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Bruce looked down at the roaring erection that she’d given him. His prick throbbed violently against the zipper of his slacks, straining against the material until he thought it would break.

It wasn’t the first time Nyssa had given him a hard-on. In fact, it was almost getting to be a daily occurrence. Not that Bruce minded. Nyssa could arouse him as much as she wanted; there was no reason for him to court Talia’s wrath by using it on her sister… and plenty of willing women eager to be used instead.

It didn’t bother him at all that Nyssa was turning him on. He wasn’t the type to be embarrassed by an erection, not in his own house, with the women he’d married or was planning to marry. What did disturb him was that despite all his indulgence, all the beautiful women gathered in his harem, the one that really seemed to get to him was Nyssa al Ghul—the forbidden fruit.

It wasn’t that Bruce was so devoted to Talia that he saw something morally wrong with enjoying her sister carnally. Nyssa was gorgeous, pure sex, and she knew it. She could get a hard-on out of a dead man and Bruce was far from dead. But he wasn’t short on lovely women either.

Was it just that Nyssa was a taboo; the one woman he wasn’t allowed to have? Or was she such an experienced temptress that she managed to get through his formidable self-control—at least somewhat? If so, did she have the sexual skills to go with the desire she raised? Talia was certainly a vixen, and Bruce’s impression of her was that she was positively virginal… a woman who’d kept herself all but chaste until he’d come along.

Nyssa was nowhere near as celibate. From the stories floating behind the legends of the League of Assassins, it sounded as if half the men in Ra’s’s circle had fucked Nyssa, while the other half wanted to as badly as Bruce did.

He knew, of course, that most of those stories were worth nothing but the air they were spoken on. Possibly even planted by Ra’s himself, if not Nyssa. But his instincts told him that Nyssa got more than her share of sex. At that moment, Bruce couldn’t help wanting to know what multiple lifetimes of lovemaking had taught her.

Nyssa al Ghul sat on the easy chair abutting the couch, eyes tracing over all three figures she’d walked in on, and their closeness, before she looked at the TV screen again. “You let me have my pick of the three women and I guarantee you: her, at least, you’ll get. I’ve forgotten more about seduction than you three have ever known.”

“And that’s why she can’t take having someone resist her,” Selina whispered in Bruce’s ear.

Bruce patted her thigh reassuringly. “I’d much rather have her taking part than keep her at a distance,” he said under his breath.

Ivy brushed her lips against Bruce’s other ear before speaking. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, huh?”

Bruce looked across the room at Nyssa. She was up to her usual tricks. Sitting innocently enough with her long legs crossed. From outward appearances, she was studying the files Bruce had displayed on the television, committing the ins and outs of Gotham’s underworld to memory. But Bruce thought her busy mind was on something other than the mission. She seemed to be directing her attentions at Ivy, whose thighs were rubbing together like they were desperately trying to find something between them.

“She’s not an enemy,” Bruce said, projecting a certainty that wasn’t quite there.

It amazed Bruce how Nyssa could turn a woman on without even looking in her direction. Even in her pose of feigned innocence, she radiated sexuality. Bruce only caught the jealousy of having that assault directed at Ivy instead of himself and it was still enough to turn him on.

It almost made him feel sorry for Ivy, who was getting the full thrust of Nyssa’s attention. He fully expected to find Ivy between Nyssa’s legs at some point, gleefully serving her. Just thinking about it made Bruce’s member jerk hard. It would be so easy to walk right up to Nyssa and take her then and there, with Selina and Ivy as witnesses to his conquest.

“She’s not a friend either,” Selina said, completely hushed. “I’ve run into that crazy bitch before. She’ll burn this whole place down just to piss off her sister. Or not. Say what you will about ol’ Ra’s, but at least he has a plan. Nyssa just wants a thrill.”

Bruce saw Nyssa cast a sidelong glance at Ivy, for the first time meeting her eye. Although Bruce couldn’t quite see what their eye contact communicated, he surmised that Nyssa was feeling out how wet Ivy was… determining how effective her flirtatious onslaught had been. And Nyssa must have been satisfied with Ivy’s response, because she amply rewarded her.

Subtly and deliberately, Nyssa reached down and scratched her knee, already bared under her hot pink miniskirt. Then—slowly—seductively—she lifted her skirt just a little more, exposing almost all of her long, sun-brown leg.

“Do you think that makes her easier to handle or harder?”

Nyssa wiggled her ass in her seat, just a little, twisting slightly towards Ivy, barely acknowledging the other woman’s presence and her obvious interest. With a lazy smile canting the beauty of her perfect face, Nyssa sat there, delicate hand resting on her leg, bouncing her foot lightly… secure in the knowledge of Ivy’s reaction. The redhead could see all the way to her sex.

Ivy formed a smile before rubbing it against Bruce’s neck. “Don’t count on me to tell you what to do. I might like the sight of her burning the house down. The lot will look pretty once the plants grow back.”

“And I just know better than to try and talk you out of anything,” Selina said. “But if you do decide to trust her, try and put on a good show? I have housed some very nice shoes into this place and if I’m going to lose them in a fire, I want it to be worth my while.”

It was the subtlety of Nyssa’s seduction that Bruce found so irresistible. Any of the women he’d encountered could turn a guy on with their beauty, enthrall him with lasciviousness. But Nyssa went above and beyond simple lewdness. She had a way of retaining her dignity while entrancing her victim, making them her slave.

But it wasn’t her dignity Bruce was thinking of just then. He stared at Nyssa’s large, perfectly formed breasts; their rise and fall almost imperceptible with each casual breath. His eyes followed the curve of her breasts, outlined by the tight material of her soft lavender sweater, and his vision flashed with images of her naked body.

