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“Easy now, come on…” Jonni tried to sooth her, holding Amorpha to her breast as she would comfort a crying child. But it seemed strange now—awkward, but fitting all too well. Amorpha was a grown woman. A sexual woman.

The damp cheek on her bosom sent a chill through Jonni. She felt guilty to be enjoying, on some level, the feeling of relieving this person’s suffering.

Between sobs and sniffles, Amorpha managed to say “I can’t believe I’m making you do this for me. It’s so damn wrong…”

The words were spoken into Jonni’s cleavage. Her warm, turgid breath stirred feeling through Jonni’s ample chest. Jonni tried not to let it suck at the attention she was paying to Amorpha, but the sensation forced its way through her body, settling into a warm glow between her thighs.

Jonni clenched her teeth, feeling guiltier than ever as that hot ache, that itch, pushed deep into her groin. I don’t really want to have sex with Amorpha, she tried to tell herself, even though she’d been trying to convince Amorpha that she did find her attractive. And she was attracted to her!

Jonni just didn’t want to… except that she did. Her body at least. It made her dizzy and unsettled and confused.

“We’re not doing anything we don’t want to do, Ae, remember?” Jonni managed. “We’re just having a sleepover. Haven’t you ever shared a bed with someone? I mean…” Jonni stuttered, realizing what she’d said to the former prostitute.

“Oh yes. Of course,” Amorpha said, conquering her sobs, though she still sniffled. “People love to share my bed when I look like someone else. Someone like you. But I could never dream of you—Jonni Future—wanting to be in my bed. Only you are. And that should be enough for me…”

Jonni felt a tear drop onto her breast, running down its abundant curve, stopping on her nipple. The bud stiffened at the glossy feel of the teardrop. The thought of that… pinprick of saltwater stopped on her nipple blended sexuality and sadness even further.

Jonni so wanted to comfort Amorpha… make her feel good… but how could she when her mind and body were so confused.

There’s no reason it can’t be innocent, she tried to tell herself. But the more she opened herself to Amorpha, trying to comfort her, the firmer Amorpha pressed her body against Jonni’s. Her small breasts pushed into Jonni’s belly and Jonni felt the sensitive hairs of her pubic thatch touching the other woman’s leg. It took all her restraint not to press her burning sex into that smooth flesh she knew would please her…

Then Amorpha moved again, her thigh drifting up between Jonni’s legs, touching her where she was moist. And Jonni found herself spreading her legs, letting Amorpha in-between them.

“I shouldn’t ask for more, but you give it to me anyway and it feels so good… every little bit…” Amorpha sobbed, her agony seeming to increase with Jonni’s pleasure.

“What’s wrong with it feeling good?” Jonni asked. “I want to make you feel better. I just don’t want…”

“Don’t want what?” Amorpha demanded. “Me!?”

“No. To stop,” Jonni said with conviction.

Jonni palmed the back of her head, pressing Amorpha’s face into her chest, muffling the sound of her angst with the abundant flesh of her teats.

“Oh, Jonni!” Amorpha cried exuberantly. “You’re right! I should do it! I should let you comfort me, even if you don’t want to—“

To show her assent, Amorpha planted a burning kiss on Jonni’s tear-streaked breast.

Ohhh… Amorpha… I do want to… but I don’t… take… advantage…” Jonni groaned, shaken by the kiss… and the one that followed… and the one after that…

Amorpha never stopped kissing Jonni’s tit, but opened her lips and took the tender, swelling nipple into her mouth. She sucked on as much of Jonni’s breast as she could and there was plenty more left over.

Little by little, Amorpha let that captured flesh slip free of her greedy mouth, her lips sliding away until they were at the very end of Jonni’s rock-hard nipple. Close enough for her words to tingle on the turgid bud like they were a touch. “I love you, Jonni,” she sighed. “I can tell you’re feeling something… the way they did when it was make-believe… but this is all for me…”

“I… I guess it is…” Jonni whispered, all her volume taken away with her breath.

Honey ran from between her legs, lavished upon Amorpha’s firm, smooth thigh. And Amorpha must have liked that as much as Jonni did, because she rubbed her leg up and down, gently at first, then harder and harder, raking Jonni’s wet cunt with the softest friction.

Amorpha kept going: “You’re the best person I’ve ever met. I’d do anything for you, Jonni… everything.”

Jonni’s head was already spinning as it filled up with Amorpha’s flattery. She wanted to tell Amorpha to turn over and go to sleep… that she didn’t have to do this… but her body screamed that Ae did.

Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. So Jonni gave the girl a little hug… warm and friendly… because she couldn’t just do nothing while Amorpha was being so kind to her, making her feel so good…

Any more than Amorpha could, she realized.

The gentle squeeze spurred Amorpha on to let out more of her affection. She took Jonni’s nipple into her mouth again, milking it with clenched lips and stroking it with her tongue. Her hand slid down Jonni’s back and caressed the plump ovals of her ass, adding to the grinding motion of their entwined legs.

She doesn’t know what she’s doing! Jonni tried to warn herself off. Or… does she?

The fire was ablaze now, deep inside her, raging out of control. It was pointless to try and ignore it. All Jonni could do was keep rubbing her pussy on Amorpha’s luscious skin until she’d satisfied the need inside her.

