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Selina was applying nail polish when she felt Bruce’s presence in her apartment. She didn’t give any sort of start, used to his brand of intrusion, but she really hadn’t been expecting him. Her mind had been wandering instead to the long evening of pleasure she expected with Harley and Ivy.

Her flesh still glistened with the sweat their threesome had left behind. The pleasure she’d felt had honed her sexual appetite to the point where she knew the next fuck she got would satisfy her utterly. The desire she felt was simply too keen for her body to accept anything else and now, it was at such a pitch that she felt like throwing herself at Bruce, now that he was here.

It’d been a long time since she’d felt such an urgent longing for his body, experiencing his passion through either her costumed persona or her bare skin. And so her face brightened as Bruce stepped out of the shadows, clad in his swaggering costume, but with the cowl drawn back from his handsome face, his expression cool and neutral as he went to her coffee machine and took down a cup from the cabinet above.

“You can’t go to Starbucks for coffee?” Selina asked laconically. Bruce’s eyes roamed aimlessly around the room; he didn’t even look at her.

“What do you know about Clayface?” Bruce asked, his tone clipped, not the strangled roar of the Batman, but not as personable as ‘Bruce Wayne’ either.

“Haven’t heard anything,” Selina said.

Bruce drank her coffee. “It was a shot in the dark anyway.”

Draining the coffee mug, he pulled the cowl back up over his head.

“Are you hungry? I could get some food going,” Selina offered.

“Later,” Bruce told her.

And before Selina had a chance to respond, he’d swept out through her window. Selina slumped down at the kitchen table. She never knew what to expect from Batman, but she certainly hadn’t been prepared for this cold indifference.

He didn’t care what she had to say or what he was saying to her—he just didn’t care about her. Selina’s heart raced with fear. Much as she valued her independence, she also hated the thought of losing Bruce. She’d always assumed their relationship was a given—animal magnetism pulling them together like a fact of life. But could it actually be dissolving in front of her?

She knew deep down that despite their casual relationship, she resented other suitors for Bruce’s heart. Could it be the same with Bruce? Did he know about the sensual freedom she’d come to enjoy with Harley and Ivy—was that why he was so cold to her?

Anxiety gnawed at her thoughts like a dog on a bone. Selina jolted out of her chair and restlessly paced, her skin crawling as she fought a rising wave of nervousness. The minutes ticked by, but Bruce didn’t return and Selina’s unease didn’t weaken.

She felt awful, and worse, she had only herself to blame. For the first time, she thought of how she’d treated Bruce—the feelings beyond the invincible Greek god he presented himself as—and she had to wonder about the seriousness, the consequences, of her actions.

In the back of her mind, she had told herself that Bruce wouldn’t care, that nothing could make him turn against her. She was a bad girl, everyone knew that. But was there a limit? Had Bruce tired of her, her flaunting of the law, her lack of fidelity to him while demanding—she could admit it now—demanding that he remain the stolid figure she could always turn to for support?

But I love him, of course I love him, she protested inwardly. She needed to tell him, tell him now, ask for his forgiveness, get his assurance that she meant something to him. At the back of her mind was the paralyzing fear that Pamela or that idiot Harley would brag about their orgies where Bruce might hear…

She knew Bruce hated for her to disturb him when he was in his public persona—at least when she didn’t bribe him for his acceptance with a treat of her sexuality—but she couldn’t wait until their paths crossed again. It might already be too late…

Changing into her catsuit with practiced ease, she was about to slip out the window when the door flew open. Harley Quinn had invited herself inside. “Hello, kitty! Wanna get petted?”

Selina growled under her breath. She could just tell Harley wouldn’t be dissuaded—that the clown would insist on coming along…


Vicki stormed away, not sure what she had seen back there, not wanting to know. Bruce clearly wasn’t there, and if he was, he was obviously otherwise occupied. Her heels clicked across the hardwood floor of the hallway leading from the elevator bank antechamber to Bruce’s inner sanctum itself. They went muffled as she crossed an expanse of Persian carpet, and in that almost-silence, she heard heavy footfalls behind her.

