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Yolanda would’ve thought that having a limit set on her time with Courtney would be good for them. She did get a little annoyed with Courtney’s neediness sometimes… but it was nothing compared to Courtney’s absence.

And Courtney was determined to follow the rules her mother had set for her ’Yolanda time,’ literally counting the minutes until they had to stop, obsessively penny-pinching how much time she would spend with Yolanda each day to maximize their ‘togetherness’.

Was it any wonder Yolanda couldn’t take that? Maybe it reminded her way too much of when she’d been a goodie-two-shoes herself, irritating her with the reminder of that last innocence until she just had to show Courtney the truth. She didn’t have to be such a good girl. She could be naughty instead.

It didn’t always feel bad to be bad.

The Wildcat suit made it a breeze to sneak into Courtney’s house and then into Courtney’s room. It was also convenient. When she saw Courtney sleeping in her little shorts and tanktop, her bedsheets tangled to let Yolanda see so much of her tawny limbs and nubile hips and those sleek, swollen breasts pushing out on her top… the suit gave her a cock sticking straight up in the air. It swayed from side to side as she walked over to Courtney, ran a hand over the sleeping girl’s pretty face.

“Mm… Yolanda,” Courtney moaned in her sleep.

“Good answer,” Yolanda replied, and turned Courtney over onto her belly.

“Wuh-what are you doing?” Courtney asked, awake now, looking over her shoulder as Yolanda tossed her blanket aside and yanked her shorts down off that tight little ass which still had such bubbly curves. “We don’t have any more time left this week!”

“I’m making time,” Yolanda answered, pulling Courtney to the bottom of the bed so that she was effectively bent over it, her legs dangling off the end and her ass up in the air for Yolanda’s perusal. “We’ve got to hurry. You know how long it takes to satisfy you and I am not leaving you unsatisfied.”

She pulled apart the cheeks of Courtney’s luscious, irresistible ass. Her asshole was even more lovely, too lovely to be ignored, and Yolanda shoved a handful of lubricant between her plump cheeks.

Her erection was just itching to do the same, but first Yolanda had to take care of how dry and tight Yolanda’s asshole could be. Until she found a way for Courtney’s opening to be greased and loose 24/7, she’d have to take her time with the blonde’s anal pleasure.

“Yolanda, my mom said—“ Courtney tried to lecture, but Yolanda interrupted her.

“She’s not my mom.”

Courtney tried to pull away, crawling like a snake up her bed. “Wait, just wait, I really think we need to talk…”

Yolanda dropped on top of her, wedging her cockhead right up between Courtney’s ivory-white cheeks. She had a great tan, but the fact that her boobs and butt were milky white made them somehow even more sensual than an all-over tan.

“Since when do we talk when we could have my cock up your ass?” Yolanda asked. She didn’t penetrate Courtney yet, she wouldn’t do that to her when she was so reluctant—besides, she knew it was only a matter of time until Courtney gave in. The girl was the biggest anal slut there was. She absolutely could not say no to getting ass-fucked when it came right down to it. “She may be your mom, but I’m your top, remember? I own your ass. Are you telling me I can’t fuck it?”

“N-no,” Courtney stammered, feeling Yolanda’s hot erection poking up against her anus. “But Mommy said…”

“Mommy hasn’t said anything about this,” Yolanda interrupted. “Because Mommy doesn’t know about it and it’s going to stay that way. You can think of it as a wet dream. Or, if you want, you can always tell her what I did… after I’m done fucking you in the ass. Do you think tu madre would be turned on? Maybe jealous?”

Courtney whimpered, biting her lip. “Are you… are you going to be quick about it?”

“I’m going to give you as many orgasms as I feel like, puta. I’ll stop when I decide to stop. Do you like the sound of that? Hmm?”

Courtney nodded tearfully. Yolanda knew they weren’t tears of sadness. With her will breaking, her joy at Yolanda visiting her to bring anal pleasure to her sleeping body was through the roof. “You can fuck my ass as much as you want, Wildcat. My hole belongs to you.”

“That’s right, my little culo. It does. And that’s how I’m going to treat it. Like it’s mine.”

Yolanda shoved forward, letting out a rippling moan of delight as more than half of her lubricated prick slid into Courtney’s tight hole. As always, she found it wasn’t nearly as tight as advertised. Courtney’s anus knew its place, knew better than to resist the massive dildo that wanted to be inside it.

Yolanda shoved again, not wasting a second, but impaling Courtney to the very hilt of her well-lubricated strap-on. Feeling the material of the catsuit touch her ass, Yolanda held the cock in place, savoring the warmth of Courtney’s ass surrounding it and kneading it with violated pressure.

Courtney panted, her face flushed with pain. “It really hurts,” she moaned. “I can’t stop thinking about my mom—she makes me nervous.”

“I would’ve thought Barbara turned you on. She does me. Now take it easy. Relax,” Yolanda insisted, pulling her cock halfway out, then slowly, steadily, feeding it back into Courtney’s ass. She set up a regular rhythm, one that quickly increased as she hammered Courtney’s fat backside harder and harder. At the same time, she reached around Courtney’s slender body and thrust three fingers inside her pussy, touching the hardness of her own cock inside of Courtney’s anal passage, through the sheath of Courtney’s sex.

Courtney sighed with passion, the pain she felt melting away while Yolanda fingered her. She felt incredibly excited with Yolanda working her huge erection in and out of Courtney’s hole.

It was so tight inside her, so hot, that Yolanda couldn’t see any downside to her plan. In fact, she was fervently holding back, promising herself she would fuck Courtney even harder the next time she snuck into the blonde’s room and violated that perfect ass behind her mother’s back—or more accurately, over her bedroom.

But she was in for a shock. One that Courtney might’ve been used to, but Yolanda most certainly wasn’t.

The door to Courtney’s bedroom yawned open. Barbara stood on the threshold. She’d fucked Courtney enough times to know the million little signs of sexual pleasure coming from her. The vibe of it filled the house so thoroughly the lights might as well have been flickering.

And knowing that Courtney was getting off, there were only two options: either Courtney was touching herself or Yolanda was being disobedient again. Barbara did not think Courtney was an unruly enough child to play with herself.

Yolanda heard footsteps and glanced over her shoulder. She saw Barbara and she refused to be embarrassed. Instead, she decided to vent her feelings of annoyance. “Can you not see I’m busy?” she asked Courtney’s mother. “Come back in five minutes when I’m done fucking your daughter.”

“Oh, you are done fucking Courtney, but she’s not done being fucked,” Courtney responded, smiling wickedly. “Even if she is loving having your cock stuffed in her nice fat ass.“



Super sexy! The plot continues to sizzle!