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Padding naked out of the bathroom, Katy opened the top drawer. She took a joint, a book of matches, and a roach clip from Harlan’s stash. Way back when they were friends, Katy and Taylor had shared their grass equally. They bought it together, they took turns rolling it, and they used as much as they wanted. Both because what was the point of being successful if you couldn’t get as high as you wanted?, and because the demands of their profession meant they barely had time to indulge. But when they did, as Katy did now, they opened up the stash and took as needed, no questions asked, moderation expected but not required.

That was before their friendship had broken off, Taylor getting a lot more high-strung and Katy becoming much more of a showgirl. Katy would’ve said that Taylor needed to get back on the stuff, but now she thought Taylor just needed to get laid. Her and Katy both. And now that they were, the weed was just a nice bonus.

Katy didn’t think either of them would burn themselves out under Harlan’s high hand. She giggled at the thought of Harlan giving her one of his little ‘punishments’ for smoking too much jay; already she was in a good headspace to inhale.

Harlan, meanwhile, was looking at himself in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Taylor looked at him too, from the real man to the reflection, wondering what he was thinking. Especially after how much and how well he’d fucked not only her, but Katy.

His cock had fallen, still big and hard, but now hanging between his legs like a club instead of thrusting out angrily. The weapon was sheathed instead of in hand. Taylor came silently behind him and cupped his balls in her fingers. She looked at him in the mirror and he looked at her. They both smiled.

“I almost feel bad for Katy,” Taylor teased, knowing she was being passive-aggressive but also thinking Harlan wouldn’t mind. Surely he wouldn’t mind Taylor smacking Katy’s fat ass, so why would he care about Taylor being a bit of a bitch to her? “She’s not used to taking this monster like I am.”

“She’s getting there,” Harlan replied. “Just like she’s getting used to you fucking her.”

“I’m not fucking her,” Taylor corrected him. “I’m just—she’s just joining in when we fuck.”

“And you’re enjoying it,” Katy said, coming into the bathroom. “The more, the merrier.”

Her entering opened the door on which hung the mirror Harlan and Taylor were looking into. When she jiggled into view, still naked, still so spectacularly sweaty and jiggling and breathing and heaving, Harlan’s cock gave a lurch. Taylor felt it through her grip on his balls and she gave them a chastising little squeeze; Harlan only groaned in pleasure. Perhaps he knew Taylor couldn’t bear to really harm the source of so much of her sexual delight.

Katy puffed the roach in her mouth, smoking it deeply and slowly, savoring the enjoyment it gave her. Next to sex, grass was Katy’s favorite. In her opinion, not enjoying it would be something like not enjoying her own sensual body. It was just that good cock was even harder to come by than good weed, making her appreciate a good dealer in either.

She passed the blunt to Taylor and kissed Harlan, passing her stoned exhale into her mouth. Taylor opened her mouth to say something, but instead bit down on the blunt and sucked its essence into her lungs.

Buzzing with the beginnings of a high, all three of them dissolved into a hug, Taylor pressed into Harlan’s back, Katy embracing him from the front. Taylor found herself petting Katy’s naked back as much as stroking Harlan’s flank. It wasn’t for Katy’s benefit. She just enjoyed the feeling of bare skin through her stoned happiness.

“Imma gonna roll another one,” Katy trilled up to Harlan, her smile encompassing Taylor as she said it. “That’s all yours, babe.”

“And I have to use the other bathroom,” Harlan said.

“Toilet’s right there,” Taylor said, feeling haplessly girly at wanting him to stay with her, but also a little relishing having a man who could make her feminine enough to be kinda needy.

“I think me losing some pounds while you’re showering right next to me would put a damper on the relationship,” he said, reaching back to pat her hip. “I’ll be right back. Get started on the shower. I know your routine takes forever.”

“Yeah, yeah, youuse wet naps,” Taylor insisted.

Katy’s eyebrows raised. “Planning ahead, Tay?”

“Eww—no. I just like him to be clean.”

“Not my experience,” Katy quipped.

Taylor blew a breath of harsh and bitter smoke into her face. “Go roll some more of my weed already.”

“It’s about as much your weed as he’s your man,” Katy shot back, although she turned on her heel and strutted out, followed by Harlan. He slapped her ass before he turned left and she turned right.

Taylor felt a song coming on, a beat she might be able to put lyrics to later on. She swayed to her inner music as she got into the shower, the water now luxuriously hot. Under the spray, she smoked the roach down until she needed the clip to hold it. Long, deep drags filled her lungs with the smoke, until the joint was nothing more than a powdery white ash smeared on her wet chest.

Pleasingly stoned, Taylor rubbed the damp ashes around on her tits before turning to the shower spray and letting it rinse her off. She really got into lathering herself up and feeling all the little bubbles along her skin, the hot sting of the almost scalding water, the rising steam from the floor of the shower and the whispering drain. It virtually smelt of cleanliness.