Vicki turned. There was no mistaking Wonder Woman, even when she wore next to nothing of her costume. The statuesque, athletic body still had on bracelets, armband, and tiara, which should’ve made her look as if she were posing for some ironic pornography, but there was no dignity in that and everything in the way Diana carried herself screamed dignity.

Even the massive endowment she apparently had—had now, because there was no way even an inkling of that thing had been under the star-spangled panties she usually wore—didn’t cause Diana any embarrassment. She took its presence in stride, ardently ignoring it… as well as Vicki’s inability to look away from the twitching horse cock.

Vicki wasn’t going to stop and talk to her, but she simply couldn’t keep moving with the one-two punch of Diana’s appearance to her brain. Her glorious nudity and that enormous prick between her thighs.

“You probably came to see Bruce,” Diana said cordially. “I believe you indicated as much.”

The sudden strain of having to carry on a polite conversation was almost too much for Vicki’s overtaxed mind. She glanced at Diana’s cock again. “Yes, I… it’s none of your business. It’s private.”

“I imagine you probably wished to have intercourse with him,” Diana said, still exceedingly polite. Her words carried not a hint of judgment. “I’ve had sex with him myself. He’s a very capable lover. If he were here, I’d fully expect him to sate the most intense of needs.”

She took a step towards Vicki. Vicki haplessly backed away. “But he’s not here.”

“No,” Diana said apologetically. “I’m sure he’d wish he was, if he knew you had come to see him. You have an incredible body, Vicki. And I’ve read your work. You have a keen mind to go with your physique.”

“Thank you?” Vicki asked, unprepared for this sincere praise in the middle of a social situation she had no idea how to navigate.

“Why don’t you show me your body? I’m no Bruce Wayne, but I’ll do what I can.”

“Show you…” Vicki repeated in disbelief.

“Yes. Show me. You’re quite lovely, Vicki. You can see the reaction I’m having to you, and it’s not even a tenth of how I would respond if I weren’t restraining myself. Do you want me to restrain myself?”

“I… I don’t… I just came here…”

Diana nodded to one of the pillars that lined the wall, the base of the shaft coming to about knee-high, providing a resting place for charging phones and water bottles. “Put your foot up on there. Show me your legs.”

Vicki lifted her right knee slowly. Her dress slid along her thighs until she rested her foot on the base of the pillar. Diana looked up her dress, her gaze raking over the crotch of Vicki’s panties. Vicki’s cunt thrummed through the fabric. She felt like Diana was teasing it just by looking at it.

“You look very nice in those panties, Vicki. Your panties fit just right. I can see your pubic thatch—not too hairy, but not waxed either. You take care in your appearance, even down to that small detail. And I can see your wet cunt too.”

Her last shocking words sent a charge through Vicki. The blonde was suddenly, jarringly reminded that Diana was naked, that she had a stiff cock between her legs and Vicki was showing her her panties…

“I should go—“

Diana utterly ignored that. “Pull your dress up to your waist.”

Vicki found herself obeying Diana’s powerful intonation as a matter of instinct. She lifted her dress; felt the air conditioning on her uncovered ass.

“Now let me see your tits,” Diana continued, and the combination of her firm voice and vulgar words sent a shudder through Vicki that she couldn’t even pretend wasn’t sexual.

Vicki pulled her straps off her shoulders, letting her dress down. Her breasts came out, nipples hard and jutting. Diana took them in with an appreciative gaze. Vicki felt absolutely submissive, showing herself off to Diana this way, being enjoyed like a work of art. Her sex throbbed potently within her dampening panties.

“Have you ever sucked a cock before?” Diana asked, her voice a bizarre mix of casual conversation and domineering firmness.

“Diana, please,” Vicki gasped, suddenly flustered, almost embarrassed—something she usually never was when it came to sex. But Diana made it all so naughty.

“Tell me,” Diana pressed. “Do you suck cocks?”

“I can’t just tell you that—“ Vicki insisted.

“That’s a shame,” Diana said. “Because you’re going to tell me.”

