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“You’re a lousy actor, Batman!” Clayface critiqued, right as he threw the statue. Batman dodged, of course. “Only able to play the single, one-note role and without any conviction! Essaying the lonely hero, out to defend the innocent and uphold justice, when really the only motivation you show is vengeance!”

Batman scanned the surroundings quickly. Boston wasn’t his usual stomping grounds, but that was a little bit of an advantage. On a Gotham evening, there would be the foolhardy, the crazy, the young, pressing it to get a look at a public brawl like this tearing up a park. In Boston, everyone just ran for it, leaving Clayface to him.

Not that that wasn’t problem enough. With Clayface’s malleability, he had to worry about both close-quarters combat and long-range evasion. Then there was the psychological aspect of Clayface switching bodies, pretending to be Batgirl or Catwoman to get a raise out of him. That was negligible—Hagen wasn’t that good an actor—but still a factor. If Clayface got the opportunity to switch with or pose as a civilian, it would make his job that much more difficult.

The strategy: keep clear of Clayface’s lethally tractable body, but stay close enough to make sure he didn’t pull a fast one. Split the difference with projectiles. Keep Clayface too busy to form his own strategy. Hope he had enough firepower in his utility belt to wear Clayface down before back-up arrived; he wouldn’t want cops in the middle of this.

“You’re such a good actor?” Batman asked, lobbing Batarangs into Clayface’s gelatinous chest. “Play a model prisoner back in Arkham.”

The Batarangs went off, hi-explosives ripping Clayface out of shape. Bruce didn’t like using explosives; that level of firepower was hard to govern, lent itself to accidents. But against threats like Clayface, Bane, Killer Croc, the kid gloves had to come off.

Clayface pulled himself together, sluggishly, leadenly, but looking little the worse for wear. Still the lump of clay given arms and legs, trying to play the role of human without much sincerity. It was the face. Hagen never put real effort into the face.

“You should’ve stayed in Gotham,” Clayface said, once he’d put himself back together enough to have vocal cords. “This is between me and the lady. Imagine the kind of body I can make myself once I get some of Wonder Woman’s sweet, sweet clay!”

“Explode again,” Batman told him, and threw two Batarangs at once. Clayface caught one in a doughy hand, enclosing it in a wad of cement-hard clay, but the other looped past Clayface’s defenses and buried itself in back of his head. Another boom and now Clayface was too angry to reform, just left his head halfway a cauliflower and thrust an arm out at Bruce, stretching it into a jousting lance—

The golden lasso lit up the night, glowing strongly enough to carve an arc in the dusk as it intercepted Clayface’s shifting arm, lashed around it, and itself reformed into a tightening noose at the end of the intricately woven rope. Wonder Woman came in for a landing, holding the lasso braced around her forearm, and she pulled the rushing arm off-course so that it flew well clear of Batman before she poured her power into it.

“This is not your truth,” she said authoritatively, the lasso glowing so bright that it seemed radioactive in her hand. “Show me your truth!”

Clayface shrunk, his arm reeling back to his torso and taking the lasso’s loop with it like a fishhook. His whole body hardened and crushed inward on itself, crunching down like it was burning from within, finally becoming a statue of a man, detailed to the point of astonishment, from the buttons on the clothes to the stubble on his face, but all in the piquant hues of ruddy clay.

Bruce recognized the man. Matt Hagen. He had also worked with Diana long enough to know the difference between her talking someone down and giving him an opening. Reminding Clayface of his past would only enrage him. But first, it had left him stunned.

In a volley of offense, Bruce threw Batarang after Batarang. Some darted into Clayface’s chest, others boomeranged around to hit him in the back, but Hagen didn’t mount a defense against any of them. When they deployed, disseminating the chemical cocktail that would render Clayface’s material as inert as desert floor, he didn’t shift away or harden himself against the attack. He just gave in and let himself be frozen in place.

It would hold him until he was well on his way back to Gotham.


Batman pulled his disappearing act after that, but Diana hadn’t fallen for it in a while. She appeared alongside him, two hundred feet away, overlooking the scene from a nearby bell tower. This wasn’t his beat. He had no other emergencies to respond to. But overseeing Clayface’s processing wasn’t just thoroughness, it was courtesy.