Nyssa was thrillingly eclectic when it came to modesty. He had seen her naked multiple times around the house—and just as frequently been denied the sight of her nude body. But the afterimage haunted him, the memory of her untasted body swirling through his mind’s eye.

The fullness of her lovely ass was evident under the clinging sheath of her miniskirt. Bruce wanted desperately to run his hands along the curve of her thigh and touch between her soft, luscious legs until his hand was on her hot sex. The more he thought about the sight of her naked, the more he wanted to strip her right now, damn Talia, and use her as he knew she wanted. The more he drank in her beauty, the more he wanted to possess it.

But he didn’t need to.

He took Selina by the back of the head and pressed her down off of the couch, onto the floor, between his legs. “You’re going to suck me,” he said.

Selina glanced quickly at Nyssa, still trying to tempt Bruce by way of Ivy, and lowered her head to her husband’s groin. She knew what Bruce was doing, but she liked the thought of the expression Nyssa would wear when the erection she had given Bruce was down Selina’s throat.

“Just try to keep thinking of her, Bat.”

She brought Bruce’s erect dick out of his slacks so quickly that she might’ve been cutting it free with her claws. No sooner had it been thrust into the air than Selina was licking it up and down like a popsicle.

As much as the rivalry with Nyssa—Bruce’s choice of her over the interloper—spiced up the encounter, Selina knew what really turned her on was Bruce’s thick, burning cock. It had broken her before; she was addicted to it now. And she wanted to feel it in her gullet. Closing her lips over the pulsating knob, she sucked it ferociously.

Hhhgh! Shit! That feels good!” Bruce moaned.

Selina sucked him so hard that he covered her tongue with precum almost immediately. She still wanted more, conscientiously swallowing the clear, delicious fluid and licking his shaft clean of the musky sweat that coated it. Savoring every drop. Then she wrapped her mouth around Bruce’s glans again.

She bobbed her head on his length with fast, hard sucks, rolling her tongue around his crown as she slurped on his manhood. Bruce reached down and grasped the back of Selina’s cropped haircut. He forced her face into his groin while he rolled his hips, forcing his cock into her mouth and down her throat. Her whole body belonged to him: right now he’d chosen her mouth and he was using every bit of it.

His cockhead pressed into the back of her throat and stayed there, a looming threat. Bruce might take what he wanted if he chose to, but he’d let her satisfy him if she could. Sucking greedily and lovingly on his glistening cock.

Selina didn’t know if she should go all out and sate him or only tease until he fucked her face like he would any other slut. She never could decide whether she wanted to be his equal or just another well-satisfied cock holster like any of the other lucky bitches he kept around. But of course, she didn’t have to choose. If she got him off now, she was sure she could get him to throat her later.

Ivy tsked, hiding how impressed she was behind a certain amount of chagrin. “I’ll never understand how such an independent woman can be such a cocksucker. You really know what to do with a prick in your mouth, don’t you, Cat? Of course, Bruce doesn’t give you many options. You just take it, don’t you? You take that big dick and you fucking love it like the slut you are.”

She was enthralled by seeing Selina blow Bruce right in front of her; just like sucking it herself, the sight of a blowjob never got old. But then she got an even better competitor for her attention: Nyssa’s skirt was pulled up to her waist.

Her head was thrown back and her legs, opened wide, were propped up on the coffee table. She’d taken a long, green banana from a fruit bow on the endtable and was fucking it into her juicy pussy with slow, rhythmic thrusts. Her hips and her luscious ass shook uncontrollably, while her proud breasts quaked with each heavy breath that pumped through her.

Ivy stared in astonishment at the gorgeous woman pleasuring herself, giving such unashamed passion to her wet cunt. Nyssa’s moans and whimpering grew louder, her body undulating with increasing vigor.

Ivy snatched a quick look at how Selina was cleaning Bruce’s clock, then looked back at Nyssa’s masturbation. The passion filling the room was entirely too much for her to resist. She reached into her shorts, her own slit wet and hot as could be, easily accepting the three fingers she pushed inside it.

Mmmm,” Ivy whimpered under her breath, watching the banana vanish again and again into Nyssa’s sopping wet snatch. When she saw Nyssa take it almost all the way out and then impale herself with every inch of the firm, unripened fruit, Ivy almost slipped out of her seat imagining it was her own dripping cunt that was getting such pleasure.

With a loud grunt, Bruce came deep in Selina’s throat. She tried to swallow his boiling seed, but there was too much of it, even for her. Cups of it ran down the corners of her mouth and trickled from her chin. Selina opened up her top to allow the cream to drip down onto her bare breasts rather than ruin her blouse. Maybe she should’ve been padding around naked. It would get Ivy to stop ranting about how much her washing machine contributed to the greenhouse effect.

Not that Ivy cared about greenhouse gasses at that particular moment. “Uhhhh! OHHH!” she moaned, moving her hands over her cunt, rubbing at her throbbing clit. Her juices flowed over her stroking fingers, making them slip and slide across her swollen folds. She thrust two fingers inside herself, to her G-spot, and trembled as the sensation began to rock her.

The sight of Nyssa’s wet sex being entered by a banana and the push of Ivy’s own fingers into her G-spot was too much for the redhead. She orgasmed violently, barely holding back a cry as bursts of pleasure spread out from her lascivious cunt.


Gundam lupus

Om didn't bruce already have Nyssa when he was captured by her and Talia? Mha, Selina should be wife well the rest are concubines with Talia being at the bottom.


Interesting dynamic here. Very intriguing.


You know, I can’t wait for Ivy to have a baby growing in her