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Kevin stared at his cousin.

His prick was extremely hard, throbbing even harder as his fist slid back and forth along its sizable length. The view of Lara’s pantied crotch was totally invigorating. He saw the shadow of her pubic thatch and even the parting of it where her sex opened.

Kevin fought to keep silent. He couldn’t have Lara catching him. Already he thought all the time about her, about her body, how she looked naked, and what he would like to do to her naked body. It was intolerable not to be able to even touch her, but it would be worse still if she kicked him out… and he was sure his cousin could if she put her mind to it… and he didn’t even get to look at the menu he couldn’t afford to order off of.

Fucking Lara Croft was his biggest fantasy. No matter how many other girls there were in his life, he wanted to fuck her more. Whatever they let him do, he always came back to his cousin. And as wrong as he knew it was, he’d even settle for seeing her with her panties around her ankles, or her head peeking out of the bubbly surface of her bath. A brief flash of her body in intimate circumstances was like a hit of cocaine to an addict.

Watching Lara caress her thighs, creamy as much as they were firm with muscle, Kevin wished she would show her pussy to him. This was the first time he’d seen her touch herself and it made his pulse race, while his balls ached with fullness. He longed to feel what she was feeling, touch the smoothness of her skin with his own hands. His cousin clearly wanted to rub her own cunt—if she’d let him, he’d happily do it for her, giving her the satisfaction they both needed.


Lara softly whimpered, massaging the flesh just shy of her crotch. Her eyes were closed as she focused her attention on the hidden Kevin, trying to pick up the sound of him, his racing heart, his rushing breathes. It had to be doing something to him, seeing her like this.

Her juices were copious, darkening the cotton of her panties. Lara dragged her fingertips almost to her slot; her hips trembled. She wanted to rip the gusset of her panties away and show Kevin the wet cunt he’d given her with all his watching, all his attention, all his curiosity. It wasn’t her. She’d never been such a slut before he’d shown up to look at her.

She restrained herself. Just like she always did. Lara could put aside her sex drive and focus on her adventures, her research, her training. Anything at all other than what was between her legs. It was only Kevin that shattered her usual concentration. She was responding to something her cousin was putting out, some pheromone, some lewd vibe that brought sex to the forefront of a comfortably sexless life.

The man—boy—was like Spanish Fly at a nunnery. What could Lara do but enjoy herself as best she could in this sexually charged atmosphere that he’d inflicted on her happy home?

What she wanted now was to come in her panties. Somehow, the mixture of relieving her own tension and tormenting Kevin by keeping her panties on—it was as alluring as any sex act. Like she was fucking Kevin in some psychic way; not that she’d ever do that for real.

Lara sat upright, her legs still far apart. She strained, trying to come. It would be easy to without the omnipresent feel of her panties on her cunt, so different from any previous sexual experience, even striking her as wrong to have that fabric in the way. Then she felt a tiny dribble of her juices. Her body flushed with heat, face turning pink.

She was doing it. She was getting off. Lara came a little more, feeling her panties truly wet now. It was hardly a novel situation after all the rivers and pools and lakes she’d had to swim through, but the rest of her was dry save for a humid sweat. It made her panties feel truly, sinfully wet and her cunt pulsed, urging her to try harder. Lara squeezed her thighs together, felt the pressure push its way deeper, her taut muscles’ tension now a part of her fuck.

Her cream gushed out of her, flooding her panties, dripping away from her body. Lara lifted her head, eyes shut in rapture, lips parted as they formed the shape of her pleasure but weren’t able to voice a sufficient sound.

Lara wasn’t thinking of her cousin now. It seemed like she was coming for the first time, her juices finally flowing like an unimpeded river. Her body shuddered with delight, thighs and buttocks quivering as they gleamed with wetness. Her clit surged against her sodden panties, throbbing deliciously in the nest of liquid warmth her imprisoning bottoms had become. Lara felt the swell of her orgasmic pleasure and her hands flew to her breasts. She dug her fingers into the firm flesh, groaning as the delicious rampage continued through her nether region.

