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Peter tore his way through every underworld hide-out he knew, patrolled the criminal hot zones half-a-dozen times, but none of his sparse contacts knew anything about the kidnapping and the streets were quiet. It was perverse, how things settled down just when he had a real head of steam under him. Despondent, he changed back into his civvies and went to Diana’s apartment at the New York Hilton, nervous and stressed to the point of exhaustion.

The sick thing was he shouldn’t have been this worried. Mary Jane could handle herself. She’d been taken along with Donna Troy, who could take care of her. And the kidnapper, Moonstone, wasn’t a psycho like Kassidy or Osborn. Evil, for sure, but she wouldn’t damage her ‘prize’ unless it absolutely benefitted her. Plus, he had Wonder Woman on his side for this one.

Maybe that was what was making this so difficult, though. He’d first met her when he was fifteen, and she was a lot of woman to meet at any age. And this was back before she wore pants and long sleeves. It was the kind of thing to make you really grateful your balls hadn’t dropped yet—especially when you were in skintight spandex.

Now he was eighteen. He’s gone out with Mary Jane, with Gwen, with Felicia freakin’ Hardy, but there was just something… impossible about Diana. He came through the lobby, sympathizing with the mob of well-wishers and autograph seekers and general worshippers who were barely held at respectful bay by the concierge. Who tried to keep him out as well, but he just mentioned his name and the man relayed he had orders to let him up.

Peter took the express elevator, got out at the penthouse suite, and found Diana opening the door to him. No people, no team. He supposed if anyone didn’t need protection, it was her. Though he’d have thought she at least kept a stylist around… dating Mary Jane had taught him that stuff wasn’t as effortless as she made it look.

He also realized Diana was back in her classic costume, blue panties gracing long, elegant legs, the beauty of her softly curving groin and delicately voluptuous bottom almost irrelevant in comparison to the stylish grandeur of that bare flesh, from firm thighs to chic boots. Then there was her flat stomach in skintight armor, the bold cleavage revealed almost excessively by her nonetheless modestly cut top, the strong arms and shoulders that were instantly belied by her sumptuous black mane and smiling face, topped with the blend of martial metal and regal splendor that was her tiara. The other costume, with its bodyhugging trousers and dominatrix-leather jacket, didn’t hide her beauty, but this one seemed to openly display it, challenge with it. In one, her beauty was sheathed. In the other—very much not.

“I’ve been up and down New York. No one knows anything, about either of them,” Peter said, forcing the words out, letting them hit the air like blows landing on a punching bag. “The Fantastic Four are in another dimension—Avengers in Latveria, even if they did like me—Daredevil’s in San Fran, I’ve got no one.”

“We’ll find them,” Diana assured him. “I’ve made inquiries as well. Nothing has turned up so far, but the Themysciran Embassy has vast resources, and I have contacts in the DEO. If there’s anything to hear, we’ll soon hear it. We only must be patient.”

“How? It’s your sister! It’s my—“ Peter gritted his teeth. And for this to come when he and MJ were on the outs. He half-expected a lecture from Diana on not treating women as property.

Thankfully, it wasn’t forthcoming. “Please, just try to relax. Rest if you can. I have a feeling we’ll need it. This ridiculous room I’ve been comped for might as well bear some use.”

“How can I rest when the people I love need me?”

“By remembering that this is the life the gods have given you. You will always face challenges, we all do, but you were made to overcome them.”

“I think I was made to suffer.”

Diana reached out and took his hand long enough for a squeeze. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve worked up quite a sweat on my missives. If we can’t rest, we can at least make ourselves presentable.”

Peter sighed. “You go first. Might as well get the hot water.”

She tittered slightly. “This is the Hilton, Peter. There will be ample hot water.”

“Don’t know if I should let myself get used to it, then.”

“There is cold water as well,” Diana assured him, and turned to go to the bathroom, taking a moment to step out of her boots, then proceeding on bare feet. She opened the door to the bathroom and stepped inside. She knew his eyes followed her all the way there. She hoped he would follow his eyes.

Inside, she wiggled out of the top of her costume, then the bottom. The door was open, swung only halfway in front of the view. She stepped into the shower. Peter’s eyes followed that too.

She was tall, even by the standards of Mary Jane and her model friends, and her body was both athletically and voluptuously proportioned. Her black hair hung down her back long and silken, two thick locks of it falling across her shoulders to partially cover her full breasts. Peter could barely stifle the gasp that threatened to fly from his throat as he gazed at her full sensuality.

