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The plan was perfection itself. Katrina Krieger let word slip that she was in Fawcett City, holed up in one of the tenement buildings destabilized by a recent superfight, now condemned and awaiting repair. Then, she simply waited. The criminal element of Fawcett could never be driven to betray her to the police, but their fear of the Marvel Family would inevitably broadcast her location to one of them.

Soon enough, Captain Marvel himself crashed through her wall. The Big Red Cheese clearly knew that the building was going to be demolished anyway. What he hadn’t counted on was that the isolated location meant there was no one to help him.

It had taken most of her reserve funds… money her dear uncle Captain Nazi would be displeased at losing… but Katrina had d paid Power-Up to increase her disinhibiting superpower. Now, she was sure, she could strip a man down to his barest urges. And what better test subject than the incorruptible purity of Captain Marvel? Incorruptible… so far.

Willkommen,” she greeted him, standing from her chair and tossing aside the magazine she’d been reading. She’d taken the liberty of keeping her costume on while she waited. Even if there were no press or witnesses to see this momentous occasion, she wanted to be at her most awe-inspiring for it. Katrina sensed the memory would be one she’d revisit again and again.

Cap set his hands on his hips. “I’ll give you one chance to come quietly, Madame Libertine. Surrender and I’m sure the authorities will take your cooperation into account. It could be the first step to turning your life around.”

Katrina chuckled before he could further insult her. “You’re quite the boy scout. You even put the Metropolis Marvel to shame. That’s why it isn’t enough simply to destroy you. I’ll make you ruin your legacy, your very name, with the ugliness I let loose from you.”

Cap grinned back at her. His cape flapped behind him, pulled at by the breeze from the hole he’d made in the wall. “Your power’s formidable, but it’s no match for the Wisdom of Solomon. Last chance. When I tell the warden you came quietly, I’ll ask that he try to be lenient with you for that last break-out…”

Katrina couldn’t take any more of his staunch goodness. She focused her power on him and let it loose.

Immediately, she saw Cap stagger under the effect of her ability. Power-Up’s body modifications and technological updates had made it exponentially more powerful. She would get at whatever simmering rage, whatever petty bigotries, Cap hid under the surface.

And under their influence, there was no telling the rampage he would go on. Would he rob banks because he felt underpaid? Perhaps smash apart any undue noisemakers that irritated his sense of hearing?

Then every superhero was fair game. Superman might be driven to declare himself master of the world. Batman could be forced to kill his enemies. Their competing desires would lead to open war, not just among themselves, but for the normal people of the world against all these superpowered interlopers. And when the forces of the Earth had spent themselves, weakened and demoralized, Madame Libertine would be there to take power.

Only… had Captain Marvel always had the big bulge she now saw in the front of his pants?

Katrina had always thought he was the most handsome man she’d ever seen—infuriating, considering how his beauty was denied to her by dint of their family feud. It only made sense that, for a man as overendowed as the Captain, with his Herculean physique barely contained inside skintight bright red, that his manhood be equal to the rest of his overweening masculinity.

In fact, stunned by the sight of that obvious arousal in the usually sexless superhero, Katrina felt a flush of exhilaration that looking at her had excited him. She could only see its outline going down his crotch and into the leg of his pants, but her mind feverishly tried to visualize the look of his naked member.

Then she snapped out of it. This must be her imagination. Everyone knew that superheroes were constantly laden down with rage, bitter and angry at those who continuously flaunted the law and took innocent lives. He must be seconds away from a killing spree!

Captain Marvel was Fawcett City’s most eligible bachelor, an Adonis wanted by every woman within the city limits, to say nothing of all the sexual goddesses he served alongside on the Justice League and Justice Society. His lusts must be well sated. He was no twelve-year-old boy to be girl-crazy. The emotions he held back had to be wrath and anger!

“That’s enough!” Katrina shouted, as though ordering about a drunkard. “Can’t you feel the rage inside you? The anger you’ve always wanted to let out? Now you can! Unleash it! Go! Destroy your enemies! Do what you’ve always wanted to!”

Cap didn’t answer. His glazed eyes stared wildly at Katrina’s blatantly exposed body.

She wore what might best be described as green coveralls, baggy fabric hiding her torso, her right arm, her left leg. A sleeve and pantleg were missing, displaying her creamy flesh to her fingerless gloves and boots.

It was an odd paradox to American puritanism—she showed less than if she were wearing shorts or a sleeveless top, yet the viewer got the impression of seeing more. Especially with the panels of translucent mesh built into her costume, showcasing broad swathes of her supple cleavage and toned stomach, right above nipples and groin.

She was still more covered than she would be wearing the average two-piece bathing suit, but as with the heroic Power Girl, the impression of her clothes being torn, seen through, made more of an erotic impression than that of nudity simply offered.

And yet, Captain Marvel was such a fair-minded square… such an upright do-gooder… an unabashed nice guy… that Katrina had never considered he might salivate over her as so many others did. Cap was different.

