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Trying something new with selling a fan comic--something that's long been of interest to me, especially because most of the content I seem to find online is overly fetishistic, written out of character, poorly drawn, weirdly rapey, you name it. I wanted something that was reasonably risque: no pee, no feet, no animals, and no Simpsons. An artist friend of mine needed some money, so we came to an arrangement where I'd lend it to him and he'd pay me back in art. Fast-forward a bit and you've got this comic. The writing is professional grade and the artwork I'd put up there with a lot of stuff that's being legitimately published. The charge is eleven dollars, one buck per page, but hey, caviar costs more than ramen noodles. We'll see how successful this one is and if takes off, I'll see about commissioning a color edition and/or additional stories.





I'm not into F/F stuff, so the descriptions and everything make it seem like this one's not for me. If that's not the case and there is some M in there as well, you may want to indicate that. Otherwise, godspeed.


There is the Mad Thinker's Awesome Android, who/which contributes plenty of masculinity to the proceedings.


I'll pick up the comic pretty soon, looks nice. Does the artist post his art anywhere else?


This is Bayushi, no?