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Normandie’s mind, invigorated by all the notions that watching Lai and Pat had put into it, was now totally focused on what she would say to Pat to get him to cut off his liaison with the Dragon Lady. But no matter how hard she thought, she couldn’t seem to arrange a speech that was sufficient to take on the voluptuous enjoyment she had seen him take in… being with that woman.

She walked quickly down the path to the lagoon where she’d been told Pat had gone, trying to burn off her excessive, nervous energy in speed. But her attempt to exhaust herself only brought her closer and closer to a confrontation it seemed impossible for her to prepare for.

How could she stand in front of the man who had just fucked another woman right before her eyes, much less convince him to stop that clearly passionate relationship? What could she possibly say to Pat that would move him in the slightest, that would give her even the slightest leverage over the hold Lai clearly had on him?

Normandie still hadn’t come up with anything to say when she came to the small jungle clearing, centered around a pool of water, where the guerrillas did their cleaning and bathing. She stopped abruptly, raising a hand to her mouth at what she saw. Normandie almost turned back, retreating up the path again, but her body couldn’t manage the indignation it had when she’d seen Pat and Lai in flagrante delicto. Now, like an addict, she found it easier and easier to keep watching the forbidden sight she’d stumbled upon.

Pat Ryan stood at the edge of the lagoon, his tightly muscled body facing away from her, all of its naked flesh presented openly to her stare. He was drying his nude form with a towel, taking his time in it, not rushing—and that slow, refreshing languor seemed like him displaying himself to her.

Normandie bit her lip to hold in a moan. The small of her back tingled down into her buttocks, even down to the curve where her ass became her thighs and sex. She was as embarrassed as when she’d seen him with the Dragon Lady, but this time—as had eventually happened with her unwilling spying—there was arousal to go with whatever self-recrimination her brain could manage. Normandie could not pretend she wasn’t excited by what she saw and that self-evident admission was like a hole in the dam that would otherwise contain the lurid effect he had on her.

Pat spread his legs slightly, bending forward to scrub down his thighs. She saw his testicles like twin shadows cast by the hanging mass of his phallus. A gripping desire held Normandie’s stomach; she wanted a better look at his cock, his balls, and Normandie found herself wishing he would turn around. Turn around and let her alone be the one to see him naked, not make her share the sight of him with Lai.

Instead, Pat dried his chest and arms, between his legs, everywhere except where Normandie’s agonized mind seethed at. God! Was this what she had been reduced to?

Normandie didn’t know what had her so lascivious. Lai had succeeded in her manipulations, true, but she wasn’t a factor now. This was just a naked man—no different from a statue of a Greek god. So why couldn’t Normandie stop staring at him? Why couldn’t she control the growing tingle in her sex, the stinging tautness at the tips of her breasts?

She had come here to somehow deny Pat Ryan to the Dragon Lady—pretending she didn’t want him for herself—but how she had pretended that, Normandie didn’t now know. It seemed ridiculous in the light of her wide-eyed, open-mouthed reaction to him. She gawked at him, feeling an obscene sexuality coursing inelegantly through her thighs. What was wrong with her? Normandie tried to force herself to turn her back on this temptation and avoid it like she had so many times before…

But her svelte body, goaded by the passions she’d so briefly unleashed with her act of voyeurism, betrayed her. It overruled her self-flagellation and left her unable to resist the urges running rampant through her quivering flesh. Normandie breathed faster and faster, both excited and tormented, as Pat turned slightly and unknowingly showed her his manhood from the side.

Legs akimbo, the powerfully built man dried his groin with careful, casual pats of the wadded towel. The motion slid his limp member around, showing it to Normandie’s fevered eyes in seemingly all the ways one could see it. Then Pat moved lower, rubbing at his scrotum with the towel to soak up all the excess moisture in the hair of his balls.

When he was done, he tossed the towel into the lagoon, stepped on it to ensure it drank up plenty of the clean water, then picked it up and wrung it out and flung it over the low-hanging branch of a nearby tree to dry until it was needed next.