Vicki shuddered, knowing she would. Why she felt this need to oblige Diana, she didn’t know. It wasn’t as if she was afraid Diana would hurt her. The Amazon wouldn’t do anything like that. It was just that she was in command, telling Vicki what to do, and Vicki wanted that, wanted to be subservient, enough so that she’d do what Diana told her.

“I suck cocks,” she said, her face burning with shame—not so much at the admission, but that Diana had driven her to it, gotten it out of her so easily. “I’m a cocksucker.”


Vicki nodded.

“Do you like having his cock in your mouth?”

“No, I don’t,” Vicki said truthfully.

“Why not?” Diana asked.

“Because it’s too big.” Vicki’s voice went low and she blushed. “He choked me with it.”

Diana smiled magnanimously. “Oh, it is big, but not that big. You just need to know the proper way of doing things. Kneel down.”


“You’re going to suck me.”

“I can’t!” Vicki said immediately, on reflex, without thinking.

She remembered Bruce’s cock, big and long and so girthy she could barely get her lips around it. She’d had to strain to suck him off and she’d hated it when he came down her throat. And Diana’s prick didn’t look any different. She couldn’t tell if it were bigger or smaller than Bruce’s. Once they got that long and fat, her mind couldn’t take in just how big they were. All she could think was that a monster cock like that was too much for her.

But Diana didn’t agree. “Suck my cock, Vicki.”

Vicki didn’t know she was getting down on her knees until she felt the marble floor chill her kneecaps.


Selina crept lightly across the hotel roof, wondering why she was even bothering when Harley was accompanying her. Not that Harley couldn’t be stealthy when she wanted to—but being stealthy required her to stay on-task. That was never Harley’s specialty.

Somehow, it seemed very fitting that Selina wore all black, while Harley’s costume incorporated plenty of white and bright red.

She was relieved to look down the elevator shaft and find light marking the portal to Bruce’s floor. Shadowed by Harley, she climbed down to that door, pried it open, and let herself in.

The antechamber was empty, the lights down low. The building computer would’ve turned them off entirely if no one was home. It kept them on now, in energy-saving mode, to light the way for someone leaving, even if there was a hiccup and the sensors didn’t detect someone moving around.

“So you’re here to see Bruce Wayne?” Harley asked.

Selina shushed her.

Harley took this as a sign to speak again in a whisper. “I don’t get it. If you have a guy like Bruce Wayne wrapped around your finger, why mess around with the Batman? He dresses up like a bat! Unless that’s what you’re into. But Bruce Wayne is a kazillionaire—I bet he could afford a Batsuit.”

Selina tried to ignore her, reassuring herself that it wasn’t like this was a real heist. She was just here to see Bruce. It didn’t matter if she had Harley with her like a yappy purse dog.

“Heck, he could probably afford to hire someone to train him how to kung-fu crooks and drive a Batcar real fast,” Harley continued.

Selina took her whip from her hip and let the tip unfurl down to the ground. “Say one more word,” she warned Harley.

“Okay, okay, sheesh—just trying to help you spice up your love life. I am a relationship counselor, y’know.”

Selina carefully made her way to the hall door. “No you’re not.”

“I’m a counselor and I’ve been in relationships, haven’t I? That makes me more qualified than the internet!”

“You might have me there,” Selina muttered, and listened at the door. She heard muffled voices, but she couldn’t recognize Bruce. Of course, he was the Man of a Thousand Voices. For all she knew, he could be Matches Malone right now, doing God knew what to bring Firefly to justice.

Then Selina froze, her blood running cold. She had to stifle a cry as one of the voices wafted through the door to her.

Ooohh, yes, let me have that sweet cock…”

God, what were they doing and who was even doing it? Selina had to find out. She cracked the door open and looked through the small gap she’d made, her eyes darting around the darkened hall the door opened into, trying to find that sweet cock that was being talked about.

Then she did.

“Holy Toledo,” Harley breathed, seeing it too. “I get it now—doesn’t matter how rich Brucie is, he can’t buy one of those!”


Gundam lupus

ok this is quite OOC for Selina.


I like where this going...