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Sue rushed across the room to the two conjoined bodies, pushing her burning need to Emma’s face. Emma lifted her mouth from Valeria’s thrusting tit, half-dragged off it by Sue’s hands in her hair, and she attacked Sue’s cunt with her tongue just as she attacked her daughter’s sex with her cock.

The Storms came together, Emma drilling her prick into Valeria and lapping her tongue into Sue to bring them off simultaneously. It was her pleasure. Sue collapsed on the floor beside Valeria, looking on wide-eyed as Emma supplied her daughter with all the cock she needed to arrive. Valeria’s pussy devoured Emma’s member, coming wildly and wetly on it. All Sue could think was that her little girl was now able to take a man-sized cock.

Emma finished with a massive ejaculation onto Valeria’s flat stomach. Valeria squealed as Emma bathed her in her cum. Loving it, reveling in it, she embraced Emma and kissed her wildly as Emma’s shooting cock continued blowing between their bodies. Valeria laughed and quivered and shook violently all the way through her mind-boggling orgasm.

Sue barely know what to say, propped up on an elbow, almost unable to look at her daughter with Emma’s cum running over her body. Then she murmured, “When I was your age, I would never have been able to take a cock that big.” She’d had Reed increase the size of his manhood, inch by inch with every encounter, before she was experienced enough to even think of taking Emma’s prick.

“Times have changed,” Valeria breathed hotly. She could guess how her mother had learned to handle such a big cock. But she herself had dove into the deep end. If it hurt more than her mother’s adaptation, it was also so much more intense.

Emma sat back on her haunches, looking smug, and Sue turned an unappreciative gaze onto her. “You’re nothing but a pervert, you know that? A filthy little pervert who gets her jollies corrupting innocent young women!”

Valeria shook her head. “She just fucked me. You must know—you loved her cock.”

“That was after she was in me!” Sue cried. “She blackmailed me!”

“Well,” Valeria said after a pause, “she is pretty big, but I wouldn’t call her a black male.” She gave a pretty smile to Emma. Then reached over and caressed Sue’s thigh.

Sue watched her own daughter’s fingers dance over her naked flesh. “What are you doing?”

“Just what you would do. What you want. I’m just more honest about it. We all are, in the future. Less taboos. Why don’t you stop playing the responsible adult and play with Emma’s cock the way you really want to? Or can I play with you instead?”

The thought filled Sue with lust, but she fought it with all her might, even when it was only Valeria’s hand on her leg. “No, Val… no, don’t, enough, enough!” she begged weakly, pitifully aware that she couldn’t stop their mounting sensuality, even when it had turned inward. Her pleas died in a strangled mixture of a sob and a sigh, and her body pulsed even as she remembered how wrong it was.

Valeria was lying beside her now, and she extended her middle finger and ran it along the partially open passage of Sue’s sex, already wet from Emma’s tongue. Her finger went up and down, its owner entranced by the way Sue’s labia slowly parted, eager for more. Valeria found the hard nub of her clitoris—it felt so much like her own—and tweaked it, rubbing it around. She slid her other fingers into the moistly throbbing lips of Sue’s cunt, feeling as if she were fingering herself.

Sue rolled her head from side to side, and in a futile gesture of anguish, she mewled “Oh God, Val, you’ve got to stop! This is wrong!”

“Is it, mommy? Why? We love each other, don’t we?”

“Not like this!”

“Why not? I’m enjoying it. You’re enjoying it. How can it be wrong if we both want it?”

“No, but we’re…” Sue shuddered, choking, for Valeria had slid her finger into Sue’s throbbing cunt, and she teasingly massaged the clinging walls that she found.

“Admit what you want,” Valeria breathed urgently. “Admit what you enjoy. You taught that to me when you raised me—now let me teach it to you…”

A tortured gasp erupted from Sue, and unable to control herself any longer, she dipped her head forward and her hot breath blew searing flame into the features of Valeria’s face, the features inherited from her, before they kissed. Tongues snaking out, tingling contact made, Sue heard her daughter gasp and shiver and cry out for more… more!

