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Chandra’s pussy, hairy as it was wet, twisted and pushed at Sprite’s mouth. Her nose slid against the hot flesh, blocking off her air, smothering her. Then the seconds ticked by: ten, twenty, thirty. Nearly a full minute before Sprite just had to give in, her lungs screaming for oxygen, her mind flaming with panic. She parted her lips and shoved her tongue out to immediately encounter the folds of Chandra’s sex.

When Sprite’s tongue was as far into Chandra’s hole as it would stretch, the woman lifted herself up slightly and allowed Sprite to suck in breath. She still had to fight to keep from passing out.

Slowly Sprite’s mind cleared. She kept licking Chandra’s pussy unthinkingly, almost subconsciously. The tip of her tongue went all the way to Chandra’s depths, tasting the hotness of her juices fresh from the source. They flowed along her tongue and into Sprite’s mouth, filling it until she had to gulp them down.

Chandra’s cream burned all the way to Sprite’s belly; she moaned, taste and warmth both embedded in her, filling her senses and scorching her insides. She’d never been so ashamed as she was now—one half of this supremely perverted deed.

“Mmmm, now take your tongue out. Run it over my cunt instead of through it,” Chandra ordered.

Sprite hesitated and Chandra lowered her weight onto her face again. Quickly Sprite pulled her tongue back and licked around the opening of Chandra’s sex. Chandra happily cooed with Sprite’s tongue running across her slit, gathering up the juices trailing down her folds.

“Lick it! Lick it, you bitch!” Chandra grunted, grabbing two handfuls of Sprite’s golden hair. She pulled until the locks of hair she held were rooted in painful fire, Sprite’s face forced into her juicy cunt. “Now suck my clit! Give me some appreciation for showing you how good it is with another woman!”

Chandra’s clit seemed much longer than Sprite’s own, stiff in a way that Sprite had rarely known hers to be. It slid easily in-between Sprite’s lips, as if claiming the space there, and she sucked the bud. Mashing her lips into its swollenness to keep it from slipping away with the saliva and the suction of how she was trying to please it.

“That’s good!” Chandra purred. “Now keep going… make me come…”

Sprite pretended she was sucking on a piece of ice from a drink—sucking the chill out of it and drinking the meltwater. She suckled and Chandra’s womanhood went crazy, convulsing until its juices were running down Sprite’s chin. Chandra’s hips moved just as wildly, pumping her groin harshly against Sprite’s face.

Her entire body stiffened over Sprite, then violently shook. She had an exquisite climax that even Sprite had to envy, even as it covered her face with its evidence. All Sprite could do was keep her lips wrapped around Chandra’s little button until the orgasm she’d given her cruel owner was spent.

“Now, that deserves a reward,” Chandra breathed, getting up off Sprite and twirling away to open up a dresser.

Sprite wondered what she was doing, but was in no condition to question her at all. And after some rummaging, Chandra found what she was looking for. A small chest, and inside it was a stone shaped, carved, like a phallus. And in Chandra’s hands, it started seething and pulsing as if alive.

Chandra brought it to her. Before Sprite knew it, the phallus was moving exhilaratingly over her belly, dipping down to titillate her satiated pussy, then trailing back up her taut stomach. The oscillating quivers rolling through its tip renewed the shudders Sprite had so recently finished feeling inside her womanly depths.

Her lust and her pleasure were equally renewed, filling her up as Chandra expertly worked her hardening clit. Now that she knew the delights Chandra could inflict on her, Sprite’s dread and hunger were both heightened. It scared her how good she knew her pussy could feel when Chandra wanted her to like what she was doing.

“Was Orion even better than this?” Chandra demanded, smiling to herself, knowing she might well break Sprite in better than that swaggering male ever could… and coming to like the idea. “Was he?”

“Why don’t you find out for yourself?” came a voice from the doorway.

Sprite saw Orion standing there and her eyes went wide enough to dislodge the tears that had gathered but not yet fallen. Any explanations she might’ve come up with were silenced before they could start as, rather than accuse her of anything, his hands went to his belt, then his tunic, then his trousers, disposing of all three in a series of alarming thuds as the armored material hit the ground.

Sprite watched, enthralled, as his cock came into view, its swollen length already rising. She thought of screaming for him to put an end to this lustful madness, but she couldn’t. Her mind was fixated on the sight of his throbbing growth.

Stricken, she watched him spit in his hand and pump his erection into lubrication, its fat girth flaring with desire that could not be deferred, only met. His length was so extreme that his two beefy hands gripped it, one next to the other, and still left the bulging knob and two inches of thick shaft that disappeared into his curly pubic hair.

“Looks like I’ve piqued your interest, Chandra. But if you wanted to know how good Sprite had it, all you had to do is ask. Though now you don’t have to.”

With a lewd smile for Chandra that encompassed Sprite as well, Orion advanced on the divan. His eyes feasted on all the charms of his destination. When he had drawn up before Chandra, his eyes met hers scorchingly. He swiped the quivering phallus from her limp hand and held it down around his own engorged member. The real thing dwarfed the stony approximation.