Then she swept her shining hair back to shampoo it and he studied the smooth, cream-white skin of her cleavage, the dark areolas perfect complements to the high buds of her nipples. She raised her arms over her head, tautly stretching the proud globes, gaining the appearance of a classical sculpture.

She stood that way for a long moment, letting the steamy water caress her, and his eyes followed that water, slowly down across the flat plains of her stomach, over the tiny indentation of her navel. The soft triangle of her pubic hair was as silky and black as her tresses, but much finer, trimmed so that he could see the tiny tip of her clit peeking out in an almost innocent shyness.

She turned slightly, letting her back take the brunt of the water as she soaped herself up, and Peter silently observed the softly dimpled roundness of her ass, the rippling muscles in the back of her full thighs. She had a fantastic figure. Peter’s cock leapt as he drank in her lush figure. Her tits were so full, her belly so flat, the mound of her pubis so perfectly painted with its darkness…

Then Diana stepped completely under the water and the full radiance of her alabaster skin appeared as the film of soap was washed away. Peter found himself walking toward her, one foot putting itself helplessly before another. Diana turned off the spray and pulled a towel from its bar. She rubbed her body; her skin seemed to ripple and radiate even more luscious life as she caressed every inch of herself in turn.

Peter came to the door, straining for a closer look. His breath caught as she squeezed her breasts together with a folded arm, and lowered the towel between her thighs. She began massaging her sex, running the towel up and down between her legs—head thrown back, eyes shut as if the towel were a lover giving her satisfaction. Her arm tensed, pulling her breasts together tighter and tighter. The firm flesh of the hills flattened as, at last, the nipples touched.

The towel dropped to the ground.

“I put on the costume because it was what I wore when we first met. Funny that you should like its absence more.”

Peter sputtered, his body quivering, his eyes fixed to her perfect nakedness. His mind was on fire with her nearness and his cock beat an angry tattoo in his trunks.

“You were watching me,” she smiled.

“I… I’m sorry. I was going to shut the door, I think, but I just couldn’t…”

“You saw what I was doing to myself?”

Peter nodded helplessly.

“Didn’t you find it exciting… seeing me playing with myself… trying to give myself the same pleasure… you could?”

Without waiting for an answer, her eyes traveled slowly, insolent over his body, only stopping at the jutting bulge in the front of his pants. Her smile widened as she noted its size. She stepped from the shower and moved provocatively toward him. Peter’s mouth went dry watching her full hips sway, her heavy breasts bounce in time with her measured walk.

“You have a big cock, don’t you Peter?” Her voice and words came to him like claps of thunder as she drew close. “You’re handsome and you have an exceedingly good body. The way you’re standing there looking at me tells me you want me. You want to fuck me, right here, right now.”

“I… I…”

“That’s why you watched me taking a shower, watched me playing with myself. That’s why your manhood is so hard right now. You want to fuck me. And I want you to fuck me. I want your manhood deep inside me. I want it so much I’m dripping.”

Peter could see that her cunt was as hot as his cock was hard. Her pussy was flaring, wet and wine-dark. She took another step forward, swaying her hips seductively, moistening her lips with the tip of her pink tongue.

“I can’t,” he said. “I have to… look for Mary Jane…”

“You’ve done all you can. You need to relieve your stress. As do I. And I’ve always wondered what it would be like… with a man…”

She was directly in front of him when her hands came up, ever so slowly, sliding along her sides, over the smooth velvet of her pure skin. Up and down they went, until she was cupping her huge breasts, squeezing them lightly together, making them bulge forward in offering to Peter. The dark nipples seemed to beckon to him.

He couldn’t take her eyes from her. His mouth watered as he watched her squeezing and groping her breasts. His nostrils flared as he took a step back. His eyes bulged with a mix of frustration and half-crazed need as the sight of her nudity gave vent to the lust that coursed through him.

She took another step forward until her hardened nipples, bursting from the tips of her breasts, touched his chest. Her groin almost met the distended material of his slacks, where his aching cock protruded.

“I know what you want from me,” Diana stated. “Now say it.”

“I want your cunt,” Peter choked.

“Then what’s stopping you?” Diana breathed hotly.

Her words were like bolts of lightning in him. His lust was stoked to a fever pitch. And as if she could read his every thought, Diana reached out to his cock with a steady, unwavering hand. Slowly, tantalizingly, she touched the throbbing knob of his prick through the cloth. The contact of her fingers on his aching cock brought a moan from his dry lips. She moved her hand across him lightly, slowly increasing the rhythm of her strokes as her other hand slipped between her legs.

