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It was harder than hell, but the first thing Dick did upon arriving on the battlefield that the LexFinance building had become was stop and listening. The trail of destruction had stopped there, so it was an even bet that Superman—and Kory—were inside. Unless they’d taken to the air, but he doubted that. Kory might remember to try to get an aggressive Superman away from civilians, but he so far outclassed her that Dick doubted she’d be able. Kory would know that, so most likely she’d try to keep Superman contained to at least the devastation he’d already caused.

It was hard to focus past the sounds of crying civilians, shrieking sirens, fires still burning, but Dick wouldn’t have been Robin if he couldn’t block out what he had to block out to do his job. Finally, he heard something foreign enough to this setting to draw his attention.

Cautiously Dick flattened himself to the ground and belly-crawled deeper into the building. He crept to the edge of a wrecking-ball-sized hole down to the subbasement. The edges of the opening were red with cooling heat on the rebar, while the concrete was slagged. Heatvision? Or maybe one of Kory’s starbolts? Dick couldn’t tell, but he carefully avoided the rim of the hole as he inched up to it—even his gloves only had so much armor. More and more of the subbasement came into view as he approached.

I’m going to feel like a real idiot if they just happened to fire down into that place instead of up and out of it.

He couldn’t see anything—not yet. Taking a grappling hook from his belt, Dick tossed it up to snag on an amputated pipe above, then used the line attached to it to steady himself while he hung down through the opening. It was dark, but he could make out a shadowy hulk in all that blackness. Then electricity flashed somewhere in the distance and the shadow took form—a tall, muscular form. Kory was attached to it—kneeling before it. She let out a muffled groan, while the other shape, Superman, bellowed passionately.

Dick’s eyes picked up more details, as if any more were needed. He saw Superman’s cock bucking and pounding inside Kory’s pursed lips. Spots of his precum frothed from the wet junction of his prick and Kory’s sheathing mouth—they dribbled down her chin.

Superman groaned again, his face clearly visible in the low light. Dick drew back, nearly shaking, hating how thankful he was that Kory was distracting him enough to be unaware of Robin’s presence. He keyed his earpiece, hoping that Superman would likewise be too distracted to notice either his hushed voice or the radio signal carrying his transmission.

“Titans, Starfire’s alright. She’s got Superman… neutralized, for the moment. But we need reinforcements in case things go south. Kid Flash, get to Fawcett City and find Captain Marvel. Tell them Superman’s gone wrong and we need a power hitter to engage him. Once you’ve gotten him, or if you can’t find him, go after Wonder Woman.”

A tinny voice rang in his ear. “This is Raven, I’m healing Changeling now. I think he pestered Diana’s number out of Donna once—Azar knows how...”

“Good; try it. I’m going to backtrack Superman’s movements and see if I can find out what’s made him do this. If I figure out what set him off, maybe I can undo it.”

“You’re just gonna leave Kory with a psycho Supes?” Kid Flash asked, his voice shrill both with aggravation and the volume he needed to be heard while moving beyond the speed of sound.

Dick clenched his jaw to keep from cursing Wally out. There was no way he could know the turmoil Dick was in. “I wish I could help, but trust me, I can’t do anything for her right now. None of us can. Our only chance against Superman, or whatever’s posing as Superman, is to outthink him.”

As he turned off the earpiece, Dick mentally mapped out the quickest way to the Daily Planet. If anyone knew Superman’s itinerary, someone there would. And he would just have to leave Kory on her own—trying not to think about what she was going through.

But which bothers you more? a needling voice in his head asked. That she hates what’s happening to her… or that she loves it?


Kory cupped his bulging scrotum in one hand and extended twin fingers from her other fist to rub at the few inches of his phallus that her mouth wasn’t yet able to absorb. With both hands and her mouth she milked him ferociously, rubbing and sucking and squeezing like she was leaving nowhere for his seed to go but into her hungry mouth.

Already his phallus had begun to swell. There was no longer any room in Kory’s throat. She couldn’t even breathe, but that didn’t matter to her. Again and again she brought her head down to the bottom of Gundersen’s girthy cock, reveling in the sensation of having it fill her.

“MMMMPH! MMMPH! MMMFF!” she groaned through his manhood, feeling the first orgasmic trembling start in his balls and carry through his shaft. The wrinkled skin of his scrotum seemed to gorge itself to the breaking point, full of cum, and Kory wanted every steaming drop of it.

