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"We shouldn't be doing this, Sarah," said Alison, a little apprehensive about the cars zipping along the freeway so close to where they stood. "It’s immature. It’s immature and it’s lacking in foresight. Running away from home, at our age.”

“What’ll the neighbors think?” Sarah demanded in mock horror. She shifted her feet near her suitcase. It seemed such a pitiful amount to bring with her.

She mentally changed that. Alison had far more at home. If she could abandon ship, Sarah could too.

“You said you wanted to get away,” Sarah continued. “No more clone nonsense and conspiracies and corporations. We just leave. So, we’re just leaving.”

“But where are we going?” Alison insisted. “What’ll we do when we get there?”

“We’re going to California,” Sarah said confidently. It was as good a place as any. No cold winters. Everyone with nice tans. The Haunted Hollywood Tour that she’d wanted to go on since she was a kid.

“What about money?” Alison asked. “I couldn’t take much out of my bank account, not with the divorce—“

“You worry too much, Alison. I’m doing you a favor here, playing tour guide to you living on the streets. You should thank me by giving over some peace and quiet, nah?”

Alison winced. “We’re going to be living on the streets?”

“Not the streets, dum-dum, just… on people’s couches. In hotels. We’ll figure something out.”

She wished she was as confident as she sounded. They had been trying to get someone to stop and give them a lift for over an hour. It seemed as if the cars with families speeded up and kept on going. The ones with a single man—or more than one man—slowed down, looked her over, saw Alison and then sped off. Something about the woman took the ILF out of MILF. Sarah realized without Alison she could have been out of the state by now. But she couldn't leave her behind.

Sarah rubbed her hands together, exhaling a visible stream of white vapor. “You’re a mom, why didn’t you tell me to wear an extra pair of pants or something? I’m freezing my ass off.”

"Don't be vulgar," Alison said. "Somebody will be kind enough to give us a ride.”

“Maybe I should help us along a little." Sarah unzipped her jacket and unbuttoned her blouse until her naked tits were on the verge of spilling out. The cold wind whipped across her bare skin and raised gooseflesh, but it also hardened her nipples. Even down the road, the twin points pressing hard against her thin blouse were visible. She shifted her tight jeans a little, making sure they were even tighter around her ass.

“Goodness!” Alison said. “I can see your… Sarah, I can see your panties.”

“That’s weird. I’m not wearing any.”

“I mean, if you were wearing them, I could tell. I could tell if you weren’t. With the way your pants are.”

“No duh, biyatch, I’m bait. Some horny sucker will stop and give us a ride. It’s like they say: sex sells.”

“Oh,” Alison said. “D’ya think I should… you know… show a little skin?”

“No,” Sarah said vehemently.

“I take very good care of my body,” Alison said, already defensive. “I remember the last salad I ate. Do you remember the last salad you ate?”

“There was this chick who dyed her pubic hair—hey, look, it’s working! That trucker is slowing down!”

She watched as an oncoming eighteen-wheeler applied its brakes and came to a rumbling halt some hundred yards down the road.

“Let’s go before he changes his mind!” Sarah cried, bounding off.

Alison followed her, half just to protest that it was a bad idea.

Before she could, Sarah had scrambled up the outside of the truck and jumped into the shabby seat beside the trucker.

“Thanks, mister. We were getting cold out there. And it’s scary being out after dark,” she added, milking her girlishness for the figure in bluejeans and loose flannel, a knit cap holding shaggy blonde locks. Curly blonde locks.

Sarah bit her lip and pulled the cap away. Even more blonde hair spilled out, swimming around a pale face. “You!”

“Hello seestra,” Helena replied. “I heard you were going on cross-country road trip. Many fun and exciting adventures. Bonding and feminine solidarityness. Like Crossroads. Seestra, your nipple is saying hello…”

Sarah rolled her eyes as Alison climbed in beside her. The housewife looked puzzled for a second. “We’re taking her along?”

Sarah sighed. “I suppose if we want to disappear, the master assassin could be of some help. She was able to come up with a getaway vehicle, at least.”

“Is this automobile stolen?” Alison asked, looking around the cab as if suddenly told it was hauling radioactive waste.

“No. Is borrowed,” Helena told her.

“And you lost your dick too, right?” Sarah asked her. “Things get weird when we have those things.”

“Nothing weird,” Helena assured her, beginning to shift up through the gears to get her rig running again.

“Good,” Alison pronounced. “No more clone weirdness. I have already hit my limit on clone weirdness, Sarah Manning, and I am entrusting you with the responsibility of keeping things nice and normal.”

Sarah crawled over Alison. “Yeah, I should definitely be the one in charge of normalcy, freaking John Waters suburbs weirdo…”

There was a tiny bunk in back of the rig that she just threw herself into.

