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The funny thing was that Lara had never had much use for Croft Manor. She tended to be more comfortable halfway around the world, bunking in the cabin of a tramp steamer or sleeping in a bedroll under the stars, than she ever was in what was supposedly ‘her’ bed and ‘her’ home. It all felt too much like her parents, which dredged up awful memories no matter how thankful she was to have a home base—somewhere to store some of the souvenirs she couldn’t help but take back like a magpie enthused with this shiny thing or that.

Then, all of a sudden, there was Kevin. Kev. A distant relative, barely even a Croft—he actually went by Craft instead. And he was an American. But the parochial rules of the inheritance were very clear. Now that Kev Craft had come to the family lawyer’s attention, this male heirwas entitled to the entire estate. And so Lara found herself, of all things, staying home… just to spite the man, boy really, who’d oh-so-magnanimously agreed to share the manor with her. His dear cousin.

Magnanimous her fanny. The obnoxious little tosspot had his eye on her. As far as he was concerned, she was another toy that came with his inheritance. Lara would play nice for a while—he was family, after all—but the moment he stepped a foot out of line, she’d dispel him of the notion that they would ever be kissing cousins.

In the meantime, she would find a way to get her house back, even if she did prefer to be on the road. It was still hers and she wouldn’t abide some damn brat having it, no matter what her blasted patriarchal ancestors had to say about it.

She was up in the attic, looking for some legal documents that she could throw in the face of Kevin’s claim, when she heard his voice. Lara was so startled she slammed shut the old trunk she’d been rummaging through. She hadn’t heard anyone come into the attic and she was always aware of her surroundings.

Then she realized the sound wasn’t coming from the attic. Kevin was down below, the noise coming up through one of the grates that connected the attic to the bedrooms. What’s more, there was something strange about his voice. He wasn’t talking, he was groaning as if in pain.

Her gaze ran the length of the attic, finding where the grate was letting the sound up into the attic. She pushed aside some old boxes to get at the opening and peered down directly into Kevin’s room. The grate was right over the bed—it showed her Kevin sprawled out across the covers, down on his back. A woman knelt between his legs, her head bobbing over his crotch.

Lara went paralytic with shock. At first she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Kevin was an incorrigible flirt, but so young. It was hard to believe that a girl-crazy lad like him could actually get anywhere—surely she hadn’t been that young when she’d become sexually active—not that she was any sort of randy, but it wasn’t like she was a prude either.

But that was her cousin down there and that… that gold digger with the cocksucker lips had to be his present girlfriend, Chloe. She’d been so sure that bimbo was stringing him along, taking advantage of Kevin’s freeness with his inheritance, but from the look of things, clothes and jewelry were not at all the only things she enjoyed getting from the Crofts.

Quaking, her heart racing as she realized she had a ringside seat to this show, Lara stared at the couple and bit her lip to keep in any of the responses she might make.

Chloe had a delectably curving body with palely translucent skin. Big pillowy breasts with red nipples that stung out like cherries full of juice. Her hips lush, full and richly rounded. Between her ample thighs, her pubic thatch nestled as red as the sky in the morning. Her face was adorable on such a succulent body, with plump cheeks and a cute smile; she wore her curly red hair long and loose.

She was giving Kevin a nice, slow blowjob, with no hurry at all as she licked and lapped at his engorged cockhead. Lara, obviously, hadn’t ever seen Kevin’s prick. She was as surprised at the sight of it as she was to see Chloe lavishing such sensual attention on it.

She tongued his swollen knob as if it were an ice cream cone, holding his balls between her fingers to pump on them in time with the visible throbbing of his manhood. Her other fist closed around his shaft, stroking it with a lascivious evenness, slowly driving up the pulse of his arousal. Lara could almost see how quickly she’d be pumping him, how hard she’d be squeezing his balls, when she milked him of his cum.

At internals, Chloe even drew back a little and fluttered the tip of her tongue across his glans, as if polishing away his latest release of precum before she went back to work on his cockhead.

She’s an expert, Lara thought. That dodgy little git has lucked his way into finding a bird with an absolute joy in being a cock-holster!

She watched in astonishment as Chloe furthered her service, lifting Kevin’s balls to lick and suck at them while his member pulsed at the edge of release. Lara knew well how good it had to feel. She’d endeavored herself to push men to that precipice, although they usually went over rather too soon—Lara told herself that they couldn’t help but respond to her looks even when she was holding back.

