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Sue looked down at her own spandex-clad body, briefly turning her clothes invisible for a look at her naked flesh. Oh yeah. She could say without ego that she had plenty to offer Peter. Most likely he just wanted… more. And it was far better to have a man with a gluttonous appetite like Peter than someone like Reed with no appetite at all.

Well, she could give Peter more. Whatever else she did, Sue was not ready to give him up. She was well addicted to his cock by now. And she was going to make sure he ended up just as addicted to her.


Peter had to admit, he was feeling pretty good at joining the Fantastic Four. He was drawing a nice salary, getting some respect as Spider-Man, not to mention some back-up. And then there was Sue. And Jen now.

Honestly, he didn’t feel great about cuckolding Reed, but then again, Sue could have any man she wanted. So what difference did it make if it was him? And Jen—well, Jen did have any man she wanted. He saw no reason she shouldn’t have him. It wasn’t like he and Sue were much more than… relieving tension. Then he went into the kitchen one day and found a reason Jen shouldn’t have him.

Jen and Sue were laughing together. When he entered, they stopped talking.

“Let’s take our drinks into the living room,” Sue said. “Peter, you come along too. We could use a masculine perspective.”

“Very masculine,” Jen purred—Sue chiding her with a little telekinetic shove.

As they went to the living room, Peter poured himself a glass of ice water. He wasn’t thirsty, but gulping some down would get him through some awkward pauses. He never thought his social introvert tricks would come in so handy with two women he’d slept with.

In the living room, Peter sat down with his glass fisted in two hands. Jen and Sue smiled at him, eying both his body and each other’s. They looked so beautiful that Peter felt an erection beginning to twitch in his pants.

“Jen and I have been having a little chat,” Sue said.

“That’s nice,” Peter said after a drink—he was resorting to his little life hack already.

He was seated directly across from Jen and she was dressed conservatively—all but her glowing green thighs. Her short skirt showed off her legs, letting him see almost to her crotch. Peter crossed his own legs not to let Jen see the same thing.

“Do you want to know what we were talking about?”

“Why would I?” Peter asked, now too defensive to bother with the glass.

“Because today we were discussing you.”

Peter averted his gaze from the searching eyes Jen and Sue had on him. “Me? What’s so special about me?”

Jen leaned forward, thrusting her impressive chest out. “Don’t play coy, Peter. Or modest. We both know what good cock you serve up.”

Peter choked on his water.

“You’re embarrassing him,” Sue said to Jen, mock-chidingly. “He should be proud. We may not be high-maintenance, but it still takes a lot to please both of us.”

“And Peter is a lot of man,” Jen agreed. “I bet he could take care of both of us at once.”

Peter stared from one woman to the other. “Then you don’t mind that I… how did you even…?”

“Sue and I have been teammates for a while,” Jen explained. “And as a She-Hulk, my senses are a lot keener than you’d think. And you got Sue breathing pretty heavily with the show you put on.”

“And of course, she’s no shrinking violet,” Sue continued. “She confronted me the moment you left.”

“Wait, you were spying on us?” Peter asked Sue.

“Spying is putting it lightly,” Jen laughed. “But let’s just say she kept ‘spying’ on me after you left me spread-eagle. I told her that I could never have anything against masturbation, but after what I’d let her see, it was pretty inconsiderate of her to stay invisible. But, I decided to be the bigger woman and share.”

Peter grinned shyly. “Share?”

“You left all that cum in my pussy, Pete… I know it was meant for me, with love and care, but there was way too much for just me. So I let Sue have some.”

“It was very generous of her,” Sue purred. “She loves your taste.”

“So do you,” Jen said, playfully accusing.

“In fact, I could go for some right now.”

All their talk of semen and voyeurism and all but lesbianism… Peter didn’t know if he could call it that when his own cock and cum seemed intimately involved in their foreplay… was making it impossible for Peter’s dick to be anything less than rock-hard. Still, as aroused as he was, what happened next took him by complete surprise.

“I let you have plenty,” Jen shot at Sue. “You should let me get the first crack at the fresh batch… seeing as how I’m so good at getting it out of him.”

Suddenly Jen was up on her feet, strutting towards Peter. Her plump breasts bounced inside her blouse, her hips swaying until she’d seated herself on the arm of his chair. Her curvaceous body loomed over Peter like a physical manifestation of the wave of sexual exultation he’d feel upon entering her.

“Should I tell him what I got out of you?” Jen giggled at Sue.

“I think he’d prefer to see for himself,” Sue cooed back.

Jen’s fragrance wafted into range of his racing breaths. Peter felt weak with lust at the scent of her body. Her perfume was impeccable, but the unique, gamma-tinged smell of her was impossibly alluring.

“But it’d like I said back then,” Jen breathed down to Peter. “Masturbation—or should I say fingering?—is fun. But why settle when you can satiate?”

Sue leaned forward, her eyes bright. “She also said that she bet you could handle both of us at once. I agree with her about that too.”

Peter’s jaw fell. He said nothing for long seconds. And yet, numbed as he was by their proposal, he was still totally unprepared for what came next.

“Of course, if you’re not feeling up to it,” Jen trilled in a half-mocking tone, “we could just fuck each other again. After all the fun we’ve had playing I Spy, the least we could do is let you see what you got us in the mood for.”

“Christ!” Peter hissed out.

Sue sipped her drink, a little nervous. “We don’t want to pressure you, honey. But the whole idea just gets us—so turned on.”

“Christ,” Peter repeated, his voice low now, distracted—he felt his erection growing wildly.

He couldn’t help but picture Jen and Sue—She-Hulk and the Invisible Woman—making love. He knew what they both looked like naked. He knew what wild fucks they both were. The thought of them both at once… both at once and his… ‘Christ’ was right.

“What do you say?” Jen asked, reaching around his head to cup and massage the nape of his neck in one big hand. “We’re not just going to use you, kid, much fun as that would be—we really want to show you a good time. Thank you for bringing us together…”

“And all you’ve done for us,” Sue added. “So you really can just watch. And join in when you’re ready. Or leave if you…”

“He’s not gonna leave,” Jen said, still rubbing his neck.


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