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It made Stacy feel a little better about how she had… appreciated the sight of Ana’s body. She knew she’d had nowhere near the reaction that Wayne was having.

Then he made a beeline straight for Ana, with such aggression in his speed and stance that Stacy actually worried her mother was about to be raped. But Wayne only scooped up some of the tanning lotion to rub Ana’s back.

Soon, her flesh shined, the smell of the lotion filling the air. Wayne kept applying it up and down her body until she could’ve been swimming in it. Then he slid down her thong and started to rub the lotion into her ass. Stacy gasped silently, still a little afraid for her mother—afraid of just how hard Wayne might fuck her aging body, and how little of his virility he might leave for his actual girlfriend. The warm lotion trickled down between Ana’s legs and into the cleft of her buttocks.

Standing still as she could, Stacy began to rub her nipples through her shirt. But it felt wrong to be touching coarse, dead fabric when Wayne was feeling her mother’s warm, living flesh. So Stacy slipped her shirt over her head and unbuttoned her shorts. Without them, her body was soft and smooth, the smell of tanning lotion in the air like a field of flowers in bloom, and Stacy felt totally free.

Wayne knelt down beside Ana. He ran his fingers up and down her luscious ass, the smooth flesh dimpling and heaving in his groping hands. Stacy ran her finger down to her sex. Ana seemed to care so little that Wayne was fondling her that she might as well be unconscious, like she was a plaything to him, a possession. It sent a jagged tremor down Stacy’s spine, but she found herself getting into watching the sensual display—hoping Wayne felt as free to caress her as he did her mother.

Wayne’s fingers found their way inside of Ana. He massaged there—Stacy could see how soft and gentle his touch was. Ana sighed faintly and turned her head. “You couldn’t wait for me to wake up?” she teased sardonically.

“You’re going to sleep a lot better once I’m done,” Wayne promised her.

He kept his hand down between her thighs while he laid down on top of her, rubbing his bulging erection into her ass. His lips touched the upper slopes of her back, the soft suppleness of her neck, and he nuzzled his nose into her tangled mane of golden hair. Ana responded readily to him, steepling her fingers on the pool tile like she wanted to try to tear them up.

Watching, Stacy wondered what would happen if she laid on top of Wayne and started making love to him the way he was loving her mother. All three of them could get off: she really loved servicing Wayne and she knew how much Wayne loved doing it to Ana…

He wiggled his jeans down, exposing his upthrust cock like it’d be unbearable to keep its hardness locked away. Ana moaned and writhed around herself—she didn’t need to take anything off, she was just desperate to have him inside her body.

Stacy kept watching, now dipping her long fingers into her wet pussy. She was vividly turned on… strangely, too turned on to want to interrupt them, the same way she wouldn’t want Wayne to stop fucking her even to get into a position she enjoyed more. Her juices dotted the insides of her thighs as she approached orgasm.

Stacy just had to gawk at how good her mother looked, naked and on the verge of climax herself. Her lathered skin glistened in the sun, her body perfect, with perky breasts, a firm ass, and silky hair lacquering down her back. Stacy moaned out loud, envying both Ana for being on the receiving end of Wayne’s attentions and Wayne for getting to touch her so intimately.

Only she moaned louder than she thought. Ana and Wayne stopped playing with each other and looked to the bushes where she was hidden.

“Hello?” Wayne called out. Stacy was motionless, too embarrassed to reveal herself.

Ana, on the other hand, didn’t evince any modesty; she got up and walked over to the bushes until she saw Stacy. “Oh, it’s you,” she said, looking Stacy over.

The girl was naked, her cunt flaring and wet, her thighs even twitching. Her daughter was more than aroused; Ana could tell she’d been masturbating.

A wicked smile covered Ana’s face, but she hid it from Stacy by turning around and walking back to Wayne. There by the pool she laid down on her back, opening her legs to Wayne… but turning her head back to Stacy. “Are you going to stand in the bushes all day?” she asked teasingly.

Stacy still didn’t dare look away from them. She walked up to the action and watched Wayne dip his fingers in the tanning lotion again. He rammed it into Ana’s asshole. Fingers going in and out dripping with the melting lotion.

Ana arched her back, biting her lip, pretending with all her might that it didn’t feel as good as it looked. She didn’t want to make Stacy too jealous, after all.

Stacy laid down next to her. “Honey, mind if I give it a try?” she asked Wayne.

Wayne looked at her. His prick was more than hard now, eyes hungry for this added spice to what he was doing with her mother.

Ana looked up at him. “Hey, can she play or not?”

Wayne couldn’t bring himself to answer. He just moaned under his breath.

“Isn’t this what you want?” Ana asked, taking over for Wayne in playing with her own wet pussy.

Stacy did the same and Wayne still didn’t answer. He seemed broadsided by how they were both his, craving his attention, begging for his cock.

“Come on, Wayne,” Stacy joined it. “You want this. You want both of our pussies for your nice big cock, don’t you?”

Yes,” Wayne finally gasped out.

