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Without hesitation, Jessica swallowed down the rest of her drink. She felt dizzy—much more comfortable to lean her head back. She shut her eyes and remembered how intense her passions had been when she was a girl. She giggled.

“It started when I was seventeen… I was a virgin then.”

“I’m surprised you held out that long.”

Jessica kept her eyes shut. She spoke slowly, her tongue slightly thick. She wasn’t used to so much alcohol… or how Denny was talking to her. The effect of her own words escaping her wicked mouth. None of it had seemed so dirty when it was happening, but when she said it, said to Denny and received his judgment…

“I really liked cock,” she admitted, her eyes still closed. “Not… I mean… looking at it, touching it, but I’d never… Ashley, she was… her head was down between my legs and her lips were so warm, so soft. I guess my own would’ve felt that way, if I could’ve… but she…”

Denny leaned forward. “Keep talking,” he husked. And his rough tongue licked the back of Jessica’s neck—moving slowly, luxuriating in the taste of her sweaty skin.

“She opened up my little pussy… I was so damp down there… hot… very hot…” Jessica breathed heavily. She arched her back, thrusting her crotch out as if she were reliving what had happened, while Denny’s wet tongue lapped wickedly at her pulse. “She put her tongue inside me—I couldn’t believe how deep it went, or how she could swirl it around when it was in my… in my cunt! It drove me wild! She was all the way in my pussy! Then she sucked at me, like she wanted the taste of all those juices inside of me.”

Denny slipped one shoulder strap down her arm, then the other. He kissed the bare, rounded flesh where her supple shoulders, spiced with a little aesthetic muscle, curved down into her arms.

“I started squealing… I was, she was making me do it… it happened so fast, so damn fast. But I wanted more. I knew if she kept eating me, it would happen again… instead, she pressed our bodies together… I felt her breasts touching mine… Ashley had nice, big tits… like a stripper’s… they made mine feel small, but so nice… and I felt her, her cunt dripping on my leg. We kissed and she’d, she’d just been eating me… her tongue tasted like… and I’d come, too. I’d just come in that mouth. I liked the taste… my taste… it made me want her to eat my cunt again even more…”

Denny slid his hands down under her neckline. His knuckles pressed her dress down her body, showing some of the delectable sweep of her cleavage as he took two luscious handfuls of her chest and molded it in his fingers.

“And did you?”

Jessica nodded and shook her head; trying to do both at the same time. “I, I licked her… she licked me… and a lot of the time when I touched myself, I thought about her and how it’d felt, but then I realized that if I kept thinking that way, I’d turn myself into a lesbian… so I started thinking about guys at my school…”

“What guys?” Denny whispered.

“All kinds of guys,” Jessica moaned. “God, there were so many… I couldn’t see a guy without wondering about his cock and how he’d use it on me… it was like I had to think about all of them, fuck them all in my head.”

“Who was your favorite?” Denny interrupted, pulling Jessica into his lap as he continued to squeeze and massage her tits.

She hummed with approval while continuing her story. “This jock, a senior—Hal—I thought about him every time I really needed to get off. He was tall, handsome, got good grades… letterman jacket. I thought letterman jackets were sooooo hot. Sometimes, I just thought about myself, naked, wearing nothing but my guy’s letterman, and I… ooooohh…”

Denny felt like moaning himself as Jessica wiggled in his lap, shuddering like she’d had a perfect recollection of an orgasm right on top of his cock.

“He always had so many friends and chicks around him… Hal… I got as close to him as I could get, but I was so gawky… I started dressing up sexy… he noticed me…”

“I bet he did. Him and half the school, I’m guessing.”

“It wasn’t like that!” Jessica insisted, eyes flicking around under her lids. “Hal was my first… no one else exists for me when I’m in love… I knew that if he did to me what Ashley did to me, then he’d be the only guy I needed.”

“Then he was the first. But there were others after that, weren’t there? How many others? Tens? Hundreds?”

Jessica took a sip from her drink, remembering.

“He was the first one… I tried to replace him, but I was right to pick him… not many people have a cock that can do what his did… there was a party at his house… I got naked… got into his bed… trembled… I couldn’t wait… I called him on my cell phone and told him I was in his room… when he came in, he didn’t even say anything… locked the door… took off his clothes… he was hard, really hard… I didn’t know pricks got that hard… I thought they stayed at least a little limp the whole time, but his was like an aluminum bat… and he did it like he didn’t have a moment to lose, like I might change my mind… I could never change my mind… he went into me… it didn’t hurt, even though he was big… I guess all those years I spent playing with myself left me… pretty open… then he did it fast… like I still might change my mind… I could feel it about to happen, like it had with Ashley, but he stopped before it did. I hated when he took it out of me! It made me whimper—I would’ve begged for him to put it back in! Then he said he could do it again tomorrow, if I came to his house again…”

Denny’s erection pulsed. Jessica looked down, feeling it against her buttocks, and realized sluggishly just what it was she felt on her once-comfortable perch, bulging out hard and twitching. Beautiful. She wiggled over onto only one of his knees so she could reach over and unzip his fly. “Denny…”

He let her take his prick out, heard her gasp in appreciation of it.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked her, voice hoarse despite his acceptance, his longing for the act she was committing.

He wanted it, he absolutely wanted it, but the more fervor he had for this, the more his worry that they would be caught. She was naked, she was talking dirty to him, she was even going after his cock, but with each base they rounded, that just left him further to fall. It wouldn’t have been so bad, someone walking in on them having a conversation about sex, but imagine if people saw him doing this. And yet, imagine how good it would feel.

