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“Maybe we should find out,” Felicia cooed. “I’m sure you can see there’s nothing second-rate about me…”

“Not even what goes into you,” Mary Jane teased, and described in vivid detail just what Peter’s enormous cock did to her.

Felicia could tell she was sincere. She was too intrigued to be hearing lies. She pleaded for even more details and Mary Jane told her about the three-way of sorts that she, Peter, and Gwen had enjoyed. By the time she was done, Felicia was breathing harshly with arousal.

“You sound like one lucky woman,” she said in a hushed voice, squeezing her firm thighs together. “And if you’re not, your Peter certainly is, having a woman who will tell that kind of story to get me into bed…”

“I have a little too much self-respect for that,” Mary Jane breathed, her own breasts heaving, pushing out through her blouse. “But not enough that I won’t share.”

“The sweet spot,” Felicia agreed. “Hot enough to go for it, but desperate enough to follow through. Tease and please, all in one. You know how I know you’re not making it up?”

“How?” Mary Jane whispered back.

“Because you’re as turned on thinking about it as I am hearing about it.”

They lapsed into an unfamiliar silence; Mary Jane wasn’t sure if it was comfortable or uncomfortable. But she gazed in Felicia’s eyes as Felicia gazed into hers and she didn’t feel like skipping out on the situation, like she usually did when something rubbed her the wrong way.

In fact, she felt a nice, slow blush creep over her face and her pulse pleasantly quickening.

MJ didn’t understand it, but she recognized the signs of desire inside her. She quickly realized that she was staring at Felicia in a way she was used to being stared at herself. Finding her an attractive and sexual prospect—not something she had ever seen in another woman before. It was odd and hard to get used to, but it didn’t disturb her. It felt right.

“From the way you make it sound, this Peter could have any woman he wants,” Felicia breathed, moving closer to Mary Jane. “But it doesn’t surprise me he went after you.”

“And I can just tell he’ll go after you,” Mary Jane said, not sure of the energy tugging at her nerves. But she knew it was there. “Any man would want you.”

She took a cautious step closer to the cat burglar and that inner electricity got stronger.

They melted together in an embrace that felt even more right than staring at each other. Their lips touched and Mary Jane trembled, receiving Felicia’s probing tongue into a mouth that suddenly felt totally inexperienced.

After a moment, she managed to remind herself to suck on it. Felicia groaned and rubbed her body against the redhead’s. Mary Jane felt sparks of electricity all throughout her flesh as she touched Felicia’s womanly curves.

Mary Jane’s mind reeled; all her thoughts were cutting across each other and her senses were overloading. It seemed impossible for her to believe that she was passionately kissing, embracing another woman.

Yet the sensations were real, strong—overwhelming. They were all she could care about… she gave into her urges and reached down Felicia’s body until she was caressing her shapely ass.

When they finally relinquished the nearness the kiss had brought, it was to embrace once more the sight of each other. Lust-glazed eyes now alive to every facet of one another’s beauty.

Without speaking, Felicia took the dominant role. The experienced role. She led Mary Jane by the hand to the bedroom. There, she started taking off Mary Jane’s clothes and allowing MJ to take off hers.

Mary Jane couldn’t quite believe, couldn’t quite think about what was happening. All she knew was how much she craved the feeling of this sensual thief’s touch. Her body seethed with anticipation, charged with her own nakedness and the sight of Felicia’s nudity on top of that. She watched dry-mouthed as Felicia sat down on the foot of the bed.

Mary Jane moved her body between Felicia’s parted thighs and did what she imagined everyone did with a naked Black Cat: reached for her plump breasts. They were stupendous, but the thrill of the taboo was what really sent chills of pleasure racing up from Mary Jane’s overwhelmed hands. She’d never touched another woman so intimately. Her knees grew weak as she hefted the surprising weight of Felicia’s voluptuous tits in her slender fingers.

Felicia moaned gently and covered Mary Jane’s hands with hers, almost seeming to help her to mold and enjoy the fullness of her own breasts. The silky smooth skin was hot to the touch, warming a sweat from Mary Jane’s palms, but she couldn’t get enough of touching the indolent abundance of Felicia’s bust.

