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“So who’s a guy have to fuck to get laid around here?” Jason Todd asked, eying the redhead under the suspicion that redheads were the same anywhere, even on Paradise Island.

The redhead looked back at him evenly. She was tall and fit, not as tall as Diana, but she seemed to be taller with her high ponytail and her lean, sinewy body. Diana’s curves replaced with sinuous muscles, pert breasts, a tight ass. Still, Jason didn’t have anything against skinny bitches.

“And what criminal scum are you that came here seeking redemption?”

“I’m actually Jason Todd. I was Batman a while. And Nightwing. And,” he coughed, “Red Hood. They told me I could take a free vacation on an island full of women because it’d be ‘good for me,’ which I guess is their way of telling me I need to get laid, which coming from anyone in Gotham is hilarious.”

Artemis smiled dangerously. “So you want to get laid, do you?”

“Yeah.” Jason bullshitted her: “Big necklace, lots of flowers…”

“You wouldn’t be able to take it. I’m not Diana. I don’t give handjobs so you can feel good about yourself. And when I tie you up, it’s not so that you can tell me your embarrassing childhood memories.”

Jason smiled at her. “Try me.”


Right on the beach there was a tent, and in it there was a bed. Built into the bedposts were little tabs. If pulled, they revealed taut cord that retracted back into place when not being used. Artemis tied them around Jason’s limbs, one by one, and when she was finished, they had far less give than before. One of the little cunnings of Amazon design.

At the end of the bed, Artemis stripped for him, occasionally reaching out with a light finger to nudge him back as he tried to raise off the mattress. He was well-built, cocky, carried himself like a warrior. Artemis thought it would be fun to break him. Or if he didn’t break.

When she was completely naked, she just stood there a minute, enjoying the feeling of being in control. She could feel his eyes on her body, and she made sure to stand so that he could get a good look at her tits, her pussy. So that he could want them.

“Come on,” Jason urged, wanting to get started.

“Not yet.”

Under the bed there was a chest, and in the chest there was a bottle of lotion. Not store-bought, but made on Paradise Island, poured into one of the unadorned bottles from their glassworks, distinguishable by its particular color and the shape of the glass.

“That bottle going anywhere in particular?” Jason asked her.

“Just relax and enjoy it,” Artemis told him.

She poured some of the rich oil into her hands. While he watched her, Artemis rubbed it into her skin, first her belly, then her toned arms, then her smooth, milky breasts. As she caressed her tits she could feel her nipples getting hard, and knew that Jason was enjoying it because his manhood was growing hard as well. She kept rubbing oil into her body, working it into everywhere she could reach. She saved her sex for last, moving past it to work on her legs, making her legs as shiny as the rest of her lathered body. Then her hands trailed back up her thighs.

“You like this?” Artemis asked him, knowing that he did. His cock was completely rigid.

Jason only nodded.

“Good. Now how about this?”

Artemis gave herself another handful of oil and rubbed it into the cinnamon hair of her pussy, leaving it glistening wetly with its smoothness, its slipperiness. Jason was more tense than ever, breathing hard, his chest pumping up and down.

Artemis spread her labia apart and rubbed some oil between her legs. It mixed with the arousal that was already there, and she let out a little moan just to torture Jason.

Now she climbed onto the bed with him, his eyes hungrily eating up her body, sliding over her skin with the shifting light that played along her oiled flesh. Without even being touched, his cock was huge, rising up from his body like a tree, and when Artemis gripped it, his whole body quaked.

Artemis stroked him with her slippery fingers, sliding them all over his prick. There was enough oil left on them for her to make his cock as wet and shiny as she was. The only difference was, she was relaxed and loose, while Jason was as tense as steel.

By the time she finished, Artemis could tell he was dying to get his cock inside her. She wasn’t, though. She liked the thought of making him wait. She ran her hands over his body, from his face down to his toes. The luxurious sheen of the oil didn’t coat his body, but slicked over it like tribal markings, little licks of her caressing fingers that glistened like highlights on his musculature.

“Come on, lady, let’s get on with it!”