Sue kept telling herself this was the worst, the most horrible of all perversions, and shame made her tighten her sex against the invading fingers of Valeria’s hand. But that only made the lascivious delight better, more immense. Unable to control her inner desires, her need to comfort her daughter, to make her happy, to serve her own swelling needs—she buried her face in Valeria’s throat, lashing out with her moist tongue. Valeria parted her thighs, easing Sue down to lick and kiss through the lake of cum that Emma had left like melted candle wax all over her abs. Sue registered enjoying the taste, both of Emma’s seed and Valeria’s skin, as all thoughts of right and wrong, immorality, depravity, were swept aside by that sharp, strong taste.

And as Sue descended, so too did Valeria, crawling around opposite her on the floor toward her mother’s pussy. The two women now parallel to each other, Valeria clutched Sue’s quivering ass and tangled her lips and mouth in the curls of Sue’s pubic hair. She licked molten paths along Sue’s labia lips, right down to her mother’s puckered anus, then nipped the throbbing clitoris with her teeth, nostrils flaring on the bouquet of Sue’s heated arousal, her own pussy aching with the same excitement.

“Ohhhh,” Sue moaned, her lust now muffled only by Valeria’s loins before her. Ripples of vain resistance at what she had done, and was now being done to her, were overridden by the inundation of sensation she felt. Her body heaved and pumped against her teenage daughter’s mouth as she abandoned herself to incest, her thighs widening as she drew Valeria’s wetly glistening sex to her face. Her mind oscillated in wanting and yet not wanting this madness to stop.

I can’t do this to Val, not to my own daughter, what’s possessed us? I’m on fire. This is wrong, but good…

Before she knew it, the forces exerted on her flesh and her mind were too overwhelming for her even to register this as wrong any longer. After all the pain and suffering she had gone through as the Invisible Woman, not the least of which was the insidious buildup of frustrated neglect in her marriage to Reed, now the shame and desperation of Emma’s ways had broken her, freed her. Her subconscious was more than willing to simply give up and allow passion to dictate her actions.

Sue moved her lips along her daughter’s mound, tongue-fucking Valeria harder and faster, sliding her hot tongue far along the teenager’s smooth, moist sex and reveling in the unintelligible whimpering Val made against her mother’s pulsing folds. She brought her hands around Valeria’s hips, pushing her thighs up until the girl’s velvet-soft cunt was pressed tight to her mouth, draped around her tongue, and Sue spread her legs wide so that her daughter could cup her soft, white buttocks and thrust her tongue deep, deep into the searing liquid depths of her pleasure.

Neither of the two women undulating on the floor heard Emma suck in her breath as she stood transfixed at the obscene sight before her. She was astonished at seeing how thoroughly debauched Sue had become. Not even in her wildest fantasies had she dreamed that Sue would become so lascivious. Just like with Scott, it was always the quiet ones.

Mother and daughter were spread out like a picnic before her, both absorbed in their writhing, desperate sucking of each other, greedily hanging on to each other’s tastes with lips and mouths, licking and sliding their tongues from firm clits to tender pink anuses in an endless cycle of pleasuring and being pleasured.

Emma watched the pleasurably slaving women buck and spasm their way to orgasm, heard the mewls and muffled moans of their shared rapture, and then the psychic shockwave of their passion brought her to a boil. She stroked her massive cock lightly, pulling the foreskin back and forth, letting the fiery cum build in her testicles, while she watched the two nakedly churning women continue to enjoy themselves.

Her eyes were locked on the pair, twin beacons of lust as she advanced on the straining, undulating bodies. She thought she’d fuck Sue first. Age before beauty, after all.

But Sue was a devoted mother, especially when it came to getting fucked. “Fuck Val first,” she said to Emma. “She’s been a good girl.”

“She sure has,” Emma agreed, her prick throbbing powerfully.


Half an hour later, it was Sue screaming. “Ohhh, Emma, fuck meeee!” she yelled as the mutant’s rock-hard prick ramrodded her.

It became a ritual after that. In the morning, just after Reed disappeared into his lab, Emma showed up and serviced both girls. They played a few games to prime themselves, and then there was always the hot, violent fucking. Valeria and Sue’s pussies were left filled with pleasure as well as cum.

It went on that way for an entire month, until Emma grew tired of the commute…


“Reed, hello,” Emma greeted, having already chuckled when he saw his name on her cell phone’s caller ID. “I’m so sorry you couldn’t join us for the tour. I know how important your experiments are…”

“Yes, sorry on this end too, the schedule just couldn’t budge,” Reed said. “Are Sue and Valeria still there?”