Then Felicia leaned forward, enjoying for herself the lean flatness of Mary Jane’s taut belly. Mary Jane shuddered and gasped and moved her hands to the top of Felicia’s head, now feeling the satiny white hair as Felicia continued to kiss the lightly brushed abs of Mary Jane’s yoga musculature.

Felicia mewled softly while she rolled her tongue over Mary Jane’s lithe, but soft belly. She moved her taste buds down to the furry thatch between Mary Jane’s legs; the redhead threw her head back and trilled.

Felicia didn’t pause to enjoy her effect on the other woman. She increased the tempo of her licking, pushing through the fur and into a contact that overwhelmed Mary Jane. Peter was never reluctant to go down on her, but the strokes of Felicia’s tongue had a gentle, tender rapaciousness that Mary Jane had never experienced before—that she couldn’t even describe. The tip of her tongue seemed to fit perfectly between the lips of Mary Jane’s slit.

The heat of Felicia’s breath flowed into Mary Jane’s labia like warm honey, touching her clit and inner folds even hotter than the teasing flicks of her tongue. Mary Jane was soon reduced to trembling ecstasy. She swooned, holding Felicia down to her cunt, touching and stroking the softness of the cat burglar’s hair for all she was worth.

“Kiss it, Felicia!” Mary Jane gasped, giving the platinum blonde’s locks a nice little pull. “Kiss my pussy! Oh yes, YYEEESSS, your tongue… MMMM, that’s so GOOD!”

Felicia reached around Mary Jane’s womanly hips and took hold of her ass, big and round but not at all flabby. Firm muscle greeted her groping hands as she pressed her face deep into Mary Jane’s sex. Her tongue whipped wildly at the redhead’s womanhood, lapping up the liquid sweetness that filled Mary Jane’s convulsing snatch. And Mary Jane was as gloriously responsive as Peter’s cock had ever gotten her.

“OH YES—ooohhhh—Jesus Christ!” Mary Jane cried, sensations tingling through every nerve she had. “AAHHH! YES! Eat my cunt!”

Felicia loudly slurped as she did just that, greedily devouring all the tastiness of Mary Jane’s body. Barely remembering to stop her feast to pleasure Mary Jane with her stiffened tongue against the redhead’s engorged clit. She toyed with the sensitive bud for long moments on end and Mary Jane cooed and panted, her body in ecstatic contortions. Finally, Felicia took the hard little nub between her lips, lashing it with her tongue while she sucked on it.

Mary Jane got up on her tiptoes, trying to bring herself aloft far enough to be impaled on Felicia’s stretching tongue. She wobbled and swayed as she came to a ballerina-like en pointe, then immediately got her reward as Felicia bowed to her cunt and thrust her tongue inside the churning wetness.

Mary Jane screamed in glorious enjoyment of the feeling that swept through her. Any reservations about being with Felicia, or thoughts of how she was supposedly using her to fully seduce Peter, had long since disappeared. All she now cared about was fully savoring the exquisite delight this gave her.

A fierce climax built in the depths of her cunt, far beyond where Felicia’s tongue licked. Mary Jane circled her hips and ass, trying to touch the mounting orgasm to Felicia’s lapping tongue. Her lips formed yelps and yells as she humped her lower body against the cunnilingus her first female lover gave her.

Just as Mary Jane’s orgasm was about to spill over from potential into reality, Mary Jane felt Felicia’s finger pushing into her asshole. She wailed, trembling and bucking, both unable to believe and unable to withstand being penetrated twice over.

Felicia pleasured her in the two most intimate parts of her body and MJ didn’t even have time to be affronted at this new violation of taboo—she simply couldn’t get enough of the sudden, prolonged climax she had Felicia to thank for.

Her bliss sent a river of cream onto Felicia’s delving tongue, even as Felicia’s finger pushed deeper and deeper, the searing pleasure intensifying Mary Jane’s rapture. The only thing left in Mary Jane besides satisfaction was the urge to make Felicia feel her own ecstasy.