Her inner muscles convulsed and Lara was unable to hold back a squeal. She came powerfully, the lips of her sex roiling with fiery bolts of enjoyment. Her body shook as she arrived and Lara kept squealing, kept brutally kneading her breasts in an attempt to avoid being drawn too deeply into the unutterable pleasure between her legs.


On the other side of the wall, his eye pressed tightly to the peephole, Kevin was shocked. He saw the wetness soaking Lara’s panties and had to shove his knuckles into his mouth to gag his surprised gasp. With his other hand, he pounded his massive erection for all he was worth. It was obvious Lara was coming and he wanted more than anything to come with her. His cock was painfully hard, his balls bloated achingly. He pistoned his tight fist like a machine, his cockhead brushing against the wall like it was trying to burst through it and get to his cousin.

Like her, he couldn’t hold in a grunt of satisfaction when he came. His semen poured out of his cock and dashed against the wall, running down it in thick streams. His vision turned hazy as he ejaculated—his orgasm’s intensity too much for him to push through, no matter how much he wanted to stay with the sight and sound of Lara’s ecstasy.

It was a painful reminder that he wasn’t sharing this sexual pleasure with Lara; that they were divergent no matter how intimately Lara’s sensuality had driven him to this rapture.

When his eyes could focus again, he saw Lara was on her feet, her hands under her skirt. She stripped off her wet panties and dropped them in the laundry hamper. Then she smoothed her skirt all the way down her legs. The sculpted muscles of her calves were twitching. The rest of her fully clothed body Kevin scoured with his eyes.

He knew she was still tingling, glowing with her orgasm the same way he felt his contentment, but he couldn’t see any of it with her so conservatively dressed. When she left the bathroom, it was like she was walking away from something that had never happened.

Kevin could barely wait until she was gone. As soon as she’d moved to another part of the house, he crept into her room and pulled her panties from the hamper. They were still wet, still warm, and he helplessly brought them to his face, smelling them so avidly that his lips touched the wet material. A soft moan filled his throat and his cock twitched back to hardness despite the massive eruption that had just emptied his bloated balls.


What Kevin didn’t know was that he wasn’t the only one who could sneak around Croft Manor. Lara had barely been out the door before doubling back and taking one of the mansion’s secret passages to her own room, where she watched Kevin do what, perhaps, she would do if she were in his absurdly tempted position.

It excited her to see him get a secondhand taste of her pussy; she felt both irritated and intrigued by him stuffing her wet panties in his pocket. He truly was the creep she had pegged him for, an absolute sex maniac who couldn’t be contented with that lovely girl Chloe—now he had an erotic fixation on her!

And yet she remained in a state of arousal all through that afternoon and well into the evening, eying her cousin from under lowered lashes. She stared at the front of his pants, seeing the bulge of his manhood. It was a part of him she’d never really noticed before, but now it seemed like all she could pay attention to.

A little after dark it suddenly occurred to Lara that she’d never put on a fresh pair of panties. She had been naked underneath her skirt for the whole day.

Her face warmed in a scorching way that was more intense—more embarrassed—even than how she’d flushed while Kevin was watching her. This simply wasn’t her. She wore panties even under her nightgown. Nice girls simply didn’t go naked: she’d heard it all her life. Nice girls wore panties all the time, except when bathing, and they did that quickly and efficiently, only wanting to get clean.

It was a shock to realize she still thought of herself as a nice girl. Even more of a shock to think that she didn’t want to be. She wanted to come. All the time, as much as possible, no matter who she had to call upon to bring her off. Here she was, thirty-two years old, and she’d had far too few climaxes to show for her life. All her adventures, all the treasures she’d found, but she’d been direly lacking in the simplest satisfaction of all.

It just wasn’t fair.

Anger grew inside her—frothing redness at her body’s reluctance to come, at the feeling of having some… some schoolmarm inside her dictating that it was better she be a nice girl than she got to have fun. She’d eschewed that clammy parochialism, taken her pleasure in adventuring and traveling the world, but she’d never claimed the highest peak that her well-honed body could achieve.


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