“Poor baby,” Artemis mewled. “Alright, Jason. Tell me what you want.”

Jason inclined his chin to his erection. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“If there’s one thing you are, it’s obvious. Tell me.”

“You know good and well what I want.”

“Tell. Me.”

She didn’t move. Jason was slowly figuring out that he hadn’t gotten her into bed with a smile and a bad attitude. If he wanted to fuck, he would have to go along with her little game.

“Alright. I want your cunt. There. Are you satisfied?”

“I suppose it’s typical of you not to know when a woman’s been satisfied.”

She moved forward, straddling her. She could see his eyes peering up at her sex and could just imagine what he was seeing. It excited her a little. She stopped above his cock. Her legs were parted, her thighs straining. Taking his hard cock in her hands, Artemis guided it to her entrance. There she felt his burgeoning cockhead pushing at her slipperiness, knew it wouldn’t take much effort to slide into her cunt.

She sat down.

“Jesus!” Jason moaned.

She could feel his rigidness all the way up to her stomach, and he began to thrust almost immediately. Jason had been waiting entirely too long for this moment to arrive, and now that it was here he wasn’t wasting any time in enjoying it.

“Do you like it, Jason?” Artemis taunted, squirming and writhing on his cock as he pumped it into her. “Isn’t it nice and slick for you?”

Jason just groaned, but the oil was having the same effect on him that it was having on Artemis. Her cunt was more sensitive, as was his cock. They could feel each other better than they had anyone else, though admittedly, Artemis had taken few male lovers in the past. Even the biggest cock fell short of a woman’s fist.

It primed Jason to the point of madness. He tried to reach up and grab Artemis’s tits, but his arms were tied too tightly. Artemis laughed and bent over, letting her small breasts brush against his mouth. When he tried to kiss them, she pulled back. Then when he relaxed and tried to enjoy her riding him, she lowered her breasts to his face again.

“You’re a tease,” he groaned.

“You’re not man enough to make me stop teasing.”

“I’m gonna make you come, bitch!”

He shoved harder and harder with his cock, driving it so deep into Artemis that she had to gasp to keep from losing her breath. Then he made a circular motion that had his shaft moving all through Artemis’s cunt.

“Ohhhh, Jason, I can feel it—you’re going to make it happen!” After that, it was only a matter of seconds before the churning, warming presence inside Artemis’s sex rose, and she exploded trying to hold it in. “Uuunngghhh!”

Wave after wave wracked through Artemis, making her arch her back, every muscle in her body straining. It was as she doubled over backward that she saw Diana standing in the entrance to the tent, the one solidness in a room that was reeling, spinning at crazy angles.

“Well, well, well,” Diana said. “I see you’ve become much more amenable to outsiders.”

Artemis pulled herself off Jason’s cock and stood, looking at her. “Princess.”

“Wonder Woman,” Diana replied, a little teasingly, in reference to Artemis’s sojourn with Diana’s title.

It was not too biting, but it made them stare at each other for a long time. Artemis couldn’t tell exactly what it was that Diana was feeling. If it was anger, for once, then she was keeping it restrained. She did notice that Diana’s eyes were running up and down her body, focusing on her heaving breasts—a rare sign of exertion on Artemis’s athletic form.

Glancing at Jason, Artemis saw that he was still hard. She sighed. Diana tended to have that effect on people.

“Finish him off, Artemis,” Diana said, sounding more gently chiding than commanding.

Artemis knelt down in front of Jason. She looked up at him, taking his cock in her hand and beginning to pull it. “You’d better make this quick,” she warned him.

She licked the tip of it gently, laving her tongue over the purpling head, and his prick warmed and swelled under her ministrations. When it was as engorged as it had been, Artemis sucked it into her mouth. Jason moaned as he slipped deliciously into her gullet.

After licking and pumping the shaft for several moments, Artemis began to suck on it. Jason writhed in his bonds, clenching his fists, kicking his feet, his prick moving in and out of Artemis’s mouth, fucking it. Artemis played with his balls, fucking him as he fucked her, and he wiggled in ecstasy, groaned out his joy. Artemis moved faster on his cock, knowing that his climax was near.

