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His strength was both irresistible and impossibly gentle. Before Vicki knew she was in motion, Bruce had bent her over the tail of the giant T-rex. In front of her, she saw glass cases holding various costumes. Bruce’s own, those of the Robins, those of the Batgirls, one for Nightwing, one for Red Hood. Vicki’s reflection stared back at her from those glass cases and Vicki knew she would be watching herself while Batman fucked the hell out of her. And he wasted no time.

His hardened cock thrust deep inside of her, taking full advantage of how sopping wet her channel was. Vicki moaned. His hips surged at her in a controlled frenzy—a graceful placidness to the overall motionless of his body—and yet she felt incredible violence inside her, a destructive orgy consuming her senses.

But the thrusts he made were lost in the shadow of his heavy cape, how it billowed and flowed with his movements. With the way she was shuddering, Vicki felt like she was the one moving, not him. Like he was a vampire drinking her, drinking her ecstasy… using her whorish nature… not doing anything to her except stripping away the exterior layers that concealed the feral sexuality within.

“You’re wet,” Bruce grunted. “Turned on. A bitch in heat. You’re going to tell me why you’re so aroused. Admit what a slut you are while you look at yourself and see it’s the truth.”

He pushed his dick as far into her clinging sheath as it would go. Behind white-tinted lenses, his eyes moved from the reassuring rhythm of his prick soaring between her squirming buttocks to the sight in the mirror.

Pleasure slackened her face, made her jaw hang open. Her eyes drifted lazily around in their sockets, only vaguely aware of the debauchery her own reflection broadcast back at her. Her pink tongue darted out to wet her lips—then it trailed out of her mouth, drooling. The sight of her decadent abandon made him give it to her all the harder. As Bruce Wayne, he had some concern about hurting an innocent like Vicki. But as Batman, he knew she’d love the pain.

Grabbing her by the hair, he forced her to stare into the reflection in the glass. “That whore in the mirror is you. You see how obvious it is that you love every inch that I’m giving you? You look like you’re about to beg for my cum. I’m already fucking you, but you just can’t help how addicted you are to my cock.”

Vicki’s eyes closed dreamily as she wiggled her ass back into Bruce’s lap, filling herself with his massive cock until every last inch was inside her. “Oooohh… I can’t, lover, I can’t! All day I think about how good it’s going to be when you finally fuck me! You know it turns me on so much not wearing panties, knowing you can just bend me over and take me anytime you want? It feels sooo—God! Just fuck me! I need it so bad!”

If there were a man alive who could resist a plea like that from a beauty like Vicki, Bruce wasn’t it. He did what she asked, not because she’d told him to, but because she’d shown she knew her place—she knew that it pleased him for her to beg the way she had. And now, he’d reward her for remembering their roles. Him to take and her to give. No matter who enjoyed it more.

His hands grabbed so tightly to her buttocks that the skin turned red. Vicki didn’t protest; wouldn’t complain even if the pain were much greater. She cooed, relishing having his passionate attention on her, and shifted her hips back to meet his demanding erection. Her inner muscles spasmed around the massive thrust he gave her. Bruce grunted with his own turgid enjoyment of the blonde. As sweet as her submission was, even it couldn’t compare to her supple flesh. And she was at least smart enough to know what to call him.

“God, Batman—your cock is so hot inside me! It’s on fire! You’re the best! AAAHHH! Fuck me, Batman! Oh yes, fuck me!” Vicki looked at her contorted face in the reflection and a new wave of desire swept over her at the sight of how stricken she looked.

Bruce was right. She could see what a cock slut she was. She looked like she absolutely lived to have Batman’s cock inside her.

Bruce pulled back on her hair, forcing her body to bend backwards, revealing her lusciously plump breasts in the mirror. Full to begin with, they were just starting to swell with her pregnancy—a reminder of how Bruce had bred her, not that it made a difference to the fury of his mating. He fucked her like he was going to impregnate her all over again.

Exposed, her breasts bounded with each pump Bruce gave her, blurring at their jiggling contours. The pink nipples were swollen to an aching tenderness, sticking out as if trying to touch the reflection. Bruce saw her richly rounded tits and had to possess them. With his cock kept buried in Vicki’s sex, he clasped a breast in his free hand and groped it tightly, then gave her nipple a rough pull.

Vicki could’ve cried out for mercy, but instead she shrieked with delight. She rutted her ass obscenely back to Bruce’s crotch, trying to return him to the rhythm that had kept her at a steady plateau of orgasm. And she thrust her chest willingly into his gloved hand, no matter how the cold leather of his touch hurt—she wanted more, not just of pain, not just of pleasure, but of knowing that she was his.

Bruce could easily see what she wanted; it amused him how little it would take to please her. “You belong to me. My whore. It makes you come for me to use you—you get off on being mine. I couldn’t make you safe word if I tried. Causing you pain just reminds you that you’re mine to hurt.”

While her inner walls strained to hold onto him, to work his cum out of his sweet cock, he leapt into motion again. Fucking Vicki with quick, deep, rhythmic strokes.

