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Peter stared at Felicity. He was shocked, but his prick leapt bestially. He couldn’t understand how she could say things like that so innocently, without any of the sultry insinuation that Felicia would put into such words, yet his body responded to her lack of shame.

It was more than a difference between her and Felicia, though. It was a difference between Felicity and Mayday. Mayday was sweet, practically shy when it came to who she liked. Felicity was blunt as could be. Even if she did have the same sexual desires as Mayday, she made none of the effort to hide it that Mayday did.

“Not that I’m judging you,” he finally said. “But please don’t talk like that around my family.”

Felicity laughed and gave his cock a pull. “Is that a yes to fucking my ass?”

She didn’t point out that she might be asking to the same question to Peter’s wife and daughter. Peter was square, but interesting once she got to know him. Definitely one hell of a bang.

Ever since Felicia had showed Felicity the wonders of sex, she’d seen no reason not to be upfront on the subject. But she’d learned that most people didn’t share or understand her sense of honesty. They thought she was obscene. Felicity thought she was just saying what everyone was thinking.

So she behaved herself like a little angel, at least in public. She would be cute or coy or sweet as a bashful virgin, like she was around Mayday. But when things made their way to the bedroom, she was an open book. It’d take time for Peter to accept that, she knew, but she also thought it was only a matter of time until he came around to appreciating her frankness.

After all, how could he not like knowing that his daughter was having the same sort of incredible orgasms that he’d just enjoyed with Felicity?

At the moment, though, even if Peter had known the truth of Felicity’s craving, it was hard to say he would’ve cared. His cock was growing long and stiff, while Felicity’s tawny ass kept feeling better in his kneading fingers.

“Yeah, I’ll fuck your ass—if you don’t think it’ll hurt too much,” Peter answered.

Felicity came up off the bed, going to an overstuffed armchair set against the wall at the foot of the bed. She hunched over it, with her creamy ass in the air, jutting out in obscene invitation. She giggled as she shook it around.

“I don’t know how much it’ll hurt, Mr. Peter. But I don’t care. Get your cock nice and wet in my pussy, then ass-fuck me. I wanna find out what it feels like to be your little anal bitch!”

Peter couldn’t take any further persuasion. In a heartbeat he was once more behind Felicity, reenacting their last fuck by easing his way inside her slit. He pumped into her a few times, wetting his prick.

The sensation was so intoxicating he almost kept going: Felicity certainly wouldn’t object and there was no way pumping himself to completion in her cunt could be anything less than satisfactory. But he told himself that what Felicity wanted was to be ass-fucked. He wouldn’t disappoint her with anything else.

Felicity quivered with anticipation when Peter finally pulled out of her. It always stung a little when her mother teased her ass with a finger, but that pain felt deliciously sensual now, exciting her in an awful, stupendous way. She knew that as good as it had felt when Peter was inside her sex, she would enjoy it even more when he was fucking his thick erection into her bowels.

Peter shifted his purple cockhead to her puckered anus. Felicity sucked in a deep breath and Peter took a moment to brace himself. After how worked up he’d been in her pussy, he didn’t want to finish the moment he was in her ass.

Felicity took his recuperation for hesitance. “Don’t worry about hurting me,” she told him. “I’m used to—AAHH! OH SHIT! PETERRR! GOD!”

Peter pressed into her with vicious need, shoving his throbbing cock deeper and deeper into her weakening asshole. He tried to hold himself back, stroking her naked buttocks with either hand, but the pressure inside her anus called to him. He groaned as he forced himself further in, swamping his manhood with delectable tightness.

Felicity snapped her teeth shut and let her stinging tears fall down her cheeks. Peter’s cock burned and pulsed inside her tender opening. She rubbed her dripping cunt on the chair’s armrest, slowly forcing her way through the pain to a deep undercurrent of enjoyment.

“F-fuck me!” she gritted out. “Just—UNNNN! Just fuck me there! OOOOO! Peter! Oh shit!”

He went deep into her, Felicity feeling nothing but pressure as his hands gripped her waist tightly while his big cock expanded her rectum from the inside. Peter groaned, enjoying that tightness as much as Felicity was stricken by it. Her anal passage was torrid, snug around his manhood, its walls pulsating feverishly around his engorged cock. Every inch of Felicity shuddered and goosepimpled as Peter fucked her supple ass with obscene enjoyment, taking his pleasure in harsh strokes.

Each time he slammed himself into her churning asshole, Felicity wiggled her buttocks into his lap. The act aggravated her pain as much as her delight. Her tender hole felt totally gorged by his endowment, yet by rubbing herself on the armrest under her cunt, she felt a wild climax burning itself into being. Flaring right through the pain of her anus taking something so large.