“You have such courage for one so young—such kindness for one so hurt… would you take it as more than it is if I said that I loved you? As I’ve loved others, as I do love others, but also as I’ve never loved someone before? Every time one loves another, it’s as they’ve never loved before…”

Then she was up against him, rubbing her breasts against his chest. His head dipped and found her mouth with his, her tongue shooting between his lips as soon as they were open. With deft hands she tugged at the zipper of his pants while she sucked the whole of his tongue into her molten mouth. He helped her, feverishly stripping himself, flinging first his clothes and then his costume to the floor.

When he was as naked as she, with his quaking cock standing out from his groin, the head already dripping vestiges of precum, Diana stepped back and gasped in awe.

“Great Hera, it’s big. It’s huge!” She seized his prick in her soft hand and rubbed it disbelievingly. “I want it! I can’t wait for it! But first, lover… there is a ritual.”

“Anything,” Peter gasped. “Anything.”

Diana went to her own abandoned costume, pulling Peter with her by his erection. She picked up the golden lasso.

“Fair trade,” she said. “In exchange for the gift of my body, you must accept a time without lies. I must know—we both must know—the truth of ourselves.”

“I have nothing to hide,” Peter said.

Diana fit the loop around his neck, snug but not tight, and then used it to pull him to her body. He bent his head low and bathed her flesh in kisses: her face, her throat, the deep valley between her swaying tits. His hands moved over the silky volume of her ass as he nuzzled his nose between her breasts, kissing at her pounding heart. He gobbled at her creamy tits, finding her bullet-tipped nipples and chewing them until Diana whimpered.

“Oh, Peter!” she gasped, shoving her breasts into his mouth. “Unnn—you’ve thought of this, haven’t you? You’ve pictured us doing this.”

“Yes!” Peter said, compelled by the flowing lasso.

Diana cupped her breasts and squeezed. The nipples felt as if they were going to burst. “And you’ve… touched yourself thinking about it. You’ve come thinking about it.”

Peter nuzzled between her large, voluptuous breasts, actually snorting as he used his lips. He almost knocked her over with his enthusiasm. “Yes!”

Diana giggled as his wet lips covered her milky white tits. “Ooooo… I think you want to touch yourself right now.”

“Can’t,” Peter muttered as he dined on Diana’s cleavage. “Have to wait—save it for you.”

For a moment Diana forgot her questions. Peter’s tongue and heated lips were all she could think about. She put her arms around his head, feeding him her tits. “I didn’t think you’d bite… nibble and lick… mmmm so nice.” She stepped back, dazed, blinking herself out of her stupor. A jerk of the leashing lasso drove Peter to his knees. She turned away from him, displaying her perfect ass.

“Eat my ass!” she hissed as she spread her cheeks with her free hand. “Make me come!”

“Oh Jesus!” he groaned as he threw his waiting mouth against her asshole. He loved every minute of it, Diana squirming around on his face until she succeeded in getting the lasso around his neck going between her legs, rubbing against her sex as she tugged insistently on it. She rode out the next several minutes like that—fucking her lasso with his tongue in her ass. When she was about to come, she grabbed Peter by the hair and pulled him between her legs, holding him in front of her groin as she rutted against his head. Peter had never experienced anything like it as she got off on this… skullfucking… squirting into his hair and face.

Diana fell down and back until her body stretched out before him on the floor. “Did you enjoy that?”

“I did,” Peter said. “It tasted so good—it even smelled good.”

“All my female lovers have enjoyed it too. It would be interesting to compare you with one of them.” She spread her legs. “Kiss my pussy, Peter. It’s on fire for your tongue. Give it your loving?”

With a low moan that closely resembled a growl, Peter moved between her widespread thighs and dipped his head to the bubbling cauldron of her sex. Diana lifted her legs even higher as she wrapped her fingers in his wet hair and urged him downward into her needful sex. She groaned encouragement to him as she buried his mouth in her soft, wet pubic hair. Lower and lower he burrowed into her, kissing and sucking the moisture from her downy hair, dipping his tongue into the top of her slit. With its burning tip he blazed a trip to her throbbing clitoris, between her labia lips, stopping at the puckered hole of her ass.

A guttural roar escaped from Diana’s throat as she flung her legs high and wide, opening her cunt to him. Her body writhed as the attack of his tongue and lips on her aching pussy. She placed her hands under her thighs and brought her legs up until they were pulled back tightly against her pillowy tits. Her cunt, framed by the muscular splendor of her thighs, seethed before his hungry eyes.

“Hurry, hurry! Slide your tongue inside! Eat me! Please, for Hera’s sake, hurry!”