“Your cunt knows it’s mine too. It stays nice and open for me. You should count yourself lucky you weren’t a virgin when I found you. I would’ve spent days and days fucking that out of you. Instead, I can just use you. Can’t I?”

It was ironic, but listening to Bruce’s tightly controlled words, Vicki knew that his self-restraint was almost at an end. He wouldn’t be trying so hard to hang onto his discipline if it weren’t being tested.

It didn’t bother her either way. If he wanted to come, she would welcome being his cum dumpster once more. If he didn’t, she would get to show she could take even more of his fucking.

But she wanted him to climax. Not just because she always liked to receive his seed. But because she knew that the first burgeoning of his prick, as it gave way from thrusting to ejaculation, would inevitably drive her to orgasm. She was simply too subservient to Bruce, too broken in by him, not to come when he did. It was like they were two sticks of dynamite, the fuses tied together. When Bruce’s fuse was lit, so was hers.


She clung to the tail of the dinosaur she’d been bent over and let herself be pistoned into over and over again by the unstoppable force of Bruce’s need for her. No, his need to use her. She thrust back to meet his strokes as best she could, but there was no comparison between her own lust and that of Bruce.

He hammered into her body, buffeting her down against the tail she was straddling, the loopy delight of being used holding her in its sway. Her knees buckled with every passing moment. Vicki could only moan and mewl helplessly, reveling in how Bruce’s passion had reduced her to nothing but a cock holster.

Her mind was very nearly broken by how much pleasure she was in, but Bruce still knew how to get her attention. Keeping up the mad rhythm of his fucking, his coolly gloved hand delivered a slap to her ass that burned white-hot. Vicki cried out at the punishing impact, but Bruce was already taking advantage of her forcibly redirected attention.

“Now come,” he ordered her as she felt his cock swelling inside of her, its orgasmic explosiveness forcing her right over her own precipice.


He let himself come in the same instant she did. It was an all-consuming experience, made best of all by Bruce knowing that Vicki’s very orgasm was an act of obedience to him. Her body itself was enslaved to his, in his thrall. Soon, he’d be able to make her come simply by snapping his fingers—a handy skill if he ever found it inconvenient to fuck her. Not that Bruce saw that ever happening.

He wondered if Vicki could ever come so much that it was a punishment. But then, Vicki was a good girl. She didn’t need to be disciplined, except for punishments like the fuck he was currently giving her, a punishment for being such a whore.

“Feel my seed,” Bruce told her with preternatural calm, bending forward to wrap his arms around her slender waist. They stayed locked like that as he fed his cum into her, more and more.

Even when she’d taken it all, they remained where they were, enjoying the trickling warmth of their spent passion—and the lingering hardness of his cock inside her.

At last, Bruce cupped Vicki’s chin and raised her vacant gaze to the reflection again. She just barely managed to recognize the drooling, fucked out face that stared back at her—her every note of dignity and grace replaced with pure, orgiastic satisfaction.

“You came like a whore,” Bruce told her. “Why?”

“Because you wanted me to,” Vicki answered, not quite realizing that the voice speaking was hers. “I belong to you.”

“And is that why I wanted you to come?”

“Yes. I’m your fucktoy. When I’m a good fucktoy, I get to come. I come hard.”

“What makes you a good fucktoy?”

“I got bred.” Vicki sounded unspeakably aroused by the idea, even through her satiated haze. She actually reached down and began to touch herself, though she winced at the pain she gave her own sore pussy. “It’s such a turn-on knowing you bred me…”

Bruce considered ordering her to stop—finding out which was more powerful, her addiction to pleasure or her drive to submit to him—but he preferred a subtler method to keeping Vicki in line.

“Come,” he told Vicki simply. She shook and shuddered, letting out a long sigh, then was silent except for the wide grin on her face, nearly audible in its contentment. The urge to masturbate no longer compelled her. At least, not as much as the urge to obey.

Bruce stood, taking himself out of Vicki and cleaning off his cock, first by slapping it on her heart-shaped ass, then by wiping it with her hair. As intoxicating as it had been to fuck in the Batsuit, there were some smells and stains that would make the Bat appear too unhinged.

He looked to Summer and saw that she was still sleeping, or at least inactive. The same way Vicki had been unable to totally take his lovemaking, Summer hadn’t been able to take the show.

From the hand between her thighs, whatever consciousness she’d had left after he finished with her, she’d spent in pleasuring herself to the sight of her friend receiving the same treatment she had. No doubt vividly recalling what everything he’d done to Vicki had felt like to her own senses. One of the orgasms she’d inflicted on herself must have taken it out of her to the point where she’d gone under.



Utterly delicious

Jack Charlotte

Hopefully, Dick or Tim will figure out Bruce's whereabouts and how a crazy doppelganger with a breeding fetish managed to break into his house and fuck his wives. Remember when Bruce used equal amounts kink and empathy to win over Calendar Girl and Poison Ivy alike?