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“Yes… all of it…” Crystal whispered as if in a haze. She reached down under her ass and felt his bloated balls, caressing them with her fingertips. Feeling them burn as he kept stuffing her cunt. “Mmmmm! Let me come for you! Please let me come for you!”

Scott actually growled. “Even I can’t stop you from coming when you get my seed. You always come like the whore you are. You can’t help getting off on it.”

He sounded like he relished the idea—something he could do that always made her climax. Crystal felt his dick swell inside her and knew relief wouldn’t take much longer. She squeezed his balls as Scott came up off the chair and held her against him, his cock sheathed inside her, forcing her to accept the hot spill of his jizz.

“Shit, Crystal,” he grunted out. “Shit, I’m going to come. I’m going to fill up your pussy. Fuck!”

She quivered as his boiling cum heated her already hot cunt. Crystal ground herself down on his cock to get every drop of it. Then she was exhausted. She slipped off of his lap as he stroked her body with one last flicker of lust for her.

“Was that alright?” she asked him. “Did I earn my keep?”

“You were worth every penny,” he told her with a grin.

“Then keep your money,” Crystal replied. “I enjoyed every second of that myself.”

She marched off to find a hot shower, feeling tired and dirty and satisfied. She’d allowed herself to be treated like merchandise—something that could be bought and paid for—and she resolved that while she might sell herself, she would never be cheap.

The man had satisfied her. She wouldn’t let him take away from that. She had gotten what she wanted. It didn’t matter if she was a whore. She would do whatever it took to get what she wanted, whether it was sex, money, or power.

And from now on, the only sex she wanted was the kind she’d just gotten.


It had been a long day. Xorn. Jon Sublime. Hong Kong. Emma felt vulnerable and pitiable, two states she never liked to be in, and whatever Scott Summers’ other failings, he never made her feel that way.

She wasn’t in the mood for anything fancy. She wanted to be herself, or the self she liked to be at least, so she changed out of her costume into her black silk negligee. It was comfortable enough for a cozy sleep, but fitted her perfect body like worshipful lingerie. She paired it with diamond earrings and a platinum necklace, then armed herself with a champagne bottle and two glasses to go see Mr. Jean Grey.

Her formidable psychic powers picked up that they were conversing through their mental link, but it died down even as she approached his door. Emma smiled to herself. A good sign. Scott didn’t want to talk to Jean; he was just reporting in like a good little boy following orders. Now Emma would see if he wanted to be naughty.

She let herself into the dark room, the light from the hall streaming past her, outlining her silhouette, blowing through her skimpy dress. Scott was wearing his sunglasses as he laid face-up in bed. When he looked at her, the ruby quartz glowed with her sensual reflection.

“I couldn’t sleep after the traumas of the day,” she purred to him, too serious for him to ignore but too light for him to take as damnably solemn as he wanted. “Tell me more about the world of chastity, Scott…”

He looked her over. Didn’t shy away from the sight of her. Emma didn’t preen, but she didn’t have to. Just looking the way she looked, standing the way she stood, dressing the way she dressed made her charms all too evident.

“I wouldn’t know what to say,” Scott said with a note of irony in his cool voice.

Emma closed the door behind her. The room darkened nearly to black. She could still see the red glint of Scott’s sunglasses aimed at her. He must’ve been able to see her pale flesh inside her negligee, low-cut to show the curves of her breasts, high-hemmed to reveal almost the full length of her slender legs.

“Can you see in the dark?” she asked.

“I wear sunglasses at night.” He tapped one of the hinges of his glasses. “Light amplification.”

“I’m used to the night too,” Emma said, her eyes adjusting quickly, making out the naked muscle of Scott under and outside of the covers. He slept in the nude. Emma hadn’t expected that. But one of the things she liked best about Scott was the surprises. “But let me make things easier for you.”

She shifted to diamond, her jeweled skin now catching the scant light and sparkling. Glowing softly with it, she crossed to the bed and sat down on the mattress with him. She set the two glasses on the nightstand. Her crystalline strength was easily able to pry the cork from the bottle. Then she poured for the two of them.

“I’m worth looking at, wouldn’t you say?”

“Indubitably,” Scott answered. “And I suppose you think the same of me.”

“Not quite,” Emma smirked. “I think the last thing a girl should do with a guy like you is look at him.” She toasted him. “But it is on the list.”

“How long’s the list?”

Emma glanced down at the tent where the covers lay over his hips. “Getting longer all the time.”

Scott sat up, his erection hidden by the sheets draping in his lap, and he accepted his glass of wine. “You know, you really do have a stupendous set of tits.”

Hearing him say that shocked Emma. She let slip some of the champagne she was drinking—it trickled down her chin to wet her negligee. “Why, thank you,” she said, recovering quickly.

“But there are plenty of nice tits at the mansion. If you want me, you’d better show me something more.”

