. Her body covered by a loving man. It was just perfect.

When Kon finally pulled his leaking cock out of her slit, Selina was totally sated. She rolled onto her back and twitched with whatever energy was left in her. Her thighs squeezed shut, getting a last pang of feeling out of her completely fulfilled sex.

This must be what it feels like, she thought, remembering how Ivy had looked when Kon finished with her.

Only Ivy had at least been conscious enough to beg for more. Selina didn’t have anywhere near that energy. As annoyingly cutesy as Ivy and Harley were with each other, they’d apparently built up some endurance in all those marathon sex sessions—marathons that now included Kon. Selina would have to catch up. When she woke. Right now, even more than Kon’s prick, she wanted to sleep…


Kon tucked his dick away and zipped up. Selina was out of it. Ivy wasn’t much better—she’d been watching the fuck and had enough mentality left to call upon a green-leafed tentacle. It’d done a number on what was left of Ivy’s wakefulness. She was puddled on the floor, blank eyes still staring at the daybed, motionless except for the vine gently plundering between her legs.

It made for a tempting sight, but Kon was at least mature enough to be wary of reigniting the constant civil war that seemed to be all the Sirens did whenever they were out of immediate danger or crime… criming… criminality?

Yeah, that sounded like something Tim would say.

He didn’t think Tim would plow Selina, but if Tim did (and the guy could use it), he probably would’ve done it like Kon had: counting his blessings and keeping his excitement to himself until he finished. If Selina had blue-balled him, Kon didn’t think he could’ve taken it. Thankfully, that wasn’t an issue now. He was well and truly drained, as satiated as all of them were.

Well, except for Harley, who was still tied up on the floor, writhing around. Selina had stuffed her whiphandle into Harley’s mouth to gag her; Harley’s attempts to say something despite its muffling resulted in a continuous gurgling that… maybe it was just the other two naked women bedded down in sexual bliss giving him ideas… made Kon think of things that would really make her choke. In a fun, consensual sort of way.

And his drained cock started panging like he hadn’t just been lucky enough to give Catwoman the dicking she kept slinking around asking for.

Kon shook his head. Well, so much for an identity crisis—he was a hound and he always would be. But with willing bimbos like the Sirens around, why would he want to be anything else?

He checked his watch, wondering if he maybe had time to see if Harley and Ivy were as close as Harley and Power Girl. Then he did a double-take. He’d come here to collect Harley for Peej’s party, figuring it would take a goodly amount of time to wrangle the clown into getting with the program. Now he was five minutes shy of the opening ceremonies… or whatever kicked a party off… and the only reason Harley wasn’t bouncing off the walls was that Selina had her hog-tied!

Then again. That did look like one effective way of reasoning with Harleen Quinzel.

Over Harley’s protests… or whatever she was gagging on… Kon scooped her up and slung her over his shoulder. “Hang tight, Quinnster, I’ll explain everything on the way. But trust me, if you thought you were missing out before, you’re gonna love me when we get where we’re going!”


Coming back to consciousness, Selina at first pretended what she heard was nothing but the wind rushing through the decaying building that was the Gotham City Sirens’ current place of business. As dangerous as Gotham was, she didn’t care about a few stray sounds in the dark.

She wanted to go back to sleep, hang onto the languid satisfaction of having been Kon’s… well, of just having been Kon’s. Now that the fuck was fading into memory, she wasn’t as enthused about being his cum something or other. His cock-whatever.


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