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Kara was blindfolded, but she could feel the red sunlight prickling her skin. The familiar feel of its light on her body, the feel she’d known from childhood, but now with the unfamiliar, alien feel of it sapping her power. She knew when the blindfold came away, the light would be a harsh buzz to eyes grown used to a yellow sun.

It was probably something to sort out with a psychologist someday. That the color red was home and weakness and now, kinky sex, all at once. But she couldn’t think of that right now. She couldn’t think of much of anything. As she stood there, vulnerable, at Lena’s beck and call, she felt the narrow little ovals of her ass part. Lena’s fingers, deft and slender and wet with lubricant, fondled her buttocks. Dipped into the cleft between. Rubbed at her anus, her touch hot, the lube hot, that heat robbing Kara of her breath as Lena just kept… rubbing and circling and stroking and brushing, all in that taboo space that Kara had never really expected to be touched.

Shhh,” Lena breathed in her ear. “Don’t say anything. Unless you’re going to safe word already. The mighty Supergirl…”

Kara let out a muffled hum of displeasure, not at Lena’s actions, but at what she was saying. She really didn’t like Lena throwing these insinuations at Supergirl. Not because it was her… Supergirl was bigger than her… Supergirl meant something to men and women around the world. And Lena knew that and she did it anyway, to get to Kara, to make her uncomfortable, break her down. Make her come.

Lena’s lips brushed against Kara’s other ear. Her pointer finger and middle finger pressed into Kara’s asshole. The pads of her fingers pushing inside on a tide of strenuously applied lubricant, circling around the ring of her sphincter, polishing every side with lube. Kara squeaked. Her lips hung open. She couldn’t help it. She felt like less and less of an anal virgin with each passing moment, but she knew it hadn’t even really started yet. Lena wasn’t even close to fucking her ass.

“Do it, Supergirl. Safe word on me. And when we switch back and it’s you dominating me, I’ll always know that the Maid of Steel couldn’t take what this lowly human could. Go ahead. Don’t you have anything to say?”

Kara’s nostrils flared as she sucked in breath. “Please, Mistress Lena, don’t fuck me too hard.”

Lena laughed huskily against the back of Kara’s neck. “Brace yourself, baby. This is going to sting a little…”

Kara felt it enter her—not Lena’s fingers—something bigger, smooth and rounded and inorganic, an odd sloping shape that pushed every contour of her anus aside and was going into her, into her ass, she felt more and more of it inside her. Kara panted for breath. There was so much of it and so little space for it, yet it kept going in. How big was this toy Lena had picked out for her? How much advantage was she going to take of Kara’s weakened state? And Rao, would she ever be able to sit down again?

Finally, blessedly, the sloping ended. Her asshole closed, as best it could, around the intrusion of her ass and Kara felt an ecstasy of relief. She’d done it. She’d taken it.

“Do you know what that is, Supergirl?” Lena asked, a loving lilt in her voice. Amused and pleased and ecstatic in a way that the pained, straining Kara couldn’t match. “It’s called a buttplug. Quite a sensation having it in your ass, wouldn’t you say? Wonder how long I could get you to leave it in. Ohhh, imagine you flying around, in that little skirt, and underneath it, that little prong sticking out of your sweet hole. I don’t know about you, but I’d feel just yummy. Of course, I’d be watching, not feeling. You’d be marching around, in your kicky boots and your swishing cape, and all the while, I’d know what’s under that skirt. The only person in all the world who knows that Supergirl literally has a stick up her ass. What do you think of that, Supergirl?”

“Please, Mistress Lena, don’t fuck me too hard.”

Lena purred. Her finger was on the prong extending out of the base of the plug, ensuring it didn’t get lost up in Kara’s colon. And every little twitch her finger made on that prong—oh, Kara felt it. She most definitely felt it. Those reverberations in her taut asshole she felt more than a strap-on pistoning into her snatch.

“Of course.” Lena tapped her fingernail on the prong. Little gasps of pleasured pain on every hit. Kara was huffing and puffing like she’d run a marathon, without superpowers. “Out in yellow sunlight, you’d be empowered again. That super-ass would probably crush my little plug into some very interestingly shaped scrap metal. Oh well. You look too good naked for me to want you to put on a costume anyway. Even if I absolutely love knowing that I butt-fucked Supergirl.”

Kara squeaked again. She really wished she could be dignified, with passionate moans and sighs—she’d even settle for a grunt—but Lena had a way of making her… squeak. Like a mouse with asthma. A mouse with asthma and a plug in her ass.

Lena’s lips caressed Kara’s cheek… not quite kissing it… as good as it felt, Kara missed the pucker, the little snap of a kiss. She wanted that little bit of affection that slipped in with the press of lips against skin, not just the electric contact of Lena touching her.

“You like seeing me naked too, of course. Really naked. You wanted me holding my cunt open for you and you had good taste. It made me want to put in a mirror on the ceiling, just thinking of myself like that. Do you like the wardrobe too? The power suits, the high heels, the skirts? C’mon, speak, Kara. Supergirl never lies.”

Lena had said her name, called her Kara and not just Supergirl, and she’d dreamed of that for so long. Just never like this.