Jason grunted and shoved his pelvis forward, trying to drive himself down Artemis’s throat. But Artemis moved backward when he thrust forward, frustrating him, aggravating him. She would only let him go so deep in his mouth.

Her lips and tongue teased his prick, played games with it, drove him wild. Her mouth was wet and wonderfully soft on his turgid manhood, and he stiffened reflexively, filling her mouth even further.

Diana watched the proceedings with great interest. She could see that he was ready to come. But was Artemis ready to make him come?

Artemis pulled on his member with both her fingers and her lips. She took one hand off his cock to play with her own pussy, wanting her own climax.

Seeing her sister straining to find satisfaction, Diana knelt on the floor and put her mouth to Artemis’s cunt.

“Ohhhh, good!” Artemis moaned. “Lick me, princess! Eat my cunt!”

Diana applied her tongue with expertise, licking up and down Artemis’s empty slit. Artemis did not lose a stroke with her mouth.

“Uhhhhh… mmmm…” Jason groaned as his hips began to buck involuntarily. This time Artemis wiggled and jerked, her own excitement building and building. Soon his cock was driving in and out of her gasping mouth. She took the thrusts with ease and ground her cunt against Diana’s mouth in an animalistic frenzy.

“Aahhhhh!” Jason groaned, and spurted his hot load into her greedy mouth. Artemis’s slurping was audible as she sucked up his cum, shocking Diana with her sloppiness.

Artemis licked his cock clean. Her love for cum was overwhelming. It was the only thing she missed when fucking a woman, the best part of fucking a man. If she found a woman who squirted, she would marry her. And when she swallowed, she came.

Bet Diana thinks it was all thanks to her, Artemis thought as she rested her head against Jason’s thigh.

“Artemis, why don’t we have a talk?”

Artemis proceeded Diana out of the tent. On the beach, the breeze was cool and the sun was hot, the sand just warm enough to soothe her, thaw her like a massage on tired muscles. She walked down to the surf and laid down, bare, just shy of the waves, tamping her feet down on the wetly plastered sand. The sea foam tickled her toes.

Diana stood next to her, hands at her hips, staring out at the horizon. “You didn’t strike me as his type,” she confessed. “If you were looking to take a lover, I could’ve found you—“

“I can find my own lovers, Diana.”

“It’s just he came here to find peace. To be trained.”

“And sex isn’t a part of that?”

“It is, but as a lesson…”

“So sex has to be part of some teachable moment to be worthwhile?”

“No,” Diana said patiently, looking down and clearly aware that Artemis was purposefully making a detour around her point. “But whatever you have, casual as it may be, can encourage the wrong behavior.”

“So I can’t just fuck a guy without knocking him off the high road?”

“You know that’s not it.”

“He isn’t Dick Grayson. He isn’t Koriand’r. He’s not going to respond to a lot of hugs and cuddles—“

“Since we’re being blunt,” Diana said, with understated humor, “you’re a Bana. You’re far more likely to kill your enemies than bring them into the fold.”

“It’s more fun.”

“If you’re going to teach him, you have to accept that you’ll need to be taught to teach.”

“You’re going to show me how to fuck him?” Artemis asked challengingly.

Diana gave her a bold smile. “I’m game if you are.”

Artemis laughed; Diana looked at her for a moment and then almost laughed herself.

“What’s so funny?” Artemis demanded.

“I was just thinking.”

“You were thinking what?”

“Well, that’s an excellent idea. We should do it.”

Artemis looked confused. “You want to fuck Jason Todd?”

“And you,” Diana said. “Don’t sell yourself short.”

“Isn’t that a little undignified for you, princess?”

“It’s only sex,” Diana replied. “And you may learn something. I may learn something. And he does seem like he needs to get laid.”

“Alright.” Artemis stood, dusting the dry white sand from her body. “Alright. Show me how to tame him.”

“We’re not going to tame him,” Diana corrected. “We’re going to make him want to be tame.”


Jason was still tied to the bed when they walked in, his attitude sour despite the circumstances. Apparently he considered the brief interval he’d been left tied up to not be sufficiently recompensed by a blowjob from an Amazon redhead.