“You knew he was coming after me?” Diana asked.

“It was a possibility. There were materials at his hideout.” The tilt of his head was as close as Bruce ever came to a shrug. “He could’ve just been a fan.”

“You could’ve warned me.”

“Would you need a warning to handle him?”

“It’d be professional. Unlike wanting to handle a dangerous criminal yourself just to impress me.”

“Not just to impress you.”


“No,” Bruce said straight-faced. “You’re a very busy woman. I wouldn’t want to distract you.”

Diana let out a breath that very much wanted to be a sigh. She wasn’t frustrated with him so much as herself, encouraging this behavior by finding it somehow charming. Her dark knight, so eager to serve his maiden fair…

“If you really want to help me do battle with a dangerous enemy,” Diana said with a mischievous smile. “You’ll accompany me to the Wonder Woman Foundation party tonight.”

Bruce was lightning-fast to demur. “We’re due for another break-out at Arkham.”

“And you don’t have enough sidekicks to handle it? Come on, Bruce. Keep me from getting bored. It’s far more worthy of a hero’s reward than cleaning up some mud…”

“It’s a full moon tonight. Charaxes will be unruly.”

“You’re forcing me to persuade you,” Diana said. Then, with one precise move, she gripped his belt and ripped it away from his trunks, revealing the zipper cleverly concealed behind it. “Such a fearsome battle, and now only one place for that testosterone to go…”

“Hng,” Bruce said.

Another deft gesture and Bruce’s fly was done, his cock hauled out. It was scarlet with life, straining and thrumming, already as fit a grip in Diana’s hand as a sword’s hilt would be. Without hesitation, Diana fell to her knees, gobbling the dry organ into her mouth until her lips meshed with his pubic hairs. She slapped his muscular thighs to held his response, making his cock swell in width as well as length.

Bruce growled, an animal noise, then gripped her hair with the tight, frantic devotion of a man jerking off. He had neither the inclination, nor perhaps the will to resist Diana’s unrestrained efforts. Her earnest sucking was rewarded in short order by erection, by precum, and then by more—much more.

Bruce groaned through his climax. Diana held tightly to his cock as it throbbed and pulsed and pouring his steaming load of cum down her throat. Diana had a talented mouth. She sucked the energy out of him along with his seed. He doubled over, his cape fluttering all around Diana like a curtain drawn over the two of them.

“That was such a good meal, Bruce. You’ll bring me more at the party?”


At 10 PM, the meager business of the fundraiser and awareness raising was considered accomplished, and the various guests began to gather on the embassy terrace overlooking the oceans. Stars twinkled through wisps of insubstantial clouds, while candles in glass holders on each table flickered in the cool sea breeze.

“Quite romantic, isn’t it?” Diana said, taking a deep breath of the bracingly salty air, then shivering joyously in her wrapping of soft white mink. She looked exquisitely elegant, as regal and proud as a queen, but still sensuous in her snow white fur and long black velvet gloves. Her white, gold-flecked gown flashed as brightly as the stars above, like a patch of sky in the shape of a woman, walking around as daylight in the middle of the night.

“Anyplace can be romantic if you try hard enough.” Bruce’s hand slid down from around her waist and he gave her ass a friendly pitch. “Anyplace with a bed…”

“No, none of that,” Diana teased. “We’ve already had our fun. Variety is the spice of life.”

“Then how about a dance?”

“Really, Bruce? I didn’t know you were the type.”

“If I’m here, I’m here. Might as well enjoy it.”

“I think you just want to rub your body against mine a little while longer.”

“It’s a cold night,” Bruce reasoned.

In the ballroom just off the terrace, couples were dancing to the big band sound of the forties. The music filtered onto the terrace through open French doors, soft mellow rhythm that filled Diana with nostalgia. She glided with Bruce, pressing her voluptuous body against his.

Bruce had some trouble dancing to the slow, flowing strains of music he thought to be hopelessly old-fashioned. His mind and body were more geared to faster action; if he wasn’t fighting, he should be fucking. But the warmth and softness of Diana’s body pressed close to his made it exciting enough for him, taught him something of patience.