“Oh yes,” Emma replied, feeling her cock hardening. “It was getting late, so they decided to spend the night here and make the trip back in the morning. Why? Is something wrong?”

“No, I’d just like to check in briefly but they’re not answering their phones. Do you think you could look around for them, if it’s not too much trouble?”

“Oh, none at all,” Emma said, rubbing her groin. “Let me check in on them. It’d be my pleasure.”

Her prick pounded, straining at her pants with every step as she returned to the guest suite where she ‘d put the Storms up for the night. She knocked on the door and listened eagerly for the answering footsteps. There were none. She knocked again, louder. No one got the door.

“Are they there?” Reed asked over the phone.

“Oh, they’re there alright…” Sue replied, and forced the lock. She pressed the phone to her breast as she entered. Considering her breast, it was muffled plenty.

“Is that you, Emma?” Sue called from the bedroom of the suite.

“Yes. Did you not hear me knocking?”

“I was a little busy…” Sue stopped talking as Emma entered the bedroom, seeing for herself why Sue hadn’t answered her knock.

Val was in bed with Sue. They had a sheet pulled over them, but it was tangled, bare arms and lengths of firm thigh emerging from its coils. It had also pulled so tight around them that the bumps of their erect nipples showed, proving their nakedness. Nudity almost enough to explain the scent of aroused womanhood in the air.

Emma raised the phone to her ear. “Sue and Val are sleeping. Together, I mean.”

“Oh, don’t wake them,” Reed replied.

“Don’t worry,” Emma said, lowering her zipper. “I’m the only one up. Could you excuse me? I have a call on the other line.”

The Storms looked at each other as Emma put the man of the house on hold. She stared at them possessively as she walked forward, erection leading the charge, and the girls kicked the sheet away with their feet. The sight of their naked forms laying side by side was staggering. Sue was voluptuous, almost matronly in her mature beauty, while Valeria was a bit tomboyish with her small, well-formed tits. It was pregnancy that had apparently given Sue the full, proud breasts that defined her figure.

“Climb right in,” Sue said. “We both want a piece of you.”

“Guess the piece,” Valeria said.

Emma climbed over Sue and lay between the two. The bed was hot and damp, as were their bodies. As she made herself comfortable, the Storms closed in on her, pressing their bodies to Emma’s.

“Is she a better kiss than I am?” Sue asked her daughter, grabbing Emma’s cock.

“No, mommy. But she does have a cock…”

If Emma had merely rested there, the girls would’ve taken care of her. But she wanted more than to be taken care of: she wanted to fuck both of them until they came. Until she felt their surrender to the pleasure. Until she’d reminded them of how wonderfully broken in they were.

So she threw her arms around their shoulders, pulling them closer. She turned her face to Sue, kissing her deeply, then kissing Valeria with the same passion. As they took turns kissing the X-Woman, they grabbed her prick and balls.

“I’m so glad you showed up,” Sue whispered in Emma’s ear as she tongue-kissed Valeria. “There really is nothing like hard cock.”

As she spoke, Sue slithered down Emma’s body until she could lick her cockhead. Valeria was still playing with Emma’s cock as Sue licked. One of the girls—Emma didn’t know who—was squeezing her balls.

She lifted the phone. Unmuted the call. “Sorry about that, Dr. Richards. Something big came up.”

“Nothing troubling, I hope.”

“No, it’s being tended to,” Emma stated, putting her hand on the back of Sue’s head, gently urging her to not just lick, but suck. “I have two of my best on it.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“It’s even better to see,” Emma replied. “There’s nothing like the sight of my girls in action.”

Emma grabbed Valeria’s breasts. They were small by X-Men standards—whose weren’t?—but size wasn’t that important. In fact, after Sue’s big tits, a small, neat pair like Valeria’s were a novel treat. They were perky and perfectly formed.

Sue’s tongue, licking down her collar as she nursed Emma’s tip in her mouth, took Emma’s mind off Valeria’s petite pair. Emma held Valeria’s erect nipple in her mouth, but the pleasure of being suckled at by Sue stole her attention. Valeria realized that too, so she pulled herself away from Emma and moved down beside Sue.

“Let me have some!” Valeria cried as she shoved her face in with Sue’s as Emma’s crotch, both of them now genuflecting before Emma’s throbbing dick.

“So tell me,” Reed said obliviously, “how was Sue and Val’s visit?”

