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She laid between Karen’s open thighs, her kisses going from one massive breast to the other, then she took both hands and pushed them into Karen’s chest. Kneading the ripe flesh while her lips moved down the trembling muscles of Karen’s belly. She circled her fellow blonde’s navel with her tongue, then stuck it into the indentation, showing Karen what she would soon be doing to her slit.

Linda’s hands molded the firm flesh of Karen’s two beautiful tits as best they could. Caressing the halfway pliant softness with such studied lasciviousness that Karen looked like a fumbling virgin in comparison as she hurriedly grasped Linda’s head in her hands.

But Linda didn’t care. She’d rather have Karen blunder in her enthusiasm than lie there like a cold fish. And it felt good to have Karen’s fingers moving through her hair, making it all wild and disheveled, until she imagined she looked as sensual as she felt.

“Go lower!” Karen demanded, her voice both pleading and commanding, and Linda paused just long enough to wonder at how amazing sex was to reduce two noble heroines like them to such desperate animals. Then she took her hands off Karen’s breasts and moved them under her thighs.


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