“I have someone I’d like you to meet.”


“Artemis. You remember her?”

“She tried to replace you.”

“She did replace me,” Diana said charitably.

“She tried hard.”

“You remember how she looked?”

Bruce half-closed his eyes and imagined it was her shapely waist his strong arms curved around, her warm body that pressed against the swelling of his restless cock. He stroked a hand down Diana’s back through her waves of shimmering black hair, to the gleaming white mink below.

“Your hair is as soft as the fur.”

“And Artemis’s?” Diana replied with a grin.

“Wouldn’t know.”

“Don’t you want to find out?”

“You’re eager to share your toys all of a sudden.”

Diana swayed her hips gracefully, rubbing her luxurious heat against Bruce’s stiff cock. Bruce thrust back at her and stroked the sleek white fur, imagining it was that between her thighs.

“You’re right. It’s an interesting thought, loaning you out to her.”

Bruce gazed longingly at her warm, appealing smile. “You want us both.”

Diana twisted out of his arms and gathered the shimmering white fur close around her perfect figure. “There’s more to it than that. But not much more.”

“Mind if I cut in?” a sultry voice crooned over his shoulder.

Bruce turned to see Artemis without much in the way of surprise, except where it came to what she was wearing. The martial woman had on a long, low-cut satin gown that looked like it could be Diana’s, but for its emerald shade of green. It made her look much more feminine than usual, though there was nothing girlish about the look in her bright, gleaming eyes. It was all woman.

“Would you like to dance?” she asked evenly.

“I’d love to.” Diana beamed a warm smile and almost melted into Artemis’s outstretched arms.

“My lady… I only meant that I am to guard you… he was monopolizing your time…”

“He is my date,” Diana said, giving Artemis a dip. “And since you are guarding my body, I suppose that means he’s your date as well. Seeing as you’re my shadow. Staying under me. Off to the side of me. Just never on top…”

She spun Artemis into Bruce’s arms, a motion so smooth it could’ve been choreographed, and Artemis gave in quickly to Bruce’s masculine presence, his skill and certainty in leading her. Diana’s approval was the last blow against her resistance.

For Bruce, Artemis felt soft and warm in his arms, and she danced with amorous grace, teasing his stiff cock until he thought it might rip the front of his slacks. Turning as they danced, Bruce saw Diana leaning back against the terrace’s railing, watching with rapturous eyes.

“How do you find Man’s World?” Bruce asked Artemis.

“By smell, usually.”

“Then you don’t find it as agreeable as Diana?”

Artemis hesitated. Bruce could see that there was a hostile response on her tongue, but she was caught too off-guard to use it. “I’ve seen the changes the princess has made,” she said at length. “It’s more than I thought could be changed. It is still an adventure, at least. One does not know how an adventure will end.”

“So I hear.” Bruce didn’t yet dare an overly masterful move like a dip or twist, just graciously rolled Artemis around at the end of his arms, swaying her with the music. “I’ve also heard you’ve been going by Requiem.”

“There are some who would still think of me as Wonder Woman, but I would not want to… ‘borrow’, from Diana. Taking another name makes it clear I am my own.”

“I know the feeling,” Bruce said. Dick had explained it to him often enough.

“My apologies on the loss of your ward. I understand you cared for him.”

Bruce winced. Hard to believe both she and Diana were Amazons, when one was so blunt. “It was a long time ago.”

“My sisters have taken losses as well. Every year in recent memory, we have lost Amazons to outside forces. Our island is besieged.”

“You can handle it, I’m sure.”

“Only with numbers,” Artemis retorted. “We need the population to field numbers sufficient to our territory. Even with the Bana-Mighdall joining forces, our ranks can only diminish, not replenish.”

“I guess men do have some uses.”

“You have heard of how we have sought for new sisters. Donna Troy, for one.”

“She’s good. From what Dick tells me, it’s impossible to tell she wasn’t born a true Amazon.”

“We were all born true Amazons. It just takes realizing for some.” Artemis gazed into his eyes. “Recruiting the worthy one by one is an inelegant solution. Diana doesn’t advocate it.”

“What does she advocate?”

