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Sokka remembered before Sozin’s Comet, when Aang had been tormented by bad dreams. He’d been mature enough then, and immature enough, to think it was ridiculous that somehow Aang couldn’t just… gear up for what was coming. Sleep, eat, and be ready.

Now he thought he understood though. His dreams of Azula weren’t real, but when he was awake, there was an intensity there that lingered hard. Like this was all a waking dream and Azula’s weird, loving slavery would be what he emerged into when he finally got out of bed.

The beach was empty except for him, Suki, one of her fellow Kyoshis, and a guy friend of the other Kyoshi. So here he was, staring out at the sea, trying to ignore the hot giggles from Lui and Chin’s silent, challenging present.

“Does anyone patrol this beach at night?” Sokka asked nervously.

Suki shook her head without looking at him. “No, there’s no point. No bandits would come near here—there’s nothing to steal.”

“That’s good. Guess we can do whatever we want then,” Lui said.

Sokka looked at her warily. From the way she’d kept him or Suki between herself and Chin all evening, he doubted she wanted to do much. But then, he wasn’t always the best at understanding people. He loved Suki and he barely understood her. Maybe it would make more sense if he’d been born in the Earth Kingdom.

Lui was nicely built, though. She kept giving out this red-hot interest, but put down Chin’s sweet advances. Sokka wondered why he was so attentive to that. Aang often talked about having an open mind; had all his thinking, or at least dreaming, of Azula opened his mind up? Got him considering women other than Suki?

That would suck. He did love her… he’d been a man for a while now, but traveling with his sister and Toph, who was as boyish as it got, he hadn’t had much opportunity to notice girls. But even when meeting Ty Lee and Mai… and Azula… he’d barely noticed them.

Until all the dreams about fucking them. Dreams he actually wanted to get back to, Sokka realized with a yawn. Was it just that those dreams went with restless nights or that he actually had a yen to see her again?

“Someone’s tired,” Suki observed, pressing up next to him. “Must be from running through Ty Lee’s head all night.”

“What?” Sokka asked, boggled. No matter how well-rested he was, he didn’t think he could ever come up with a good response to that.

“You know Ty Lee. No filters. This morning, she told me how lucky I am, because she had a dream about you and in it, you were a wonderful lover.” Suki winked. “Dreams never lie, you know.”

“Suki, I would never—“

“Relax. I’m not about to bust your nuts about someone else dreaming about you. Ty Lee will forget all about you the next time we liaise with some handsome military officer. Or when Mai crooks her finger next.”

“But she actually had a dream about me last night?” Sokka asked, wonderstruck.

Suki slapped the back of her hand into her belly. “Easy does it, tiger-monkey. Ty Lee’s had dreams about half the garrison. And just enough of the girls want to feature in her dreams that we don’t bother to shut her up. Why? Have you dreamt about her?”

“Me, no, no way! That’d be crazy, wouldn’t it? Us dreaming about each other on the same night, doing the same thing… I mean, what would the odds be?”


Like most people, Azula wasn’t really conscious of when she fell asleep and when she was dreaming. She only knew that suddenly there was a chain locked around her neck, the free end dangling between her breasts. And Sokka was playfully batting at it, rubbing the iron links along the contours of her cleavage, making the untouched flesh goosepimple with sudden awareness of its vulnerability.

“You know what I just found out?” Sokka asked her. “I just found out this might all be for real. I might really have just fucked two of your friends in front of you. Sure, it happened in a dream, but to me—I gotta say it feels real enough to count.”

“Then I suppose now’s when you commit suicide for daring to touch royalty?” Azula ventured.

“Nah. Suki would miss me too much. I suppose I might owe you an apology, if it is really you—I bet most of my friends would agree that even you don’t deserve to be ravaged.” Sokka’s eyes were dark as he skewed his chin to the side, thoughtfully, seeming like he was pondering all the little sarcasms that came out of his mouth. “Sure, it’s exactly what your troops have been doing for generations, with a wink and a nod from your family, personally. But hey, we’re the good guys. And hey, it’s not your fault that you happened to be born into a family of warmongering despots.”

Azula bit back the very sharpest of her retorts. It felt like she was choking on the points of them. But she seemed to be making headway with Sokka. It wouldn’t be… strategic to ruin that now. “That’s very equitable of you.”

“Then again, your dad was born into the same family and we didn’t take it easy on him. At a certain point, you’ve just gotta be old enough to see horseshit for what it is. Your brother did that. And your uncle. So it runs in the family at least as much as all the world conquest.”

“Is there a point to this?” Azula snapped. “If you’re just going to mock me, I’d prefer you take your cock out and get your fill!”

Sokka grinned. “Yeah, I bet you would. But I’m not going to rape you, Azula. I’m going to disciplineyou. By the time we’re done, you’ll be a nice, civilized war bride, ready to bear some cute Water Tribe kids for me. Either that, or this really is just a dream, in which case—who cares? The real you is off in prison, with no idea I’m enjoying dream her’s sweet cunt.”