Diana stood over him, arms crossed, unimpressed with the sight of Jason, but mulling over the possibilities that his captivity on the bed presented her. “You look to be in quite the compromising position, Jason Todd.”

“You untie me and I’ll get out of it.”

Diana let out a light yawn, then reached out and took his cock in her hand. It jumped to life almost immediately. “Same old Jason… still want me to untie you?”

Artemis sat down on the edge of the bed. She wasn’t certain what Diana was going to do, but she knew it was going to be interesting.

“No,” Jason said at length.

Diana smiled. “Good. Now unfortunately, my sister Artemis has inadvertently played into some idea you may’ve had about coming to my home and treating it as your own personal… Playboy Mansion, I believe is the reference? Of course, we do believe in guiltless, shameless sex here, but it’s not a bordello and you’re not entitled to our bodies, no matter what allowances some of my sisterhood makes for you. And now, to demonstrate that, I’m going to show you how I take my pleasure.”

Artemis smiled too. “And if you ever want to lay a finger on her, you’d better lie back and think of England—“ She glanced at Diana. “I believe is the reference.”

Diana absolutely tortured Jason for the next hour. It was beautiful to watch. Ten minutes in, Artemis knew there was no one in the world who could handle a man’s cock like Diana.

First she just played with him, letting her fingers run up and down the smooth skin of his cock, pulling it over his cockhead, then jerking it back down in luxurious enjoyment of the sight.

Jason remained silent. Artemis could tell that he was desperately trying to ignore her, but it was no use. He’d been spoiled by how she’d gotten him off, and now Diana was playing hardball with him. His cock was just about ready to explode from the first.

Once or twice during the next few minutes, Artemis thought she detected a slight thrumming along the length of his cock, but each time Diana would let her hands drop off of it for just a few seconds, letting him grow still again. She was going to drive him crazy.

The third time that he almost came, Diana let go, then stood at the end of the bed and took off her clothes. Artemis could tell she was becoming aroused herself, but she knew that it was primarily intended to make Jason even more frustrated.

“Want a drink?” Artemis asked her sister.

“I’d love one,” Diana replied, all smiles. She got up on her knees in front of Jason. “Something for our guest as well, of course.”

“See you in a minute.”

When Artemis came back, Diana was sitting on the foot of the bed. Her legs were spread apart and her hands were between them, spreading the lips of her labia, fingering her sex. Jason’s eyes were closed.

“Keep your eyes open, Jason,” she warned. He ignored her.

Diana reached out and began to tickle the sole of his foot. He laughed, but after about thirty seconds, it offended his dignity too much for him to put up with. He kept his eyes open from then on. Watching Diana’s fingers play along her entrance for a while, slipping inside her slit, one then two then three…

Artemis tried not to stare, but it was no use. Diana ran all three fingers in and out, guiding them expertly to the sensitive space beyond her entrance. Artemis felt her own cunt becoming wet and swollen just watching her for a few seconds. She held out her cup to Diana’s lips, tipped it into her mouth, and Diana gulped down the fresh, pure juice as she fucked herself. It seemed refreshing.

Artemis looked at Jason. His cock was absolutely rigid, jutting up from his groin like she’d never gotten him off at all. He tried to remain still, but his crotch had a mind of its own. He began to grind up against the air, a look of total frustration on his face.

“Patience, little one, you must learn patience,” Diana cooed. “Look, Jason. Don’t you like what you see? How’s my clit look? Nice and big, isn’t it? If you touched it, you’d make me come so hard…”

He was going crazy and so was Artemis. Her cunt was on fire, her clit pounding like a hammer. Then Diana took Jason’s cock in her mouth. With absolutely no effort, she slid down the length of his manhood, her lips parting smoothly and her throat muscles easily absorbing his heft.

Jason went wild. Almost the moment his cockhead touched her mouth, he began to jab madly into her. It was obvious that he was determined to come as quickly as possible, but Diana had no intention of letting him do that. Just before he could come, she pulled free of him and left his cock suspended in the air, dripping spittle.