But Chloe didn’t seem to have that problem with Kevin, and God knew she was a pretty thing. Either he had more fortitude than Lara credited him with or Chloe had even more skill than she seemed to.

Now Chloe returned her mouth to Kevin’s helmet, sucking and slurping at its roundness, one hand clenching his length and the other palm cradling his scrotum.

I could learn a thing or two from that one, Lara thought to herself, wondering just how innocent Kevin was with this vixen as his partner in crime. Was this the first time they’d done this? If so, Kevin was holding out incredibly. Lara didn’t think she could last so long with a tongue going between her thighs like that.

Despite everything, Kevin was most certainly a Croft—young as he was, he had everything in him to appeal to a Croft woman, at the very least. Lara felt strange looking at him… a strangeness that washed over her and seemed to center in her crotch, like the flesh there had some sympathy for what Kevin was going through. With all of that massive cock being stimulated, could he feel something as potent as what Lara’s clit could do when it went off?

Kevin’s prick finally held no further appeal to Chloe’s mouth and hands. At least, none that could outvote other parts of her anatomy.

“That’s enough for now, dearie,” she said. Of course, while in Britain, Kevin had picked a bird with a perfect Geordie accent, a WAG-in-training. “You can lick me cunny some.”

She dropped down onto the mattress beside Kevin. He rolled on top of her, poised to cover her for a moment, then lowered himself down to her open legs, where he ran his hands along her inner thighs to her sex. Chloe pulled her knees up to her chest, exposing herself to his avid gaze.

“Take your time, love,” she told him. “Make it last.”

It was clear to Lara that this wasn’t the first time for either of them. Chloe was clearly a woman coming back for seconds; Kevin an old hand at giving her pleasure. Lara wondered how long all this had been going on.

At least he found himself a good teacher, Lara tittered to herself. Assuming he’s the one being taught…

He opened Chloe’s slot, fingers pulling apart her hairy labia. He ran the pads of his fingers to either side of Chloe’s stiffened clitoris. Lara stared down with fascination at the woman’s open pussy—of course comparing it to her own. Chloe was a blonde; her lightly pinked snatch was quite unlike Lara’s dark, seething womanhood.

“Eat me!” Chloe cooed to Kevin. “Suck me right there and get my cum!”

The kid swooped down into the space between Chloe’s open legs. He pressed his face into her ready groin. Lara heard Chloe’s juices being spread onto his chin and cheeks. She watched in awe as Kevin managed to touch his girlfriend’s clit with his nose while devouring her.

“Now you get mine,” he grinned, his lips gleaming with her wetness.

“I just went for it!” Chloe whined good-naturedly.

“But you didn’t get it. And you’re already close to coming. We’re driving on the right side of the road now, ‘love.’ Give or you won’t get anything in return.”

Chloe acquiesced: in bare seconds Kevin was straddling Chloe, his face over her sex, his prick hanging over her panting lips. Lara watched as Chloe suckled his manhood, then let it bob out of her mouth while she attended to his dangling balls.

Kevin sucked up Chloe’s juices and wiggled his finger in and out of her opening. The two wolfed each other down with loud sucking noises. Chloe’s hands roamed over Kevin’s muscular ass. He moved his own fingers into the cleft between her buttocks, teased the ring of her asshole, and finally pushed a finger deep inside her anus. Chloe grunted and slurped his cock even more forcefully.

Lara’s sex flamed with need, seeing how they were treating each other. She wanted to give as they gave, to receive what they were getting. She’d settle for either one, but she had to make do with neither.

“Oh Lord, I’m there! I’m there!” Chloe wailed up from below.

Kevin’s face pushed between her legs like he’d emerged from a desert and hers was the only wetness he’d found.

“Drink me!” Chloe groaned. “Drink it all out of me!”

She thrashed under Kevin, her fingers clawed into his toned buttocks, his balls slapping against her nose as though to inundate her with the musky scent Lara could pick up all the way in the attic.

In the midst of her climax, she greedily feasted on Kevin’s prick and frantically pumped him for more of his load. When Kevin finally rolled off Chloe, his balls were obviously empty.



Ah, I have been waiting for this, yiss