“I heard you,” Alison said sourly.

Sarah began snoring.

About a mile down the road, Alison felt something wrap around her waist.

“What is this?” Alison demanded, as if a family member had come home at far past any reasonable hour. Over the years, the usual shrill hysterics that once would’ve greeted such developments had evolved into more of a sour disdain at the violation of convention. Such as the convention that she rarely had a fleshy tentacle wrapped around her, as a boa constrictor might.

“That is Reggie,” Helena answered in a reassuring tone. She did not say more.

“And what, pray tell, is Reggie?”

“One of my tentacles.” Helena held open her jacket to reveal the tendril leading to Alison’s waist originated in her side. A hole had been cut for it through her shirt.

Slapping the tentacle away, Alison looked over her shoulder at Sarah. She pointed an accusing finger at her. “You promised no more clone weirdness! You accepted the responsibility!”

Sarah pretended to be asleep, but harder.

“It is normal,” Helena said. “Not weird. For an octopus. I have octopus DNA.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to get your DNA all over me!”

“Meathead, cut it out,” Sarah said from the back. “Alison may be a lot of things, but she’s not a Japanese schoolgirl.”

“Reggie just likes to wrap around things,” Helena mumbled defensively. “Is harmless.”

“Is wet!” Alison protested.

“Only the head.”

And that head began inching up towards Alison’s breast.

Alison tried to hunch down in the seat and by making herself as inconspicuous as possible, direct attention to Sarah. She only partially succeeded, because another tentacle touched her knee and started feeling between her legs.

“Ah,” Helena said. “You are meeting Bilbo. Bilbo is very frisky!”

Cosima gasped because the first tentacle had wrapped around the fullness of her left breast, and was squeezing and massaging it through the silky material of her blouse. The other was proceeding up between her legs and feeling her inner thighs already.

"Don't you think you ought to be keeping all your appendages on the wheel?" she stammered to Helena.

The tentacle went up between her legs even further, almost to her crotch in response. And Reggie was massaging her breast so strongly that her nipple was becoming hard and erect. Suddenly she felt a third tentacle dip into the center of the blouse. Its tip playfully went right down the cleavage and started to feel her naked tits, searching for her nipples.

“You feel very warm!” Helena announced to her. “Am glad you did not catch chill out there!”

Alison tried to smile and wriggle her tits away but she only succeeded in giving Helena an extra feel.

"Yes, nice and warm,” Helena said, feeling her inner thighs, "soft and tender!"

Alison looked towards the back to see how Sarah was doing. The sight there was surprising. Sarah was completely stretched out on the bunk, one leg dangling down. Two tentacles, like kneeling worshippers, had her pants down around her ankles and were both feeling her up. They played between her legs and moved on right up to her crotch.

Alison was puzzled at Sarah's acceptance of being so intimately fondled. Her clone's eyes were wide open, but they seemed to be concentrating on the feeling the busy tentacles were arousing. She was panting and low moans were coming from her parted lips. She didn't seem to mind the fact that two snaking phalluses were caressing her so intimately and apparently so pleasurably. Alison had only seen group sexual intercourse when she checked her browser history after Sarah used her computer. She’d never dreamed that she would be seeing it right before her very eyes. She was hypnotized by the sight of Sarah being worked over by the two tentacles.

Another tentacle abruptly pulled her sweater over her head, and at the sight of Sarah's brassiere-clad breasts, rubbed itself on the satiny skin between her cleavage, smearing a translucent slime there. It slowly began to edge its tip under her bra cups, to play and tweak her big pink nipples. Then it tugged downward and her tits practically popped out of the top of the slack bra.

"That feels so good," Sarah breathed as her nipples were touched and rubbed until they were stiffly erect. Then the tentacles began to massage the breasts themselves, kneading them with strong coils. Sarah's asscheeks began to wriggle with the sheer sensation Helena was producing in her body. The tentacles kept on massaging her breasts and then ripped the bra away completely.

Alison was growing more embarrassed by the second, for Sarah as well as herself. But she was actually beginning to feel her juices flowing, a sure sign of arousal. Sarah was a picture of obscene lust as one tentacle continued to feel Sarah's tits and the other around her pussy. She wondered why Sarah was letting them practically disrobe her, fuck her, when there Alison was right in the front seat.

A tentacle was running up and down over her pubic hair as Sarah wriggled her ass every time another squeezed her nipples or her titties. The next time she wriggled her hips, Helena put a tentacle right under her buttocks. Her face burned with lust as she felt Sarah’s tender, lush asscheeks. The feel of her ass began to drive Helena wild.

They all acted as if they were completely alone, they were so immersed in feeling and being felt. Sarah began churning her asscheeks lustfully, and this gave Helena a chance to put a tentacle right inside her panties, feeling her thick black bush with the dripping tendril-tip. Helena worked away at her bush and gradually began to move her panties downward until they no longer covered her pussy, but were practically at her knees.

