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“You’re not nervous, are you?” Emma asked.

It was almost a fair question. Belle did look nervous, but also excited, like she was about to watch a horror movie or ride a roller coaster. Emma wondered, sitting in Regina’s parlor, which was more accurate.

The hostess herself sat in her wingbacked chair, sipping the tea she’d brought in and trying to be unintimidating. Ruby got off on that sort of thing, but her girlfriend was more shy, more unassuming. Behind the bold exterior, she was a powderpuff.

Finally, Belle shook her head.

“It’s okay to be nervous. Maybe you’re not entirely comfortable yet, even with Ruby—that’s fine. Right, Regina?”

Regina nodded behind the cup of tea she held in spidery fingers. “Intimacy takes time.”

“And now you want to do this,” Emma continued. “You want to do it, but you’re not sure you can. You think you can—you know Ruby can—but you’re not sure. It’s hard to be sure in this place, isn’t it?”

Belle nodded slowly.

“The way I see it, you have two choices. Everyone here is going to enjoy themselves. So you can either go first… or you can go last. And you are our guest, and it is your first time with us, so why don’t you decide? First or last?”

Belle’s big, luminous eyes seemed to get wider and brighter as she thought it over. Her hand gave a tremor as she reached for her own cup of tea, but remarkably she held the saucer still as she brought it up to her mouth.

Belle spoke slowly too. “I don’t know… if I would like to watch Ruby do that, if I haven’t done it. If I go last, she would go before me, and I’d watch. And she’s so pretty, but… she’s mine. If I went first, then whether it’s good or bad, it’s over with. And when I watch Ruby, it’ll be like she did because I did it. Or we did it together or… Ruby, do you think I should go first?”

“I think you should touch yourself,” Ruby said bluntly. “I can touch you while you touch yourself. And Emma can help. It’ll be just like what we do together, only Emma’ll be there.”

“What about Regina?” Belle asked. Emma was surprised her voice didn’t crack.

“Regina can watch,” Emma said.

Regina angrily sipped her tea. It astonished Emma that Regina could do that angrily, but she wasn’t so surprised that she didn’t shoot Regina an admonishing glance and then smile reassuringly at Belle.

“I just touch myself…” Belle said, turning the idea over with her voice. “And you two… help.”

She was willing, but Emma could hear the tension in her voice, unsure of just what she was getting into.

Emma got up, walked to the loveseat she was on, and sat down beside Belle with her most winning grin.

“I can tell you like the idea. Relax. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Just give us a minute. Close your eyes and pretend it’s just you and Ruby. When you open your eyes, it’ll be you and Ruby and me. Later, it’ll be Regina too. But if you don’t like what I’m doing, or what Ruby is doing, we’ll stop. Okay?”


Emma leaned over to her lips, kissing them lightly at first, just little kisses to ease her into it. She held herself back for a long moment, not allowing herself to lose herself into the kiss, not until she saw Belle’s hands rub hesitantly on her thighs. Then she leaned a little closer, and Belle’s chest brushed against hers.

The littlest contact could be wildfire. Emma felt lightning course through her, Belle’s body responding with little spasms of need, breathy intakes of air, tiny squirmings of her lips signaling momentary indecision before Belle kissed Emma again. No matter how unsure she was, she always kissed Emma again.

Emma kissed her back. As her mouth came down on Belle’s, she felt Belle’s lips relax and part, anticipating Emma’s tongue. Emma explored the wet warmth of her mouth, felt Belle suck at her tongue with more practiced skill than she would’ve expected. She and Ruby had been busy.

Emma felt Belle’s arms slip around her as she turned onto her side, facing Emma, her body pressing up against her. What Emma saw, though, was Ruby’s body slide up against Belle’s from behind, adding the heat of her flesh to their coupling.

Ruby was kissing Belle’s neck and shoulders hungrily, but Emma was lost in letting her tongue entwine with Belle’s, as lost as Belle was. It was only remembering how much Ruby and Belle cared for each other, how comforting Belle would find a dose of the familiar, that Emma pulled herself away and gave Ruby a clear shot at her girlfriend.

As she approached Regina, she glanced back and saw the two of them were in the kind of kiss that Belle never would’ve done in front of other people… if this were ten minutes ago.

“Your subs look like they’re having fun,” Regina said in a low voice, pouring some more tea for her.

“They’re not yours?” Emma teased.

“Oh no. This is entirely your doing. Ruby wanted to play again, with her new toy, but I left it up to you. You talked Belle into this, you put her at ease, and now you have her so turned on that it’s all Ruby can do to keep up.” Regina sipped her tea with a distinct look at the loveseat, prompting Emma to follow her gaze.

The happy couple was sixty-nining, Belle going as hard at Ruby as Ruby was at her. They made animal sounds of pleasure, both of them, so loud that Emma wondered if it was possible for lycanthropy to spread as an STD. Ruby didn’t seem like the dental dam type.

“They’re your pets,” Regina said. “Now let’s see if you know how to keep them happy.”

Emma looked at her lover. “You think I can do it, don’t you? You never would’ve let me if you didn’t think so.”

“You are becoming quite the top. But then, you have a good teacher.”

“And have you taught me enough to go in for a little… switch?”

Regina smiled at her. “Go dom the werewolf, dear. You have to start small.”

“Then stop thinking about how sexy I am and help me double-team this librarian.”

Regina stood up with an extravagantly long-suffering sigh. “So vulgar… I don’t know about you, but I intend to make love to one of this charming girl’s orifices while you do the same to another. Let’s try to be a little romantic about it.”



I love it! Thanks! It feels like a deleted scene that took place just before the ending.