“You know the X-Men. Whenever Sue and Val come, we try to make it fun for them.” Emma watched as Valeria added her tongue to Sue’s. Valeria almost seemed to be trying to beat Sue away from Emma’s cockhead with lashes of her tongue. They were covering Emma’s futa prick with hungry swipes, soft tongues…

Emma’s mouth gaped with amazement as much as pleasure as she watched the women lap up her precum like her cock was an ice cream cone melting in the sun. “Of course, they can’t wait to go down…”


“You know, south? Back to Manhattan?” Emma gave her hips a little jerk, making Sue gag as her cock pushed into Sue’s throat. “I think they find some of our mutations a little hard to swallow.”

It was Sue who held her balls, Emma saw after the motion. Valeria held her shaft. But then both let go so their tongues would have more territory to lick.

“Oh, I don’t believe that,” Reed retorted. “Sue’s always been very open-minded.”

“Mmmm!” Sue moaned as she took Emma’s cockhead fully inside her mouth, cheeks hollowing as she sucked in earnest.

“Yes, she does seem very open at times,” Emma said. “Very, very open. But perhaps there’s only so much she can take.”

“My Sue can take plenty.”

Valeria licked her way down Emma’s column to her balls, where she cocked her head to dip it between Emma’s thighs, take her balls in her mouth. She sucked so hard she slurped.

“We’ll see,” Emma sighed. Us mutants are here to stay. If someone doesn’t like it, they’ll just have to suck it down.”

The girls sucked and licked Emma’s crotch, pressing their cleavage onto her thighs, Valeria humping Emma’s leg. By tensing that leg, Emma made Val hum with pleasure on her balls.

“Now, now, Sue and Valeria are both big believers in the mutant cause,” Reed said.

“I know,” Emma breathed. “It’s almost like they’ve got a little mutant in them.”

Emma began writhing from the pleasure the girls gave her. She pulled a pillow beneath her head so she could watch comfortably. She got quite a show. As Sue mouthed her cockhead, she reached over to her daughter and stroked Valeria’s shoulders and neck. Then she reached for the teenager’s breasts. Valeria rolled back, lifting her tits from Emma’s thighs, giving Sue a chance to grab them.

The sight of Sue feeling up her own daughter’s breasts thrilled Emma as much as their mouths did on her prick and balls. Valeria still held Emma’s balls in her mouth as Sue massaged her breasts. Then Val reached over to the breasts she’d once nursed at—now the only thing she suckled was Emma’s prick…

They felt each other up as Emma watched. Valeria lifted her face from Emma’s balls and gave Sue a kiss that was anything but filial. But Sue’s kiss was all for Emma’s cock.

“You look so beautiful with a cock in your mouth,” Valeria practically whimpered, before she licked Sue’s widespread lips, encircling Emma’s prick.

“They seem very close,” Emma said into the phone. “I never got along with my mother so well.”

“Yes, what with the time travel, they’re almost friends first, family second,” Reed said. “They just love spending time together.”

“It’s common interests, I think,” Emma observed as Valeria used her tongue to pry Sue’s mouth from a spit-wet cock. Then she took Emma’s cock into her hot mouth as Sue kissed her bulging cheeks. “They just have a lot of the same hobbies.”

Now Sue stuck her tongue into Valeria’s mouth. Since Emma’s cock was already in there, Valeria had to open her mouth even wider. Emma groaned as she felt their tongues dance around her shaft, slathering it with saliva almost as eagerly as they stroked each other.

Finally, Valeria lifted her mouth from Emma’s prick and sucked in her mother’s tongue. Emma’s cock, throbbing madly, slapped against their faces as they kissed. “Mmmmmmm!” one of them hummed passionately.

“What was that?” Reed asked.

“Sorry, getting myself a drink,” Emma said. “We have some good hard liquor on tap.” And you have no idea how hard I’m going to tap these lickers.

She didn’t mind that she was now left out except for her leg, still being ridden by Valeria’s cunt. It was sweet to watch mother and daughter kissing and groping right on top of her. It was a real bonding experience. Especially with her cock bonded to their kissing faces by sticky precum. They licked it every so often as the kiss grew increasingly wild, sloppy. It looked like Valeria still had a thing or two to learn from mommy.

“Right, I probably shouldn’t keep you,” Reed said. “It’s getting late and I have my own work to get to. But thank you for putting them up.”