“And we want your long, hard cock,” Ana moaned. “We want you to fuck all day and all night—it doesn’t matter which of us—if I’m not getting your dick, I want to know my little girl has it in her snug little cunt!”

Stacy could hardly speak. She found this hard to believe too. It was like a dream. She nodded in agreement with her mother, but could barely look at Wayne.

Thankfully, Ana stepped in, kneeling up to help Wayne undressed. Once his clothes were off, Ana led him to the diving board. She lay down on it, spread-eagle for him, and he mounted her. Her legs dangled over the sides while he fucked down into her, the board under them swaying up and down with their rutting.

“Fuck me, fuck me!” Ana cried, happily moaning as he went into her harder and harder, until the board that held them up nearly touched the surface of the water in its bending and bounding.

Ana squeezed her fingers into fists and pounded them on Wayne’s back when he pistoned into her. He found it overwhelming too; blowing his load quickly, then settling between Ana’s legs like a man at peace. Ana gestured for Stacy to come over.

Her daughter obeyed, cunt hot, ready to get the same treatment that Ana had enjoyed. Ana thumped her head down on the board, conveying to Stacy that she wanted her sitting on her mother’s face. And Stacy did as she was told, lowering herself down until Ana’s tongue could reach her pussy.

She straddled her mother’s head, facing Wayne, watching him for any sign of interest as Ana licked her pussy, her juices—sating her appetite as she pumped her warming groin against Wayne’s fallen body.

Wayne couldn’t help but be enthralled by what mother and daughter were doing. He reached up to grab Stacy’s breast. Squeezing it, then sucking it. Then starting to rut into Ana again, even as he played with her daughter.

The incestuous three moved their bodies every which way, wanting to feel more and more. Wayne was soon driving down into Ana, just like he had been before, while the two lovers sucked Stacy’s tits and lapped at her slit.

Stacy’s mind spun as Wayne began to touch her. His finger went into her slippery womanhood; into her ass. Then he was coming away from Ana, pulling Stacy over her mother’s body to him instead.

He yanked her into his lap, thrusting his hard prick into her. Stacy cried out, as much in pain as pleasure. The intensity of being entered was too much for her senses, too much to register as simply delight.

Wayne flexed his biceps, drawing Stacy back up off him, leaving his cock dripping with her juices. Then he thrust her down again. Ana watched, either too tired or too enthralled to try to participate herself.

Now that Wayne had set the rhythm, Stacy quickly caught it. She pumped herself onto his long, lean cock—the diving board below them helping her bounce up and down, riding his lap and enjoying it each time she volleyed from the top of his prick to the bottom.

Stacy felt lustful; one of those moods where she didn’t think anything would satisfy her sexual hunger. Only now she knew Wayne’s big cock could do it. He tensed his toned muscles, bouncing Stacy in his lap and flinging himself inside her while barely moving.

Stacy throbbed every moment his engorged prick was inside her. But it still wasn’t enough, in a way. She couldn’t just feel his cock. She had to taste it. Taste it while it still tasted of her mother’s sex.

She lifted herself off Wayne, dropping her overheated body in the water, but managing to hold onto the diving board so that she lifted herself up and got his dick in her mouth. It was hard and stiff, his balls swelled up with the cum he was ready to give her. Stacy mouthed his scrotum for a moment and then took his cock back between her lips. Then she pulled him down into the water with her and told him to put it back in her pussy.

Wayne was in no mood to keep getting jerked around by all her sexual urges. He pinned her against the side of the pool and thrust into her, not stopping until they both came. Stacy’s cream gushed out of her cunt, warming his cock, and Stacy loved the sensation—loved it even more when he came inside her, his cum scalding inside her pussy. More of it clouded the water.

Stacy didn’t want him to stop. She grabbed his balls. “Keep fucking me!” she demanded.

“With what?” Wayne asked, pulling his limp cock out of her.

“With your tongue,” Ana said, sitting on the edge of the pool, her legs in the water. Her open legs.

She grabbed Wayne by the head and pulled his face between her thighs. He licked Ana’s soft, bare cunt, sucking the folds of her labia so hard it hurt. But when Stacy’s mom cried out, it didn’t sound like she was in pain.

Stacy still wanted more, so she ducked under the water, sucking Wayne’s flaccid manhood until her air ran out and she bobbed back to the surface. She came up in time to see Ana come all over his face.

Stacy kissed his lips now that her mother was done with them, counting herself so lucky to have a boyfriend who’d pleased both her and her mom—all the women in her family. It was like they all got to share in having such a wonderful lover.

Ana slipped into the pool with them, washing her sweat off in the cool water while Stacy and Wayne just floated.

“You know,” Stacy said, “I used to worry you were only dating me to get close to my mom.”

“Don’t be silly,” Ana said before Wayne could answer, hugging him from behind. “I was just a fantasy to him. And now that he’s gotten it out of his system, I think he appreciates what a wonderful young lady he’s dating.”

“That’s right,” Wayne agreed quickly.

Stacy sighed happily and hugged him. “I knew it. But you won’t mind fucking my mom some more? I think it’s really lifting her spirits.”

“Whatever makes you happy, babe.”