She shoved the thief down onto the bed, Felicia easily letting the mattress embrace her, her proud breasts jiggling, her legs opening as if it were simply natural for them to fall that way. Mary Jane knelt down, giving up the delectable view of Felicia inch by inch until she was kneeling at the side of the bed, her salivating mouth inches from Felicia’s white-haired cunt.

Mary Jane breathed in the sweet scent of Felicia’s arousal. She quivered in sheer excitement, taking one last look at Felicia’s honeyed pussy before she leaned in to run her tongue through its engorged folds. The salty-sweet taste nearly overwhelmed her; Felicia’s passionate wails finished the job. Mary Jane would’ve been enraptured with Felicia’s sex, unable to pull herself away, even if Felicia’s legs hadn’t closed around her head.

Mary Jane’s head was locked in place by a vise of Felicia’s soft skin even while she dug her tongue in Felicia’s juicy snatch. It was such a strange experience to be going down on another woman, but Mary Jane seemed to know exactly what to do. Judging from Felicia’s moans, she enjoyed herself as much as MJ had.

Mary Jane wished Peter could see her now. The thought sent an orgasmic aftershock through her body, momentarily stilling her.

Felicia clenched her thigh muscles, tightening her grip on MJ’s head. “Come on, come on!” she groaned. “I did it for you!”

Mary Jane quickly returned to pleasing Felicia’s pussy, now excited by the insane idea of Peter watching her fuck another woman. It would excite him, it would most definitely excite her, and she was pretty sure Felicia would have no problem with the concept. It was a shame Gwen would never go for something so naughty—if they could do this together, even Mary Jane could pull in the claws and agree sharing wasn’t so bad…

Mary Jane drove her tongue deeper into Felicia’s writhing channel now, tasting the beginnings of her creamy orgasm. The fleecy hair of Felicia’s thatch tickled her lips and chin. Mary Jane filled her as much as she could with her tiny tongue, thinking now how Peter could give Felicia so much more. Give Mary Jane so much more. She imagined him fucking her while she ate Felicia’s pussy and clenched just as she was feeling the other woman’s cunt do.

Felicia wailed and rolled her hips furiously, pumping her cunt into Mary Jane’s face. They instinctively felt into a rhyme that gave Mary Jane as much as she could taste and Felicia as much as she could feel. Felicia’s movements met the redhead’s stroking tongue and helped it as deep into her cunt as it could go.

Felicia’s orgasm thundered through her tall, voluptuous body. Mary Jane kept her lips to Felicia’s cunt throughout her rapture as though she could taste the pleasure that the thief was feeling. She sucked greedily, taking all that she could of Felicia’s cream into her mouth. What she couldn’t, she happily smeared in her chin and cheeks.

When Felicia had no more nectar to give Mary Jane, the redhead crawled up the other woman’s body and returned to her breasts, heaving harder than ever. She crowned the stiff nipples with her orgasmically slick lips, anointing their aching, sensitive hardness with Felicia’s own climax.

Then she kept going up Felicia’s curvaceous flesh, their creamy skin rubbing together, satisfied caresses from Felicia rolling down Mary Jane’s back and bum until their bodies pressed together from nipple to navel, staring once more into each other’s eyes.

They kissed passionately, sharing the taste of one another’s cunt, feelings shivers of ecstasy as they recalled the pleasure that had left such a flavor to be experienced.

“I’ve never done anything like that before,” Mary Jane admitted quietly when the kiss was over.

“I have,” Felicia said, delicately brushing a crimson lock away from Mary Jane’s green eyes. “But it’s rarely that good. Maybe we should do it again?”

“Absolutely.” Mary Jane swung her hips against Felicia, pressing her core to the other woman’s thigh…

“I mean later!” Felicia giggled. Then she let out a moan at the feeling of heat where Mary Jane’s snatch was against her leg. “Though now’s good too…”

“Then, now, and later,” Mary Jane mused with a playful lick over Felicia’s moan-circled lips. “Starting to sound like a regular thing.”

“I’d say maybe we should cut out the middleman, but then, the more the merrier. And I still remember that picture you showed me. Peter has a lot more.”

“You have no idea,” Mary Jane replied, thinking happily that if Peter couldn’t handle the two of them, then they could always handle each other.



Not a surprising development, but a welcome one