“Isn’t it obvious? Didn’t I talk about it enough?” Jessica smiled easily. “What are you doing? Are you relaxing? Letting me make you feel good? That’s what I want you to do. Give me what I want, Denny. It’s what you want too…”

Denny was torn. It all struck him as too good to be true, schmuck bait that a guy would only fall for in some cheesy movie, but she was so gorgeous. As if it weren’t enough to look at her body with her undone dress hanging off her, her lavishly pert breasts and neat little bush, now she was touching him. Was it really such a big deal for him to indulge himself a little? Could getting caught in these intimate circumstances really hurt him that much? Enough to make touching this goddess somehow not worth it?

“What do you mean by making me feel good?” he asked dazedly, like any further clarification was necessary, like it might push him one way or the other.

“Just what I’m doing now,” Jessica breathed. “Doesn’t it feel nice? Isn’t that why guys do this to themselves? Most of you fellas have to imagine someone like me doing something like this. In fact, I bet you’ve imagined me doing exactly this.”

“Who told you that?” Denny croaked, blushing hotly.

“Everyone does it. I’m used to it!” Jessica laughed. “The way I look, sometimes I look at myself in a mirror and I masturbate. It’s like I’m watching my twin sister come. I wish I had a twin—then the two of us would always have someone to fuck. Do you believe me about how good I looked getting myself off?”

“Absolutely,” Denny panted.

“Take a look anyway,” Jessica chirped. “Maybe then you’ll understand why I get so horny, looking at myself in the mirror every day…”

In an instant, she’d let go, gotten off him, dropped down onto the floor and onto her back. As Denny watched, she opened her long, shapely legs as wide as their acrobatic flexibility could take them, showing Denny an absolutely awe-inspiring view of her warm pink wetness.

Smiling and seemingly completely uninhibited, Jessica parted the briskly furred lips of her sex and showed Denny the hot, trembling little bud that was her clitoris. “I loved when I found this. It was like I could finally do something about how horny I got! Then I realized how good it could feel when someone else touched it, or was touching me while I touched it… or even was just watching me touch it… that got me into more trouble than just feeling horny all the time. But I still like feeling it touched. I always rub it when I’m getting fucked, even when I’m just fucking myself!”

She put the pad of her index finger on the pulsing little button and started rubbing it. Hot jolts of enjoyment zapped her body, jiggling all her luscious curves and tautly trembling muscles. Wetness, pearly and sweet-smelling, ran from her excited cunt and temptingly gilded the curve of her ass.

Denny stared wide-eyed, unable to look away even while feeling he was seeing something of pure temptation. Like he was watching a porno with someone else in the house. At any moment, they might walk in on his autoerotic viewing, but this was hotter than any skin flick. Too hot to look away from, too hot to ever make it stop. Interrupting something as lovely as this in the world would be like breaking a stained glass window. And that was before Jessica picked up where she’d left her story. Her voice was halting, trembling, like each word touched her obscenely before she spoke it. She was getting off on telling him this as much as he was hearing it.

“The next night Hal had changed the sheets, they were nice and clean for me… it was so romantic… he did it fast again… fast and hard and it was so much better than when I touched myself, but not as good as what happened with Ashley… the thing still didn’t happen. He got off me and I asked him to stay, but he just laughed… said something about how much I liked to fuck… so I played with his cock to get him to stay… it was really slick and warm and it got hard again really fast, so he put it in me again… fucked me… really fast again… I felt it building up and building up and building up… I knew it was going to happen this time, I was so sure of it, but then he was done and he took it out of me… my cunt had never felt so empty… he came to see me nearly every night after that… I thought about him all the time… masturbated whenever he left to finish myself off… then after two weeks, he sent me a text saying he was grounded… that his dad had found out about us… I wondered if my parents knew, because they’d been told, but then someone came in, like Hal had done… it was Hal’s father… the coach… Coach Burt. He came in like he’d been in my room dozens of times…”

“How old was he?” Denny asked in disbelief.


“A thirty-seven-year-old man!” Denny gaped. “What about his cock? Did he have a boy’s cock for that tender little cunt of yours or was it a man’s?”

“I didn’t… didn’t measure it…”

“Was it bigger than mine?”

Jessica shook her head a little, then nodded a little. “Almost…” She closed her eyes again. “He was so marvelous… Coach Burt,” she moaned dreamily.

“Hey, you’re not having a dream here,” Denny said, brushing his hand teasingly across Jessica’s wrist while she touched herself. “Tell me how he made that pussy feel.”

Just the light touch of Denny’s hand so close to her sex play drove Jessica crazy. She had to clench her eyes to keep them shut and she couldn’t keep a tremor out of her voice.

“That night was the first time I ever felt a man licking me. It was a shock at first—a man doing what Ashley had done to me. But when he touched my cunt with his mouth, I felt good all over. He sucked on me… drove me wild… I felt his tongue inside me, touching everywhere, touching my clit… that’s when it happened… it happened so much… he kept licking me and licking me and it happened again… but he didn’t stop, not even then… he stood over me and I saw my cream was on his chin… he touched my breasts and his… his cock went into me… slow… then fast… then slow again… it happened some more… it wouldn’t stop happening, he kept making it happen, like he was making up for all the times Hal didn’t do it… he laughed and kissed me… kissed my breasts… and he fucked me… fucked me so much… Oh God, that feels so GOOD!”


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