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When he looked down—hard as it was to tear his eyes away from the usual scintillation of Selina’s visage—he saw the cream his cock was drenching itself in as he reamed her out. It was too much for even him to process. He went out of control, fucking Selina like a horse at full gallop. Which was just what she wanted.

Yessss,” Selina trilled through the interrupting spasms of his pistoning. “That’s it, Ozzie, fuck me, fuck me right into orbit!”

Her inner muscles clutched and held onto his cock with fierce tightness, forcing Oswald to bodily defy their pressure on him in order to keep servicing Selina. Her clit grew steadily more engorged, letting Oswald know how close she was to her next orgasm. Reaching down, he stroked her clit with his fingers in time to his thrusts. Selina cried out, pushing herself back against Oswald hard, her sex tightening like a vise as he seemed to feed more of himself into her than ever.

Ohhhhh!” she cried, leaning forward to kiss her reflection in the mirror, as if to thank her appearance for driving Oswald to such lust. Then she ran her tongue up the cool glass until she’d licked Oswald’s reflection as well. “I—I—I’m going to—AGGGHHHHH!”

Pumping himself into her frenetically, Oswald felt his completion steadily approaching. The harder he thrust, the closer he got—and the more Selina moaned.

“Such a blessing to have one’s efforts appreciated when they’re already so enjoyable!” Oswald opined, although with a husky harshness to his voice that belied its elegance. “It’s no wonder we’ve both found ourselves on the wrong side of the law, my turtledove: the more we get, the more we want!”

“This is what I want!” Selina gasped. “What I need… I don’t ever want anything else… I wish you could fuck me forever!”

Oswald had to fight to pull himself out of Selina’s clinging folds and so changed to a series of short, fast jabs. Selina was pleading with him for more as she thrust herself back onto his thrusts with bestial intensity.

As her orgasm mounted inside her, she trembled all over. Perspiration beaded on Oswald’s forehead. He could barely control himself either. He quickened his pace and Selina felt his shaft swelling inside her. He was about to spurt.

Selina didn’t want him to—not yet—not before she’d had at least one more good climax to settle things. But she couldn’t deny Oswald, not after all he’d given her. He deserved to come and as much as she wanted more of this fuck, Selina was just as satisfied to take his cum.

Not that she had much of a choice. His prick was relentless. It pulsed faster and faster against her inner walls; she didn’t think there was a man alive who could hold back with his erection going like that. Selina made her cunt muscles fondle and suckle his cock, anticipating his spurting cum inside her, filling her up even more fully than his manhood did.

“Come inside me, Ozzie!” she wailed. “Make me pregnant! Breed my cunt!”

Oswald grasped her cropped hair, barely enough to grip, and forced her head back. She turned and kissed him over her shoulder, back pressed against his body while he battered her cunt, hips jostling in a long kiss with hers. Even without really have room to fuck, Selina loved being so close to him.

“There’s something to be said for cheap and tawdry obscenity,” Oswald opined. “But such a momentous occasion should be handled with proper gravitas. Let’s take this to the bed, my little chickadee. We can slip off to sleep in each other’s arms once we’ve had you properly seeded.”

And, unbelievably, he brought himself out of her on the cusp of relief.

“No,” Selina keened. “No… I want it back…”

“In but a moment, my lovely. Escort yourself to the bed and we’ll pick up right where we left off.”

Selina flung herself onto the bed, arranging her body on all fours with her ass wagging for his delectation. “Are you ready to fuck me now?” she asked thickly, licking her lips with eagerness. She stared lustfully at Oswald’s cock, delighted to see that it was as engorged as ever, seemingly nowhere near ejaculation.

“Always,” Oswald crooned, desperate to feel Selina’s womanhood closing around his fat prick. “But be a pet and turn over, onto your back. I want to take you as a man takes the mother of his children, not a dog takes a bitch.”

“But it’s so much fun to be a bitch,” Selina moaned, nevertheless dropping down onto her back and opening her legs.

Oswald crawled onto his hands and knees, coming between her splayed thighs. Selina raised her face up to his as he covered her—she darted her tongue out and licked his mouth. With a deep groan, Oswald planted his lips on hers. They embraced and kissed again and again, Selina feeling her passion burning in her, with no diminishment from the interruption.

She was sure Oswald had taken advantage of the pause to get himself under control, but so long as that meant he fucked her even longer, she couldn’t hold it against him too much—much as she wanted his seed.

She wrenched her lips off of his. “Have me now, Ozzie. I can’t wait any longer!” she cried.

Oswald levered his weight up with his hands beside Selina’s head, keeping his heft off her body except where his hips laid between her legs. He arched his back and lifted his chest into the air so that only her tingling nipples touched his body.

“If you would be so kind, my dear, as to do the honors?”

Selina reached down as Oswald lifted his loins. She felt his cockhead throbbing between her belly button and her clit, her entire mound vibrating in her wait.

“God, Ozzie, you’re driving me mad!” Selina said with an impatient growl. “I’ve never needed to be fucked so bad my whole life!”

