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“Oh! Yes!” Emma gasped, as she slid herself off of the banana, her lips clamped down on its heft in needful tightness. “Yesssss! I’m coming!she shrilled as she came back down on it, cramming her needy sex full. “I’M COMING!”

Emma felt the banana shake within the hold her clutching sex had on it. Her pussy sucked in another inch of its hard, thick girth while Emma exploded. She wrapped both hands around Laura’s head and pulled her closer, forcing the banana in her mouth further into Emma’s seething cunt.

Ecstasy poured over Emma like warm chocolate syrup. Her eyes shut; a cloud of kaleidoscopic glowing swirled in the blackness she saw. Her ass heaved, bouncing rhythmically against Laura’s face as her clutching hands made sure the banana kept going inside her. It felt like a stick of dynamite had been set off inside her.

Golden hair flew as Emma shook her head and cried out: “Oh God! God, God, it’s so GOOOD! My cunt’s on fire! My cunt’s fucking coming!”

Scott couldn’t take anymore. Emma’s ecstasy was too much to be borne. He had to join in.

He pulled himself free of Laura. She protested, but one good slap reminded her of her place, like a dog brought to heel. She stared instead, wide eyes drinking in everything that was going on as Scott stood over Emma, pressing his groin into her face.

“Ask for it,” Scott said.

Her eyes flickered up to him, so fiery that heat seemed to come off them, warming Scott’s crotch just as Laura’s pussy had done a moment ago. “Come! Ohhh, come for me!”

“Here?” Scott asked laconically, slapping his cock against her cheek.

Emma stifled a hysterical laugh. She had to speak. She had to ask for it or Scott might not give it to her. “Yes, here, right here! Right in your bitch’s face!”

Scott was usually so noble, but he could be cruel when it counted the most. “Are you sure?”

Emma’s cunt throbbed, her whole body trembling on the cusp of another orgasm. “Come in my fucking mouth, Scott! You bastard, give me your cum like you gave that doggy bitch your cock!”

She opened her mouth as wide as she could, sticking her tongue out to catch whatever cum could possibly miss her gaping lips. Her hand trembled, trying to avoid squeezing too hard, as she grabbed the base of Scott’s prick and aimed it at her mouth. Her eyes were too glassy for her to see, but she felt his cock throbbing. Emma waited for the final eruption, holding her breath, dreaming of the flavor slamming into her taste buds and knowing it would finish her off.

Scott let himself go.

“MMM! OHHHH!” Emma moaned, feeling his steaming cum flow right into her mouth, piling onto the back of her throat until it made her gurgle: “GGK! GGGHH! GRRT!”

She waved his cock in her face, feeling its stream of cum drenching her features while her sex convulsed with a crushing climax. She aimed his spurting prick up into her hair, but didn’t waste much of his dwindling seed there. Quickly she brought it down to her breasts and soaked them with his eruption; Emma felt the liquid heat dripping from her sensitively swollen flesh. Swallowing, she brought his cock up again so he could finish coming back in her mouth.

When he finished, Emma pushed out her long tongue—dripping with his semen—and lapped at Scott’s glanshole, licking away the very last drops of his ejaculation. When she opened her eyes, she saw Scott looking at her with a stony face to match his impenetrable visor.

“Now clean yourself up, cunt,” he said.

“What?” Emma asked, stunned by the verbal dominance following so closely on the heels of her excess of satisfaction.

“Get the fuck to the river and wash up,” Scott ordered. “Do you think I want a walking pile of cum around when I need to fuck?”

Emma picked herself up, numbed by his sudden change in attitude—or rather, the lingering domination that usually ended with their climaxes. She supposed she had been the one to goad him with the leash, the collar, the constant nudity as a way to normalize and unfetter the constant sex that this mission would require. But now Scott had met her on her own ground. He was treating her as some sort of sex slave, even now that the game was over.

It couldn’t be said that this worried Emma. She trusted Scott too much, was too well aware of his gallant psyche to think that he’d ever become too abusive for her to handle. So it titillated her more than anything else—knowing that not only would Scott be treating her like a cum-dumpster for the whole mission, but that the whole team would follow his lead and join in.

It was like a wet dream come to life. And after she’d ‘stolen Scott away’ from his sainted redhead, she wondered if being the team’s collective cock-holster might not improve her reputation.

“Go!” Scott said gruffly. “I want you to walk there with my cum all over you. Let everyone see what a whore you are. And if anyone wants to fuck you, for any reason, you beg them for it, understand me? You beg to get to be their bitch too and not just mine.”