And to do that, she would have to let herself enjoy it. The sucking mouth at her tit. The exploring fingers between her buttocks. The leg pressed at her gates, firm and smooth and full of all the affection Amorpha had for her. She loved her. Amorpha really did love her. And she was fucking her.

Jonni lost all control at the thought of them fucking—not just touching, not just getting off, but making love! She hugged Amorpha tight and rode out her orgasm on the girl’s leg. The relief it gave her blew away Jonni’s misgivings, released the tension that had clouded her mind and knotted up her body. Jonni opened her legs to free Amorpha, letting go of the girl’s head too.

But Amorpha wasn’t as done as she was. In one burst of motion she threw off the covers and dove between Jonni’s legs.

Gghh!” Jonni gasped, feeling a warm mouth embrace her cunt. “Wait… wait… I should make you…” she trilled as the heat poured onto her warm folds like gasoline onto a low flame. After that, the only thing that could happen was it flaring up, higher and higher.

Amorpha didn’t seem to hear her, or didn’t seem to care. She wanted to please Jonni more, enjoy more of her largesse, and her mouth pressed harder between Jonni’s thighs.

Jonni opened her eyes to see Amorpha carefully rearranging herself—moving to straddle Jonni’s head while she continued to relish the delight of her taste. She found herself looking at the bare, tight slit that led inside of Amorpha. She could return the favor now; there was no need for Amorpha to stop.

Amorpha didn’t see it that way, though. She wasn’t lowering her cunt down to Jonni’s hungry mouth; she didn’t care about that, only about devouring Jonni’s pussy. Jonni stared up at her sleek little hips and pouting sex. The smell of Amorpha’s arousal tingled in her nostrils.

Then Amorpha slid her hands under Jonni’s ass, digging her fingers into the hills of flesh. One finger nudged into Jonni’s asshole, startling the nerves there while her mouth kept kissing and sucking Jonni’s slit. Jonni felt her body climbing higher and higher, to an even bigger climax than before.

As she kept staring between the girl’s legs, Jonni was able to make out details in the shadows. She saw the small crinkle between her perfectly matched asscheeks, and the pinkness twitching inside her labia lips. The folds beyond were damp and slightly pulsing.

Jonni found herself reaching up to feel the tart hips, running her finger along the curve of Amorpha’s tight ass and pushing it into the hiding sphincter. Amorpha must have enjoyed that: she moaned into Jonni’s sex and after that, she licked harder and faster.

Jonni watched her own finger slide into Amorpha’s ass, disappearing into the tightness she could only feel but not see. It was exciting, but not enough to sate her. She brought her finger out, with a disappointed groan from Amorpha at its removal, and then took Amorpha’s hips in both hands to ease the girl down to her mouth.

Now, with her lips brushing against Amorpha’s slit, she molded the flesh of Amorpha’s sparse buttocks in her hands—pushed two fingers into her accepting anus. When Amorpha snaked out her tongue, Jonni countered with her own. They explored each other, explored together, both women’s excitement mounting.

Jonni circled the parted lips of Amorpha’s pussy with the tip of her tongue. At first slowly, then faster. Harder. Amorpha went crazy and kept being crazed. The only sound other than her wild whoops and screams was the slurp of her tongue doing the same at Jonni’s opening.

That shared enjoyment was all it took to finish Jonni off; her climax erupted within her. She drove her tongue into the soft sheath between Amorpha’s legs and Ae did the same to her. The rest seemed to take care of itself, their inner muscles convulsing on tasting tongues until all the furious release had worked its way through their bodies.

“Oh, Jonni,” Amorpha cooed, resting her head on the other woman’s creamy thigh. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for that.”

“I think I’ve been waiting for it too,” Jonni sighed back at her. “Mmmmm…”

“I’ve always told Ae that two are better than one,” a voice came, droll and amused. “I wish she could’ve believed me, but I guess she’s figured it out.”

Jonni lifted her head to notice the darkness had been parted by an open door, a shaft of light coming into the black room. Duplola stood in the doorway, silhouetted by the light, only a teasing hint of her many lovely features visible. But of course, Jonni wasn’t likely to forget a woman she’d seen so much of—literally.

Duplola was a slender, silky-skinned redhead, the same body shape and skin tone as Jonni, but not quite as developed with her curves. She was still amply endowed and plenty beautiful. It almost seemed like overkill that she could duplicate herself, turning any sexual encounter into a threesome. At least.

“Dup,” Jonni said tiredly, “not to put you off, but I’m spending the night with Ae. Wait your turn.”

Ignoring her, Duplola slipped inside. The door shut behind her and as Jonni’s eyes adjusted to the lack of light again, she saw that Duplola had used her power. Now there were two of her. Identical twins.

“Hey, I’m not here to horn in on Ae’s turf. You’ve spent a couple days with her. I’m her best friend,” Duplola said laconically, each twin wrapping an arm around the other, like some cute couple at the mall.

“I know how self-conscious she gets,” the other Duplola said—mentally, Jonni dubbed her Dos and the first one Uno. “She’s going to start worrying that she didn’t really satisfy you… no matter how much you reassure her… and it’ll just ruin the afterglow. That’s why we…”

Then there was a third Duplola. Tres. “Thought we’d show her that you’ve been absolutely satisfied.”

“Body and soul,” said a fourth one. Cuatro.