“Men. Men to swell our numbers. Men to lie with our women. Men to bring us children.”

“Honorary Amazons.” Bruce raised an eyebrow. “This isn’t anyone’s idea of idle conversation, even yours.”

“You have fought beside my lady. Her life has been in your hands. It would honor me to receive your seed.”

“Would it, now?”

“My lady’s duties is far too important. She cannot be spared for motherhood. I will bear her child in your place. We will raise it. All of us.”

“If I accept,” Bruce said.

“You will accept. We offer too much to be turned down.”

“And Diana approves of this?”

“She goes now to prepare,” Artemis said in a sultry whisper.

Bruce turned and saw her heading for the open French doors and the bank of elevators beyond.

“We can join her,” Artemis said boldly.

She drew her shoulders back and forth so Bruce could feel the lush, firm swelling of her breasts. Then she pressed and squirmed her sleek womanhood against the great hardness of his member.


Diana led them up to her room with no unnecessary conversation, nothing to break the moment. She smiled at them both as she closed and locked the door. “What do you think?” she asked.

Bruce looked around at the elegant furnishings and out to the balcony overlooking the sea. “It’s nice,” he said. “But compared to Themyscira, all it must do is make you home-sick.”

“I didn’t mean the room…” Diana said in a voice like warm syrup, and nodded to Artemis.

Artemis did a couple of slow, gliding turns with the poise of a fashion model. She might not’ve been as open in her sexuality as Diana, having grown up embracing the warrior side of her nature, but Diana had been teaching her much, and she could see by the leering glint in Bruce’s eyes that he would be willing to meet her halfway. She turned again to entice him, caught Diana’s grin of satisfaction as she did. She knew then that Bruce’s cock was hard even by the princess’s standards.

For the first time in his life, Bruce felt ill at ease with a member of the opposite sex. It wasn’t Diana’s experience and sleek womanly charms that overwhelmed him so much as it was being outnumbered. She and Artemis were so alike, yet so thrillingly different. His gaze swept anxiously up and down Artemis’s body. Through a slit up the side of her long gown, he could see a gleaming, spike-heeled shoe and then follow the line of its exaggeration up the smoothly flowing curves of her well-muscled leg.

He saw the faintest mesh of her stockings as she reached up and loosened the straps of her gown. It slid down, and she stepped out of it, turning again to let him feast his eyes on her finely shaped ass. It was naked except for the slim, lacy band of her garter belt.

Artemis tossed her long, red-gold hair and turned to face Bruce, breathing deeply to swell her breasts. They bulged softly from the half cups of a jet-black bra that barely covered her nipples. One of her favorite lessons from Diana had been to dress, and undress, in ways to keep up an aura of suspense. Few men needed that indelible stimulation with her. But she liked pushing men to the point of having to restrain themselves from creaming their own pants.

Bruce felt the warm flush of desire, surging up to respond to Artemis’s challenging stare. Beads of sweat appeared on his brow.

“It’s cooler on the balcony,” Diana suggested calmly, obviously pleased by his response.

“There’s only one thing that’s going to cool me off,” Bruce said.

Diana just smiled and drew the folds of soft white fur closed around her. She stepped out on the balcony and said “Why don’t you take off a few layers? You must be sweltering.”

Artemis’s velvet-smooth hands reached up and tugged at the knot of Bruce’s tie. That done, her hands slid down his chest, undoing the buttons of his shirt. She peeled it off along with his suit jacket.

“I love the way your muscles ripple,” she told him. “It makes me think you’ll pose a threat.”

Smiling, she bowed her head and stroked one of his nipples with her tongue. The other she brushed with a circular swaying of her shoulder, pressing the luxuriously soft flesh to his rigid little sensitivity. Bruce had to grunt and grit his teeth to hold back a bursting flow of cum.

“You can come if you want,” Diana told him, reaching out and consoling his throbbing cock with slow, rhythmic strokes of her hand. “I’ll have Artemis to occupy me while you recover. You’ll last longer the second time.”

“But then you won’t be fighting over me.”

Artemis laughed throatily. “You horny bastard—you can’t fuck both of us at once.”

“So why am I so willing to try?”