Neither of the women had said a word since he’d entered the room. There seemed no need—less and less to say by the second. Orion was clearly in charge. His cock was what they wanted and he wouldn’t give it to someone who displeased him.

“Bend over,” he told Chandra, nodding to the divan.

She stood there expectantly, not moving, not making a sound, but seeming to wait for some additional charge—something that would fit the build-up she’d given to Orion in her mind and in her play with Sprite.

“A pretty woman who doesn’t do as she’s told is like a knife with no handle. No matter how sharp the edge is, there’s just no damn use to it.” Orion smiled coldly. “Tell me, Chandra, what would you do with Sprite here if she didn’t do what you ordered?”

Chandra’s eyes widened; she gasped in fright at the thought of her own wicked punishment for the slave girl being visited upon her. Quickly, she flung herself down onto the divan. And no sooner had she done so than Orion’s hand lashed out with the phallus, his aim perfect as he thrust it into Chandra’s slit. All of Sprite’s tonguing had left it particularly well-lubricated, even for such a speedy impalement.

Chandra crooned in pain as the force of Orion’s strike pushed her deep into the divan’s plush cushioning, leaving her writhing with some four inches of the weighty dildo plunged inside of her. She immediately reached around her own wide hips to clutch desperately at her squirming buttocks, trying to relieve the discomfort she felt—or maybe just the embarrassment of owing her enjoyment to Orion’s domineering act.

Orion didn’t allow her flailing hands to achieve their objective. He bent over her fallen body, put one hand on the small of her back, and with her pinned there, he jammed the rest of the phallus’s length into Chandra’s reluctant sex.

Chandra moaned, her voice wobbling on the edge of the unconsciousness she was very nearly falling into. Then her hips shook with the phallus’s vibration. Her whole body followed, shuddering while she was rutted on the inside of her womanhood.

“That’s what you get!” Sprite snarled at her, unable to conceal her sadistic glee at Chandra’s reversal of fortune.

“Not quite,” Orion countered her. He patted Chandra’s quaking ass. “Chandra, dear, anytime you want to switch places with Sprite and feel what a real cock can do, simply possess her body. Surely, a sorceress of your ability won’t let a few little wiggles get in the way of your talents.”

That said, he smiled at Sprite. She smiled back at him. He’d inflicted the perfect punishment on Chandra, paying her back in kind for how Sprite had been treated. And though Sprite knew she should be pitying Chandra for being in the same position she had found herself in just minutes ago, there was another feeling that took prominence.

A growing feeling between her tightly joined thighs that combined her embarrassed enjoyment of Chandra’s attentions with what she’d felt when she’d first lain with Orion. It was wrong on many, many levels—but if she could enjoy how Chandra had ravished her, so too could she enjoy Orion’s fitting retort.

Then Orion’s hand was inching along her leg, moving up to her thighs as surely as Chandra had slowly possessed her body. Sprite felt powerless to stop the deed, terrified that she would enjoy it as she had enjoyed what Chandra had done. But of course, there wasn’t any comparison. There was no guilt to delighting in Orion’s acts. In fact, there was pleasure, pleasure and an entirely different satisfaction.

The satisfaction of having what Chandra wanted and was denied, of lording her enjoyment over her overcome mistress the same way Chandra would do to her. She had to conquer Chandra like Orion had done, join him in defying her. She wanted, needed to help Orion in this mocking display she knew would shatter any vestige of power Chandra still possessed.

Orion’s advancing fingers reached her mound and a shiver of excitement took over Sprite’s senses. It no longer mattered why she acquiesced to this—just that she did. She parted her legs and Orion’s touch slipped forcefully into her open thighs. He made shocking contact with the moist warmth of her slit. Her blonde curls parted for him and he found his way in. Her legs relaxed around his deepening touch.

Discovering her willingness, Orion’s fingers pushed hard into her lap. Not an iota of Sprite wanted to stop him. She let his hand fasten itself to her labia, his middle finger shoved probingly into her wet opening. His lips followed to where he’d delved into her, further exploring the tender wetness of her aroused cunt. Sprite was taken totally by surprise, even though this was the second time in an hour that a lover’s mouth was at her sex.

Spreading that damp, trembling flesh a little wider, Orion kissed a trail from the soft triangle that bottomed out Sprite’s quivering belly to the lavish smoothness of her inner thighs. Each gentle frosting of his lips on her heated groin sent a convulsion through Sprite’s body, bringing both a temporary end and then a renewal to the confused torment of her lust. She could not keep thinking about it when it felt so good.

Sprite slitted her eyes just enough to see Chandra, her plump ass now rolling up and down in a rutting dance with the phallus that she herself held in place for her cunt to devour. Sprite stared, not sure why she was so drawn to the sight when Orion towered over her, holding his menacingly massive prick in his hands, staring down at her with the same lascivious ownership that he had eyed Chandra with.



And the male lead enters the story...but not either of the ladies. Yet, I hope.