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Harley returned at last with her money, but Selina didn’t even pay her a passing glance and Harley did nothing to break Selina from her fugue. She thought of making a play for the cat burglar, who seemed like she would never be more in the mood, but the thought quickly disappeared.

She joined Selina in watching instead. Like Catwoman, Harley wasn’t going to be thinking of anything but getting fucked like Ivy for the rest of the day.

They shared a sigh, both of them aching with lustful envy as they watched Ivy bound along on Kon’s hard-driving cock. Her head lolled back, sending her long red hair into sweat-darkened motion, and she clenched her eyes shut in rapture as Kon’s indefatigable prick pushed her past the delight of her last orgasm and towards a new explosion. Her bright white teeth shone in a pleasurable grimace.

“Fuck me, fuck me hard!” Ivy groaned. “I’m almost there, Kon! Oh shit, I need it so bad!”

“I’ll get you there,” Kon assured her huskily. “You’re going to get off like a bomb.”

Like the man he’d been cloned from, Kon never promised something he couldn’t deliver. The two onlookers watched, waiting avidly for the sight of Ivy’s climax.

Still bouncing Ivy on his lap, each plunging thrust seeming like enough to send her into the rafters, Kon took one hand off her waist and moved it to the heated pink stinger of her clit. He caught it between his thumb and forefinger—rubbed—rolling the sensitive bud from the pad of his forefinger to his thumbprint like metal caught between an anvil and a hammer.

Ivy’s whole body surged, clenching, stretching, almost rocketing through the ceiling. Kon had found her magic button and he was holding it down.


Kon watched her climax for a few seconds, his eyes burning just like Harley and Selina’s were, and then he sat up, seizing Ivy in his arms, holding her flailing body against his broad chest—holding her receptive cunt down on his pounding manhood. “Take my cum, baby! Take this fucking DICK!”

He threw his head back, almost howling with the delirium of unloading his balls into Ivy’s tight cunt. Somehow, though stricken with pure delight, he kept up his rutting thrusts, ejecting the final spurts of his creamy ejaculation to the depths of Ivy’s womb. His pelvis was pressed up firmly between Ivy’s thick thighs and he ground into her crotch, as hard as he could, getting the maximum amount of satisfaction while his cock was still hard to enjoy it.

A few more ropes of cum and he pumped his faltering erection in and out more slowly than before. Finally, his shoulders slumped, his arms falling limp from around Ivy’s curvaceous body. He sat motionless on the daybed, with barely so much as a spine to hold him up, though his cock was still lodged firmly in Ivy’s gripping, convulsing hole.

Selina expected that to be the end of it. She was prepared to go in to have her own say on the matter when the contented moaning and panting ended, at least from Ivy, replaced with her husky, post-coital voice.

“Again!” she pleaded. “Do it to me some more, baby… I need it so much… you can’t just get me started and not finish me off, it’s not right, darling, you need to finish what you started…”

“Ivy, hey, I,” Kon started, shifting his body for a more conversational position, and Ivy fell back even more boneless than he was, puddling on her back like a pool of warm green goo. Her hands feebly petting at where his half-hard cock had exited her freshly fucked pussy. “I don’t think you have it in you…”

“That’s right! I need it in me! I don’t have to be on top this time! You don’t even have to put it in my cunt this time! You can fuck my ass if you want! Or throat me—I can still suck it, I think—you can fuck my face if I can’t… oh, God, your cum…”

That did it. Selina was tired of being left out. With a determined look on her face, she strode towards the action.

“Hey, whoa there!” Harley cried. “If anyone’s gonna join in, it’s going to be me—“

Selina went for her whip like a gunslinger pulling his six-shooter. She cracked it and instantly Harley’s hands were bound together. Another flick of Selina’s wrist and Harley was bent over, her tied hands now looped together with one knee as well. One more emphatic gesture from Selina and Harley was on her ass, her other knee now tied to her neck, the whole of Selina’s whip used up in being wound around her.

It was a usually acrobatic positioning for Harley, only she couldn’t get out of it now. Especially when Selina tucked the handle of the whip between Harley’s breasts.

“Hold that for me,” she said. “Kon! Don’t tell me you can go nine rounds with Doomsday, but one little vegan can wear you out…”

“Fuck you!” Ivy cried. “It’s still my turn and anyway—“

“Blah, blah, blah.”