“My pleasure,” Emma assured them. “We have plenty of room for them, and I’m sure if our situations were reversed, they’d have plenty of room for me.”

“Of course!” Reed agreed. “Come over anytime.”

“I’d love to come over. I will as soon as I’m ready. Have a nice night. I’m going to jizz on your daughter’s face.”

“Wait, wha—“ Reed started before she hung up and tossed the phone aside.

“Valeria,” Emma grunted. “You suck my cock. Emma, eat my balls.”

Both women obeyed instantly. Valeria impaled her mouth on the throbbing shaft, moaning and gobbling her way down until Emma’s thick, gilded pubic hair was rubbing at her nose and chin. Her cheeks rubbed against Sue’s as her mother spread her lips as wide as she possibly could and sucked both of the White Queen’s swollen testicles between her cheeks at the same time.

“Gooood,” Emma panted at the dual attack, the two beautiful women obeying her so unreservedly. “Suck me, you cock-hungry bitches. I’ve got enough cum for both you.”

Sue already knew that. Her tongue lashed furiously at the bloated testes that filled her mouth. And even as Emma was speaking, she could feel those balls growing larger and larger, until it strained her lips just to keep them both in her mouth.

Valeria’s hand reached down and groped between Sue’s legs, forefinger fucking in and out of her mother’s cunt. Sue did the same for her daughter. Their hips twitched from the effects of either’s stabbing fingers. The older woman’s mouth was filled first by one of Emma’s ballooning nuts, then the other.

Christ, she thought to herself, I’ve never had so much done to me before in my life. Reed could’ve fucked all my holes, but he never fucked me like this.

Suddenly, she knew that Emma was about to climax. Sue abandoned her balls, sliding her face up the length of Emma’s shaft and greasing her cheeks with Valeria’s spit. The teenager let the pulsing knob pop out of her mouth with a wet slurp, never relenting in the moist kneading of Emma’s shaft. As Sue’s lips appeared near the cockhead, Valeria crushed her mouth against her mother’s open lips and shoved her tongue in.

At that instant, Emma’s balls exploded with the first rush of ejaculation.

“Take it!” Emma grunted as bolts of scalding cum sprayed across both women’s faces.

Sue and Valeria pressed their lips together over the spurting cockhead, their tongues sliding together through the thick stream of jism. The seed filled both of their mouths and splashed across their faces. It tasted delicious to Sue, the hot cum mingled with Valeria’s taste.

Both mother and child drank desperately, sucking down great thick gobs of seed as it sprayed from Emma’s prick. They caught Emma’s cum on their tongues and swallowed it down. They licked it from each other’s hands and faces when they weren’t rubbing it into each other’s skin, their own skin, everywhere. They reveled in the geyser of cum they were receiving, thrilling to the taste and touch that was being shared.

Just like that, Sue’s cunt was convulsing with wave after crashing wave of orgasm. From the way Val was grunting and panting, Sue knew that her daughter was going through her own private paradise of lust. The glazed look of animal hunger on the young woman’s face only served to increase the intensity of the feeling that was racing through Sue’s tensing pussy.

Finally, Emma’s explosions faded away into the trembling jerks that marked the end of her huge load. Sue had never met anyone with so much cum to feed her. Enough cum to satisfy her. Enough cum to be shared.

Lovingly, she closed the distance between them—Emma’s wilting cock now out of the way—and kissed Valeria softly on her suck-swollen, cum-covered lips. As they kissed, Sue licked gently, lapping up the thick layer of cum that masked Valeria’s cheeks, lips, and chin.

After the kiss had grown to dinner with Valeria’s face as the plate, Sue moved down to get the few lashes that had splashed across her daughter’s tits. After she had finished, Valie did the same to her. They held each other, licking the other’s face, wiping the remaining seed from their bodies and either indulging their greed for it or feeding it to one another. There was more than enough for both.

This is so sweet, Sue thought to herself. She’s such a lovely young woman. Her body is just delicious. I could kiss and lick her all night long. She’s going to make some lucky man very happy. Or maybe… if Emma kept up with her…

It occurred to her that Emma might get Valeria pregnant, make an honest woman out of her. She could be Emma’s mother-in-law.

The thought almost made her orgasm again. But it took Emma’s tongue for that to really happen. Still, as she squirted, almost in retaliation for how Emma had soaked her, there was only one thing in Sue’s mind.

Valeria Richards-Frost…



Holy shit, great finish :)