Oswald smiled, delighted that such a sumptuous, clever woman was so turned on by him. She took hold of his fat cock at the base of its length, making a tight fist and squeezing it repeatedly to assure herself it was hard as stone. Then she guided its tip into her opening.

They both winced with enjoyment as their bodies met, Selina’s passion virtually sucking him inside her—the only wait was in Selina rubbing her clit with his pulsating cockhead.

“Oh yessss!” she hissed. “Nothing feels as good as your cock to me.”

Oswald’s smile widened. He let his weight down, sliding himself into Selina’s hungry pussy. Her labia opened up around the end of his member.

“Oh, that’s good, that’s really good!” Selina sighed, loving the feel of his knob throbbing its way into her folds. “You were just inside me a minute ago—how could I forget how amazing it felt!?”

Oswald’s shaft held an obscene layer of Selina’s cream, glistening brightly from his glans to his balls. There was no need for lubrication or slowing down the slightest amount. Selina brought him to the entrance of her twitching sex, poising it right where her slit was splayed wide to accept him. Oswald tensed his muscles, clenching his buttocks together in preparation for claiming her all over again.

“Are you prepared, my love?”

“Are you kidding me?” Selina keened. “God, Ozzie, I’ve never been so ready for anything in my life! FUCK ME! Give me your big dick! Ram it all the way in—when you come, I want it to shoot right through me!”

She brought her feet up off the mattress, her knees up toward her ample chest. Oswald arched his back, jackknifing at the waist to send his cock deep into Selina’s boiling pussy with a loud grunt.

“Yes, finally, YES!” Selina cried happily, finally feeling his full length back inside her.

Oswald lowered his head and covered her mouth with his.

Mmmmmm,” Selina sighed as they kissed, over and over again, their lips lewdly mingling. She tightened her inner muscles around Oswald’s thick member and they both groaned with the exhilarating pleasure driving them inexorably towards its own summit.

Ahhh!” Selina yelped, breaking their kiss as she felt the tip of Oswald’s length throbbing in places she was sure her little snatch had never been touched before.

Even with all her excitement, all her wetness, Oswald’s prick was still so long and so thick that she felt a jab of pain along with the pleasure of being fucked. But it was well worth it. The pain only increased Selina’s exhilaration with the realization that she was being fucked so hard it hurt.

“OH GOD, OZZIE! Your big dick is filling me up all the way! I love it!” she panted, tossing her head about wildly, stray locks of her dark hair clawing at the air.

She felt like she’d been filled up to the brim, utterly full of Oswald’s throbbing manhood, and that had to be the sweetest feeling in the whole world.

“My goodness, little crumpet, no matter how hard the pummeling I give your little flower, it remains as indefatigable as ever! I’d need a harem of certified virgins to even begin to replace you!” Oswald groaned, paying her the grandest possible compliment. He started to slowly rotate his hips.

Selina moaned, pleased by his high praise, and felt compelled to return the compliment. She threw her legs around Oswald’s waist, expansive as it might be, and crossed her ankles at the small of his back. Not for the first time, she was deeply grateful for her long legs. Not to mention her toned, muscular thighs. They gripped Oswald tightly about the trunk, hugging him to her body as they fucked. Selina wound her arms around Oswald’s shoulders as well, clawing into his back with her long, sharp nails.

“Even a harem of virgins wouldn’t be enough for you, Ozzie. They’d go running, begging for mercy. It takes a hot little bitch like me to satisfy you!”

“Quite right, my dear, although I wish you wouldn’t refer to yourself in such vulgar terminology. It’s bad enough that I intend to rut your hot little honeypot so hard that you shan’t be able to sit for a fortnight—must you slur yourself as well?” Oswald teased, now fucking her in earnest.

He took out all but the very end of his erection, then with a deep breath he returned its full length to her, hilting her as forcefully as he could.

“YES! THAT’S ITTTT! Shit, you have no idea how much I love it when you fuck me this hard! This is just how I like getting cock!” Selina groaned, grinning and cackling at the sour yet titillated expression Oswald wore in response to her obscenity.

He pumped the entire length of his endowment into her with stroke after strokes, gasping with excitement as her inner muscles relentlessly massaging his thrusting masculinity. Then he paused to let his dick rest deep inside her, his cockhead pulsing against the very edge of her cervix.

“Oh God! God! GOD!” Selina sighed again and again.

She was absolutely impaled on his long, stiff member. Lifting her ass up from the mattress, she thrust her groin into his lap, helping him to fully hilt her with all of his manhood. Her sex spasmed wildly, her clit quaking uncontrollably. Even her anus was clenching and unclenching with desire. A maniacal lust was in possession of Selina’s body, making her feel outright intoxicated by the fullness of Oswald’s expertly thrusting cock inside her body.

“Yes, that feels so goddamn good, Ozzie!” Selina crooned. “Keep going! Keep fucking me! YES—I like it just like that! I love being fucked with that beautiful cock of yours!”


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