Selina took hold of the daybed and, with a bulge of her muscles, lifted it enough to tip Ivy to the floor. Kon started to go too, but Selina grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and held him in place long enough for the daybed to drop onto all four legs again. Then she started playing with his hair.

“Here’s the deal,” Selina cooed—as much as her rough voice ever cooed. Her other hand grabbed Kon by the balls and found, to her raised-eyebrow delight, that they were still plenty big and firm. “I want your cock. No conversation, no strings attached, no thinking you can change me. Just that prick, as hard as you can make it and as deep as you can get it. You fuck me until I’ve worn my lungs out screaming for more and there isn’t a drop of jizz left in these bad boys.”

Kon was more than hard now. It was like fucking Ivy had never happened. Hell, it was like he’d never had sex ever—he had the dick of a virgin on prom night, one who’d scored a date with the head cheerleader. And he could’ve come hard enough to fill a punch bowl. But Selina continued, her eyes drilling into his, her voice enthralling him, bringing to a peak of need that Kon had never known before. And he’d been on the same team as Starfire.

“I want you to slap me in the face with that dick when you’re done. And if I have the slightest bit of energy left, I’ll claw the shit out of you for doing that, so you’d better wear me the fuck out. I saw what you did to Ivy and that was good for a warm-up, but now I want your A-game. Fuck me like you think Batman fucks me. Hell, fuck me like you think I’m Batgirl. I don’t care. Convince to get a big red S for a tramp stamp. Make me an even nastier bitch than I already am. And do it right in front of those other two sluts’ faces. Is that enough to get your cock hard again, or do I need to find some special color of Kryptonite?”

Kon’s lips came down on Selina’s, tongue pushing insistently into her mouth. She moaned her acceptance. His hands moved over her supple back, kneading their way to her fleshy ass. But as ample as her curves were there, they couldn’t hold one hand—it glided up to the front of her body, cupping a voluptuous breast, squeezing it gently.

Selina groaned and arched her body, pressing her belly against Kon’s huge, upthrust cock. She felt its bulge through her open catsuit—hard and throbbing through her leather, hot and wet where her zipper opened. They writhed together, the outline of his erection weaving across her belly.

Still fondling her tit with one hand, Kon moved the other to the open vee of Selina’s unzipped catsuit, reaching into it, his questing hand visible through her leathers as he grabbed one of her taut buttocks through her panties and gave it a testing squeeze.

“You like that?”

Selina looked at him, trying to control her quivering. “I’d like you to eat my pussy.”

Kon smiled and hauled Selina’s catsuit off of her nearly-naked body. With just about every inch of bare skin he uncovered, he left a wet kiss to mark the territory given over. Her mask, boots, gloves, and choker stayed on. Everything else went away, her wet panties last.

Then he made her sprawl out on the daybed, on her back, her legs pulled up for Selina to gleefully show off her flexibility. Kon knelt before her and kissed her inner thighs, gradually working his way to her steamy core. He’d only kissed the very curve of her hip when he took her panties off. The space between her thighs was undiscovered country to him.

It seemed like it should’ve been frustrating to go down on a girl when he was so hard, not to mention after he’d been inundated with Ivy’s sexuality. But somehow, it seemed right to service Selina before Kon satisfied himself. Ivy was a sexpot, no doubt, but Selina was something classier, more elegant, more appreciative of finesse. Kon was eager to show her he could give her more than the raw power Ivy’d enjoyed.

Selina groaned and trembled with the nearness of his mouth to her slit. Her pussy was swamped with wetness, warm and twitching with readiness. “Have a taste,” she sung to him. “I want you to have all that you can eat…”

Kon nuzzled up to her pussy. He sent the flat of his tongue up and down her labia, treating it with his warm saliva before he eased open her cunt lips and fluttered the tip of his tongue along the edges of her opening. Tickling her stiffened clitoris as a last little treat before he put his tongue inside her.

Selina opened her legs as far as they would go, shuddering with both delight and anticipation. There was a yearning deep inside that she wondered if any tongue could sate—she felt sure only a prick like Kon’s could treat it, but she couldn’t deprive herself of his tongue.


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