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Jen felt the warm push of his cock as he came in close to her, pressing himself into her broad back. But leading the way, penetrating her, with the hardness insinuated between her buttocks.

Jen opened her legs a little and as she did, Sue smiled up at her. Those full, sensuous lips promising endless delight, even for a woman that was already enjoying Peter’s member. That’s what this was all about, after all. Endless indulgence. All of them were getting two lovers at once.

A thrill went through Jen as Sue touched her, like a flame spread by the hands on her lush thighs—moving in to her lap—spreading apart the lips of her cunt. The green woman watched with breathless anticipation as Sue’s tiny pink tongue snaked out of her mouth and brushed through the black fan of pubic hair at Jen’s groin… then pushed through it to the lips of her pussy.

Unnhh! Shit! YEAH!” Jen grunted, feeling Peter rub his cock between her legs until it was touching the bottom of her slit. She saw Sue run a long lick over her labia and only lightly touch the glistening tip of Peter’s throbbing length.

Peter made a slow movement with his hips, rolling himself along Jen’s sex and against Sue’s lips at the same time. Jen had never felt more like she was sharing him than right now. His warm hands moved up her ribs, cupped her full breasts. Jen’s stiff nipples exploded with feeling in his hips. She thrust her hips forward while Sue sealed her lips to her cunt and sucked on the erect clitoris that sent charge after jubilant charge through Jen’s tautly clenching body.

Peter entered her as she was enthralled by her own bliss. She bent forward, letting him touch her while she touched Sue, holding the blonde’s head. Not that Sue needed any incentive to lap at Jen’s pussy. She kept up the slow, fluid licks like she was as enraptured with it as Jen—tasting the entire length of Jen’s lewdly splayed womanhood.

“Both of you… both of you at once!” Jen cried in loud disbelief, feeling Sue’s hands crossing her body now to grab onto Peter’s ass, holding him as tightly to Jen’s lick-lubricated cunt as She-Hulk could’ve asked for.

Wave after wave of delight blasted Jen’s body with Peter taking her obscenely from behind and Sue drinking the arousal he provoked with her wet, sucking mouth. From the enjoyment she took in it, Jen did not know how Sue had ever managed without being such a slut. It was a wonder she’ddone without for so long—Jen was so glad to be She-Hulk now.

Jen shuddered as the first heady climax hit. She breathed deeply, knowing that more were on the way. She’d be gasping for breath as much as sobbing for more. Jen deeply loved knowing that would be her level of satisfaction. She wouldn’t be trying to get off; she’d just be bracing herself for the impact.

Jen gripped Sue’s head and forced her sex into that lovely face, feeling not just a physical warmth in her loins, but an emotional warmth for these two people and all the bliss they’d shown her. She loved them and she looked forward to being with them for a long time, in whatever capacity that had to be. She didn’t care if she was their lover, sex slave, fuckbuddy—only that she got to keep coming back to this.

Peter groaned and his load jetted explosively from his cockhead, washing torrentially into Jen’s sex. Sue sighed when the taste filled her mouth; she held on while Peter pistoned his ass, wincing as his cum surged repeatedly out of his glanshole. An obscene smile twisted Jen’s lips; she felt his seed soothing the ravished folds of her pussy. Wantonly she flexed her inner muscles, sucking out all she could of Peter’s white-hot jizz.

Peter’s next thrust sent Jen sprawling onto her belly. He came down on her back, keeping his prick hilted inside her. Jen lay there, now so entwined with him and Sue that it seemed impossible to get free. She was nearly motionless, absolutely content.

She had her man on top of her, his hands caressing her flesh while he kissed her lovingly. His prick was still inside her—though it steadily lost its hardness, it still felt just wonderful. Especially with Sue sipping away at the mess Peter had made of her cunt. She slipped into unconsciousness, as drowsily well-satiated as she’d been that first time with Peter, and contemplating that there was going to be a Before Spidey and an After Spidey to her sex life.


Of course, they couldn’t spend all their time in bed, even with Reed’s negligence. Peter still felt a sense of responsibility and while Sue wasn’t quite as dutiful as he was, she still had a strong streak of civic pride. So it wasn’t quite more slinking around when she volunteered to accompany Peter on his patrols.

After all, he was a member of the Fantastic Four now. Her teammate. Her partner by definition. If Johnny and Ben were always getting into adventures on their own—more like hijinx—Sue saw no reason she couldn’t watch Peter’s back. Besides which, he was always getting the crap kicked out of him on his own. Sue would like to see a Sandman or Electro try their luck against him when the most powerful member of the FF was backing his play.

Not that any of this meant there was no sexual component to patrolling together. Even with them being respectful, responsible superhero types in full costume, getting cats out of trees and halting purse snatchers—never even talking about what they did when alone—it was still there. Overlaying everything they did. A sensual, private intimacy that made Sue more and more aroused and always had Peter as ready to go off as a loaded gun by the end of the night.


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