Taylor kept sudsing up her body long after she was clean, simply enjoying the feeling of the soap caressing her body. It covered her in great foaming blobs, sliding slowly down her figure, outlining her lithe, lissome shape just like the steam writhing around her. She scrubbed shampoo into her hair, her eyes tightly shut against its sting, and soon her hair felt thick and slippery.

A sound, the sound of the door opening, made her turn and the sluggish thinking of the high made her open her eyes to see who it was. She gasped as the shampoo burned her eyes, shutting them again and rinsing off her hands so she could wipe at her eyes.

“I know I’m good to look at,” Katy said, “but you might want to wait until there’s no soap in your eyes.”

Katy had no such problem. She looked at Taylor’s lean, loving body, wet and shining and made all the more tantalizing by the suds hiding and yet accentuating her bare flesh. Katy breathed hard on her new joint as she watched Taylor glisten and gleam, the light and the crystalline water seeming to pull attention to her young, well-formed thighs—her firm, sensuous breasts—the streak of blue shampoo that ran down her tawny back and dipped like mercury into the crevice between her sweeping asscheeks.

The shampoo Taylor had lathered up was trickling down over her face. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, trying to wipe off her eyes, but more of the shampoo’s thick wetness seemed to claw at her tightly closed eyes. The problem was that this shower had been built for someone more petite. The showerhead came up only to her chest, so to wash her head, she needed to crouch down and try to angle herself under its spray. She’d told Harlan they needed to get the bathroom remodeled…!

“You can’t get shampoo out of your eyes that way. You’ve got to rinse them. Straighten up, all you’re doing right now is getting more on your face.” Katy’s scratchy voice was friendly and intimate, not sounding like she was laughing at Taylor at all, so she obeyed, standing up to her full height.

Katy took in her pert, elfin breasts with a hunger that narrowed her eyes and twitched around the joint in her mouth. “Tilt your head back,” she said, coming closer, the water touching her own luscious curves in a fine mist. Her nipples tightened and swelled out. Taylor obeyed. Katy breathed harder, sucking more smoke from the joint down into her lungs. “Good girl.”

Katy ran her hands down her own burgeoning breasts, sweeping her fingers underneath their heft and then squeezed them hard, biting the bullet of her joint in order not to moan with the arousal and pleasure that tingled out of her tits as she molded them in her hands.

“Hold this,” Taylor said, handing her the roach clip.

She watched as Taylor spread her legs for balance, then leaned back so that the showerhead was hitting her right in the face. Her ribcage stood out from her slender body while her proud breasts lifted, high enough to demand Katy’s eyes, even as her eyelids half shut with her lazily stoned arousal. Taylor’s pelvic bones jutted provocatively as she thrust her hips forward, not thinking that she was thrusting them at Katy.

Katy lifted the clip to her nose and ran its lipstick-caressed end under her nostrils, as if she could pick up Taylor’s scent through the haze of decadent happiness dulling her senses. Regardless, she felt close to Taylor—both of them high on the same supply, both of them standing in the shower, both of them with the same man’s seed inside them.

“Did I get it?” Taylor asked.

“Not all of it. There’s some on your left eye.”

“Fuck,” Taylor said, cupping her hands under the stream and then splashing her face.

Katy laughed at her callous, unimpressive profanity. “Lean back again,” she said, putting her hands around Taylor’s waist. “I’ll help.”

Taylor stiffened a little at Katy’s touch, but after all they’d already shared, this seemed perfectly reasonable.

“I said lean back,” Katy repeated, stepping closer and opening her legs for balance, her grip tight on Taylor’s slim waist. “Or do you only do as you’re told for Harlan?”

“He doesn’t tell me what to do,” Taylor said, leaning back until the water poured in her face.

She felt Katy’s hold on her tighten. “Lean way back now. Don’t worry, I’ve got you. And Harlan doesn’t have to tell you what to do. The things he does to a girl—who could say no to him? Even if he isn’t asking…”

Taylor leaned back with a smile—she couldn’t deny that—and she felt her svelte thighs press against Katy’s thicker ones. Katy’s body was surprisingly firm when their hips pressed together, considering all her curves. She felt Katy’s hands run to the small of her back. Katy’s left hand took Taylor’s wrist and pulled her closer.

“Oh!” Taylor gasped, not in surprise, but of a kind of excess of feeling in registering Katy’s toned body against hers.

Their groins were pressed together, the tickle of pubic hair distinctive even through the all-consuming feel of the hot water raining down on both of them, soaking and softening their bodies, swaddling their senses as much as the pungent weed that tangled with the heated steam in the air.

“I think that got it,” Taylor said, though she was still unable to open her eyes with the shower spray right in her face.

“No, not yet, you’ve still got some in your eyebrows. And in your hair, of course. Gotta take care of that too.”

Katy dug her fingers into the dimples of Taylor’s lower back, right above her taut, rounded ass.

“Katy,” Taylor breathed—Katy bent her further back, bending her knees, squeezing their bodies together. Did Katy realize what she was doing, how their spread legs were interlocking, Taylor’s pussy lips touching…?



Ah, the moment we've all been waiting for.