Or, at least, he had been.

Cap smiled. Even the gesture seemed thick, heady. “You’ve been touching yourself.”

“No, I haven’t!” Katrina insisted, though she had. It’d been a long wait. She’d had nothing to do but… amuse herself, sure Cap wouldn’t be able to tell. The thought of what she was going to do to him had been quite invigorating, in every part of her body.

“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to touch yourself,” Cap slurred, putting one booted foot in front of the other. Coming closer to her in lurching strides. “Unless it’s with me.”

Realizing he had dubious intentions for her, Katrina tried to dodge past him, but Cap pushed her back against the wall and held her there, pinned, with one big hand locking down her shoulder. With his other, he grabbed onto the seam that held her upper mesh cut-out in place… then ripped it right off like a Band-Aid.

Every inch of fabric covering Katrina’s chest came off. Her costume was left amputated, the upper half totally divorced from what remained on her lower body, decapitated swaths of fabric falling about her hips and nearly exposing her groin. Katrina squealed and clawed her fingers into her leggings to hold them up. She felt like she was covering herself with a towel after being caught in the shower!

Cap still wasn’t done. He pushed his face into her firm young breasts, invited by how her nipples had sprung up at being exposed. Now his wide, flat tongue swirled crazily around her left nipple. In spite of her surprise and unwillingness, Katrina felt a shock of pleasure running down to her pussy.

She resolved to ignore it and beat at Cap with clenched fists, but there was no denying the obscene pleasure his mouth was filling her tit with. Soon, it was impossible not to moan. Then he moved his lips to her other nipple and Katrina’s delicious enjoyment somehow managed to increase. Even though she was intimidated by the beast Captain Marvel had become, Katrina couldn’t help but delight in what he was doing.

Finally letting go of her captive breast, Cap trailed his heated lips down over her bare belly, dipping his tongue into her little dimple of a navel to thoroughly lavish it with his saliva.

“I’ll touch yourself… for you,” Cap drawled.

Moving his head even lower, Cap took hold of the same scraps of fabric that Katrina was holding so fastidiously to… and pulled them out of her hands like a magician sweeping away a tablecloth. Katrina shrieked, not just at being exposed, but at the fact that Cap was gazing into her bare pussy from only inches away.

He shuddered; Katrina knew it was with uncontrollable lust. She felt how his eyes worshipped the soft pink lips of her sex, the gleaming wetness of her natural lubrication, and the downy fur of her pubic thatch, swirling so delicately around her juicy slit. The way he looked at her, Katrina knew exactly how deliciously aroused he was becoming. She felt moisture shimmer on her inner folds and thought she was just as turned on as he was.

Smiling before he put his lips to better use, Cap lifted Katrina up until her knees were hooked on his broad shoulders, bringing her firm thighs to either side of his handsome face!

“OOOOOHH!” Katrina wailed, feeling both ashamed and so very, very pleased with how his thick tongue forced its way inside her, taking her every bit as firmly as a man’s cock would, seeming to demand all the burning wetness that her aroused cunt was capable of. Gott in Himmel, he was fucking her with his tongue!

Though she had tried to remain pure—and had, for some values of the word—Katrina had of necessity used her body as currency. First to maintain Captain Nazi’s cryogenic chamber, then to further his schemes, and most recently to seal the deal with Power-Up.

Yet this was the first time anyone had used her body solely to inflict delight on her. That made it seem all the filthier to her, that she was enjoying this depraved thing, but the delicious passion of it made her unable to refuse.

“I like the taste of your cunt,” Cap moaned between her legs. “How do you like the feel of my tongue?”

“Oh yes! Yes! Fuck yes!” Katrina breathed. “You may taste me as much as you wish!”

“I can, can I?” Cap laughed. “And you get as wet as you want… I’ll take care of that damp pussy…”

Captain Marvel was completely hypnotized by the taste of her succulent pussy. Traveling the multiverse as a superhero, Billy Batson had enjoyed his share of exotic meals, but he’d never scented or tasted anything that got to him the way this girl’s cunt did. Her juices flowed like honey over his tongue with every lick he ran over her luscious womanhood.

But as strong as that sweet taste was, the delicate aroma he whiffed with his nose pressed into her nest of sliken hair hit him even harder. It was the same broad flavor as he was tonguing, but infinitesimally—and infinitely—different. The degree by which one sensation shaded into another enthralled him. Whenever the taste of her stopped firing his lust, that perfumed cunt took up the slack.

Billy knew that it was wrong, on a lot of levels, to be feasting on this bad girl the way he was. But he also knew that he wouldn’t be stopping until she was thoroughly fucked. The thought that he could go to jail, be disgraced, be stripped of his powers—that all seemed a million miles and a million years away. Nothing was as important to him as this half-naked body he was having so much fun with. And the good times were just beginning…

Katrina was nearly there, on the verge of orgasm, when Cap’s tongue was suddenly no longer in her snatch.
