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Felicia blushed self-consciously, reminding herself that he would hardly use the doorbell, and wiped her wet fingers on the bedsheets. She padded over to the nightstand to press the intercom appliance installed on it.

“Who is it?” she trilled, wondering if maybe Spider had taken the mask off finally and decided to introduce himself by showing her at her door in his Sunday best with a bouquet of roses—wouldn’t that be some way to earn her forgiveness for all the boredom he’d caused her?

“Mary Jane Watson,” a feminine voice answered. “You don’t know me, but take my word for it: we have a lot in common.”

Felicia opened up the appliance, seeing Mary Jane’s face on the video-screen usually concealed inside the gadget. The sight of her startled Felicia. If this was an ex-lover, she felt sure she’d remember her. And if she wasn’t, Felicia really wanted her to be.

“Who wouldn’t want to have something in common with you, Mary… Jane… Watson?” Felicia said slowly. “Why don’t you come on up and we’ll see what it is?”


The screen went dead before Mary Jane could respond. Her nervousness galloped inside her as Felicia buzzed her up, but she didn’t hesitate. This woman was an ally of Spider-Man’s, after all. She stepped into Felicia’s apartment with an aloofness that she could tell met with the other woman’s approval.

Felicia wore shorts and a T-shirt that looked like they’d been hastily thrown on; her hair was messy and the nipples on her bare breasts showed through her tight tee. No bra. It was like she’d been lounging around naked before Mary Jane got her, which struck MJ as almost too perfect.

Felicia appraised Mary Jane with a smirk, as if sizing up the competition, before she lit a cigarette. “Well, you’re my guest. I’ll let you decide. Should we waste a little time on pleasantries or get right down to brass tacks?” She blew the smoke towards Mary Jane with the boldness of a boy pulling a little girl’s pigtails.

Mary Jane had to chuckle. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It was outrageous. But she felt a twinkle of admiration for the woman who took her own blunt, challenging nature and pushed it even further. She’d say Peter had a type, if it weren’t for Gwen. All she had in common with the other two was how gorgeous she was. The three of them were every man’s type.

She sat down opposite the cat burglar and met her toying gaze. “Peter Parker.”

“What is that, the beginning of a nursery rhyme?” Felicia snapped.

The way she tossed off her dismissal with such eloquent casualness convinced Mary Jane she didn’t know Peter’s secret. She wasn’t surprised. He hadn’t admitted it to her, and he’d been inside her. And she was sure Gwen didn’t know—the woman would be a basket case if she found out. And what are you? Mary Jane asked herself, but there was no time for self-reflection when she was sitting across from a woman with a 42E cup size.

“He’s Spider-Man’s photographer. And my boyfriend.”

“Does that mean he’s been taking shots of me? Do I photograph well?” Felicia asked, dumping some ash into an empty tumbler nearby.

Mary Jane ignored her. “And he’s the boyfriend of a girl named Gwen.”

“Ah. One of those relationships. And I can see from that stupid grin on your face that you’re not exactly a stickler for monogamy…”

Mary Jane studiously restored her poker face. She had enjoyed that threesome—if that’s what it had been—with Peter and Gwen. But she knew the pressure Peter was under. And things falling apart with him and her and Gwen… as they inevitably would, with Gwen in the equation… might destroy him. And, truthfully…

“I don’t enjoy tying for first place,” she explained. “The thing is, Gwen isn’t the type to be in the race in the first place. The way she sees it, all three of us are keeping things casual. You know—friends with benefits.”

Felicia crossed her legs. Her thighs were taut and creamy, drawing Mary Jane’s eye as they tightened into place. “Let me guess: Peter sees it that way too?”

“He has some issues with commitment. Probably doesn’t help having another woman in the relationship who understands him and doesn’t want to pressure him.”

“And yet, here you are. And I don’t think all you want from me is a sob sister.”

Mary Jane’s eyes narrowed. “Gwen’s a prude. She’s hot, but she’s a total snob. She didn’t even lose her virginity until just now. Peter sees that as a sign of how pure she is, but…”

“He’s a guy,” Felicia finished for her. “They never learn that having a freak in the sheets is more important than a lady in the streets.”

“I want to show him that I can offer him more than she ever could. Like a night with the infamous Black Cat.”

Felicia started, jerking her slouching body upright. “I really am getting a reputation. At least tell me you think I’m a good fuck. Or am I just a pair of big tits and you’re sure I can’t take him away from you?”

Mary Jane had commiserated enough with Peter’s girl troubles to know what his issues were with Felicia—reading between the lines. “Why would you steal him? You like being a free agent too much to do the relationship thing.”

Felicia seemed about to argue the point… like there was someone she did want to be in a relationship with… but she cut herself off. “Say that’s the case. I may enjoy tangling the sheets more than the next girl, but I’m not some unicorn you can pick up off the sidewalk for a no-strings attached threeway. Hire a hooker.”

“Shouldn’t you take a look at the goods before you decide you’re not interested?” Mary Jane asked, taking her phone out of her pocket.

“If it’s not baby pictures, it’s bae pictures,” Felicia sighed, but got out of her seat and went to perch herself on the armrest of Mary Jane’s chair.

