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When it got quiet, she’d make them both invisible and greatly enjoy christening as many rooftops as possible. Even when they had a busy night, Sue knew that when they got back to the Baxter Building, there’d be plenty of energy left to vent.

She felt like a hypocrite, knowing she would yell at Johnny for this exact sort of thing, but goddammit, she loved being whatever sick combination of adrenaline junkie and nymphomaniac enjoyed crimefighting that climaxed in sex. But it would get even kinkier than that.

Spending so much time sneaking around invisibly, Sue had become very sensitive to even the softest noise. And Peter had that spider-sense. Both of them sensed something moving through the night—dashing across the skyline, leaping from roof to roof.

This late at night, it was not someone practicing for the world parkour championship. It was either someone on the Avengers reserve list, in which case they’d have a brief scuffle and then team up against the Top or whoever, or it was the Top or whoever.

As it turned out, a little bit of both.

“Nice night for a walk, huh Cat?” Peter greeted her, shooting a web across her path. Felicia skidded to a stop. “Or a run. From rooftop to rooftop.”

Felicia sidled over the webline, sweeping one long leg then the other across it. “A girl’s got to stay in shape, Spider. After all, I want to keep up with you, don’t I?” Her eyes cut over to Sue. “What’s she doing up? I thought old people went to bed early.”

“What would you say if I turned you invisible, layer by layer, until I found out what you stole?” Sue asked.

“I’d say there are easier ways to get me naked. Ask Spider.”

Sue turned to Peter in disbelief over how openly Felicia was flirting with him—practically prostituting herself—when she saw Peter’s gaze passing over the open swells of Felicia’s cleavage in her low-cut catsuit, no bra. Her nipples were long and hard, grabbing the eye even through the layer of leather that coated them. And the areolas showed through the teeth of Felicia’s halved zipper. Sue thought she saw a touch of rouge on them. What a slut.

“I could always do it from the inside out,” Sue said, concentrating. “There. I just turned your bones invisible.”

“That’s okay. I could always borrow one of Spider’s.” Felicia giggled and fluttered her eyelashes, elongated with black mascara to match her black domino mask.

Sue put her hands behind her back. Then turned them invisible. Without Felicia able to see, she reached out next to her and put her hand on Peter’s crotch. Oh yes—stiff as a board. He really was attracted to this little whore. Sue felt offended. She’d thought he’d had taste. After all, he was seeing her, not Emma Frost or any of those other bimbos that the tabloids obsessed over.

Well, there was She-Hulk, but everyone fucked She-Hulk.

Felicia smiled and pushed some of her platinum hair out of her eyes. “Why don’t you turn my hair invisible? I’d love to show him what my pussy looks like with a Brazilian wax.”

Sue’s jaw slightly dropped at Felicia’s absolute whorishness. What’s worse, she felt Peter’s cock throb in her invisible hand. “You’re telling me you don’t have a shaved pussy already?”

Felicia shook her head. “This kitty enjoys giving her fur a tongue-bath too much to let it go.”

“You’re that flexible?” Sue asked dubiously.

“I never said I did it.”

Peter’s dick pulsed like crazy—swelling full of blood in expectation of the rollicking fuck that everything about Felicia promised. Well, Sue was not letting this young hussy steal away her man. The Black Cat wanted to be aggressive? Sue would show her the aggression that had sandwiched Peter between her and Jennifer Walters; let Felicia top that!

Well, it was possible she already had. Shulkie really got around, after all.


Peter didn’t know quite why Sue was stroking him through his costume, right in front of another woman. It seemed a safe bet that at any moment, Felicia would notice the wrinkles in his fabric from the handjob, let alone how big his cock was at the moment, let alone what would happen if he fucking ejaculated in his costume.

But if there was one person he felt safe doing this in front of, it was Felicia. She wouldn’t be offended by that kind of carousing. It would probably get her to squirt.

He pretended Sue wasn’t there, aside from her caressing hand, and focused on Felicia. Noticing how perfectly her lush red lips were sculpted for blowjobs. It made it seem almost a shame that he wasn’t alone tonight to claim that sucking, even if Sue was hardly proving to be a ball and chain.

Still, in the secretiveness of his mask, he closed his eyes and remembered how Felicia’s sweet ripe mouth looked around his erection, covering it with warmth and moisture and softness. Even Sue’s hand, skilled as it was, couldn’t compete with that.

But the Invisible Woman was no slouch. Her hand hadn’t offered his excited cock any respite. He felt like he was going to explode, set off by those tantalizing fingers at any moment.

“Why don’t you turn around?” Peter asked, trying to keep his pleasure out of his voice. “Let us make sure you don’t have anything hidden in the back of your costume.”

Felicia began a slow circle, moving a single foot over to whirl her around. She put a finger on her lower lip to go with her baby-girl coquettishness. “Would it be bad if I did? I thought you liked hiding things in the back of my costume…” Then she finished her circle with a big sway of her voluptuous hips, each side packed with muscles and almost bulging through her catsuit.

Peter had to work hard to keep from coming at the memory coupled with the sighthis first time realizing that Felicia’s zipper ran all the way up between her thick buttocks.


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