As her pussy was completely exposed, Helena began to feel for her cunt. Her tentacles touched Sarah’s pink, wet labia lips and then parted them slowly. As Sarah felt her cunt be touched, her thighs quivered with ecstasy and she spread her legs apart a little more. Helena’s tentacles now could play with and fondle her pussy without any hindrance.

They were still playing with her lush tits as well, which were heaving and bouncing voluptuously with the turning of her ass as Helena fooled around with her twat. One buried its swollen head between them and slobbered up and down each tit, kissing each nipple in turn. Alison could see that the pinkly erect nipples were covered with glistening slime.

She looked down. Tentacles were still playing with Sarah’s bush and her sex. First they massaged near the apex of her labia, where her clitoris was becoming very erect, then they would slip down a bit to the entrance of her cunt. Suddenly Helena pushed two tentacles right into Sarah's hole.

Sarah gasped as the tentacles sank in several inches and her asscheeks wriggled with pleasure.

"You really have a sexy cunt, seestra!" Helena muttered hoarsely as she slid her fingers in and out of her slippery passage. “My tentacles never do this for anyone else!”

Sarah was making small, squealing, pleasurable sounds as the lust-crazed tentacles worked her over. How could Sarah do this, Alison wondered, how could she expose her intimate parts practically to public view? How could she let herself be fondled while she knew Alison could see everything that was going on?

She had her own problems, though. Reggie was now squeezing one of her tits, while Bilbo was running up and down her inner thighs, and brushing up against her crotch. Alison was uncomfortable with the vulgar way they were feeling her up, but she could feel her clitoris hardening with excitement as she herself became aroused in spite of herself.

“Enjoying the show?” Sarah was asking her, when suddenly a tentacle spurted a thick rope of white fluid across her open mouth. It splattered her lips, her tongue, her teeth, and then went slithering off down her cheek. Sarah gasped slightly and then turned her open mouth toward the tentacle’s ejaculating head. She gaped her lips wide and stuck out her tongue, as if this was expected of her.

“Are you hungry, seestra?” Helena asked innocently. “My friend Mario is trying to feed you! A nice hot meal, yes? Like healthy smoothie!

The tentacle shot off a jet of spunk that disappeared completely inside her mouth. But Sarah didn’t swallow it. Instead she rolled it around in the back of her throat and then forced it forward with her tongue. She let it spill messily over her bottom lip, a great thick wad of silver goo. It drooled down her chin and pooled in the hollow of her neck.

“That’s disgusting!” Alison wailed. “Sarah, don’t you know that stuff is—“

She noticed a tentacle just to her left. A streamer spurted from its tip, but missed Alison’s mouth entirely. Instead, it splashed over her nose and ran in three separate streams down her cheek toward her ear. The spunk glittered on her face like white paint. It made pretty patterns on her flawless skin.

“Oh God! Oh God!” Alison cried in horror. “This had better not clog my pores!”

Another tentacle burst, shooting a string two feet long that looped over the bridge of Alison’s nose and hit her in the corner of her eye. Part of the jet went on to cross her temple and catch in her hair, where it hung like a piece of ribbon. The rest drooled down her cheeks in silver strings.

“So relaxing…” Helena sighed. “Hard to get out of fabric, but relaxing…”

The cum was still spurting from the first tentacle when another began ejaculating. And for a while the area over Alison’s face was a blizzard of jism as both cocks exploded. Streamers of white swirled in the air, bounced into each other, then fell with loud splattering sounds onto the housewife’s face. Quarts of creamy spunk splashed over her, drenching her cheeks, her forehead, her eyes.

Alison’s mouth dropped open in shock. Both tentacles came in it.

When they were finished, Alison was blanketed in cum and in a complete daze. She could barely breathe. One of her nostrils was plugged with cum. Her throat was clogged. Her eyes were sealed shut. She felt as though she were wearing a heavy, wet towel over her face, and it was slowly smothering her.

She churned her tongue about in the deep pool of jism that was in her mouth. The overflow spilled from her lips and drooled down her chin and cheeks. She shifted slightly, turning her head to one side. Sheets of cum flowed to the left in a glistening mass.

“Oh… my… God…” Alison breathed, cum running from her mouth with each word. She sounded shellshocked.

“Do not worry,” Helena said, using one of her tentacles to punch Alison’s chin in a friendly manner. “They will be full again in a few minutes. You won’t have to go without the fucking and the sucking for long.”

Sarah reached up to run a finger over Alison’s cheek, then deposit the cum she’d gathered into her mouth. “Hey!” she demanded. “How come she gets the pineapple semen?”


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