Pat turned away from the hung up towel and suddenly, so suddenly, he was facing Normandie—all of his powerfully built body, his thick and hairy muscles, the strong masculinity hanging between his thighs, all still gleaming with a hint of moisture and radiating a cleanness that didn’t at all diminish the essential manliness of him. It purified it. There was a certain roughness to the man, a Neanderthal-animal cast to his eyes and unshaven jaw and old-scarred knuckles, that tantalized Normandie with its constancy. He would always be this way. His appeal to her wouldn’t dim whether he was covered in mud or perfume.

With a cry she was unable to choke back, Normandie backed up and tripped away from the overwhelming potency on display, collapsing with her hand over her mouth as if to hold in the audible mewl she let loose.

Pat clasped a hand over his eyes to better see her. Then, catching who it was, he quickly pulled down a set of boxers from the tree. He must’ve washed his clothes first, setting them out to dry while he bathed himself. He pulled on his undershirt as well as he went to confront her.

“What are you doing here, Mrs. Drake? I doubt many of the Dragon Lady’s guerrillas would take kindly to being spied on at a moment like this!” Pat rebuked her, standing over her prone body like some colossal statue she could only stare up in awe at.

“No, no, I… I knew it wasn’t any of them. I was looking for you,” Normandie managed to eke out, swallowing hard and stammering every other word. She hadn’t been able to plan much about the talk she wanted to have with them, but this still wasn’t at all what she had thought about. What could she possibly say now?

“You certainly did find me,” Pat said, a knowing smile slowly spreading from ear to ear. Normandie could only blush quietly in response. “Yeah, you sure did. Hiding in the trees, looking at me in the altogether when I thought I had the run of the place. How’d you like it if I pulled one like that on you, Mrs. Drake?”

“I… I…” Normandie chanted weakly.

Pat took a step towards her. His undershirt weren’t much cover at all for the rippling muscles she knew to be underneath. Even his roomy boxers were like a coat of paint for the bulge inside.

“Or wouldn’t you like it?” Pat asked softly. “You were looking for me, Mrs. Drake. Well, here I am. I’m sure your husband wouldn’t like how little I’m wearing, but what do you think about it?” he added cockily, grinning with glee at her predicament. Clearly, Pat was not so torn up about her situation that he couldn’t take pleasure in what she’d gone and done to herself. “You wanted to see me and you did. All there is to see of me. Admit it!”

“No!” Normandie blurted out. “I didn’t want to see you naked! I’ve already seen you that way!” Then she realized what had been said and, groaning pitifully, twisted onto her side, burying her face in her arms.

Pat was mystified. His confidence shaken, he knelt down beside the stricken woman. “What are you talking about?” he asked incredulously. “Seen me naked? When have I ever exposed myself to you?”

“Please… please don’t make it worse,” Normandie moaned before she took a deep breath and set her jaw. “Just put your clothes back on and leave me be!”

Pat stared at her for a moment. Then he threw his head back and laughed. Normandie was already entangled in emotions and that sound of laughter further stirred the shame and confusion she felt.

“Alright, if you must know!” Normandie interrupted, her face red. “I saw what you just washed off… what you did with the Dragon Lady this afternoon… you two were…” She choked on her words, old but vividly alive feelings of excitement and disgust welling up in her at the thought of it.

“Go on, Normandie,” Pat urged her, the bulge in his boxers trembling. “What were we doing this afternoon… that I had to wash off…”

“Everything!” Normandie gasped out, rapidly shedding her control like it was old, bedraggled clothes. “I saw it all! You fucked her!”

“Of course!” Pat laughed shamelessly. “What else should I have done? Didn’t you hear how she begged me? Begged me for my cock?”

Pat watched Normandie wince at his curt words and he grew harsher in turn.

“Do you think I like having you toy with me like a puppet on a string? Running to me for comfort and support whenever you want, but running away when I want something more? All I wanted was to make you happy, but since all that seems to do that is your own self-righteousness, I found someone who makes me happy. And if you watched it, you saw how happy I made her. That’s what I wanted for you, but you didn’t have the sand to meet me halfway. Lai did.”

“But… but you don’t love her!”

“Whether I do or don’t doesn’t matter. All you care about is whether I love you, and I tell you, Normandie Drake, you’ve made that darn hard for any mortal man to do!”



Very nice. Though, minor nitpick, I'm pretty sure Drake is her maiden name, no?