“Arrggh! Goddammit!”

Diana laughed. “What’s the matter, Jason?”

“You fucking tease.”

“Teases don’t deliver. I will. Eventually.”

“My balls, my goddamn balls—“

“What about them?”

Jason fumed. “Fuck you!”

“Behave, Jason. I can untie you and kick you out of this tent right now, and not one of us will touch you until you lie back down and let yourself be tied right back up. So don’t talk that way.”

“Easy for you to say. You haven’t got the worst fucking case of blue balls in the goddamn world!”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Diana replied. “Would you prefer I had balls? Blue or otherwise?”

Artemis had to hide a snicker. It was always amusing what Diana could keep a straight face through.

“Would you like me to finish you off, Jason?”

“You know good and fucking well that I do.”

“What’s the magic word?”

Jason clammed up. It was obvious that Diana was in complete control and he knew it. She was going to do exactly what she wanted to do, and all he could do was change how long it took.

“Please, Diana. Please make me come.”

“There. Was that so hard?” Diana beamed at him, and Artemis thought she saw even his anger crack, faced with that dazzling smile. “Alright, Jason. I guess it’s time to finish up with your cock. It’s getting late.”

She took both hands and wrapped them around his cock, then waited. Jason didn’t do anything at first, either not trusting her or afraid of offending her.

“Well?” Diana asked.

“Well what?”

“Go on. I can’t do all the work.”

Jason hesitated, fearing another trap, but finally he began to thrust up into the firm little pocket that she had formed with her hands. It didn’t take long. After about six strokes his face grew red and Artemis could tell that he was about to explode.

“Oh Jesus! Ohhh! Uugghhh!”

Artemis had never seen anything like it. It was as if he’d been storing up cum for a year. He shot his load in the air and the first glob came down on his chest like pancake batter landing on a skillet. And it was only the first. For what seemed like an eternity, he kept shooting his cum into the air. It came out in great, long jets, white and milky, that shot high into the air and then fell slowly back down to his body.

For a while it seemed like he was never going to stop, but at last his body came to a stop and Diana let go of his. His chest was positively covered with his own cum. Artemis would have loved to climb on top of him and rub her body in it, but she knew that Diana would say Jason hadn’t earned that yet.

So instead, she brought the half-empty cup to Jason’s lips and tipped it for him to drink. He did, greedily, gasping with relief as he quenched himself. When he was done, he let out a long, satisfied breath.

“Get dressed, sister. We’re done here.”

Diana put her costume back on, Artemis doing the same. The redhead wondered if she was just going to leave Jason like this. Someone would happen upon him eventually, but it seemed like a cruel thing for her to do, and Diana was never cruel.

Fortunately for Jason, that held true. Just before they left, she reached over and unfastened one of his bonds, freeing his limp hand.

“There. It might take a little while, but I’m sure you can reach the other ones and show yourself out. Or get a good night’s sleep. You seem tired. I think today’s taken a lot out of you.”

They left before he had a chance to formulate a reply. Outside the tent, they walked side by side. Each step brought them closer and closer together until they fell into each other, down to the sand, embracing.


Lyla Michaels was swimming through the shallows when she saw them. She stopped to watch, floating in place, bobbing up and down in the warmly swelling tide. Shortly, she reached down to her bikini bottom and added her fingers to the feel of seawater on her pussy. Wishing she was right in the middle of them.

They were in a liplock, feeling each other’s bodies. Seeing them put an itch between Lyla’s legs. Only one thing was going to scratch it—a climax. She wanted it as badly as Diana and Artemis so clearly did, and she hadn’t even been touched.

Diana slid a finger into Artemis’s ass and she ground back on it, groaning her wild ecstatic pleasure. Already they were about to come. Diana was already having a series of small orgasms from Artemis’s hand. As they bucked wildly with mutual explosions, it pushed Lyla over the brink and she climaxed so hard that she lost where she was and slipped under the surface, having to come up for air in a tangle of wet hair and lost breath. In that wildly racing moment, she made her mind up that she was going to get fucked as soon as possible.


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