Diana rubbed her full breasts across his chest. “I don’t care who you fuck, so long as you’re sucking on my tits when you come.”

“Fuck me then,” Artemis said. “I haven’t had any of your cock yet.”

Diana released her priming grip on Bruce’s cock and stepped aside, gathering the soft white folds of mink around her. “Go ahead, sister,” she said graciously. “Have all you want.”

Artemis reached for his stiff cock. “Teach me, Wayne. Show me what I need to know.”

Bruce groaned, beginning to pump his hips. Artemis’s soft hand curled around the base of his cock. Diana held his cockhead in a fluid, squeezing fist.

“It’s going to take all night,” Bruce said.

“It’s going to take longer than that,” Diana said. “But class can be in session as many times as it takes.”


“Diana, Princess of Themyscira. In the name of Zeus, who watches over all supplicants, I beg for your mercy. I beg for your protection, your power, your aid. Shelter me in your shadow.”

 “Do your pledge your life, your abilities, your love to me?”


“Are my enemies yours?”


“Are my friends yours?”


“Is my house yours?”


“Then you are mine, as I am yours, and I call you brother...”


Artemis was conflicted. She was lonely and jealous and satisfied and aroused.

She couldn’t sleep and it was after midnight when she crawled from bed and went out onto the balcony. She looked down at the inviting beach, its wet sand shimmering in the pale moonlight, and decided she wanted a swim. She looked back into the bedroom, seeing Bruce and Diana still asleep, sprawled on each other’s bodies, then went to the minibar and took a bottle of whiskey with her as she slipped silently from the room.

She did not know whether she minded sharing Bruce with Diana or sharing Diana with Bruce.

She drank naked on the beach, getting used to the cool water by letting it lap on her heels, then dove into the surf and started swimming. Knifing through the water, ducking her head into the waves to bull through them. The feeling of the liquid chill immersing her body made her shiver with delight. The water rushed over her naked skin, washing it clean, making it tingle with pleasure. It coursed over her back and the cheeks of her ass, rushing over her cunt. Little eddies ran behind her buttocks and tickled her sex from behind. Her nipples stiffened until they were little points of tight pleasure. Strong kicks and hearty arm-strokes were their own satisfaction. She stopped at a flashing buoy, dragging herself out of the water to hang onto the ladder at its side, and let the starlight paint her naked body.

In the rhythmically flashing light from the buoy, she saw two ripples spreading through the swelling, dipping waters. Bruce and Diana, twin scalpels carrying the barest white of the surf with them as they sliced from the breakers to her. She dropped down from the buoy, hiding her nudity in the water, and saw Diana’s white buttocks protrude from the water with the smooth, taut oscillations of her breaststroke.

“A swim. Good idea,” Diana said, stopping to bob by Artemis, running her hand over Artemis’s naked ass and letting her finger sneak down to the red tuft between her legs, feeling her cunt from behind for a moment.

“Did you have to bring Bruce?”

“He brought me.”

“Oh?” Artemis asked, batting her eyelashes. “You wanted me, then?”

“Couldn’t handle the princess by myself.”

“You want me,” Artemis taunted him. “Come get me.”

She dived playfully down, hands reaching out for her, successfully evading them for a few minutes down near the roiling sand of the seafloor. When she broke the water, Diana and Bruce converged on her. She felt hands roving over her silken breasts, felt fingers squeezing and stroking her flesh, running all the way down her abs and tangling in the sea-moss hair between her thighs. More hands were put on her naked legs, running up and down until they touched the hot spot between her buttocks.

She loved the attention her lovers were giving her, loved being the object of their mutual desire. It more than made up for her years of celibacy, of aggression and self-denial. She intended to give her all to these two who had induced her into the new experiences of the Amazon.

Artemis reached out and stroked Bruce, felt inside Diana, marveling at how heated they both felt in their feverish arousal. Diana dove between her legs and licked at her warm cunt, getting it quaking with naked passion before she surfaced. Bruce took a deep breath and submerged next, between her long lithe legs, blowing a stream of bubbles over her. Tickling her labia, her clit, her cunt, while Diana rubbed her wet body with Artemis’s, her own sex slipping and sliding over Artemis’s slick flesh. The two’s strength and urgency thrilled Artemis, made her melt with desire.