Peter’s balls throbbed madly. His cock shook like it was about to fall apart. Peter knew that this time he wouldn’t be able to hold back nearly as long as he had before, but he tried to anyway. Gritting his teeth. Shutting his eyes against the sight of Felicity in such alluring torment. Anything to make this last just a few moments longer.

He thought of how ironic it all was. When MJ had gotten pregnant—when he’d retired as Spider-Man—he’d assumed he was in for a dull, boring life. He’d welcomed it after so many years of unwilling excitement. But now his calm married life and responsible fatherhood had him fucking Felicia Hardy’s teenage daughter right in her lovely ass. She was begging for it, begging for him to do the same to her mother while he was at it.

Anything this good should’ve set off warning bells in his head as loud as his spider-sense, but Peter forgot all about there being a catch as he spurted deep inside Felicity’s clenching rectum. He far preferred to listen to her lusty cries over the thought that there could be any drawback to this situation.

Peter came massively, chasing cumshot with cumshot into the depths of Felicity’s bowels. Then winced, for Felicity had plenty of anal tightness left for his half-hard cock as he removed it.

Felicity kept up her unthinking spasms, her pained and delighted sobs. Peter hoped she liked the feel of his leaden, sluggish cum packing her hole as much as she’d enjoyed the feel of it filling her pussy. He couldn’t imagine she’d be able to sit down for the next few days without grimacing in pain.

Peter must’ve slipped into the succor of how good it felt to be all fucked out, because the next thing he knew, he was blinking sleep from his eyes, looking at the clock on his nightstand. Mary Jane and Mayday would be back any minute! Peter jumped up, dragging Felicity to her feet as well, urging her to get dressed fast. He changed the soiled sheets while she casually put her clothes back on.

“Wait until I tell Mommy about this,” Felicity sighed. She still felt the delicious glow from her fucking, lewdly tickling in both her cunt and her ass, while a taste of Peter’s cum lingered in every swallow her mouth made. And she salivated at the taste, making herself gulp frequently. “So how about it?” she asked.

“How about what?” Peter replied, now putting his own clothes back on in a rush.

Felicity put on her best look of sweet, girlish innocence. “You mind if I hang out with Mayday tonight? Or now that you know how tight my ass is, do you want me all to yourself?”

“Sure. I mean, no,” Peter stammered, distracted by whatever guilt he felt at what had happened. “Go ahead and watch TV with her or whatever. Have fun.”

“We will,” Felicity promised.

Peter stopped and looked at her, now suspicious.

Felicity radiated decency. “We’ll have some girl talk. I could warn her about certain boys to watch out for, maybe she could tell me what places she likes to hang out at…”

“I’ll tell her you, ah, take after your mother. She’ll probably want to hear what it was like growing up with the Black Cat for a mom.”

Peter smoothed out the bed. Felicity stood in the doorway, watching him. She licked her lips and swallowed, sucking on the taste of cum on her tongue.

When she looked at him, she felt her cunt starting to twitch like he was about to penetrate her again. The man was like a shot of Spanish Fly, pure sexuality lurking under that unassuming exterior. Knowing the truth, having it her sensual secret, made Felicity eager to try something more with him.

“Be polite with Mayday, okay?” Peter cautioned her. “She’s a good girl. She won’t get along with you if you…”

Felicity laughed at his pause. Her supple breasts shook. “I’m not going to corrupt your little angel, Mr. Peter. I promise I won’t tell her how good older men are in bed… even if she asks.”

Then she disappeared down the stairs, feet catlike with only a whisper of her fingernails tapping on the railing to let him know she was still there.

Peter sighed and picked up Felicity’s cigarettes, then tossed them in the trash rather than return them to her. In hindsight, he had no idea how he was going to explain this to Mary Jane on top of a threesome with the girl’s mother. But maybe some organic way to bring it up would present itself.

Anyway, it seemed to him now like some way for Felicia to score points. Like she’d proven something by getting him to sleep with her daughter. And he didn’t regret it—Felicity was a good girl. Just a little wild.

But Felicia had been too and she’d grown out of that. The world wasn’t like it had been when they were all kids. The Punisher, Elektra, Carnage: those days were gone. Everything was a lot safer now, if still plenty crazy. He felt sure Felicity would settle down far sooner than her mother had.



"He felt sure Felicity would settle down far sooner than her mother had." -One Year Later- "You’re invited to the wedding of Felicity Hardy and May Parker"