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Peter reached out and filled his hands with Mary Jane’s proud breasts. He gave them a squeeze as he mounted her, aiming his big cock at her entrance and slipping himself right inside.

Aah!” Mary Jane gasped, cunt stretching around Peter’s erection.

The anticipation of how he would feel inside her had made her so wet and hot that he worked his way in easily, delving straight to the depths of her clenching channel. She cooed in pleasure, feeling the tip of his cock right up against the final few inches of her sex.

It was wonderful to have him almost at her cervix. She couldn’t wait until he started pumping himself back and forth, testing the inner muscles that had just spread for him and seeing how much they could take.

“Fuck me!” Mary Jane shouted out, already breathless with desire. She might’ve thought having Peter fill her would put a dent in her need, but as much as it satisfied her, it also put her lust into overdrive. She needed more of him, much more.

The redhead lifted her legs up into the air and wrapped them around Peter’s waist, after all this time still corded with muscles from his chiseled abs to the strong slabs that made up his back. Her own motion opened her up, ceding all of herself to Peter.

He slid easily out and then plunged back in. Mary Jane still couldn’t believe how much of him she took, her tight little pussy feeling shrink-wrapped around his massive endowment.

“God. You’re hotter than hell!” Peter gasped, surprised and gratified by both the effect he had on MJ and just how naturally passionate she was.

Every time, it was like nothing he’d ever feel. Her pussy seemed to be frothing with burning, bubbling juices. He thrust his cock in and out of that boiling wetness and Mary Jane’s inner muscles stiffened, gripping his prick hard enough to make him groan in ecstatic effort.

“Harder!” Mary Jane pleaded. “Give me a real fucking, Pete. My pussy wants to feel like it belongs to you…”

Peter drove into her, faster and faster, until he was reaming her out—scarcely more than ravaging her.

“AGH!” Mary Jane shrieked. Her cunt felt so good that she couldn’t stop herself from lifting it up to meet his thrusts. He pounded into her even harder; she felt waves of pleasure running through her, kept moving and moving by the constant stirring of her husband’s pistoning.

Mary Jane heard the squeak of the front door opening. Someone else was visiting the police lab. They were quiet, leaving the suite of rooms in fair silence, and Mary Jane tried to stifle her cries of passion. She didn’t want whoever it was to piece together what was happening.

The floor was cool under Mary Jane’s hot flesh. She wiggled her hips to warm up her chilling ass. The more she wiggled, the harder Peter got. He pumped into her, going firmer and deeper with each impaling thrust.

Mary Jane frowned. She was listening above Peter’s grunts and the smack of fleshy impacts, but it was still quiet. Yet she hadn’t heard the visitor go away. She didn’t know what was going on but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Peter’s rutting prick drove out the thought of anything else. Nothing could shatter this orgiastic delirium she was in the middle of.

“Gonna come!” Peter groaned, warning Mary Jane.

“Come!” Mary Jane moaned back, weary and eager and excited. “Oh Jesus, come right inside me!”

He did and it felt like a bomb going off in her cunt. Mary Jane’s own climax flared and fluttered, set off by the spasm of Peter’s spurting cock against her womb. She felt him blasting his cum into her belly. It lasted forever and ended too soon for her to have a second orgasm, but too late for Mary Jane to avoid sensing the pained slippage of his hulking mass of cock coming out of her pussy.

Mary Jane flopped against the ground and felt his cock slide free of her, leaving her stuffed with the hot magma of his ejaculation. It stung, but not as much as suddenly going without his member.

Not that she thought she could take anymore. All of a sudden, she was exhausted. The tiredness of complete and utter satiation, yet as always, she was left with a taste for more. An anticipation of the next time they could be so vividly together.

After that, Peter rubbed down her body with a wet towel and dressed her again. Mary Jane didn’t care. She was vanquished. He could do anything he wanted to her. She stayed limp as Peter picked her up, putting up no resistance while he hurried her over to the parking garage—thankfully located close to the lab—and bundled her into the backseat of his car.

“If you need to sleep, sleep here,” Peter said, tossing his lab coat over her. To a casual observer… one who for some reason singled out Peter’s car out of the hundreds parked here… she would appear to be nothing more than a heap of detritus like anyone else had in their backseat.

“Next time you’re cuddling with me,” Mary Jane groggily threatened, pulling the lab coat over her head until her red hair was hidden.

“Promise,” Peter told her.

Mary Jane told herself that after her nap—or whenever Peter finally was ready to drive home—she wouldn’t let this car out of the parking garage without her husband showing her a good time in the backseat.

Peter might’ve guessed that a round two was in store for him, but he didn’t let himself think about it. He would have a hard enough time working the rest of his shift with a half-hard cock. Knowing that his wife was sure to demand an impalement the moment he was off work…

He took it as motivation to get his work done in as timely a fashion as possible.