Feed me, she thought. I want all of it.

“Oh Christ, suck it!” Gundersen hissed between panting breaths. “Drink all this CUM!”

His body went stiff on Kory’s next downstroke, his cock so stiff in the depths of Kory’s throat that it seemed locked there. But Kory didn’t even quail in her efforts. Pulling herself at length off his manhood, she furiously rubbed his shaft over her face and puckered lips, kissing and licking at the base of his maleness until Gundersen was mad with desire for her.

He couldn’t take anymore. Gundersen exploded. The first bolt of his cum splashed hot and liquid across Kory’s cheeks and nose.

“Oh yes! This is what I want!” she moaned, taking his spurting cock back into her mouth.

His scalding cum pumped endlessly into her tonsils; Kory drank and drank, savoring the salty hear as it fluidly ran down her throat and into her stomach. Her throat muscles worked convulsively, pulling at both Superman’s cock and the seed that it fed her. And Gundersen indulged her appetite repeatedly, until it was too much for even her.

Thick blobs of his jizz ran out from the corners of Kory’s sucking, slurping mouth. It trailed down her chin and dripped onto her ample cleavage, running like melted candle wax both between her breasts and over their outer slopes.

Kory felt the wet warmth cover her sensitive tits and redoubled her attempts at swallowing. Much as she liked the feel of blisteringly hot semen on her bare skin, she’d much rather not have the taste lost to her ravenous mouth.

The flood of cum overflowed Kory’s mouth in more ways than one, running up the back of her throat and pouring down her nostrils, two streams of male sperm joining what was already flowing from her overtaxed lips.

Again and again Kory swallowed, and again and again her mouth was filled to overflowing. Kory thought he might never stop. And that was what she wanted. An unending river of cum.

Finally, though, Superman’s jerks and bursts of semen slowed to short, sporadic bursts. Kory kept sucking, swallowing each of his remaining dollops in turn.

Mmmmm,” she sighed as she let him out of her swollen lips, moving now to lick his groin clean.

Kory worked on herself as much as on Gundersen. Rubbing his cum into her facial features and licking her fingers too, until she’d bathed herself like a cat. Then she stood up, teasingly coming to her full height next to him, and she hefted her cum-covered breasts in her hands to lick them clean as well. What her tongue couldn’t reach, her hands kneaded and massaged into her opulent cleavage.

Gundersen stood watching her breathlessly. It was as though he were seeing her for the first time, and the sight of her in all her voluptuousness, all her sensuality, blew away the satedness and exhaustion of how hard he’d come.

Gundersen had often felt lust, but never a way to properly vent it—not to give himself the perfect satisfaction that his ravenous hunger promised him. In Superman’s body, though, he’d finally gotten contentment. But, even better, it quickly fled, making way for his flagging erection to come bobbing back to life.

And Starfire looked nothing short of enthusiastic at the thought of a second round. Her all-green eyes shone with lust, staring at his manhood now with a full awareness of what it could do and how sweetly it could treat her.

“Should I suck on it again?” she trilled nicely. “Or have you fed me enough?”


It was a testament to Dick’s will, his presence of mind, his training, that even as he weaved through abandoned traffic on his cycle, his mind beset with doubts and demons, he still was paying enough attention to his surroundings to notice that on a road perpendicular to his, a car was barreling towards him.

Far off, not nearly close enough to be a threat, but it was still moving towards the disaster area, not away. Robin skidded his cycle to a stop. It was a taxi, but the driver was hardly an ordinary hack. He looked skeletally thin, with a drawn, gaunt face—like a man suffering from such wasting disease or nervous disorder.

Indeed, he was mishandling his taxi all over the road; it was only the fact that no one else was traveling down the one-way street to thank for how he hadn’t hit someone yet. And the taxi was still banged and dented with whatever stop signs and fire hydrants he’d plowed through already.

Dick’s detective instincts told him the story: a man who, despite his infirmity, needed to get to the scene. When his driver had shirked at taking him further, he’d begged or threatened his way into commandeering the automobile himself. Either he was just an overwrought relative of someone in the line of fire or he had some vital insight into why Superman was going on such a berserk rampage.

Either way, Dick had to attend to him before he managed to kill himself or others with his vehicular battering ram. Even if he was just trying to get to a loved one, Dick couldn’t let him become collateral damage. He kicked his cycle into a change of course and took off to intercept the smoking car.


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