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Sue had a problem.

Emma Frost had a DVD. Sue was on it, among others, and while it might’ve been fun viewing for Sue, or any number of people, Sue did not want it shown. If Emma showed it to the wrong people, it could destroy Sue’s reputation.

She had to get it back.

So, right after the school day at Xavier’s ended, Sue went to the headmistress’s office. Her invisibility came in handy.

Emma was there, just as she’d expected, and sensing Sue’s thoughts, she lifted her head from the papers she was grading. Sue cursed inwardly. She’d hoped, however meagerly, to be able to search for the DVD without Emma noticing.

“Do you wish to speak with me, Mrs. Richards?” Emma asked, grinning. “These are my office hours, so you’re in luck.”

Sue centered herself before she rendered herself visible, facing Emma with a calm and firm disposition. “I have come here to talk to you about something. And I think you know what it is.”

“No, I can’t imagine,” Emma said, the grin still on her face.

“Yes, you do, you—“ Sue gritted her teeth. It was that grin. That ferocious grin. It drove her wild. “I want the video.”

“What video is that?” Emma replied innocently.

“You know very well what video I’m talking about! The one you showed me the other day! Now, I want it!”

“Well, you can’t have the video,” Emma said with infuriating reasonableness. “But you can have it.”

Her hands were under the desk. Her arms jerked. She kept looking at Sue.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you like being a movie star? I’m making a lot of money showing that video to people. You’re supporting mutant education in a very real sense.”

“You bitch!” Sue hissed. “You can’t do that!”

“Sure I can. It’s my camera. My DVD. Maybe not my big cock going into your tight cunt, but it certainly wasn’t your husband’s.”

“I want it now!” Sue demanded, enraged.

Emma opened her eyes wide, feigning shock. “You do? Right here? When anyone could walk in on us? Isn’t that what got you into this trouble in the first place? Of course, I know you want it, everyone who I’ve… savored… has wanted it again.”

“Shut up!” Sue screamed. She couldn’t take anymore of Emma’s insolence. “Just shut your mouth! You know what I want, so you’d better give it to me right now or else!”

Emma held up her hands. “Alright, Sue. Alright. I’ll give it to you now.”

She stood up from behind the desk. And there, protruding from the fly of her unzipped costume, was a cock big enough to be intimidating, to make Sue cringe as if it were a weapon leveled at her.

“You know, I think my little secondary mutation may still be ongoing. Look at it. Doesn’t it seem bigger than the last time? Or maybe it’s just that you’ve gotten it so hard. Ten beautiful inches of hard cock. So where would you like it, Sue darling? Up your cunt? How about your tight asshole? Or what about your mouth? Yes—your cock-sucking mouth, Susan. I think you should get your lips around my prick. Then we’ll see how much of it I can shove down your fucking throat.”

“I don’t want your ugly cock!” Sue shouted. This time she wasn’t as loud as before, though. She wanted to stay angry, but she was having trouble, looking at Emma’s big hard cock. When she saw it, she couldn’t help but remember how Emma had made her buy her silence. She remembered what that big prick had felt like in her cunt.

“Of course you want it,” Emma murmured softly. She had her cock in her hand and she was squeezing it, getting it even longer and thicker. “Who wouldn’t want my big beautiful cock? Don’t lie to me; you love cock. Remember, that’s what’s on the video. And you love mine even more, don’t you dear? Yes, you do. And you’d like to get a hold of this big, beautiful cock again, just like before, wouldn’t you? Sure you would. I can tell by how you’re staring at it. It’s okay. You can feel my lovely little mutation all you want. See how big and fat and hard you’ve made it. Come on. Start feeling it.”

Sue wanted to. The longer she stood there staring at Emma’s cock, the more she wanted to. But she couldn’t. If she did, she would be completely in Emma’s power.

“Don’t fight it!” Emma insisted in a sing-song little voice. “Why would you want to fight it? Look at my cock, Sue. So big and hard and so full of cum. What more do you want? It’s all yours, darling. Go for it. Reach out and get a hold of my lovely cock. Don’t be shy. I know you’re not shy.”

Sue grabbed Emma’s cock, started yanking on it, tugging at it. It was no use trying to resist her urges. If she wanted, Emma could just use her telepathy and make Sue do it. So what was the point in fighting it? At least this way it was her decision.

It was so hot. So hard. She couldn’t believe it…

“That’s right, my dear,” Emma said. She was smiling as she watched Sue play with her cock. “Play with the nice toy Auntie Emma gave you. Does Susie like her thoughtful, thoughtful gift? Does Susie like to play with big hard cocks?”

Sue moaned, only partly in dismay. “Why do you have to treat me like this?”

“Because you like it so much.” Emma reached out to play with Sue’s tits, squeezing and massaging them, smirking as she got Sue even more excited. “I’m treating you wonderfully. Letting you play with my big beautiful cock and giving you a nice relaxing massage on your sweet tits? And see if I won’t let you open your mouth real wide so you can suck my cock and get just the best taste of it. Just see if I won’t. Get down on your knees, Sue. You get to suck my cock all you want! Get down on your knees, you cock-sucker whore, and open wide for my delicious cock. On your knees, like you want something real bad, bad enough to beg for it! Do it, cunt!”

Sue was quickly kneeling in front of Emma and her prodigious erection. But when Sue opened her hungry mouth for Emma’s cock, Emma pushed her away.

“Wait, no,” Emma mused. “No yet. You really should beg for it. Just to show me how much you appreciate getting to suck my cock.”