“Oh?” Emma cooed, not so much a retort as buying herself time while she tried to figure out what Scott was playing at. She knew him too well to think he’d be this easy to seduce. In fact, it somehow felt more like he was seducing her.

With his free hand, Scott brusquely tore the sheets down off his naked body. His cock snapped free of the covers, standing up stiff in his lap, bulging with blue veins and dribbling a thick stream of precum. As Emma watched, Scott poured out the glass of champagne onto it, covering both his prodigious erection and chiseled abs with the sweet liquid.

Emma felt herself begin to drool. She didn’t need to be a telepath to know what Scott was getting at. She hadn’t given a blowjob in weeks, though God knew there were plenty of X-Men who could’ve used one of her caliber. Nevertheless, she starved for a taste of cock.

Emma polished off her champagne and set the glass aside.

“I love it when champagne goes to my head,” she told him, getting on all fours over Scott’s legs.

Grasping his thick dick at its root, she leaned in, slid out her tongue, and licked the dripping champagne from his shaft. She made flicking, teasing movements with her tongue, tantalizing them both with the contact between their bodies. Scott growled lustfully; Emma giggled as she lapped up the champagne, saving the deliciously salty precum at his knob for the last. It paired extremely well with the wine.

“I thought you’d be harder to convince,” she sighed. She shifted back into luscious flesh, disappearing inside the shadow of a dress she wore so she looked like arms, legs, head, and the best cleavage on the entire team. “But I suppose a man as practical as you knows when something is too good to pass up.”

Scott laid back against his pillow, brawny arms behind his head. “You haven’t convinced me yet. In fact, you’re trying to right now.”

Emma’s lips quirked at his rebuttal, but she kept going. The taste of Scott’s precum was too delightful to pass up. “How often does darling Jean go down on you?” she asked.

“All you have to worry about is that she’s not doing it right now.”

“No,” Emma laughed, then gave him her most seductive glance. “I am.”

She trailed her wet tongue around his knob, drilling its tip into the cleft beneath his cockhead. Her little licks made more precum ooze from his glanshole and Emma was fast to catch it. God, was it just that this was Scott Summers’ mutant leader semen she was tasting or was it really that good? She shoved her tongue against his glanshole and smeared more of the thick cream right onto her taste buds.

Scott watched her in chilly fascination, his breaths coming deep and even. Emma couldn’t believe he wasn’t more excited. The view he was getting was better than a porno, she knew, and thanks to being a psychic, she also knew exactly how good it felt for a man to have her tongue doing what it was doing.

“Not bad,” he groaned. “I suppose when you get enough experience, you find yourself with some skill.”

Emma scowled, frankly affronted by how cold he was to her efforts. Didn’t he know how many men would kill to have the White Queen where he had her? True, he had a nice prick and an exquisite body, but that alone didn’t entitle him to her. She was showing real charity by doing this for him and he was so damn withholding that it actually—turned Emma on.

She did have skill and the more Scott resisted her efforts, the more Emma wanted to break through to him. He should be begging for her to finish him off right now, not acting like she was some fuckdoll he’d use to get rid of an unwanted hard-on!

When she’d cleaned his prick of all the champagne, leaving only the musky taste of his sweaty flesh, Emma licked her lips, slickening them with the mixture of precum and wine that had so delighted her taste buds. Then she opened her mouth wide and, meeting Scott’s eyes, she slipped her open lips over his rigid cockhead, down his pulsating shaft.

Scott groaned hoarsely when she sheathed his manhood in her steamy mouth. “Good girl, good girl… must feel nice to suck… have a big cock in your mouth… I can see how much you’re enjoying yourself. Do you really want me to fuck you, Emma, or do you just need to taste someone’s dick?”

He petted her hair with an almost mocking affection, cool and collected, but still clearly affected by what she was doing. That’s what made it so maddening. Emma knew she was getting to him, just not enough to make him come, when she was giving him a blowjob that could’ve gotten off a corpse!

What the fuck was happening? This should’ve been like giving a virgin his first suck! Jean was too damn prim and proper to get down on her knees for a man and she was most likely the only woman Scott had ever been with.

Emma had felt sorry for him, felt a sense of charity in opening his one red eye to how good sex could be once you left behind Jean Grey and her clones. She wanted to not only make all his fantasies come true, but kickstart those fantasies in the first place—give a man who’d done the right thing all his life the impetus to dream.

And here he was, making her feel like the virgin, stubbornly refusing to come or even giving her very much more of his precum, which tasted so fucking good. It was infuriating! Emma couldn’t believe she was such a poor seductress. It was like a nightmare! Scott had all the stamina she could’ve wished for, but he wasn’t letting himself be fucked. He was fucking her. Even with his cock in her mouth, Emma felt like the one getting fucked.

That wouldn’t do at all.



Well, this should be fun.