Azula did something unexpected then. She grinned herself, flashing feral sharp teeth at Sokka. “You think your tiny cock is going to break me? This I have to see. It’s ironic: all the jokes you tell, but this is the first time you’ve really been amusing.”

Sokka stripped his clothes away. “We’ll get to that smart mouth of yours, but first, I’m going to teach you what that pussy is for.” He stroked his big cock like an executioner displaying the weapon he was going to use on his victim. “You’re a smart girl, Azula. I bet you’ll figure it out pretty quick.”

Azula stared at his prick with a rush of fear racing through her. She wasn’t afraid of him ravishing her. He’d done that already; she knew what to expect. What terrified her was how her pussy quivered, moistening with anticipation of what he was going to do to her.

“You’d best hope this is your dream, Water Tribe. Because if it’s mine, I’ll kill you when I wake up, just for inspiring these thoughts in my head!”

Sokka grabbed the chain around her neck and pulled on it hard. Azula tripped and dropped between his spread feet. She looked up to see that his cock had swelled into a monstrous erection—Sokka was already getting off on treating her this shamefully.

“Suck it. Take it in your mouth and show it a good time. Just pretend it’s a big piece of candy and lick it all over.”

Azula was too frazzled to come up with anything to say, so she stayed sullenly quiet. But couldn’t keep herself from staring up at his manhood in awed disbelief of the fact that it would soon be used on her.

Sokka pulled on the chain again, lifting her up as he cut off her air. Gagging, Azula was forced to her knees. Then Sokka leaned his knee against her, jamming her in place so the chain continued to suffocate her when he pulled on it.

“I can punish you or I can reward you, it’s your choice. But I’m not going to go easy on you if you decide to test me. Think real hard and I bet even a smart bitch like you won’t come up with a single reason I should.”

Azula knew he meant it. Panic tremored inside her. Black spots danced in front of her eyes. Her humiliation grew along with her suffering. As galling as it was to be beaten, it was even worse that it was by this man. And he’d fucked her too. Driven her to supreme amounts of pleasure… it was odious.

But he wasn’t bluffing, she’d say that much for him. He would keep inflicting punishment upon punishment on her until he got his way and she broke. Which meant it was time for Azula to take the path of least resistance. A retreat might be dishonorable, but the most honorable thing of all was to save her own skin.

Looking Sokka in the eyes, Azula slowly opened her mouth. Sokka dropped his knee and pulled her mouth to his engorged cockhead. Azula kept her lips open—his throbbing knob touched her open mouth and she tasted him, hot and dripping for her submission.

“That’s it, princess. Take my cock down inside. Suck it real good. I want it all the way down your throat. I want to feel those teeth on my balls. Mmmm—yeah! You eat good cock, Azula. Ahhhh… I like it. Keep going.” He ground his hips forward, driving his prick further and further into her mouth.

Sokka kept the chain pulled taut, holding Azula’s face locked to his groin. She felt his thick shaft going down her throat until her nose was buried in his pubic hair. His cock was warm, really warm, the heat going right into the receptive but little-used sense of feeling about her throat. So unused to the sensation that it felt like a burning brand being pressed down into her gullet, time and time again.

Azula shifted her head up to let him go easier into her throat. Sokka made harder thrusts with his hips, forcing his cock in and out of her mouth. The heat flamed and flamed again in the depths of her throat.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you for a long time, princess. But it’s good that I had to wait. Now I’m not just going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you into being a good little slave.” He let go of the chain, leaving it hanging down Azula’s back, and grabbed her by the hair. With that grip, he pulled her face to the strokes he gave with his cock, making it go in and out with thrusts that impaled her gullet every time. “Look at yourself. A few nights ago, would you ever have thought that you’d willingly be kneeling there while I cocked your throat? Well, did ya, princess?”

Then, hands gripping her skull, he held her face to his crotch and fucked it. Pumping his cock into her mouth. Filling her throat so full that she wasn’t sure she would be able to breathe past it. He fucked into her lips faster and faster. Azula tried to relax her throat muscles and let him in, but his erection was so thick that it felt like it was stretching her gullet, forcing it to wrap around his girth every time he fucked her there.

Then Sokka pulled himself from Azula’s mouth and shoved her down onto her back. She landed on the chain, its links painfully biting into her aroused flesh. His foot kicked her legs to either side, spreading them.

“I want to see how wet you are, because I know you’re wet. Open yourself up with your fingers. Let me see you gaping open. Hurry up, spread that pink. Ahh, you look as glossy as morning dew. That’s it. Wider. You’re starting to look like how you’re going to be splayed open after I cock that hole, princess.”



Marvelous. Simply marvelous