Sue didn’t even question it. “Oh, please, Emma, let me suck on it! I want to suck on it! I’ll make you feel so good!”

“You want to suck on my cock?” Emma asked condescendingly. “You really like it that much?”

“Oh, yes, it’s so beautiful! Let me suck on it!”

“But I’ve heard you won’t even suck Mr. Reed Richards’s cock. That you consider it demeaning. Is my cock really so much better than your husband’s?”

“Yes! You have the biggest, most beautiful cock in the world! I could ask any woman you’ve fucked and they’d all tell me you’re the best! I know there are so many women who’d do anything to get to kiss your cock—please let me suck on it! I want it so much! I’m so lucky to get to eat your cock!”

“Damn right,” Emma said. “But since this is such a wonderful, such an amazing cock, you can’t just suck it. You’re going to have to work for it. See this sweat all over my body? Our AC is out and sadly the heat is getting to me. So if you want to suck my cock, the first thing you’re going to have to do is get me all clean with that tongue of yours. I want that little slut tongue running all over my body. Now get to work!”

Sue started to lick Emma’s body, so exposed by her costume that there was almost nowhere she couldn’t get to. If this was what she had to do to get the video from Emma, she’d do it. No matter how Emma’s sweat tasted. No matter how firm and smooth her flesh was under Sue’s tongue.

Sue licked and lapped, doing the best job she could. She helped Emma undress, licking her bare feet, her legs, her belly, her breasts, her arms, even her armpits. And she could tell Emma liked the job she was doing. Emma stroked Sue’s hair with her hand as she was washed and cleaned.

“That’s a good girl, Sue,” Emma murmured. “You’re doing a good job, getting me all nice and clean, and it feels just great. But don’t forget to wash in back!”

Emma turned around, and Sue had no choice but to lick her bare ass. Then Emma thrust her hips back, hand in Sue’s hair holding her in place, so Sue’s face was stuck right in the crack of her ass. Sue knew what was expected of her. She licked Emma’s asshole. She drew her wet tongue all around it, then inside it. It was only after she’d fully extended her tongue into Emma’s ass that Emma stepped away. Turned back around. There was only one thing left to clean now—her cock.

That’s what Sue wanted to get her hungry mouth on the most. But when she tried to put Emma’s long stiff cock in her mouth, Emma pushed her away, just like before.

“Don’t you want me to suck it!?” Sue moaned. “C’mon! Let’s get this over with! You said I could!”

“Don’t worry, you little bitch, you’ll get your throat fucked!” Emma laughed. “But first I want you to clean my big sweaty balls. I want you to lick them and suck on them until they’re nice and wet. There’s a good girl.”

Sue did as she was told, licking Emma’s dangling balls. She lapped them all over, batting them from side to side with her tongue until they swung like a pendulum. Then she started to suck on them.

“That’s it, my pet,” Emma said lovingly. “Suck on my balls. Don’t they taste good? Well, there’s something even better in store for you. You did such a good job cleaning me that you’re going to get a treat. A delicious tube steak for dinner, nice and hot and with lots of juices for you. Come now, go down on me. Let’s see my big cock right in your whore mouth, getting all sucked and slurped on like you were born to do. That’s it. That’s it…”

In just a few seconds, her pick was slick and slippery from Sue’s mouth. As fast as she could, Sue was sucking on her fat cock, drawing her head back, then pushing toward the base of Emma’s member with absolute hunger.

Sue wasn’t going to stop sucking until she’d emptied those big balls.

“Oh, yes, Sue, suck it!” Emma moaned. “Suck me and keep sucking me and don’t you dare stop sucking! Shit, that feels good! Feels fucking great how crazy you are for cock. Or are you crazy for cum? Because with the way you’re sucking, you’re going to taste a lot more than cock really soon. My balls are aching so hard, bitch, and that means I’m about to spurt all my cum out. You’re going to have to skip lunch, cunt, because you’ll be all filled up on cum. I’m putting you on a liquid fucking diet! Here it is, bitch! Here’s my cum! Here’s your fucking dinner! And if you swallow every drop, I might just decide to fuck you, you fucking bitch…”

Emma fucked her throat savagely as her balls exploded, Sue draining the load out of her with perfect need, sucking so hard that Emma had to roar with obscene joy at the top of her lungs.

“Oh my!” Emma gasped when Sue had drained the last drop. “Why couldn’t you have been this much of a whore on the video? I could’ve charged double for it. Are you camera-shy, dear? I could help with that. I am a psychiatrist, after all.”

Sue pulled her head back, releasing Emma’s limp cock. Their eyes burned together as Sue licked her lips with relish. Her warm fingers still grasped Emma’s member, stroking it gently, coaxing more from it, her other hand softly squeezing the balls to see if there was any more in them, to see if Emma would follow through on her promise of fucking Sue’s pussy as well as her face.

“Will you give me the DVD now?” Sue asked. “Please?”

She could feel sharp new tingles in her dwindling erection as she watched Sue’s ripe tits pant. She reached down and hefted them in her fingers, comparing their hot, silken firmness to her own breasts. They were quite nice. Fucking them would be much like fucking her own perfect teats.

“Ask me tomorrow,” Emma said, already making a mental note to clear her appointment book. Though of course, she’d had it cleared for this particular time ever since she’d gotten the DVD. Yesterday and today and tomorrow.

Sue Storm had a problem. The video wasn’t it.

The problem was that she had come to love Emma’s seed so much that just hearing Emma announce her orgasm had made Sue come.

And Sue wanted to come again as soon as possible.


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