She craned her neck to see the picture Mary Jane opened up on her phone’s screen. Seeing Peter’s face, her dark eyebrows raised—MJ didn’t see any recognition on her face, only an aesthetic appraisal. Peter, you dog, you’ve really been doing it with your mask on all this time?

“He’s cute,” Felicia proclaimed. “But I can get cute at any bar in the city. And I can get cute all to myself.”

“From what I’ve heard of you, I thought I’d be a bonus, not a downside.”

Felicia glanced at Mary Jane, openly evaluating her in the same way she’d stared at Peter’s picture. She purred deep in her throat, signaling a certain amount of approval. “That would all depend. Would we be sharing ‘Peter’… or would Peter and I be sharing you?”

“Peter and I would be sharing you,” Mary Jane retorted instantly. “How about a different angle?”

She changed the picture on her phone. Now it was a photo she and Peter had taken in the bathroom mirror after they’d finished washing off their lovemaking in the shower. The sink and counter cut off her lower body, showing Felicia only her tits in the selfie, but Peter was taller than her. As he held Mary Jane to his side, his cock was plainly visible, dropping down between her legs and out of sight of the reflection. Seven inches, at least. And thick enough to almost fill his thigh gap. Certainly to fill Mary Jane’s. The grin on her face said the rest.

Felicia’s expression quirked, lips slightly parting, pupils dilating even. “He’s Spider-Man’s photographer, you say? What are they, brothers? Cousins? That looks like… God, do you know how long I’ve looked for someone else who—“

Mary Jane shut off her phone, worrying she might’ve given up the game. It was fucked up that Peter was doing some masks-only relationship with the Black Cat, but who was she to judge? Here she was, making an end-run around Gwen with Spider-Man’s fuckbuddy.

Well, as long as it got Gwen out of the picture. She wouldn’t be happy as Peter’s side-chick anyway. Felicia, at least, was only a fling. She knew it, liked it that way, Peter saw it that way—Mary Jane had no problem with that. It was Gwen catching feelings that was the threat.

Mary Jane wanted to be the only one in Peter’s life who got roses and chocolates. If Felicia wanted his dick now and then, MJ would allow it. The cat burglar watched Peter’s back out on the rooftops; she brought something to the table. All Gwen did was complicate things. She had to go.

And once she found out about Peter and this alliance between Mary Jane and Felicia, she’d be on the way out. However much a lady in the streets got to a guy, she couldn’t compete with two freaks.

“How about a drink?” Mary Jane asked suddenly, standing up and hiding her phone away in her pocket.

“I’ll find you something strong and straight,” Felicia said, leading the way to the kitchen at almost a jog, burning off her indecision.

Mary Jane could see she was tempted. Probably a new sensation for her—having a temptation and trying to fight it off, or at least think about it before she indulged. Trying to find the catch in an offer that seemed too good to be true.

“You don’t have to give it to me straight if you don’t want to,” Mary Jane said coquettishly as Felicia poured bourbon into two cocktail glasses.

Felicia handed one to her guest. “It’s been a while since this kitten has batted Spider-Man around a bit. Playing games with one of his little—not so little,” she corrected herself, “friends might remind him that we have unfinished business.” She drank. “I know what you’re thinking.”

“I doubt that,” Mary Jane replied. Here she was playing 4D Chess just trying to get Peter into a relationship, while Felicia was all id. Want—take—have.

“You’re thinking that I can get any guy I want, so why should I be so hung up on a Spider-guy?”

Mary Jane sipped from her own glass. She wasn’t thinking that. She knew what Peter—what Spider-Man—was like. He was the best. And Mary Jane was not a girl who settled for anything less than the best.

Maybe that was what the three ladies had in common. In their own way, they were each determined to possess the man who they all could tell, on some level, was perhaps the best man in the city. Felicia wanted him sexually. Gwen wanted to tame him—get him into a white picket fence with two point five kids. And Mary Jane… Mary Jane just wanted him. That was complicated enough.

Their eyes locked before Felicia laughed quietly and took another drink. “Maybe I’m just used to him,” she said in a voice as husky and rich and smooth as her pale skin. “He’s there whenever I need a diversion and when he’s not there, I usually need a diversion. Not to mention I could always use one of the wild fucks he throws my way.”

Mary Jane smiled in agreement, reflecting on her own experiences with Peter. At the same time, she felt a measure of sorrow for Felicia.

Through no fault of her own, Felicia only had half the man while Mary Jane had a lock on both sides of him. And it wasn’t that Peter had told her he was Spider-Man or that he loved her more—yet. It was just that MJ was lucky. Oh well. All’s fair in love and war.

“So, tell me about this Peter,” Felicia blurted out, her lovely face broadcasting a lewd smile. “Think he could keep me afloat until I have a superhero back in this life?”

“I wouldn’t make any promises,” Mary Jane bluffed, trying to hide a smile. Then she posed for Felicia: “But look at this body. You think I’d settle for second best?”

“Maybe we should find out,” Felicia cooed. “I’m sure you can see there’s nothing second-rate about me…”



I like where this is going...