“It turns me on,” Kara admitted. “Sometimes I don’t want you naked. I want my head under your skirt. I want to pull down your trousers and bend you over your own desk. I… Rao, Lena… I want you in some fancy evening gown while you’re down on your knees, eating me out!”

“Mistress Kara returns!” Lena cooed happily. “But it’s time for Mistress Lena. I’d have a hard time forgetting that if there was a hunk of lead in my butt. Hey, if your cousin X-rayed you now, would he see nothing in your asshole or would the lead be the only thing he could see?”

It got to Kara, still having the plug crammed into her hole, trying to ignore it, trying to get used to it. Her anus kept clenching, tightening on that immovable object—pangs, lashes hitting her mind as she felt it all over again, in her ass.

“Would you like to see what Mistress Lena is wearing?” Lena whispered.

Kara nodded frantically. “Uh-huh, uh-huh…”

“I wondered which would get to you most. Some power suit, knowing you couldn’t rip me out of it? Maybe I should go naked, mocking you with how you could look but not touch. Are you sure you should chance it, Kara? What I’m wearing might be too much for you. You may safe word out just so you can fuck me. I’d probably let you… probably.

“I’ve seen you in a Supergirl costume. Hard to get much sexier than that,” Kara quipped.

“How much did you get off on that, you big narcissist? Personally, I would’ve been turned off by someone wearing a skanky version of my cousin’s outfit—”

“Can we stop with the cousin stuff?” Kara interrupted. “Or I really will safe word.”

A small silence. Kara wished she had enough X-ray vision to see through the blindfold. She sensed… or wished she sensed… a moment of thought on Lena’s part, and then an acquiescence. She didn’t want Kara to safe word, after all. She was just a cat playing with a mouse. The thrill of the hunt, even if she wouldn’t make the kill.

“Okay, Supergirl. I don’t want to play with you anymore.”

Lena let the words hang in the air for an agonizing beat. Kara tried not to react, because she knew Lena was just playing, but it was Lena. How could she not take it seriously? She hated the thought that maybe she’d done something wrong, though of course she knew Lena didn’t really want her to be uncomfortable, would want her to say when someone was too much for her, but… but…

Kara bit her lip, even though she tried not to, and heard a gratified chuckle come from Lena: “I want to torture you now.”

And she took the blindfold away.

Lena looked… there was probably a better word than exquisite, because she always looked exquisite, but whatever it was, Kara couldn’t come up with it right now. She’d been powerless for a while, underneath the red sunlight lamps, but this was the first time she’d felt weak.

She was wearing red, a particularly vibrant shade that stood out brilliantly, drinking in the red light and seeming to glow. It was looped around her neck in a tight collar. From there, the leather crossed over her flat midriff in two slender strands. On the way to her belt, it did little more than cover her nipples, but despite how preposterous the idea that she was ‘concealed’ was, Kara still found herself resenting that damn… leather… lingerie. Worse, those hidden nipples looked as engorged as Kara knew them to be, indenting the straps where they coated… not covered… her opulent breasts as if they were as angry as Kara was.

Below the crossing of the straps was a triangle of wonderfully bare skin. Almost all of Lena was bare, of course, but something about the section of creamy flesh, outlined as it was by such a tempting triangle, demanded Kara’s attention even more than her vexingly half-seen globes. Maybe it was the deep, sensual navel that served as a landmark on that expanse of milky tautness—a dimple of shadow where Lena’s belly button ran deep enough to evade the red light.

Below the crossroads… and Lena’s sensuously outlined navel… the straps joined what Kara would call a pair of panties, if they were even halfway trying to cover her lowermost… parts. In front, it seemed like symmetry more than modesty covered her plump mound—having some of it loose of the panties’ crotch would be inelegant, and that was something Lena would never be, especially now, for Kara. And in back, a strand even thinner than that which covered her breasts lovingly hugged the space between Lena’s buttocks. And that was all Lena wore.

Except for a set of pumps, of course. But at this point, Kara hardly registered those as clothes. They were just something Lena had, like a retainer or contact lenses.

After a moment, Kara realized her jaw had dropped. Lena smiled cockily, which should have undone the image of the mysterious, elegant dominatrix, but Kara didn’t care. So long as she was happy.

“I take it you like my costume.”

“I… really hope Winn didn’t help you make it,” Kara said, for no reason she could discern.

Lena pushed her tongue against her cheek. “I bet you wish you could rip this right off me.”

Kara nodded mutely.

“But you can’t. You just have to take what I give you like a good little girl. Or a bad one.”

Kara’s thighs pressed together so hard, the muscles knotted. A rush of anticipation drowned out everything but the singular point of light that was the feeling of having a plug up her ass. And now it struck her as pleasingly kinky to still be feeling that melded pain-pleasure while the rest of her feelings were going into overdrive…

“I’m going to break you, Supergirl,” Lena whispered. When her mouth opened, all Kara could think of was her flickering tongue. “I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. You’re going to remember until the end of time that you’re Mistress Lena’s bitch. And just to underline the point, because I hate for there to be any misunderstandings, I’m going to it in front of all your little friends.”

It took a little while for Kara to notice anything else other than Lena, but slowly, she realized they weren’t alone in the room.


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