“I need a cock!” she cried. “Stick it in me!”

“You’ll have all the cock you can handle,” Diana promised, splashing playfully around Bruce and Artemis.

Bruce dragged Artemis over to the buoy, throwing her against the ladder to hang on and keep in one place. He pinned her against it, filling her with his hard shaft, thrusting it all the way to her belly. With apparent ease, he worked himself in a chuffing motion beneath the waves, punching his shaft in and out of her cunt in a standing position. The friction of his wet prick on her clit and the water rushing against her nakedness drove Artemis mad with passion

“Feel good?” Diana asked, hanging onto the other side of the ladder.

“Oh gods, yes! It feels wonderful! There aren’t words to describe it! Fuck me, both of you! I need you!”

“How about from behind?” Diana asked, drawing her hand down to the cleft between Artemis’s asscheeks.

“I’ll try anything! Fuck me! Go ahead, fuck me in the ass!” she breathed, her cunt squirming as Bruce reamed her with his massive tool.

Diana wrapped one arm around Artemis and sawed her other hand between her curvy asscheeks. “Of course you know, this will hurt.”

“That’s why I’m going to love it.”

Diana slid one finger into her twitching asshole, poking it into the tightness of Artemis’s passage and wiggling it around. Artemis sucked in her breath, her legs shaking so badly that she feared falling even though she was floating, and she hugged Bruce even tighter.

“Your finger feels so good in my asshole,” she mewled. “See how many you can get in me. Go ahead.”

Diana’s finger was soon joined by two more, her fingertips pressed together and stabbing into Artemis’s rectum. She crammed them in still deeper, stretching Artemis’s asshole open with her knuckles. Diana fingered her ass just as quickly as Bruce fucked her cunt, their shared motion getting steadily jerkier and more erratic.

Her eyes mere slits, Artemis writhed against Bruce’s body, rubbing her swollen nipples into his chest and clasping her trembling thighs to his hips. Her pink sex gaped open wetly, her clit tingling like mad, and Bruce ramming himself still harder up her cunt. He and Diana filled Artemis with quivering hardness, Diana’s fingers working frenziedly in Artemis’s asshole while Bruce shoved himself inside her.

The redhead’s breasts heaved with her heavy breathing and jerking movements, her ass swaying back and forth as she got closer to her climax. She could feel her orifices tightening closed around their invaders, and she knew it was only a matter of seconds before she would be satisfied.

“Fuck me faster!” she breathed. “Shove your cock deeper, shove it as deep as it can go! OHHH GOD!” She clutched at Bruce’s back, her nails digging in. “Diana, keep fingering my asshole! Don’t stop! Ohhh! I’m almost there! I’m going to come! It’s starting, I can feel it! Hold me tighter! Fuck me, keep fucking the hell out of me! Yes!”

She straightened, her feet raising until they protruded from the water behind Bruce, and the sleek muscles in her quaking thighs and ass straining. The spasms racing through her quivering cunt made her close her eyes tight, her climax shuddering into the very depths of her pussy.

Bruce’s cock throbbed wildly and then fired a stream of hot cum into Artemis’s tightening sex. He jabbed his spurting cock even deeper into her pussy, as if trying to meet Diana’s fingers in her asshole. Artemis screamed her head off, sandwiched between them with her legs spread wide and her arms squeezing Bruce tight.

His cock finally jerked spasmodically and was drained, a last dribble of semen clouding in the water before it quit. The three stood embracing each other for a moment, their breathing harsh, and their bodies drenched with a mixture of lapping seawater and clinging sweat.

Diana had waited until Bruce had Artemis limp and boneless, all of his cock lost in her juicy cunt. Now she kissed Artemis and said, in a voice rich with irony, “You’ll still let me fuck him once in a while, won’t you?”

Artemis was still lost in the ecstasy she’d just learned. It was easy for her to rasp “Yes… yes… I don’t care… oh, Bruce, again? Can you fuck my ass like Diana did?”

“Let’s go back to shore,” Bruce grunted, promising himself he’d be hard again by the time they reached the sand.


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