His hot lips and hard tongue bore down on her sex. His tongue went deeper and deeper into her burning pussy.

“Oh yes, yes, that’s it! Taste the very depths of my pussy! Ohhhh, yes, it’s good! It’s so good!”

Diana’s body became a mass of mindless lust as she throbbed and quaked under his tongue. She drew her legs even further back to mash her heaving breasts into her body. Her lips lifted off the floor so that more and more of her cunt was given to his slavering lips and tongue. Desperately she got the lasso around her elbow, so that she could pull him deeper and deeper into her squirming, pounding flesh.

His hands slipped up over her belly and captured the bobbing wonders of her chest. He squeezed and kneaded them with all the power in his strong arms, feeling the fullness of their cups overflowing his hands. His mind reeled as he experienced her tits with his clutching hands and her cunt with his pounding tongue. Up and down the wet slit he went, sucking so hard the sound hammered at his own ears.

Diana clenched her hands tighter in his hair, forcing his tongue to the pulsating bud of her clit. She keened as he took it between his teeth and ran the tip of his tongue over it in small, tight circles. Her head rolled from side to side in total abandonment to the lust burning through her. She jammed harder downward and thrust her hips at the same time. His tongue rammed into her cunt and he fucked her with it, hard and fast. She whimpered sounds of love as he swirled and plunged its hard tip around the folds of her pulsing cunt.

“I want you, lover!” Diana cried. “I want you to fuck me hard and deep with that cock of yours! I can’t wait to have you fuck me! But first I’m going to come in your mouth! Come on, Peter, lover. Come and kiss and lick my pussy so I’m ready for your cock!”

He threw her thighs over his shoulders and squeezed the throbbing flesh around his ears. His jaws were immersed in the syrupy sweetness of her cunt. He cupped her ass in both hands as he thrust his tongue into the searing depths of her, Diana’s animal cries of pleasure filling the apartment as she jerked her body in orgiastic spasms beneath his plunging tongue.

Her head flailed from side to side as she ground her crotch against his face and tongue. She could feel the gathering storm of her climax building in her belly and loins. Higher and higher her orgasm rose, until at last it peaked and crested at the end of Peter’s tongue. She was coming like a madwoman.

Screaming in rapturous delight, Diana locked her hands in Peter’s hair and pulled his lips to her exploding cunt in a passionate kiss. Her juices flowed, pouring like hot cream over Peter’s face, flowing down beneath the quivering cheeks of her ass and puddling under her on the floor. Again and again she screamed in orgasmic rapture as he gulped down her liquid pleasure.

At last it was over and Diana sank back with a long, satiated sigh, opening her gushing thighs to release his head. Peter rose to his knees and looked down at her, his face contorted with lust and need. He had made her come and now it was his turn. He would deliver himself into her clasping cunt and fill all those well-explored folds with his cum.

The juices of her climax gleamed on his face as his eyes traveled down her warrior’s body to the slit gleaming like pink satin. He had to fuck her. He had to release the pounding in his body into that delicious cunt.

“Oh love,” Diana moaned, opening her eyes and seeing his intent. “I hope you’re as good with your cock as you are with your tongue. That was so good!”

“It’s not over yet,” he told her, lowering himself to her.

She pulled on the lasso, beaching him on her body in sudden, overwhelming sensation. “You’re a photographer, right?”


“Do you take pictures of me?”

“Yes, yes—“ Peter said impatiently, stretching his body across hers.

“Do you take pictures of my tits? My ass?”

Peter’s breathing came in long, agonizing gasps as he guided his swollen cock to her opening. He had to answer first: “Yes.”

“When I’m not looking?”

“Yes. You’re just so beautiful and—“

“Do you look at the pictures? When you’re masturbating to me?”

“Some of them,” Peter groaned.

“I’m better than the pictures, aren’t I?”

“Yes—so much better.”

“And I’ve given you so much pleasure already, without even trying. The sight of me, the thought of me… it’s time for you to repay me for all you’ve taken. Fuck me, Peter. Don’t stop until you make me come.”

“I won’t,” Peter swore.

He rammed forward brutally, shoving all of his huge, hardened length deep into her sex. He thrust hungrily into her, slamming his cock to the very top of her passage, bringing her at once to cries of fresh ecstasy.

“That’s it, that’s it! Fuck me, lover! Fuck me so good! Give me all your passion!”

