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“Yes,” Barbara said, petting her daughter’s big ass. “Very lucky to have a girl who allows her to get what she isn’t able to give her…”

“She let me… errr, accepted me being dommed by you,” Courtney said. Not that Barbara had asked for an explanation, but her daughter still felt the need to equivocate. “Of course I’m going to let her get dommed too. You’re a great top, Mom.”

“Thanks, sweetie.” Barbara gave Yolanda a push and the girl swung from her roped ankles, dangling upside-down, trying to control her breathing in the odd position she found herself in. “Now let’s see if we can make Yolanda a great bottom.”

Barbara picked up a leather whip—all the better to leave Yolanda no doubt as to her place. She heaved the length of leather over her shoulder, then flung it out in front of her with a loud crack.

The tip stung Yolanda’s ass, biting into her ass, leaving a harsh red line. A thin crimson ribbon trickled out from that slit in her otherwise creamy flesh.

“Oh, Mommy!” Courtney keened. “I’m getting tingles! It looks so scary—but I know how good it feels.”

“That’s right, Court,” Barbara chuckled. “But remember, Yolanda isn’t as much of a sub as you are. So we have to really work hard to show her what her place is right now.”

She laid her shoulder into the whip again, drawing it up at a sharp angle, then flinging it out flat. Another loud crack rebounded off the concrete walls. Barbara’s whip had found its mark on Yolanda’s other asscheek. It broke the skin with a neat delicacy, letting out a jagged cascade of red.

“There’s too much play in her body,” Barbara judged. “Make her more taut, Courtney.”

Courtney pulled on the rope that Yolanda was hanging from, looping the length she’d captured around the spoke that the rest of the rope circled around, then letting go of it. Now Yolanda was hoisted up with her cunt directly in Barbara’s line of fire.

Circling around in front of Yolanda’s body, Barbara clicked her tongue, approving of Yolanda’s new positioning. She especially liked how wet Yolanda’s pussy was now. Yolanda didn’t speak aside from her mewling pain, but her body said all it needed to of how she appreciated her current predicament.

This time, Barbara’s leather lash bit into one of Yolanda’s breasts, raising a welt that ran down from her areola to the flat of her toned stomach. Yolanda wailed until she was interrupted by another shot of the whip, marking her other breast with the same red, weeping pain.

“That’s enough for now,” Barbara decided. “Courtney, I’m going to teach you an important lesson. You know how good it feels to be a cock holster for me or Yolanda, but I want you to get some perspective. I want you to fuck Yolanda. Let her know what it’s like for the shoe to be on the other foot.”

“I… I’ve never tried that before,” Courtney said uncertainly. “Can’t we just let her down and have her fuck me? I really like that…”

“I know you do, Court, but this will teach the pair of you how important the roles you both play are. Now, go get a strap-on. You’re going to feel what it does to a top when her bitch is truly enjoying bottoming for her.”

Barbara adjusted Yolanda’s positioning—now splitting her legs apart with the ropes that held her ankles going in opposite directions—lowering Yolanda down until her hair touched the floor. Then she carried a stepladder in front of Yolanda. From on top of that, anyone would have a straight shot down into Yolanda’s pussy.

“That’s better,” Barbara said, getting down off the stepladder and walking behind Yolanda—the whip trailing behind her. “Yolanda, pay attention. This is what Courtney feels like when you’re fucking her. She’s not just opening herself up and being your bitch, now is she? It’s hard work!”

Yolanda didn’t answer. Couldn’t. She wasn’t exactly in pain, but the tension was such that she felt it all through her tightened leg muscles. Her body was so taut that whenever she moved, just a little, pain spurred her heartbeat and quickened her breath.

“I guess this is what you usually do, huh Yolanda?” Courtney said, wearing only one of Cindy’s special strap-ons as she climbed up the stepladder to the apex of Yolanda’s open legs. She reached down to Yolanda’s spread thighs, then worked the tip of the dildo down into her lover’s gaping entrance. “Does it feel good for you? It usually feels so good for me!”

Yolanda gagged and sputtered on her scream of pleasure as Courtney fucked her. And just when she thought it couldn’t get any better—it just got more. Courtney was piledriving down into her, jackhammering her open body, crushing down into the stirrup of her open legs until all of her cock was down inside Yolanda.

“I can’t believe it feels so good!” Courtney cooed.

Yolanda wasn’t enjoying it—at least, not as much as the screaming ecstasy she knew Courtney got from it. And yet, this had to be the most intense sex for her had ever been. She immediately wanted to try it on Courtney; see what it would be like to dom her blonde bitch with those long supple legs spread wide as a wishbone, letting her feel every hardened inch of cock Yolanda gave her like a fucking baseball bat.

Then she heard the familiar creak of Barbara drawing back the whip. Yolanda turned her head, eyes filled with a horrified anticipation, to see Barbara’s arm leap forward. Her lungs exploded with a fiery scream to feel the whip bite into her ass, its familiar string bulldozing over the immense sensation she was already feeling from Courtney’s strap-on and adding to it, doubling it, actually hurting her into an orgasm.

She’d forgotten that she wasn’t Courtney’s bitch tonight. She would always be Barbara’s.



Super fucking hot! 🔥 🔥 😁