Feeling drunk on the sexual verve Scott had shown, Emma staggered to the river that was the designated water supply for their camp. Her prissy feline dignity warred with her submissive sexuality. Even as she hoped that attention would be lavished on her decadent nudity, she also prayed no one would notice the white streaks decorating her body.

She somehow got to the river, either fortunately or unfortunately escaping everyone’s attention. She knelt at the bank and breathed deeply, suddenly realizing that she burned with excitement now, while her haughty pride had been forgotten.

She knew she wasn’t going to be able to wait for another X-Man to need relief. She was going to have to go back to Scott and beg to be his bitch, his above anyone else’s.

The man had done just what he’d wanted to do to her. He’d turned Emma Frost into a cock-loving slut.

Emma absolutely loved it.


Kitty swallowed hard. She wanted to be a team player. She understood the circumstances they were in here in the Savage Land and certainly wasn’t some ‘death before dishonor’ type who’d prefer to be one of Zaladane’s bitches instead of getting to fourth base.

But she’d assumed that the couples were exempt. That instead of taking advantage of Scott and Emma’s… generosity… they’d pair up and handle each other, like Rogue and Gambit. If Gambit had come along on this mission.

And she knew that her and Piotr’s flickering relationship was off-again, but didn’t this seem like a good time to reconcile? Like, literally a sign?

But no. He’d fucked Jubilee. And sure, he and Kitty weren’t dating and sure, it was that or Jubilee would become a mind-controlled zombie freak. And sure, Piotr had probably fucked other girls too. But never when the two of them were such a sure thing! And definitely never with someone who was so close to Kitty’s place on the team. It was like he’d fucked her sister or something! Freaky!

But she had to shut up about it. They were still on the outs and Piotr hadn’t done anything wrong and she’d either look crazy if she got angry with him or desperate if she said he had to fuck her. So Kitty made a big effort to be pleasant to Piotr when she and Jubilee joined him and Hisako in sunning themselves at the creek. But she laid down so she was between Hisako and Piotr. At least she and Jubilee were in their twenties. Hisako had just turned eighteen. Kitty had to be sure she wasn’t debauched.

Later, as their skins reddened under the hot sun, Piotr got up. He seemed to know he was on thin ice with Kitty, so he made a weak excuse and took off, leaving the three girls alone.

Jubilee knew Kitty’s helpless position. And, proving once more how alike they were, she couldn’t resist teasing the other girl. “That’s a real stud you’ve got there, Pryde.”

And Kitty couldn’t help but take the bait. “Yeah, I’m surprised either of us can handle his big cock,” she bristled. “But I guess you’re a natural.”

Then she remembered Hisako was there with them. She turned to find the young woman’s eyes big and staring hard.

“What do you two mean?” She looked back and forth between the two girls. Then realization flooded her face. “You mean when Jubilee and Mr. Rasputin went off together, they… they…” She blushed right down to the roots of her hair.

“Good going, sparkler!” Kitty snapped at Jubilee. “You couldn’t just keep it under your hat…”

“Stop treating me like a child!” Hisako wailed.

Kitty looked thoughtfully at the youngest member of their party. “Sorry, Armor. I just assumed you were brought up the same way I was. Mom never told me a damn thing about sex before I joined the X-Men. Too embarrassed, I suppose.”

“Same here,” Jubilee said. “Lucky there were so many other X-kids by then. I picked up everything I needed to know from them.” She giggled. “Some of them knew plenty.”

Kitty began to grow interested. She knew a lot of the younger ‘kids’ looked at her like a big sister; maybe it was time to live up to that. It beat the pointless hostility of feuding with Jubilee over some guy. “How about you, Hisako? What do you know about it?”

Hisako colored again. “I know a guy puts his thing into a girl’s… between her legs and he goes up and down and in and out and finally he makes her all sticky inside.” She made a face. “It sounds messy.”

“It kinda is,” Kitty admitted. “The guy’s thing, it shoots semen up into the girl’s vagina.” She felt better about it to be using all the correct words. Who knew—Hisako might need to know this if the Savage Land started getting to her.

“And you can feel it?” Hisako asked in wonderment.

“I can’t,” Jubilee said. “I’m usually coming by then.”

“Coming?” Hisako asked, puzzled. “What’s that?”

“It’s what the girl does when a guy’s penis shoots semen. Well, sometimes.” She saw Hisako was still confused. “You know, the way you kind of… go off when you masturbate?”


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