Her hips flew up to meet his. Peter’s heavy balls smacked solidly against the upturned cheeks of her ass. Panting in joy, he sent his thick shaft even deeper into her clenching channel. He felt the inner muscles of her body tug at him. His own pelvis was grinding against her, forcing his throbbing prick into her again and again. With a groan of delight, he bent his head and ran hit tongue hotly around a succulent nipple. With his hand he squeezed the vast portion of her tit that couldn’t be captured by his mouth.

Diana moaned as the electric shock of his mouth on her flesh sent waves of passion down to her core. “Oh, yes, suck it, lover! Enjoy my body!” She pulled hard on the lasso, mashing his mouth into the sumptuousness of her teat, then down between the pair.

He grasped their fullness in his hands, pulling the soft, fleshy mounds together against his face as he groped them. Reveling in the scent of her body and the warmth of her breasts, he laved the valley between them with his tongue.

“I want to see it!” Diana suddenly gasped. “I want to watch your big beautiful cock reaming me out!”

In answer, he rolled slightly away from her, letting the light hit his groin and the hard prick thrusting relentlessly into her body. Diana’s eyes widened as she saw his giant erection, her breasts shaking with passion in his kneading hands as she realized just how wholly she’d been consumed by his desire. His cunt keening to his cock, her breasts swelling into his hands, her lips aching to meet his.

She reached down to grasp his plunging manhood. It was so thick that she could barely wrap the full length of her fingers around the shaft as she brought him to a stop. She needed to catch her breath.

“Merciful Aphrodite!” she moaned. “You are hung as a god!”

“Like it?” Peter gasped. “Like my cock?”

“I love it!” she cried. “My body worships it!” The veins that lined his cock throbbed like the pistons of a powerful engine, bulging hugely, tinged a dark blue where they pulsed under her fist. “Yes, yes, it’s beautiful, fantastic!” She finally released her grasp on his monstrous prick. “Now fuck me with it!”

He drove himself into her again, surprising her with his size all over again. Diana clenched her inner muscles, but she couldn’t resist his relentless thrust, Peter lifting his hips, pouring his cock to her cunt until his balls slapped against her asshole—loudly.

Peter’s body became a bulldozer, ramming his cock against the walls of her cunt until it was fitted to the groove at the top of her pussy, finding the perfect slope, the road to her G-spot, with every plunging thrust. He was crazed, obsessed with how good her pussy felt. He pounded and possessed her cunt, using his big cock like a piston to drive her ass into the floor.

His whole body was alive with her and Diana started to match him stroke for stroke as she was fucked. Her hips trembled and shook and went spastic with delight. His strokes were so long and so hard that her next orgasm came before she knew it—soaking juices came flooding down from her cunt. She could feel them running down into the valley of her ass and knew that her pleasure was only beginning.

With all the stamina left in her, Diana rocked her hips upward and locked her legs behind Peter, tightening the lips of her cunt with the strength in her thighs. Even that she didn’t expect to stop his onslaught on her senses. He kept pounding her as she arched her back, stretching out so that she could get the full measure of his shaft against the howling need in her clit.

It worked. She came again. Her exquisite face was contorted into greater, animalistic beauty by moans and squeals. She rolled her head from side to side, enmeshed in tousled hair, spitting out words and oaths to urge him to fuck her harder.

“Take it, take my pussy! Don’t stop! You bastard, use every inch of my body! Slake your lust with my flesh! Oh, lover, fuck my cunt!”

Peter fucked harder, the sweat from his face rolling down across her heaving tits. She responded wildly, her pelvis jerking, her breasts vibrating with the quaking, overpowering need inside her that somehow this man was satisfying.

Then he came, the heat of his seed filling her hole and bringing yet another explosive orgasm to her core. She felt as though she was on fire with his cum.

Nearly exhausted, Peter let his weight fall across her body. His prick was still hard, but they let it slip from her pussy. Diana covered her sex with the palm of her hand, until the heaving of her body had coated it with his cum and her wetness. Then she brought it up to her mouth and licked the mixture away.

She enjoyed having one last thrall of her body to Peter’s.

His eyes hooded, only half-awake, Peter reached for the lasso around his neck, but Diana drew it taut again. “One more question,” she said. “You’ve lusted after me for a long time. But were you with Mary Jane still, would you have done this thing with me?”

“No,” Peter responded instantly. “It might hurt her. I couldn’t take that chance.”

Diana wished the lasso slack, then slipped its loop off him. “You are very quick to hold true to your relationship with her, even though it no longer applies. Even knowing the pleasure it could bring you. Perhaps that is something for you to consider.”

“Too tired,” Peter said blearily. “Consider later.”

“Yes. Much later,” Diana agreed. “For now, we wait… together.”


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